Global Sage Era

Chapter 252

Chapter 248 Red Dust Refines the Heart, the Road of Nascent Soul

Yin fell to the foot of the mountain.

A few dozen meters ahead, there are dozens of greystone spirits.

They maintain a hibernation-like state, huddled on the ground, and if you don’t look closely, they are no different from ordinary big rocks.

Yin did not hide his own aura too much. According to Greystone Spirit’s destiny level, he could be found at this distance, but he found that even if he walked more than ten meters further, Greystone Spirit still did not respond.

The danger of this state can be imagined. If the enemy is approaching, it will be difficult for these graystone spirits to resist in time, and they may be killed in a moment.

Xu Sheng’s current vision is completely projected on Yin, and it can be said that Yin’s eyes are his eyes.

It’s a pity that these greystone spirits are not his subjects. He doesn’t have a clear interface like the Huntuo human race. He can only tell what happened to them based on observations.

Finally, when Yin was only a few meters away from them, the graystone spirit in the middle suddenly “woke up”, and then shouted in the dull voice peculiar to the graystone spirit: “There is a human breath…Humans are coming. Go, run away!”

Then some scenes of Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry happened to Xu Sheng: dozens of graystone spirits will all stick out of the body with a clatter, just like a tortoise sticking out its limbs, and then vying for one another. He ran back, and didn’t even look at Yin’s direction at all.

These greystone spirits were too weak, so Yin just watched them run away without making any moves.

Leaving from this place, Yin continued to go west, and found some tribes of graystone spirits, but the largest was only more than a hundred heads, and only the wisdom of human young children.

The entire Greystone Essence world, time has passed tens of thousands of years, but it seems to be backwards.

In the evening of the third day, before the passage of the world, Yin and Kuangyuan converged.

Xu Sheng knew the situation, and the scene at Kuangyuan was the same. The world of Greystone Essence had indeed changed drastically.

Such a low-level world is naturally not worth his time to waste.

Only at the end when Yin and Kuangyuan returned to Minor World, and the world channel was about to be closed, Xu Sheng took another look at the world of Greystone Essence, and then his consciousness withdrew.

Just a few hours after Xu Sheng’s sight disappeared from the world of Greystone Spirits, the whole Greystone Spirit suddenly covered a layer of blood, and then all the Greystone Spirits stood up, staring frantically at the top, making an unclear meaning. Scream.

There are too many outside worlds in various states, and Xu Sheng didn’t take this episode into his heart.

He then started looking for a suitable world for Yin.

I don’t know if the bad luck has finally come to an end, this time I only tried more than 30 Minor Worlds, and successfully found a world suitable for Yin to enter the power.

This is an outer world with a lower energy level. Although there are many cultivators in it, the highest Realm is just the Nascent Soul late stage, and they are all old antiques that are close to life and try to break through to the incarnation of Realm.

When choosing to open the world channel, Xu Sheng, who had spent too much, gave up, so the world energy level he encountered could not be too high.

The highest Realm is only the Nascent Soul late stage, and it is this kind of outer world, there is basically no danger after Yin enters, even if he is just the Gold Core late stage Cultivation Base, leapfrogged Nascent Soul middle stage in such a low-energy world. Any problem, even if you encounter those old antiques, you can run away if you can’t beat them.

And as long as he breaks through to the Nascent Soul stage, he is almost invincible in this world of cultivating immortals based on his various conditions, so Xu Sheng is more at ease with his red dust experience this time.

“You can go without worry, the tribe will leave it to me.”

When Yin left, Kuang Yuan and others all came to see him off.

Knowing that Yin was going to another world to try breakthrough Nascent Soul, everyone’s mood was extremely complicated.

Both Yuhuan and Qianmin subconsciously hope that he will not go, but in the end they still didn’t say anything, because this was the best choice.

In the tribe, the chance of breakthrough is too small. In doing a job, Nascent Soul Realm is extremely difficult to breakthrough. Many amazing cultivators have been stuck in this level all their lives.

The danger of breakthrough is even greater. Perhaps it will not be possible to shut down. The Master wants to go to another world. If there is a danger, these apprentices will not even have a way to stop it in time.

But if they are placed in a position agreed by the Master, they will make the same choice in order to seek the truth.

Yin looked at the two apprentices of own, and smiled warmly: “This time, I don’t know how long it will take to come back. Your brother, sister and brother should help Master Kuang, so that the development of the Huntuo human race will be stronger.”

“The disciple obeys.”

Both Yuhuan and Qianmin responded respectfully.

As everyone watched, Yin stepped into the passage of the world and came to this world of practice called the ‘Dust-Free World’.

The dust-free world has a vast area and countless famous mountains and rivers. Life is a human race and a monster race.

The human race is powerful, the monster race is shrouded in the frontier barren land, but there are still cultivators that span tens of millions of miles, hunting the monster race, and taking its Monster core to refine medicine.

The location that Yin arrived at was a place called Choking Cangquan. The strength of this area cultivator was average. There were hundreds of different cultivators. Among the three strongest sects, Nascent Soul cultivator was seated in the entire dust-free world. Among the seventy-three domains, it can be regarded as a medium power.

“This choking realm is not weak, I need to be careful.”

After thinking about it, he concealed his own Cultivation Base in the Foundation Building period, which was neither too noticeable nor targeted by those bandits.

Xu Sheng watched Yin’s careful actions in the world, and couldn’t help nodding. Yin’s way of accident was as reassuring as ever. Even if it was the first time in such a world, he could remain cautious.

“Although I can’t change the flow of time in this outside world, it is possible to increase your efficiency.” Xu Sheng said to himself, and then he used the law to comprehend it, without Yin noticing it. A light blue film formed around him.

What Yin lacks is an environment of red dust experience. If it is in Minor World, his foundation is 0. Even if Xu Sheng does not accelerate no matter how much he does, it is still 0 if 0 is multiplied by many times, but it is different when he comes here. Even if it is 0.01, as long as it is no longer 0, he can greatly speed up Yin’s breakthrough time.

In addition, there is still a time house left on his side that is useless. Once Yin’s state of mind is reached, he will immediately put down a time house to shorten the process.

Otherwise, at the speed of the normal Gold Core late stage breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage, the day lily will be cold.

Fifty years are short, normally more than a hundred years!

It is almost three and a half months to replace the earth time in a hundred years, it will be the next semester, own strength will also increase significantly, and Yin’s Ascension speed will not be able to keep up.

Under Xu Sheng’s observation, Yin first entered some market places to inquire about news, and also obtained some resources based on his own comprehension speed.

He has a lot of resources, but not all of them are the best for him.

Naturally, he encountered some interceptions during this process, but those low-level cultivators who were not eye-opening provoke him and he will live to the end. Yin only slightly used Magic power, and the cultivator of the robbery had two corpses.

Xu Sheng initially focused more on Yin, but after seeing that he had no problem, he turned more attention to the development of Huntuo tribe.

Yin is indeed a key training target, but it is far behind the entire Huntuo race. The next few months, but every ten days and a half months, I took a look, and when I found everything went well, I took it back. Sight.

Red dust refining the mind, that is, experiencing some ordinary people, and regaining the true nature, this process depends on the individual’s situation and the time required is different.

Yin grew up from the micro-end, so the speed is very fast. In his situation, it can take more than ten years, as few as several years, to complete the whole process and make a breakthrough in the Nascent Soul period.

So sometimes things are as simple as that. It’s useless to stay in the Huntuo tribe. You need to see more of the world.

Xu Sheng also knows that his current strength is improving rapidly and everything is thriving, but as long as a period of time passes, he will continue to converge with other worlds and absorb various things from other worlds. Ascension’s entire Huntuo human race’s background.

The whole night passed quickly. At 8 o’clock in the morning, Xu Sheng came out of the dormitory and went to the cafeteria for dinner with Xiao Feng.

“Do you still go to the tower tonight? Many people are waiting for you now.”

Xiao Feng asked when he walked out of the teaching building after class in the morning.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, “Go, I still have a lot of points now. After using them, I will pass the level by the way.”

“Which tower?”

“Time Tower.”

“Well, I will go with you that night.”

Hearing Xiao Feng’s words, Xu Sheng glanced at this guy speechlessly. What is this to do, do you have to make yourself ‘guilty’?

“Don’t worry about me, I just look forward to seeing the expressions of those people from the West Campus.” Xiao Feng shrugged.

Xu Shengqi said: “Although I know you very well, I always thought you were not interested in these.”

“Not interested? How could it be possible.” Xiao Feng said with a smile on his face: “If you don’t care about such things, what’s the difference with salted fish?”

“Well don’t, it’s different from salted fish.” Xu Sheng could only nod his head.

In the evening, at about the same time as last night, Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng walked to the Time Tower together, and then they were discovered and gathered people.

However, compared to last night, all the people gathered this time were freshmen, and none of the seniors and sisters above sophomore came.

After all, everything is the most important for the first time, and then it will be general.

“Can Xu Sheng get the first place?”

“You are stupid! Xu Sheng will definitely get the first place. The suspense now is how many levels he can get to.”

“Hey, anyway, no matter how many levels you get to, you can hit those people in the West Campus hard in the face. I’ll just wait for them to look like they’re dead.”

“Hehehe, fellow fellow, I like to watch it too.”

Xu Sheng, who was about to step into the entrance of the Time Tower, couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his mouth when he heard these comments.

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