Global Sage Era

Chapter 253

Chapter 249 Five Towers First

In the time tower, Xu Sheng saw the long river again.

This long river is used to exercise the ability to withstand time, but this is not the case for formal entry.

After choosing to break through, Xu Sheng felt that his own consciousness seemed to leave his body.

It is somewhat similar to the central secret realm.

“The first level, start.”

With Ta Ling’s voice, countless illusions suddenly appeared in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

In this illusion, all the madness he experienced in his consciousness began to accelerate, and the various information he received in one second was three hundred and sixty-six times the original amount.

The initial time flow of Minor World in the sea is three hundred and sixty-five times that of the real world. Starting from the time tower, it is necessary to break this comfortable state and adapt to a higher time flow.

“There is no discomfort.”

After Xu Sheng felt the state for a while, a smile appeared on his face.

A higher time flow rate means a higher Minor World development speed. Once it reaches 730 times, that is, when one day of Earth time is equivalent to two years in Minor World, you can apply to adjust the time flow rate to change the current time. The flow rate doubles.

The specific node is a tenth floor. Once you can break through the tenth floor of the Time Tower and reach the eleventh floor, you will be eligible to apply. After the test is correct, Minor World will be moved to a place with a faster time flow.

At the 90th floor, one day of the earth is equivalent to ten years of Minor World.

Starting from the ninety-first layer, it becomes one layer and one node, and each node increases tenfold. After passing through all the ninety-nine layers, the ratio of time that can withstand is 1 day: 100 years.

36500 time ratio.

Such a terrifying time ratio is naturally not something below the Holy Land.

Normally, those who can reach the 31st floor are almost half-saint, the 61st floor is the quasi-saint level, and the 91st floor is the Sage level.

The graduation standard of Qianjing University is quasi-sage, but it does not mean that all graduates are semi-sages. In history, there are also very few students who have entered the sacred realm when they graduate. Their goal is 90. Time tower above one level.

But so far, no one has been able to break through the entire ninety-nine floor, and the highest one is only the ninety-third floor. This difficulty has surpassed normal people’s imagination.

There were more and more illusions in Xu Sheng’s consciousness, and more information appeared before his eyes, but he still didn’t feel any discomfort.

A few minutes later, after Tallinn detected that this layer could no longer affect Xu Sheng, the judgment result came out.

“You passed the first level and got a thousand points reward.”

In a scene similar to the Law Tower, an upward staircase appeared in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

On the second floor of the Time Tower, the time ratio has become 380 times, almost one-fifteenth of the pressure on the original basis.

In the process of enduring the illusion, Xu Sheng lowered his brow a little bit, but it was only on campus in an instant.

The second layer, through.

Did not cause much influence on him.

Immediately after that, the time ratio on this floor was 400 times. Xu Sheng felt a little more pressure, and he felt like the dizzy feeling when riding in an elevator. This is because the brain has begun to load, but his background After all, it is still deep, and finally this layer has a successful breakthrough.

On the fourth floor, the time ratio became 430 times, and Xu Sheng finally felt the painful feeling of sweating.

At the end of this test, the whole person is spinning around, and too much information makes him feel that his own brain is about to explode.

Just when he felt that he was going to be unable to hold it, he didn’t expect everything to disappear.

“Congratulations, you passed the fourth level and got 1,300 points as a reward.”

“It actually passed.” Xu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. If this process continues for a while, or if there are more illusions, he won’t be able to hold it anymore.

A ladder appeared in front of him, leading to the fifth floor.

“End the barrier.”

Xu Sheng shook his head and gave up directly. He knew that he had reached the limit, and even if he went up, it would be of no use.

“Open ranking.”

First place, Xu Sheng, 5th pass 1%

Second place, Xiao Feng, 94% in the third pass

Similar to the situation in the Law Tower, Xiao Feng had to come out first because Xiao Feng ended in the third level.

He didn’t read the rankings behind, and he felt relieved in his heart.

When he walked out of the time tower, the first thing he saw was the eyes of various emotions.

Naturally, there is joy on the east campus, while the west campus is mixed with resentment, hostility, and jealousy.

All this happened yesterday, so Xu Sheng didn’t feel anything in his heart. He just smiled at Xiao Feng who was approaching him, and then walked back to the direction of the dormitory together.

Next, Xu Sheng also ranked first in the Time Tower, and the news that he had once again reached the fifth floor spread.

But many people are not too surprised after hearing this. The high scores of the Law Tower are placed there, and it is normal for the Time Tower to perform well.

“How many points do you get for this? Just think about it and envy him.”

“What’s the use of envy? As long as we can pass, we can get points. We can only blame ourselves for not being strong enough.”

“Oh, it’s too strong. I heard his name after the college entrance examination. Then I thought that after entering the school, he must be inferior to others, but who knows that he is still firmly pressing other people. Under the body.”

“This is the world of geniuses, not something we can understand.”

“I don’t like to hear you say this. We are also called geniuses outside, okay?”

“That is to say, compared with them, a group of geniuses are together, some people are still geniuses, and some are just ordinary.”

When talking about class the next day, Xu Sheng faintly heard these comments, but he didn’t care about it.

Now his position in the class is very stable. Even Gong Ziwen, who is irreconcilable and contradictory with him, is now like a good baby, but sometimes he will make detours when he sees him, for fear of being noticed by him.

The performance of the Ten Thousand Clan Territory was enough to conquer most of the people. Although the other members of the champion class still wanted to cross Xu Sheng in strength, at this time, they all tacitly accepted his status, as long as he ordered it to go on. There is almost no objection to the matter.

For example, in the past few days, let them not have conflicts with the people on the west campus, they just did.

Although the people on the west campus failed in the competition in the territory of the ten thousand races, they only served Xu Sheng. In their eyes, the other people in the champion class just lied to win. Sometimes they met on campus. , Inevitably, there will be some conflicts in words.

On the third night, with the same rhythm, Xu Sheng went to the Strategy Tower.

This time there were even fewer people who came to watch specially, and everyone was used to it.

The final result was also in everyone’s expectations. Xu Shengyou won the first place, but this time he did not reach the fifth level and stopped at 64% of the fourth level.

Xiao Feng is still in second place, but the difference from the previous two is that this time he reached the fourth level and made a full 59% of his progress. Only the last point was to complete the overtake of Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng was fairly satisfied with this result. Xiao Feng has always been known for his strategy. Even if he lost to him this time, it was reasonable and he could accept it.

The way to break through the strategy tower is to compare strategies with those who break through the barriers. The two sides see each other’s tricks, and finally evaluate the progress according to the persistence time.

Strictly speaking, Xu Sheng still had some luck this time, because when he made the last strategy, it was entirely trial-and-error. At that time, he had no hope of success in his heart, but he didn’t expect it to be just for him. The progress has been increased a bit, otherwise it is still unclear who will be the dearest between Xiao Feng and Xiao Feng.

“You really have grown a lot in the territory of the Ten Thousand Races.”

In Xiao Feng’s mind, it would be impossible without some loss, but he adjusted his mentality better, and Xu Sheng was also dignified and won.

On the fourth day, it was the Zimin Tower.

Xu Sheng still has a say in this. After all, the Martial Soul system already exists in the Huntuo race. As the saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. He has practiced it now, and there is an absolute in this one. Advantage.

So in the end, he reached the fourth level with 42% progress, still the first.

As soon as the result of the first of the four towers came out, many people who had not paid attention were once again attracted attention.

Among the students of Qianjing University in recent years, there has not been a situation where the four towers are the first!

The last time the four towers were number one was twelve years ago, and it only appeared once every fifteen years.

As for the first in the five towers, only three people have achieved it so far, and only once in 50 years.

Each of the first three is a prestigious existence, and is still on the list of outstanding alumni in the principal’s office.

Now, Xu Sheng seems to have the hope to hit this record and become the fourth student in the five towers, and others will not care about it!

On the fifth night, when Xu Sheng came to the outside of the warring tower at the same time, he found that two days later, it was surrounded by people and his mentality changed slightly.

“Xu Sheng, if you can also become the number one in the battle tower, then you will be the pride of our entire East Campus!”

“Come on, we trust you!”

Many people in the East Campus were shouting, but Xu Sheng didn’t care about the shouts of these people. He just nodded at an inconspicuous figure in the crowd, and then walked towards the battle tower.

After Xu Sheng entered, the large army also followed him in. Inside the battle tower was a hall-shaped existence.

Under everyone’s gaze, Xu Sheng began to break through the barriers.

Opponents of the first tier, kill in seconds!

The second-tier opponent, kill in seconds!

Opponents on the third tier… still kill in seconds!

The opponents on the fourth floor, after a fierce battle, kill them!

On the fifth floor, Xu Shenggang saw his opponent, and the entire hall had been exploded.

Everyone in the East Campus was boiling.

The news of Xu Sheng’s first five towers swept the entire campus at a storm-like speed!

Not only Qianjing University, this storm is spreading to a larger area!

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