Global Sage Era

Chapter 249

Chapter 245 I’m here, so the first is mine (third!)

The Tower of Law, after seeing that Xiao Feng had been ranked, Xu Sheng chose to break into the tower.

“Are you starting to break into the tower?”


“The first level, start.”

Taring’s voice fell, and the chaos exploded in front of his eyes, and various unspeakable sights appeared.

In front of him did not appear, a portal appeared.

Xu Sheng walked towards the portal, he knew that behind the portal was the first level.

There are ninety-nine levels in the Law Tower, and the same is true for the other four towers.

Each level is tested by changes in the laws of mastery, and various scenes will appear. You need to use the own laws to understand that you can pass them.

According to the different comprehension laws of each person, the test produced is also different, but the difficulty is level, and absolute fairness is guaranteed.

For example, the protection laws that Xu Sheng now understands are all related applications that are tested.

Suddenly a piece of heaven and earth appeared in front of him. In this piece of heaven and earth, a small tribe was struggling in the flood.

The content of the assessment is very simple, that is, to save this tribe.

But what method is adopted is very important. A protective shield can be formed to isolate the small tribes so that the flood cannot affect them.

It can also freeze the flood, which is also a way of passing.

If Xu Sheng had just entered university, that is, when the law comprehension was only 0.05%, he would not be able to solve such a flood, because he can have limited influence. Once the time is up, he will directly fail to pass the barrier. The final difference is also It’s just the length of time.

However, his current law comprehension is 1.12%, and a water cover directly falls on the small tribe. The small tribe immediately stands still like a huge rock, and all the passing torrents are divided into two.

“First pass, pass!”

“You got a thousand points.”

Taling’s voice appeared, everything in front of him disappeared, a ladder appeared, and at the end of the ladder, another same portal appeared.

Through this portal, behind is the world of the second level.

Xu Sheng stepped on the top rank ladder and walked upward step by step.

The second level is about ten tribes in the flood, and there are various terrifying monsters in the flood.

Xu Sheng’s thoughts moved, so that the monster froze with the flood next to it, and turned into a shiny ice sculpture in the sun.

“Second level, pass!”

“You got one thousand and one hundred points!”

In the third level, hundreds of tribes are struggling in a flood that exterminates the world. Various sea tornadoes appear in this flood. In the depths of the flood, there are various terrifying beast roars, shocking people’s hearts.

Outside the Tower of Law, everyone is waiting anxiously.

Xiao Feng had already come out of it not long ago, and he had nothing to do with Xu Sheng’s achievements in his heart, and he had no intention of cultivation.

“It’s been too long, can he really make it to the fourth level?” The burly Mo Fei stood beside Xiao Feng, and some monkeys asked anxiously. He has been here for a while since he was selected. Losing to Xu Sheng in China, he was very concerned about Xu Sheng, that was the first man to beat him!

He was in good intentions at that time… and a certain kind of unwillingness to remind Xu Sheng to beware of Wu Su, but the result was that he was a little embarrassed and scratched his head. Wu Su’s strength was indeed very strong, but it was not enough in front of Xu Sheng. .

“It shouldn’t be a big problem for him to get to the fourth level.” Xiao Feng thought of the test of the third level just now. He has the information to pass the third level after a while. Xu Sheng is stronger than himself and has a high probability of passing the third level directly. , The key to the question now is how much progress can Xu Sheng get to the fourth level?

This is also a more important thing. If the progress is only a few percent, then it will be overtaken by the people behind in a few days.

“You said that if you can pass the fourth level, you can pass the fourth level? Maybe he’s not as good as me.”

There was a sour voice coming from nearby, making Xiao Feng and Mo Fei look over.

Standing there was a handsome young man with a greasy face and a familiar face. The two of them thought about who this person was-Gan Fang, when they went to participate in the competition, took the first place in the Tower of Law. People.

That is the person who ranks second in the freshman year now.

Gan Fang has always been proud of Own’s achievements, and he even thought that Own’s achievements had surpassed those of Fang Su.

Others say that they just don’t have time to come back for the assessment, but he feels that even if they come back, it’s nothing. In the end, time will only prove that he is the first.

But not long ago, when Xiao Feng’s results came out, all his dreams were broken.

The 92% progress of the third stage is his unattainable dream. Even if he works hard, it is impossible for him to achieve such a result.

Both Xiao Feng and Mo Fei didn’t reply to him. It was just a clown, not worth wasting time.

Xiao Feng is okay, the expression on his face has not changed, but Mo Fei is completely mocking. He has never been a good talker. He has been proud of his childhood. What kind of person hasn’t been seen?

Gan Fang is not worthy of being compared with them at all.

Of course, under normal circumstances, they don’t have the time to pay attention to such a person. If the other person does not jump out now, they will never pay attention. Time is precious and tight, and they will not do things that look down on people.

“Super! Super!”

Suddenly, a person ran out of the Tower of Law, shouting on his mouth, his face full of excitement.

Is a student in the East Campus.

“Xu Sheng surpassed Xiao Feng?”

Someone next to him asked anxiously.

Mo Feigang was about to move forward, but after a pause, he looked at Xiao Feng next to him, but he found that the expression on Xiao Feng’s face had not changed, it was just a natural emotion.

“Exceeded! Now he has reached the fourth level!”

“Hahaha, he really passed, and the fourth level is stable. Without a 1% comprehension of the law, it is impossible to make it to the fourth level. As far as I know, Fang Su is still a little bit close, right?”

The sophomores on the east campus were talking here, but the faces of the people on the west campus had turned pale.

They asked about Fang Su’s law of understanding as soon as they came back, and indeed it hasn’t reached 1%. Now that Xu Sheng has already reached the fourth level, it almost shows that it is impossible for their West Campus to win the first place in a short period of time. gone back.

“It’s only the fourth level. Someone in our west campus will definitely exceed it.”

If you lose, you won’t lose. How could the students of the West Campus be softened at this time?

The East Campus is very busy, anyway, it is them who have the advantage now, and they are finally able to enjoy a relaxed taste.

Hey, it feels good to be chased.

“Let’s go, just see Xu Sheng get to the fourth level. It’s getting late. Go back and develop Minor World. This year’s college alliance must have won those people from Kunhai University!”

Sophomores were reincarnated and walked to the dormitory.

The crowd gradually began to disperse, but just before everyone was far away, another Daoist shadow ran out of it, and then shouted in an ecstatic voice.

“Fifth floor, hahaha, fifth floor…”


In almost an instant, everyone turned back in unison.

Whether it’s the East Campus or the West Campus, everyone’s faces are incredible at this time.

“Fifth floor? What fifth floor? Could it be…”

I already have a hunch in my heart. Although the people on the East Campus are a little unreal, if it comes true, it will be a happy event for the entire East Campus. There have been few such evil people in the entire East Campus for so many years. !


Everyone in the West Campus shook their heads, unwilling to believe it.

But they couldn’t move their feet anymore, staring at the person who just ran out.

“What is the fifth layer, you made it clear!”

A junior suddenly shouted at the freshman who ran out.

At this time, the freshman woke up like a dream, and saw so many people looking at him, his body was frightened, but after the reaction, he shouted with a smile on his face: “Fifth Floor of the Tower of Laws Ah, Xu Sheng has now reached the fifth floor!”

Come true!

After everyone got the confirmation with their own ears, their hearts were suddenly shaken.

Xiao Feng, who was standing on the side, also showed a look of disbelief, the fifth floor?

He originally thought that Xu Sheng was at most 30 or 40 progress on the fourth floor, but now he has directly passed through it. This…

It was really too much pressure to be in the same class with him.

“This guy is too fierce. I was still thinking about how the West Campus competed with us for the first place. Now I don’t have to think about everything.”

Just when most people are discussing, a small group of people have already started to walk into the Tower of Law. Seeing is real and hearing is not. It is better to go in and see instead of thinking about it here. The Tower of Law will never Deceiving.

Under a big tree, Su Linrui, who was wearing a dress, silently brushed her hair away from her ears.

That’s great… he is already that strong.

The same as the news that Xu Sheng was going to break the tower, the news of breaking to the fifth floor began to spread wildly again at this time.

This time it is not just the students, but even many teachers have heard of it.

The mere fifth floor is of course nothing in their eyes, but it is very difficult for freshmen to get there. This is also a clear proof that Qianjing University is going up, it is a good thing!

“This Xu Sheng is not bad.”

“Hehehe, he is a rare genius of our humanity. I am very optimistic about his future development.”

“You just have fun there. Although Xu Sheng is strong, we have more talents in the path of sacredness!”

“I don’t care about this, I just hope that Xu Sheng can go a little further.”

It is rare for the professors of the school Sage to start talking. In their identities, there have been very few discussions about the juniors, but this time Xu Sheng’s performance is really good, and they also have the ability to talk.

“Fifth floor!”

In a dormitory on the West Campus, Fang Su crushed the cup in his hand after learning the news. When he felt the throbbing pain in his hand, he realized that he did not know when. This is the gaffe!

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door, and Fang Su knew that it was someone else who came to ask his own countermeasures.

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