Global Sage Era

Chapter 275

Chapter 271 Kuang Yuan: I’m a dignified old man, never be a treasure hunter!

Back to the endless Guixu, still that place, the outermost area.

The entire outer area is very large, and at Xu Sheng’s speed, it is difficult to make a full circle even for thousands of years.

The time flow rate of the entire periphery is almost the same. In the interval of 30-50 times, it is not linear, but dotted.

The spiritual source world is distributed in various areas of the endless Guixu, and Xu Sheng also chose a spiritual source world that is 30 times larger.

Where the time flow rate is higher, the danger is greater, and he can’t solve it now.

“Many of the spiritual source worlds are single existences, and it is not easy to find them.”

Xu Sheng found a right direction and moved quickly.

Only a small part of his mind is used to move, and most of his attention is in the Minor World of his heart, watching the development of the Huntuo tribe inside.

After more than a year, the number of Huntuo races has exceeded 4.9 million, and as long as there are ten and a half months, they will be able to cross the five million baseline.

Approved by a sufficient number of people with a population of 5 million.

These are the two conditions for upgrading a tablet to a spiritual monument.

The stele covers a larger area than the tablet, and the daily belief value obtained will also increase… it has no effect on the conquest rewards.

Under the circumstances of not conquering other worlds, the effect is still not small. It is estimated that millions of incense will be added every year, and the accumulation will increase. When the population continues to increase, it is also a very considerable number.

Xu Sheng kept advancing in the outermost area, occasionally being attracted by some broken Universe.

His consciousness entered these broken universes and saw red dwarfs one after another. The entire universe was heading for extinction, and it would disappear completely before long.

There are civilizations in these broken universes, some are very powerful, they can build star gates to shuttle through the universe, and there are also the kind of extremely huge and extremely miniature worlds. For example, an individual is a planet, and an individual is about the same size as an atom. , Are some very interesting existence.

But these civilizations still remain in the existence of ordinary civilizations. They cannot break through the universe they are in. There are so many universes in the universe. It is estimated that there will be no one in the universe of a Ganges sand unit.

According to the classification of civilization levels in these broken universes, the earth where the previous life was located is only level 0 to level 1, and the entire civilization has 9 levels. The ninth-level is also called the god-level civilization, and the individuals in it are almost all immortal levels. But the 9th level civilization is still mundane, and there is still no detachment.

When detached, they will become higher-level existences and join the scientific and technological civilization system, and the entire civilization will become an individual existence in the scientific and technological civilization system.

Xu Sheng’s consciousness has been able to withstand the scouring of massive information, and his level is high, so after sweeping away, the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of those mundane civilizations are felt by him.

However, no matter how much information it was, it did not destroy his original heart as a human being on earth. It was really emphasized by the teacher when they were sensible, and it is related to the future Realm Ascension.

This is exactly why the Sages on the earth still maintain their original minds. Their personalities are consistent with their appearance on the earth.

Withdrawing consciousness from this broken universe, Xu Sheng focused his attention on the other ‘dust’ on the way forward.

“Hey, this wizarding world is a bit interesting…is the world slave owner.” Xu Sheng looked at the world in a Ribbon-like system with relish. In this’Ribbon’, there is an almost infinite world, the consciousness of this Ribbon-like system. It has died out, it should have existed at the quasi-sage level before it died out, it hasn’t completed its transformation, and it is the last step.

The mother river, this is its final metamorphosis form. The mother river exists at the Sage level. Each mother river has a unified consciousness and is an independent life body, but the world creatures in the life in the mother river will never be in contact with them. That’s it.

[Record]: Your number of people has reached 5 million

At a certain moment, Xu Sheng felt his mind shaken. After a thought, he found that it was a prompt message on the Sage interface, and he couldn’t help but feel happy.

“After the number reaches the standard, the recognition of the people enters a cumulative state… When the task is handed in, the tablet can be upgraded to a spiritual monument.”

The upgrade from the tablet position to the Lingbei is done at the school, as long as it meets the promotion criteria, and there is no charge.

The equivalent of everything cannot be upgraded to the Spirit Stele, because the Spirit Stele is not a product of Minor World.

The spiritual source world is not easy to find. Although Xu Sheng was mentally prepared, after three years passed, he still had the idea of ​​giving up.

That is to say, the time flow here is fast, three years is only equivalent to two and a half hours of earth time, otherwise he would have given up long ago.

Time is very important. The search time is so long. After finding the spiritual source, it will take a lot of time. According to the previous task, Xu Sheng’s bottom line is five years. After five years, he will directly Give up the task and go back to school to take another task.

“Now that the authority is too low, you can only accept one task at a time, which is really uncomfortable.”

Xu Sheng is also helpless. Such an indefinite task, of course, is better with other tasks. If you can complete it, you can complete it. Only one task can be accepted at a time.

Although there is no task penalty for task failure, it will affect the success rate. For those high-star tasks, the person who releases the task will attach various requirements. The success rate is the most common one. After all, many tasks as long as you take it , Other people will not be able to pick up, and the failure of the person who picks up the task will affect the time.

Fortunately, Xu Sheng’s luck was not bad. After another six months of searching, a Spirit Stones-like image appeared in his perception.

This Spirit Stones-like thing is the breath exuding from the Spirit Source World.

One Spirit Stones is one spiritual source world, and two Spirit Stones are two… the piles of spiritual source worlds are like the Spirit Stones mountain, which is easy to distinguish.

Xu Sheng didn’t have any dislikes, it would be nice to find out.

Hurry to get close to this spirit source world. After approaching, Xu Sheng took advantage of the opponent’s world consciousness to quickly scan the situation…Well, the number of spirit source beasts is still acceptable, although there are some more powerful spirit source beasts. Exist, but as long as you are careful to avoid it, you can still do it.

After confirming that there was no problem, Xu Sheng immediately merged Minor World with this spiritual source world.

“From…my…body…body…in…get out…out…”

The Spirit Source World naturally resisted when it sensed that something had entered its own’body’. Xu Sheng was familiar with this, and quickly mobilized the power of the law to eliminate the opponent’s resistance, and then completely abruptly screamed from the spirit source world consciousness. Enter, Minor World merges with it.

The corners of Xu Sheng’s mouth were raised, so that the world of so many gods has been cleaned up, you think you can still run away.

From his point of view, the spiritual source world is a living body, but its form is very different from that of human beings.

After Minor World merged with the Spiritual Source World, the Huntuo human races that had been prepared for it came out early.

The army of nearly one hundred thousand, everyone exudes a tyrannical Blood Qi.

There are cultivators who control various Magical Items in the sky, with a total of 1,500 people.

The cultivator is in the sky and the Practitioner is on the ground. The two sides form a whole organically, helping each other.

Of course, the heavens are not all cultivators. The most powerful group of Practitioners also travel in the air, without the help of any equipment, and can do the same thing with the body alone.

But at this time, one of these people was confused.

Just now, he received the ancestor’s encyclical and told him to leave the large army and move forward alone.

Why is this?

Yin and the others were extremely strange after learning about this situation, but none of them had doubts. Just abide by the ancestor’s ordinance.

Half an hour later, after handing over all the affairs to Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, Kuang Yuan set off on the road alone. Judging from the background, it seemed a bit depressing.

“Master, is Uncle Kuang safe on this trip?”

Next to Yin, a young cultivator with an ordinary face suddenly asked.

“I have already divined a divination for the teacher. This trip… misfortune is unpredictable.” Yin’s expression was a bit solemn. If it weren’t for the ancestor’s decree, he would have prevented Kuang Yuan from this trip no matter what.

“I hope Master Kuang is safe all the way.”

Wang Fan whispered, watching Kuang Yuan reach the sky.

The time of a Jiazi has passed, and he has grown from an ordinary youth to the Foundation Building cultivator at this time.

His aptitude was originally bad, but thanks to Xu Sheng’s two consecutive Spiritual Roots, he has become one of the best people in the tribe, only inferior to the spirit of Spiritual Roots.

In the world of conquest of the gods, training opportunities and resources are greatly enriched. Wang Fan’s strength Ascension naturally surpasses his two seniors and brothers. At the age of 70, he has entered the Foundation Building period. This age is already for the cultivator. It’s early.

However, the strength of the Foundation Building period is still not strong enough. If he wants to become a person like Yin and others, he needs at least a hundred years of experience.

“Why are there mountains everywhere in this world?”

Kuang Yuan stopped at a mountain col. He looked at the mountain peak that was out of sight and felt a little headache.

In a normal world, the number of mountains would not be too many, but the mountains he saw along the way were never cut off. There were mountains of various forms, and occasionally he could detect the breath of treasures.

At this time, he had already installed a lot of spiritual things in his taking the ring, and he would get it along the way.

Complaining to complaining, the feeling of picking up treasures everywhere is still good.

“Kuang Yuan, the goal of your trip is to find the core of this world.”

The magnificent voice rang in his ears, shocking Kuang Yuan with a cleverness.

After thinking about it for a while, Kuang Yuan immediately knew why he was asked to go on the road alone, which reminded him of a spirit beast cultivated by the animal trainer in the clan: treasure hunting rat.

Could it be that my dignified tribe elders are going to be like treasure hunters?

Ancestor, let’s not do it!

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