Global Sage Era

Chapter 248

Chapter 244: Climbing the tower, everyone’s attention!

Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng are going to the five towers!

The news spread across the East Campus at a staggering speed like wings.

At first it was only spread among freshmen, but it quickly spread to sophomores and juniors. In the end, even some seniors who were still in school were alarmed.

Xu Sheng’s reputation is too great now!

Although only half a day has passed, the result of the East-West campus competition that just ended has been well known by everyone.

After so many years, the East Campus finally won the West Campus once again.

This is not all. In this competition, the East Campus won the victory with a crushing advantage, and the West Campus has not turned up many waves at all!

And there is only one person who made this result: Xu Sheng!

Who is Xu Sheng?

It is no longer the East Campus, and the West Campus is also very clear.

The first full score winner in the college entrance examination in history.

And is the monitor of the first champion class.

The brilliance on his body is so dazzling, as long as anyone knows his affairs, it is impossible to ignore such a person.

After the news spread on the east campus, the west campus knew it immediately.

Fortunately for the others, the thirty people who participated in the competition couldn’t sit still right away. Even Fang Su, who had always been relatively calm, couldn’t help but pay attention to the situation.

He was originally in the maintenance cabin watching the development of his Minor World and guiding his own people, but as soon as the news came out, he came out of the maintenance cabin directly. Although he did not leave the dormitory and came to the five towers, he also passed the wristband. Get information from others.

Anyone who knows Xu Sheng’s situation knows that as long as he enters the five towers for the assessment, it is difficult for him to get the first place.

This is no longer a matter of suspense, it is a certainty!

They can see everything in the central secret realm. Xu Sheng is now the only freshman in Qianjing University with a law comprehension of more than 1%!

Fang Su knows more clearly. His current law comprehension is 0.92%, and he can feel that the gap between himself and Xu Sheng is not small, not just a fraction of a fraction.

After coming back, many people in the West Campus asked him to go to the Five Towers to take the exam, refreshing his advantage a little bit higher, making the people on the East Campus desperate at first sight.

But thirty people including him refused.

Are you kidding me, go to the assessment now?

Isn’t that waiting to be slapped?

What they are thinking now is that after a period of time, after Xu Sheng is not assessed, they will go for the assessment quietly. At the very least, they must refresh Xu Sheng’s record, so that even if they are overtaken later, they will be able to hang on their Face. .

This is not just for personal names at all, it is also related to the reputation of the entire West Campus. If they go to the tower now, and then the record is greatly refreshed after only a few hours, no one knows how big the gap is!

They wouldn’t do such a stupid thing!

“Why are there more and more people?”

When I was walking on the road, I noticed that there were people coming by, and before they reached the five towers, there were already many people waiting in front of them, which made Xu Sheng a little strange.

At this time, Xiao Feng’s wristband shook. He picked it up and looked at it before he shook his head and laughed, “We have been known about our going to the five towers. Now the whole school is watching us. Now we are hard to ride a tiger. ‘Slightly.”

He said it was difficult to ride a tiger, but Xiao Feng didn’t have any pressure on his face, it was just a joke.

Xu Sheng frowned slightly and said, “It’s not a good thing to be too proud.”

Xiao Feng shook his head and said, “I’m not proud of it. With your current situation, if there are still people in the West Campus who can surpass you, then I will be convinced even if I lose.”

Xu Sheng was speechless.

Xiao Feng knew very well about own, knowing that it would be impossible to produce such an effect if he only came over, and it was Xu Sheng that made everyone move.

However, the process of rushing to the tower is not seen by others. You can only enter the tower by yourself, and then you can find the result after turning the rankings.

This is naturally not as exciting as ‘live’.

“Xu Sheng, come on!”

“We must ask for a sigh of relief in the East Campus!”

The people on the east campus are cheering for Xu Sheng. Judging from their appearance, they should all be freshmen.

The gap between each other has been large to a certain extent, so there is no contradiction between Xu Sheng and them.

“Hmph, our West Campus is not so easy to win. Even if you are good at your current strength, it is still unknown whether you can break our record.”

The young man who was obviously more luxuriously dressed said uncomfortably, his aura was not strong, he should be a freshman.

But even if he sang the opposite, he didn’t dare to say that Xu Sheng would definitely fail, because that would be nothing more than self-deception.

“Hehe, Xu Sheng, we support you and suppress their arrogant arrogance!”

The sophomore elder sister smiled happily next to her. She had to say that the atmosphere of a girl was different. Even Xu Sheng felt that she was more fighting spirit.

“Don’t talk so full before the result comes out, watch out for overturning in the gutter.”

The sophomores on the West Campus said gloomily, each of them looked at Xu Sheng with extremely unfriendly eyes. If this guy hadn’t existed in the East Campus, how could such a change happen this year!

Xu Sheng humbly expressed his gratitude for the cheering on the east campus, while the people on the west campus ignored him. He was too lazy to make a profit. Facts speak louder than words.

Xiao Feng’s situation next to him is a bit embarrassing, but he himself is An Zhi Ruyi. If he can’t bear even this situation, then there is no talk of pursuing the Holy Path.

I am indeed not as good as Xu Sheng now, but I just hope that he becomes weaker so that I can surpass?

No, it’s someone else’s business that others are strong. What you should do the most is to constantly exceed your limits and climb higher peaks.

It doesn’t make much sense to compare with people. For countless years of spiritual practice, what counts the ups and downs of a few years?

Xu Sheng faintly noticed the mood of Xiao Feng next to him, and couldn’t help but praise him in his heart. It was precisely because the latter was such a person that he would get closer and closer to him after the quota assessment.

“Let’s go in.”

He turned his head and said to Xiao Feng.

“Well, go in.” Xiao Feng smiled.

“I will feel the law for half an hour first.” Xu Sheng said suddenly.

Xiao Feng’s heart warmed, “I see.”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and found that there was a tacit understanding unconsciously.

Walking into the Law Tower one after another, what appeared in front of Xu Sheng was the familiar chaotic light.

After not coming here for a month, the feeling of the Tower of Law hasn’t changed much for him, and it is still unpredictable.

From this perspective alone, the Central Secret Realm is far worse.

Also, endless Samsara is just a crippled existence, leaving only the last breath to linger, while Qianjing University has three holy ones, and there may be the ultimate holy in the back, which is not comparable to the former.

“Excuse me, does it consume points to understand the law?”

“Yes, the time is 30 minutes.”

Xu Sheng said to Ta Ling.

Taling is actually a kind of auxiliary existence, without wisdom itself, similar to a computer’s operating system and auxiliary wizard.

Why is there no existence of soul is not something Xu Sheng can know, but it must have profound meaning.

A familiar feeling of comprehension appeared, and Xu Sheng found that the Ascension speed of his law was advancing by leaps and bounds.

Even the breakthrough speed in the central secret realm is far from comparable, and the efficiency is countless times worse.

I have stayed in the central secret realm for 60 years. If I changed it to the law tower for 60 years, it is estimated that the law would have reached 100%, and I would have mastered it thoroughly and become a semi-sage.

However, it is impossible to change the own rule Ascension in a mere half an hour, and it still stays at 1.12%, but it takes a big step forward, and in a few hours, it will be able to Ascension to 1.13%.

It is estimated that the time it takes for the 10,000 points to be replaced with the Tower of Laws can be ascension to about 1.5%, which is already very good.

Calculated in this way, the benefits obtained in the central secret realm are equivalent to about 20,000 points.

There are so many benefits for every student who participates in the assessment. If you are not familiar with a dominant university, it is a dominant university. The cultivation of this resource is terrifying.

And everything is still invisible. Those students who haven’t gotten it can’t talk too much, but they can only blame their own power for not as good as others.

“Open ranking.”

Xu Sheng gave Tallinn an order to skip the school rankings and go to the freshman page.

Entry point.

First place, Xiao Feng, 91% progress in the third level.

Can not help but smile.

The second to tenth places in the back are all students from the West Campus, but they don’t need to go to see them now. It is enough if you have Xiao Feng alone.

The second-placed West Campus student is a newly emerging ‘decision genius’. After more than a month of growth, he has now reached 34% of the second level, and he stands out.

There has also been a lot of limelight in school this month.

But now, compared with Chairman Ai of Xiao Feng, this ranking is so dazzling.

At the moment when Xiao Feng came out of the rankings, the outside suddenly became very lively.

“91% progress in the third stage? Is it possible that his current law comprehension is close to 1%?”

“Hey, what benefits does the Territory of Ten Thousand Races give them? This growth rate is too terrifying!”

The sophomores are all over here, so they understand more about the concept of having such grades less than two months after enrolling in school. All of them stared wide-eyed and muttered inconceivably.

This meeting is no different from the East Campus and the West Campus, and now they all feel a strong sense of crisis in their hearts.

I…seems to be dangerous!

The students in this class are too fierce. With such students, they are under tremendous pressure as seniors!

“Why haven’t Xu Sheng’s results come out yet? Has he not broken through?”

“It should be that he hasn’t broken through the barrier yet. It seems that his relationship with Xiao Feng should be very good. It is normal for the two to stagger after discussing.”

“I look forward to it. Xu Sheng should be stronger than Xiao Feng. According to Xiao Feng’s performance, is it possible for him to directly reach the fourth level?”

“It should…impossible, the fourth level is not so good.”

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