Global Sage Era

Chapter 245

Chapter 241 Heaven-defying the opportunity to change your life (fourth more seeking subscription!)

“Master, you can’t beat it, hahaha.”

In a martial arts field, Xuan Zheng was pinching his waist and laughing.

The Xuan struggle opposite him was a jump of anger.

“Boy, I didn’t take it seriously just now, luckily let you win!”

Master is not like Master, and apprentice is not like apprentice.

There are a lot of people in this martial arts field. The one where Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng are located is the strongest in protection. There is a lead set around the Gold Core Realm that can be used freely. Of course, the consumption is not small, and it needs to be used every time. Many users’ contributions are deducted.

Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng have accumulated a lot of contributions in the territory of the ten thousand races. This fee is a drizzle for them, so the two of them came to this martial arts field to learn from each other in three days.

The Practitioner and cultivator next to it are not strange. For this pair of ‘strange’ mentors and apprentices, they have been able to deal with them indifferently.

Compared with the traditional master-disciple relationship, the way of getting along between Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng is naturally “apostate”, but the two are now the second group in the group and the third group in the group. , No one dares, no one will come up to stop.

This way of getting along between the two of them traced back from Kuang Yuan’s inheritance. It involves the old man, and no one dared to talk about it.

However, this kind of master-disciple relationship is also envied by people.

Master and apprentice are both Martial Spirits, in the same Realm, and can enhance each other’s feelings in the discussion, is there any better way than this?

Of course, sometimes the two of them will be greeted with a big drink after playing too much, and then the two will be like eggplants beaten by frost, some of them will wilt.

That was the voice of Kuang Yuan. As the ‘second in command’ of the entire tribe, all the leaders of the Practitioner, the big clan elders, everyone respected him.

Kuang Yuan’s momentum is gradually growing today, and some Practitioners who are not strong enough see him trembling in their legs. This is not what he wants to do, but a kind of coercion that is naturally produced by the too deep Realm.

Although the Martial Spirit middle stage is only one level away from the Martial Spirit early stage, Kuangyuan’s ability to leapfrog is already equivalent to the existence of Nascent Soul Realm.

In the entire Huntuo tribe, he and Yin are of the same level of power, and they are also higher-level existences, not others who can look directly at them at will.

In the ordinary world of cultivating immortals, the cultivator of Nascent Soul Realm is called the ‘boss’. After all, they have a life span of eight or nine hundred years or even thousands of years, which is not imaginable by ordinary people with a life span of one or two hundred.

The way Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng get along made Xu Sheng enjoy it. I have to say that even he is a little envious of this relationship.

If he had such a teacher when he was in school, then he would definitely remember it for a lifetime.

Xie Hong is indeed good, but his position in his heart will not be too high. After all, he has not forgotten everything he encountered in his first year and second year of high school.

However, various ways of getting along have their own advantages, just like Yin and Yuhua and Qianmin’s way of getting along, and he can never be said to be bad.

After spending more than a month observing the daily life of the next six people, Xu Sheng turned his attention to others.

This time he paid attention to some teenagers.

Still the core issue: cultivator, Practitioner.

For people with Spiritual Roots, becoming a cultivator and a Practitioner is their own choice. It is the ‘lucky’ they are born with.

And some people who do not have Spiritual Roots, they want to practice, but they can only take the path of Practitioner, but according to the normal situation, they have no possibility to change this situation.

If you have good martial arts qualifications, you can continue to take the road of Practitioner after working hard for a period of time and knowing that you can’t give up.

The most desperate is that the Practitioner is not qualified, and there is no Spiritual Roots, that kind of life is undoubtedly gloomy.

If you are willing to be ordinary, it’s fine, but you’re afraid that it won’t work, but you don’t accept your fate and desperately want to change this situation, but in the end, you get crushed.

Xu Sheng has been thinking about this situation for a month, and finally decided to give these unwilling people a chance.

heaven-defying a chance to change your life!

He glanced at his more than 500 million incense, and shouted: “Everything is equal!”

A book opened in his mind, and he began to turn the pages with a splash, and finally stayed in a place with familiar things appearing on it.

【Virtual Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: Can make the target 100% have virtual Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Exchange requirements: 1.5 million incense fires

【Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: It can make the target 100% have miscellaneous Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Redemption required: up to half a million incense

This is the opportunity for heaven-defying to change!

He can do what ordinary students can’t do. Now his own incense is abundant, so he doesn’t mind giving those people a chance.

To him now, the miscellaneous Spiritual Roots of half a million incense is naturally nothing. If he wants, he can exchange one thousand in every minute.

But he certainly wouldn’t do it, and he wouldn’t be fainted if he wanted to give those people a chance.

He finally chose to exchange one hundred, which consumed a total of 85 million incense!

The 500,000 incense sticks are the lowest-grade mixed Spiritual Roots. Although they can be cultivated, the chance of entering the Foundation Building period is very small and difficult, so he exchanged different lengths.

Then I started to exchange virtual Spiritual Roots. There was no higher exchange level, but the lowest level was exchanged. Ten, 15 million incense sticks were exchanged.

The two add up to exactly one hundred million incense…he would never admit that he did it deliberately for rounding up.

A total of one hundred and ten light spots appeared on his fingertips, constantly changing shapes with Xu Sheng’s mind.

After thinking about it, Xu Sheng turned these light spots into various things, including a herbal medicine, a Medicine Pill, a stone, a weapon, a jade pendant…

Then he waved his hands and made arrangements everywhere in own Minor World, mostly in the inaccessible places, disguised as the inheritance of the predecessors, and then put some of these Spiritual Roots into things.

It was a bit like the appearance in Jin Yong’s novels. Xu Sheng smiled after finishing this, revealing a rare hint of childlike innocence.

There are thirty-five Spiritual Roots placed in, almost one-third of the number, and seventy-five are left. Xu Sheng placed them in the secret land of the Huntuo tribe to reward the descendants of the Huntuo tribe. How to reward him for not interfering, let Yin and the others decide for themselves, he also believes that they will not let him down, and they will surely let the most suitable person get these Spiritual Roots.

As for Kuang Yuan and others, their path has been set. Even though they may have envied a cultivator in the past and want to become a cultivator, they will not be affected now and will follow the existing path.

The reason Xu Sheng has not exchanged Spiritual Roots for them is also because compared to cultivator, Kuang Yuan, Xuan Yi, and Xuan Zheng are all more suitable to become Practitioners.

Practitioner and cultivator require different moods. According to personal character and aptitude, cultivator is not necessarily the best.

Some people with Spiritual Roots may not be suitable for becoming a cultivator. At this time, choosing to become a Practitioner is a better choice. Maybe they will find a special path for themselves over time.

Suddenly a name popped out of Xu Sheng’s mind-Zhang Sanfeng.

Tai Chi was famous in previous lives, and this world actually also exists in this world. After all, it belongs to the universe, and it will appear no matter what world it is in. The difference is only who is the person who is finally proposed.

Zhang Sanfeng is naturally a Practitioner, and perhaps his environment cannot become a cultivator without Spiritual Qi, but Xu Sheng believes that even if the former enters a world of practice, he will certainly implement Martial Dao’s philosophy and continue his own unique route.

Xu Sheng is also looking forward to the appearance of a’Zhang Sanfeng’ character among the people of own. If such a person appears, there is no doubt that he must be an amazing and brilliant person. If he passes the test, he is not stingy with the seventh point of own. Cultivation list.

Yin is cultivating in the quiet room, working hard to polish the Gold Core Realm to completion.

Suddenly, a familiar consciousness appeared in his mind, and then he had a solemn expression, saluting as usual countless times.

Knowing that the ancestors left so many Spiritual Roots in the clan, he was naturally extremely excited.

He has personally experienced the feeling of inspirational Ascension, and his two apprentices have also experienced it. Naturally, he knows how rare this kind of good fortune is.

Now that the ancestors have given so many Spiritual Roots, it can give those children who have not stepped into the path of cultivation the opportunity to cultivate. Even if he thinks about it, he feels agitated.

“The ancestors haven’t reappeared for so many years, but I didn’t expect that this time it would be such a blessing…”

Even as a cultivator, Yin felt his own eye sockets were a little moist, and the Huntuo tribe had indeed grown up under the care of their ancestors!

This news soon became known to more people.

The first thing he knew was Kuang Yuan. After he confirmed that he could spread the news, he told Yuhuan, Qianmin, Xuan Yi, and Xuan Zheng.

When Xuan Yi knew about this, he mumbled: “It seems that I haven’t caught up with the good time. If I had such a chance when I was a child, it would be great.”

Everyone squinted at him, and then just laughed.

They naturally knew Xuan Yi’s mind when he was a child. After all, at that time, Senior Sister Ownyu and Senior Brother Min were both cultivators, and he was naturally a Practitioner.

Then when he was in his twenties, watching Yuhuan and Qianmin quickly leave himself behind, he naturally had envy and unwillingness in his heart.

Of course, these emotions have been dissipated in the wind over time, and after countless hardships, Xuan Yi finally caught up with the two of them, and had his own achievements on the path of Practitioner.

The way of Martial Soul was passed down by his inheritance first and became the various feelings of Martial Spirit. It is also his continuous teaching so that others can follow.

In terms of his contribution to the Practitioners, even if Xuan Yi is still far behind Kuang Yuan, he is not invisible.

Xuan Zheng didn’t smile beside him. As a disciple, he still had to maintain the majesty of the Master on this occasion.

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