Global Sage Era

Chapter 276

Chapter 272 Doubled the number of cultivators

Kuang Yuan’s mouth was bitter.

He wanted to say that even if Kuangyuan was killed and jumped from this mountain, he would not go.

But in the end I thought of the ancestors’ usual good.

He was cruel, gritted his teeth and stomped, and decided to sacrifice himself for justice.

“This kid.”

After Xu Sheng felt Kuang Yuan’s thoughts and thoughts at this time, he couldn’t help but Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and almost couldn’t help but break his brain.

No one knows how Kuang Yuan went to the Lingyuan Tianjing. Even Xu Sheng just hit the big luck. It would take a hundred years to prepare here, which is a little more than three days.

The spirit source beasts in this world are very powerful, and some are more suitable for domestication.

However, if you want to be able to domesticate and adapt to the environment of Huntuo Minor World, at least four or five generations are required. Before that, it was not known how many Spirit Source Beasts would die.

The spirit source beast itself has the ability to affect its environment. For example, if a mineral vein is next to it, the probability of high-quality minerals in it is much greater.


Kuang Yuan climbed over hundreds of mountain peaks, and was finally blocked by a Spirit Origin Beast.

This spirit source beast is about the same length as a tiger, but its lower abdomen is swollen, and it is a pregnant tigress.

“I didn’t mean anything, I left quickly.”

Kuang Yuan saw that the spirit source beast was a pregnant tigress, and was ready to let it go, otherwise, with his current strength, even if the tigress in front of him had the strength of the Nascent Soul middle stage, he would not be able to hold him a few times.

There is no shortage of spirit source beasts with the strength of God Transformation Level and above in this world, but they are all in the core area of ​​certain areas.

Kuang Yuan had already met three heads before, and he avoided them all.

He didn’t pay attention to the tigress in front of him. After all, the strength was not worth mentioning to him, but he did not expect that he did not find the door, but the other party took the initiative to find it.

The wisdom of spirit source beasts is very low, and the spirit source world has given them powerful talents while also depriving them of their wisdom. They are not much different from wild beasts, so this spirit source beast at this time cannot communicate at all.

Kuang Yuan knew the end of the matter by looking at the opponent’s uncompromising figure. After sighing, he sacrificed the angry flood Fang Tianji just one second before the opponent pounced.

With the sound of a pop, the rain of blood fell, and the spirit source beast that was still grinning turned into two pieces.

“Why bother.”

Kuang Yuan looked at the tiger corpse below, and then left here.

However, when a familiar figure flew back from the sky, Kuang Yuan turned back.

“My ancestor asked me to look for the core of this world. The appearance of this spirit source beast is unreasonable. Will there be any clues on its body?”

While thinking, Kuang Yuan followed his breath to find the nest of the Spirit Source Beast.

After a while.



Kuang Yuan fled from the inside embarrassedly.

Who could have imagined that there is a cave in that bare cave!

After that passage, a huge space exists in the back, as if he stepped out of Minor World to the outside world, it was another world!

In that area, there are hundreds of Tiger-shaped spirit source beasts in Life, and there are also a large number of other types of spirit source beasts as their food!

Spirit source beasts are omnivorous animals, which can survive through minerals and Spiritual Qi, and can also supplement their own energy consumption through flesh and blood.

Xu Sheng’s sight also saw the full view of the rear through Kuang Yuan.

“It’s interesting, it seems that it was right to let him come.”

The world of the tiger-shaped spirit source beast that Kuang Yuan found is obviously the strangeness of this world, and this kind of existence is similar to the heaven and the blessed land in the cultivator.

You know, the world of Huntuo hasn’t had the possibility of creating a blessed land. The blessed land is generally a cultivation site for immortals, and it is a very high-level cultivation site.

Over there, Kuangyuan is constantly exploring, and here, the Huntuo race is also constantly searching for the resources of this world under the leadership of Yin.

The world’s most special products are precious ores, but in addition to ores, the production of elixir is much more than in the general world. For the pill refining masters and refiners, this world is simply a heaven and a dream world. .

Even Qianmin, who had always been calm, had a bit of brightness in his eyes at this time, not to mention Yuhuan, and yelling sounds could be heard from time to time.

Yuhuan mastered the “fifth rank pill refining technique”. After so many years, she has been able to refine the Gold Core level Medicine Pill, and even specially refined a few pieces for the Nascent Soul period, which are of great help. Medicine Pill, she spent a lot of effort in refining these Medicine Pills, and even slowed the speed of own cultivation.

That is to say, she was trained by Xu Sheng. If she changed to those ordinary worlds, it would be difficult for her to advance to the Nascent Soul stage in such a mess.

Lead Min has also been able to refine the top Magical Item, which means that all the Gold Core cultivators in the tribe can be supplied by him, but the cultivator’s natal Magic Treasures are generally refined by himself, only thinking about his lack of abilities. When he wants to leapfrog his refining, he will seek help from a refiner, so Qian Min is not too busy now, and there are very few people who can ask him to refine his refinery.

The pill refining division and refining division are collecting various materials, and other cultivators and practitioners have begun to push all the way.

Someone specially went out to inquire about the situation, marked the distribution of the strength of the spirit source beast on the map, and then selected a route and began to move forward.

If it’s a world like Dire World, this kind of behavior will unite all Dire, but the spirit source beasts have no wisdom, and there is a hostile relationship between each other, so the Huntuo tribe is equivalent to destroying one by one. The process is fairly easy.

However, the incense obtained is not as good as in the world of gods. There are too many common races in the world of gods. Although the number of incense provided by a single person is very small, they collectively provided Xu Sheng with more than 10 billion incense.

Although there are many spirit source beasts in the spirit source world, it is much more difficult to destroy, but it does not have as much incense as the gods world.

But it’s impossible to ‘bake incense’. Incense is a reward given by the world’s origin. It depends on the growth of students to help and accelerate their growth. If you want to take the behavior of brushing, it will only reduce the reward.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the course of these ten years, nearly 100 million spirit source beasts were wiped out, and Xu Sheng received one billion incense for this.

In addition to the original leftovers, there are now two billion incense sticks.

He thought about it, and finally exchanged Spiritual Roots for Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Wang Fan, costing 60 million in total.

In addition to virtual Spiritual Roots, all the remaining incense was exchanged for virtual Spiritual Roots and Fan Spiritual Roots.

Where Spiritual Roots is no longer the top grade of 500,000 incense, but every one hundred thousand steps, a total of eleven orders of Spiritual Roots are exchanged, costing one billion incense!

The number of Spiritual Roots that were finally redeemed was one thousand and twenty-four.

Virtual Spiritual Roots are the lowest grade of 1.5 million, which is exchanged for six hundred and seventy-six.

The two add up to one thousand and seven.

These thousand and seven Spiritual Roots did not slowly reward them, but Xu Sheng looked for those who were suitable for cultivation and gave them when they didn’t know.

Even Yin didn’t know that these people with Spiritual Roots were originally not qualified for cultivation, but they were surprised that the number of Spiritual Roots in the tribe had suddenly increased dramatically.

Think this is an era of great explosion!

It only takes a hundred years for these thousand and eight Spiritual Roots to show their power, in which there will be a large number of Foundation Building periods and late stage training, which is a substantial supplement to the power of the cultivator.

The current strength of the Practitioner Ascension is extremely fast. Without this method, the strength between the cultivator and the Practitioner cannot be balanced.

As for why not save up the incense to redeem [Qing Wei Dao Body]…

Because the exchange price of [Qing Wei Dao Body] is 300 billion!

An increase of three hundred times!

It is even more exaggerated than the Ascension between the Second Stage and the First Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body!

The 300 billion incense is really too difficult. Although it is nothing compared to the Ninth Stage battle body’s twelve hundred billion, Xu Sheng can’t save enough at the moment.

So you can only exchange Spiritual Roots in pieces first.

Even a three-year-old child knows that retail sales are not cost-effective in wholesale…

Ordinary people don’t know that they have been given Spiritual Roots, but Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Wang Fan all know, so they knelt on the ground after feeling the Ascension of their own qualifications.

Even if they knew in their hearts that they couldn’t rely on their ancestors alone, when they arrived at the ancestors, they had more or less expectations in their hearts.

Even Yin can’t avoid it.

Things like the qualification Ascension, they simply didn’t have the Ascension method on their own. At that time, things were more difficult than climbing to the sky, and only the ancestors had this ability.

However, because there has never been a situation where Spiritual Roots have been given a large amount before, Yin didn’t think much after knowing that the three of them were given Spiritual Roots, but now there are four Spiritual Roots owners in the tribe, which also means the tribe. The extremely powerful, in the near future, the strength will be greatly improved.

The Spirit Source World doesn’t know how long it will take to solve it. Its area is extremely large, and now it only covers one-tenth of its area. It will take ninety years to conquer the entire world.

The Huntuo tribe had never stayed in a world for such a long time, and Yin didn’t know what arrangements would be made by the ancestors at this time.

“Does your Master have any news?”

Yin gave Xuan Yi a sound transmission, the latter was returning from the outside with the tribe Practitioner, Xuan Zheng brought another fifty thousand Qi Sea realm Practitioner in the other direction.

“There is no news, it has been three years, and I feel a little uneasy.” Xuan Yi sighed. Before, Master would contact them almost every few months and half a year. There was no exception. They only knew about the situation on the Master’s side. Not bad, a person went to a very northern location and saw a very strange spirit source beast.

But since three years ago, all this has changed, and they have not received any information from Kuang Yuan.

“He is still in a safe condition. He is a person with great luck and will not fall into death so easily.” Yin said with relief.

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