Global Sage Era

Chapter 251

Chapter 247 Disappearing and Reappearing (Fifth!)

In the lower right corner of the Sage panel, a stone-like mark was shining.

Flashes and flashes, showing the sense of own existence.

It didn’t exist in this place at the beginning, it appeared suddenly.

But Xu Sheng knew what it was just an instant after he appeared.

Memory is on…

In an earth-yellow world, the Huntuo Practitioner of more than 100 people, under the leadership of the Elder and the old patriarch, stepped out of Huntuo Minor World for the first time, to the outside world, another world.

That’s right!

What appeared right now was the world of Greystone Essence that had disappeared for a long time!

Xu Sheng wanted to enter this world again, but was surprised to find that he couldn’t find it. He was rushed to by the tide of space. This is a normal thing. The outer world is not protected by the world sea, and it is precarious. , Maybe it existed well in the last second, and it was completely destroyed in the next second.

Greystone Spirit Minor World has such a situation, either it is left at a certain corner, or it just disappears.

Now this situation seems to be the first one. It didn’t collapse directly, but was washed away, and then rushed back, just like high tide and low tide.

“This probability is too low.”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised, and then subconsciously glanced at Life’s graystone tribe at the foot of a big mountain in Minor World. Due to the slow multiplication speed, the graystone tribe is now only three thousand in number, and its strength is very important for Huantuo. It is not worth mentioning for the human race, and it was forgotten by everyone long ago.

Xu Sheng also realized early that when everything is equivalent, the strength of the subsidiary race cannot keep up with the strength of the Ascension of the Huntuo tribe. Maybe now a race with the strength of the Huntuo tribe has been accepted, but it only needs The latter is completely useless for a month or two.

It may be useful to others, but he can almost give up thinking about it here, as long as he is relieved to expand the strength of the human race ascension.

“Since you show up at this time, let’s take a look.”

Xu Sheng knew that this was a kind of heavenly determination, not superstition, but a real existence. At his level, things like air luck are a very important attribute, that is, he can’t see ownness. Fortune, otherwise it will definitely make some arrangements based on own luck.

However, in the situation of finding a suitable outer world just now, he felt that his own Qi Luck was probably not good enough.

[Record]: Does it consume five thousand incense to open the world channel?

Damn it!

Xu Sheng admitted that he didn’t want to explode, but now he couldn’t help it at all.

Because he clearly remembered that when the passage of the Greystone Essence World was opened, the amount of incense was only a hundred points, but now it has directly become five thousand. What has happened?

“Five thousand is five thousand. I want to see if you have changed.”

Xu Sheng was cruel, and directly chose 5,000 incense, no matter how he could turn back from this outer world, anyway, the wool came out of the sheep.

The flow of time in the outer world is also different.

If it is blown by the tide of space to a place where the flow rate is very fast at a certain time, maybe the world of graystone spirit has passed tens of thousands of years.

Of course, the probability of this is not high, but Xu Sheng feels that since it can disappear and reappear, any strange situation is possible.

After the world channel was opened, Xu Sheng’s perspective gradually moved to the side of the world of Greystone.

But just this first glance made his brows frowned slightly.

Because he discovered…the world of Greystone is not khaki anymore, he has two colors of blue and green in the yellow.

Isn’t it familiar?

That’s right! From the appearance point of view, it is three-point similar to the earth!

But how is this possible.

Xu Sheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but in the end he decided to keep watching.

Since no people entered, his vision was limited to a small area around the world channel. From this point of view, he didn’t get any useful information.

Beside the world channel, nothing appeared, no grass was growing around it, and it was still soil when it was unearthed.

The field of vision ended here, and he couldn’t penetrate it anymore. Xu Sheng thought about it and gave instructions to Yin and Kuangyuan in the tribe.

As the strongest people in the current tribe, Yin and Kuangyuan have the strongest self-protection ability. He will also consume the source to help at any time, and the probability of danger is not high.

If there is an irreversible result, and the two of them fall in this world, he will consume the incense to resurrect them, but at that time it is hard to say whether his current incense will remain.

The cost of resurrection also increases with the ascending of strength. Both of them are now Nascent Soul-class combat power. Even he is unable to bear the consumption of this resurrection, but there is no way. It can only be done when it really appears. .

Yin, Kuangyuan and others who were cultivating, immediately walked out of their own residence after receiving the envoy, and after a bow to the sky, they walked towards the open position of the world channel.

“Ancestor Tianyu, have you ever been to this outside world?”

On the way, Kuang Yuan asked curiously.

Yin nodded and said: “This outer world is the first outer world I’ve been to, and it’s the first time I have seen the outer world… Hehe, thinking of the time back then, I still feel a little nostalgic. At that time, my Master and you Master They are all there, and they have led the tribe to develop from its weakest time.”

Kuang Yuan nodded: “Now I and I have inherited their will, the Huntuo tribe…no, the Huntuo tribe has also grown stronger.”

The two of them are very sorry to pass through the world channel, but their perspective is different from Xu Sheng’s. They can’t see the full picture of the graystone world, but feel that the surrounding heaven and earth are suppressed a little bit differently, a little uncomfortable.

“You and I will explore separately.”

“Then the time will be set to meet here in three days.”

After Yin and Kuangyuan spoke, they flew away from west to east.

With the increase in the range of activities of the two of them, the sight of Xu Sheng in the world has also increased.

“This Greystone Essence world… has changed a lot.”

A day later, Xu Sheng came to the conclusion that after comparing some places, he determined that they were places he had visited when he first came.

The point in the middle of Kuangyuan’s journey was the place where there was a great battle, but at this time, the place has become a mountain range, at least tens of thousands of years have passed.

Originally, I was just thinking about it, but I didn’t expect it to come true. Xu Sheng is now more and more curious about this world of graystone spirits.

Is everything in it naturally produced, or is it driven by some factor?

“Greystone spirits are not like human beings. According to their race conditions, they should be able to continue to survive even for tens of thousands of years.”

The area of ​​this graystone spirit world is not small, even the monster world is inferior to everything, and before he came to this world, he had encountered other students many times.

Being able to survive so many attacks by students, its strength is beyond doubt.

The greystone spirit tribe that currently exists in Minor World was just a small branch at first, and the real greystone spirit tribe is still in a more central position.

It is almost impossible for a race like Greystone Spirits to have a dynasty. No matter how many years of development and how much their strength increases, they will continue to develop in the form of tribes, and then divide when their scale reaches a certain limit. Just like the division of cells, they continue to differentiate.

Xu Sheng found something wrong at the top, and Yin also found the difference in this world at the bottom.

Kuang Yuan has never been to this world, so no matter what the situation in this world is, he will not be surprised, but Yin is different. He had entered this world before and was deeply impressed by this world.

In the past breakthrough, all the layers of the graystone spirit world appeared in his mind countless times, and even as an influencing factor, those graystone spirits that were killed would also appear at the same time.

In this case, Yin will concentrate his own attention the first time he comes here.

What he said now is also a Gold Core late stage cultivator with Nascent Soul combat power. In some weaker immortal worlds, they are already able to dominate, and they are very familiar with miscellaneous items such as divination.

He only slightly probed all the locations, and he knew that compared to when he first came here, this Fang Tiandi had already spent many years.

But he was not too surprised. In his thoughts, as long as the ancestors took action, no matter what it was, it could happen.

On the second day, Yin finally felt the breath of life.

He concealed his traces, came to the neighborhood, then unfolded Spiritual Sense, and then saw a tribe of greystone spirits in the size of fifty or sixty.

But at this time, this greystone spirit tribe made him a little strange, because from the breath of them, he actually felt that his spiritual wisdom was extremely weak!

He knew very well in his heart that the wisdom of greystone spirits was by no means weaker than that of humans, and that they were not much different from ordinary people at the same age.

But this tribe of greystone spirits in front of them, many of them are adult greystone spirits, but they are only four or five-year-old human children in terms of intelligence.

What happened to them?

Yin saw it, and naturally it also meant that Xu Sheng saw it.

It is precisely because of knowing more that Xu Sheng’s face is even more unbelievable at this time.

Greystone spirit…degenerate unexpectedly!

Life will evolve and is determined by blood (gene). Through generations of changes, it will continue to change, adapt to the environment and increase its own survival ability.

And degradation… is actually just the definition of human beings. In a strict sense, degradation is just a form of adaptation to the environment.

Therefore, the current change of graystone spirits can be said to be that their living environment forces them to reduce their own spiritual intelligence. Only in this way can they survive and maintain the reproduction of the race.

So…what happened to them during the time when the world of Greystones disappeared?

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