Global Sage Era

Chapter 282

Chapter 278


[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: Getting started (3.63%)

【Dao Guo】: None

[Origin]: Water (5414423 points)

【Dojo】: Not obtained


【Sect】: None

[Subject]: Huntuo people

[Incense]: 17.2 billion

【Bonus】: Zero

[Sub-civil interface][Name]: Huntuo people

[Number]: 37.64 million

[Rank]: Hong-class human (second stage, talented Xuanguang Taoist body, Ninth Stage battle body second stage)

[Enjoy]: Spirit Monument (50% bonus)

[Inheritance]: the way of cultivator, the way of qi and blood, the way of Martial Soul

[Cultivation Technique]: Multiply the Immortal Sutra (transparency period), do a work (Nascent Soul period), fifth rank pill refining technique

[Cultivator]: Yin (Nascent Soul middle stage), Yuhua (Nascent Soul early stage), Qianmin (Nascent Soul early stage), Wang Fan (Nascent Soul early stage), Gold Core late stage (13 people), Gold Core middle stage (72 persons), Gold Core early stage (293 persons), Foundation Building period (1,314 persons), Qi training period (12,942 persons) people)

[Patriarch]: Martial Spirit late stage (Martial Spirit late stage)

[Practitioner]: Xuan Yi (Martial Spirit middle stage), Xuan Zheng (Martial Spirit middle stage), Martial Spirit early stage (347 people), Wu Ying Dzogchen (8,492 people), Wu Ying Jing (35,943 people), Martial Master Realm (980,000), Qi Sea realm (21.32 million)

[Minor World interface][Area]: a radius of one thousand two hundred and eighty-five miles

【Spirit Power】: Two hundred times the concentration in the center, decreasing concentration in other areas, and twice the concentration at the extreme edge (Spirit Power is self-generated, and the concentration is constant twice in the whole area)

[Race]: Hong-level humans (second-order), greystone spirits (wild-level sixth-order, subsidiary races)

【Spectacle】: Thirty-seven places

[Special]: One hundred and seventy-two unique Taoism Heavenly and Mortal Treasures

[Attachment]: No. 1 resource world (hundreds of millions of indigenous tribes, first-order wild, producing various Demonic Beasts materials), No. 1 experience world (hundreds of millions of nightmares, sharpening the mood)

[Evaluation]: Minor World developed to a certain scale, with sufficient internal power, balanced in all aspects, and no one in a trillion


Dense information.

Compared with more than two hundred years ago, the strength of the Huntuo race has increased more than ten times?

Except for those who are underage, the Huntuo tribe is now Qi Sea.

More than two hundred years have passed since the Second Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body. What was not able to make a breakthrough has already turned into a piece of loess in time.

Therefore, under this situation, Xu Sheng has quietly adjusted the strength level of the expedition from Qi Sea realm to Martial Master realm. Nearly one million Martial Master realm, even if only one tenth is taken, there are one hundred thousand.

The Martial Master realm has the same combat power as the cultivator during the Qi training period, so this is the power of one hundred thousand Qi Qi practitioners!

Such a powerful force is now basically sweeping in the spirit source world.

Gold Core’s Wu Ying Dzogchen is also close to 10,000 people. If this kind of strength is known to others in Qianjing University, it would be horrified to say nothing.

In contrast, the Ascension of the cultivator power is far inferior to the Practitioner, and now in the composition of the entire power, it is reduced to a vassal of the Practitioner.

However, the cultivator is still the object of everyone’s longing, because the probability of the cultivator entering the Gold Core stage from the Qi training period is about one in fifty, while the cultivator from Qi Sea realm to Wuying Dzogchen is less than one in two thousand!

More than forty times the gap!

This account is too easy to calculate, but there is no way. Without Spiritual Roots, there is no Spiritual Roots. If you can’t cultivate, you can’t cultivate.

At the same time, with such a large force, the daily consumption of resources is simply an astronomical figure. Not to mention that Xu Sheng’s Minor World has kept up with the development, and the support cannot be supported. Now it depends on obtaining resources from each spiritual source world and trying to maintain it. Speed ​​of development.

However, if you don’t make a breakthrough right now, you will probably be limited to this level.

When Xu Sheng is considering combat power now, he always considers it from the Martial Master realm. Because this level represents the strength of the Qi training period, Practitioners already have a lot of means to protect themselves.

Those young practitioners of Qi Sea realm are almost dumbfounded. They don’t have much experience at all, and they are very easy to lose their lives.

Xu Sheng looked at the Sage panel while looking at Kuang Yuan below. The distraction and use of the two were already very familiar.

Kuang Yuan seemed to be really out of luck this time, and after a few months, he still had no clue. If this goes on, he can consider changing to another world.

There is no need to die in a world all the time, and occasionally encountering some worlds where the spiritual source celestial crystal cannot be found is also very important.

But obviously this world is not to be found, it is just harder to find.

One more month later, Kuang Yuan finally found the boundary of this world!

The moment he entered the middle of the world, Kuang Yuan finally breathed out the suffocation in his chest, feeling that his whole person became relaxed.

There is no need to describe the next process, as long as you find the middle world, the spiritual source Tianjing will be able to grasp it.

When the spirit source world, which gave Xu Sheng a very comfortable feeling, began to collapse, there was a pity in his heart. After all, there were not many such worlds, but for the development of his own strength, he couldn’t take care of too much.

In five years, he obtained one. If the speed is still the same, then all of Xu Sheng’s thoughts will become beautiful, and he does not want to see such a situation arise.

Fortunately, his luck was still reliable, and the second one returned to the normal rhythm, and it finally succeeded in only half a year.

Each of the following ones lasted for one year, and forty-eight were obtained in just fifty years.

A total of 55 stars have been obtained in 55 years, and the efficiency is even greater than the previous time.

Xu Sheng is equivalent to a ‘bulldozer’. Wherever he went, the spiritual source world collapsed one by one, and the lower right corner of the spiritual source world group was very conspicuously missing.

On this day, after Xu Sheng had finished acquiring the 63rd Spirit Source Sky Crystal, he suddenly felt a breath approaching him.

“Someone found out here.”

In just an instant, Xu Sheng judged the situation.

Calculating the time spent in this area adds up to almost two hundred years, and it is normal to run into people.

The Endless Return Market was not opened by myself. I aimed at the mission of Lingyuan Tianjing, and there must be similar people who also took aim. They may not have the subjects of golden luck, but there is still a high probability of purple luck. In this case, I also want to fight for luck.

“About fifty-two days.”

Xu Sheng silently calculated the opponent’s speed in his heart. The strength is not weak, but it is definitely not strong.Generally speaking, sophomore students at Ganjing University have a rule comprehension of 10% to 50%. At this point in time, students with medium grades should have a rule comprehension of 12%.

Xu Sheng’s current law comprehension has not reached one-third of this standard, but he is not afraid at all. As long as it is to compete with the strength of the people, the Huntuo human race will give them a good moment.

Of course, if he changes to a junior, he will be as far away as he can, because even at the lowest flow rate of 30 times, the opponent’s Minor World is more than 10,000 years more than himself. This kind of strength is enough to cultivate People above God.

Fifty-one days passed in a blink of an eye.

Xu Sheng stayed on the periphery of the Spirit Source World Group, keeping calm and’watching’ the arrival of the other party.

“Someone is there?”

Almost as soon as the other party arrived, he heard a voice in his ear. It was a somewhat sharp girl. The consciousness of the two sides met, and Xu Sheng saw a pair of narrow eyes.

Xu Sheng recalled the appearance characteristics of this sophomore in his mind, and found that the girl who appeared in front of him did not match any of them, and it was normal. It is standard practice to hide the true appearance of own, and even the girl in front of him is actually a boy posing. Maybe.

Only when the power gap between the two parties is too large, can the higher party see through the other party’s pretense at a glance.

Xu Sheng is also in a hidden state now, but he is still in the category of ‘not much difference’, and the other party can’t discover his true face.

“Even though the endless return to the ruins pays attention to come first, but this is such a large spiritual source world group, you can not monopolize it.” The girl quickly said, this is a kind of polite way of saying, if it is not polite, it is direct It’s impossible for you to be alone in such a large spiritual source world group.

“I know, it would be fine if you and I have each drawn an area.” Xu Sheng also anticipated such a situation and pointed out the direction he was going to move forward.

Of course, I sighed in my heart. If there is no second person to discover here, then this spiritual source world group has at least 500 harvests. Now that the strength of both parties is similar, they may share some gains, but that is 1500 credits. what!

But there is no way, endless Guixu is the resource area of ​​the school, and it is impossible for oneself to monopolize it overbearingly. It’s just a matter of discovering it first.

After a brief exchange, the two of them withdrew their consciousness and focused on the spiritual source world in their own area.

But Xu Sheng couldn’t get his whole body in it like before. Someone was around him, always feeling a little uncomfortable.

The other is that he has a guard in his heart. Although Humans are forbidden to kill each other, he also knows that such periods are definitely not uncommon in dark corners.

College students are relatively simple and kind, but there are also some that are bad in nature. For example, people like Gong Ziwen have suffered a loss in the selection of places, and he does not want to eat a second time.

“She has made no progress.”

After several years of observation, Xu Sheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief after discovering that he hadn’t obtained a spiritual source celestial crystal there. If the other party also had a spiritual source celestial crystal a year, then he would be crazy.

In this state, even if she could obtain a spiritual source heaven crystal, it would take a long time for one.

The two sides have been like this for thirteen years.

During this process, Xu Sheng won nine more (someone was influencing him).

And this sophomore girl…never got one.

The contrast is extremely strong.

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