Global Sage Era

Chapter 283

Chapter 279

The movement during the acquisition of the Spirit Source Sky Crystal was very large.

The collapse of a world, as long as the people around it will not ignore it.

So when Xu Sheng harvested one after another, the sophomore girl on the other side looked like a ghost.

What’s the situation?

Why didn’t I get one on my own side, and there were so many on the other side.

She couldn’t help but have an idea in her mind, could it be that the place she chose was not good?

The probability of getting there is a little bit higher?

Although she didn’t say it, in the following process, she began to slowly approach Xu Sheng.

The first world she chose was finally given up in fifteen years. She already felt that she hadn’t gained much in this spiritual source world, and it would be useless for such a situation to dry up in it.

During the time she gave up, Xu Sheng obtained two more spiritual source heaven crystals, which made her enviable eyes turn green.

She was also wondering if Xu Sheng had any secrets in her heart, and she was also watching carefully, but in the end she didn’t get any useful results.

“Um, classmate, can you tell me if you have any tricks, everyone is alumni…” The advantage of girls is that they can directly ask if boys exist.

Faced with such a problem, Xu Sheng just smiled at her slightly, “Sorry, there is no trick, but I am familiar with it.”

The sophomore girl’s teeth itchy, she wanted Xu Sheng to get nothing, just like herself, but it was impossible. The distance between the two sides is still a little far away, and she can’t make any small moves.

Xu Sheng noticed that the girl was constantly approaching him, and he also kept an eye on him. Now that the other party has not reached the own guard position, once he reaches the area of ​​his own psychological bottom line, he will immediately move away.

There is still a gap in the understanding of the laws of the two sides. If the other side’s mind is stunned by the harvest, the result will be almost devastating.

This is also the reason why there must be a small team after college. With teammates around, the back can be safely handed over to others, and there are more bystanders, and some people dare not even if they have any thoughts in their hearts. act rashly.

The sophomore girl kept talking to Xu Sheng. She introduced herself as Han Su, a student from the West Campus.

West campus students…no wonder she felt a kind of inherent pride from her gods. This was not something the East campus students had. Xu Sheng felt it the first time they met.

He doesn’t know what the other person’s personality is, but as far as the current contact is concerned, the impression is very bad, at least not the kind of frank person.

Xu Sheng is accustomed to judging other people’s personalities before dating, and then deciding whether or not to touch them.

He doesn’t have much contact with the West Campus. Fang Su is the most familiar now. Although the latter is also proud, he has no conspiracy and is a good opponent. According to the school, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

“Classmate, you see that I haven’t obtained a spiritual source crystal for so long, otherwise you will tell me the trick, and in return I will tell you some information that I know.” The sophomore girl is still insisting, wanting from Xu Sheng got the so-called trick.

Xu Sheng is already faintly unhappy now. Even when he explicitly refuses, he has to keep saying this, which can prove that own judgment is not wrong, and this girl does not respect others in her heart.

He really doesn’t have any know-how, the only difference is that he has a child of golden luck.

But he can’t tell about this. There are only those who have golden luck. Combined with the law’s comprehension, they can basically tell who they are-but even if you don’t say it, some are good at summarizing clues. You may guess the true identity of the owner.

But guessing can only be a guess, as long as he has not personally admitted that he has not seen the situation in his Minor World with his own eyes, he can never be sure.

“Senior Huang, I have encountered some situations here. I think I should tell you first.”

Just in case, Xu Sheng also sent a message to Huang Xuanlang in the wristband while dealing with the sophomore girl Han Su.

Huang Xuanlang is now a little farther away than before, and the team has taken on a more difficult task. If he really wants him to come and help, he may have to stagger this period of time.

“I know the situation. There should be no problem now. You can tell her vaguely that a friend knows your current situation.”

Huang Xuanlang’s meaning is very obvious, that is, to warn the other party in this way, so that the other party should not have any thoughts that shouldn’t be.

Huang Xuanlang’s current judgment on Xu Sheng’s strength is still based on the law’s comprehension, 3.63% of the law’s comprehension is still low, and he will basically lose in the collision with the sophomore.

Since he took over the task of protecting Xu Sheng, he didn’t want to see Xu Sheng unexpectedly appear, and he also felt very happy to get along with Xu Sheng during this period of time. He was optimistic about Xu Sheng’s future development.

After Xu Sheng thanked the other side, he passed his consciousness over and told someone about his location.

After Han Su heard these words, his face suddenly changed slightly. Although it was less than a thousandth of a second, Xu Sheng still grasped it keenly, which made him more vigilant in his heart. .

Suddenly, the scene of Gu Sheng calling him to the office appeared in his mind.

An idea arises.

Is it really a coincidence that Han Su came here?

At the same time when thinking of this, Xu Sheng suddenly felt a little bit cold all over himself.

Not far away, Han Su’s originally normal face seemed to become gloomy when it fell in his eyes.

Historically, there have been cases in which the minds of Qianjing University students were controlled by aliens. Those alien methods were invincible, and some existed entirely in mental states. There was no media at all. As long as certain conditions were met, consciousness could be forced to come and occupy. The body of the target.

Generally speaking, strength is used to crush and plunder the bodies of lower-level human races. Such methods are often used to remove the most potential genius among human races.

They have also succeeded many times, and then they ushered in the crazy blow of the human race, each time it was a river of blood, and countless alien races turned into ashes in the palm of the human race Sage.

But Xu Sheng is just thinking about it now. At least so far, although Han Su is a little jealous of himself, he is still a normal human category.

A piece of paperweight was communicated in Xu Sheng’s consciousness. This piece of self-defense treasure gifted by the ancient sage was his greatest confidence.

Even if the alien races will hide again, their strength cannot be hidden. The strength of Han Su in front of him is like this, it is impossible to suddenly jump to the semi-holy level.

It turns out that Xu Sheng just scared himself.

Because the first time I was alone with the second person in an experience area, it made him think about bad things in his heart.

Although Han Su expressed dissatisfaction, he felt that Xu Sheng was a cherished broom, and he was unwilling to tell her the trick, but he still started to obtain the spiritual source celestial crystal according to his own method.

This time she had good luck, she only got one in just eight years.

The acquisition of the first spiritual source heaven crystal dissipated a lot of tension between each other, after all, 0 and 1 are qualitative changes.

What made Xu Sheng couldn’t help but want to laugh is that when Han Su obtained the first spiritual source celestial crystal, he even looked at him with a triumphant look, as if saying: Look, even if you don’t. Tell me, I can also get the spiritual source celestial crystal.

“She should be normal, everything is just a coincidence.”

The vigilance in Xu Sheng’s heart has relaxed a lot, and it is also because the constant flow of Lingyuan Tianjing has gradually improved his mood.

In the next time, Han Su stopped asking Xu Sheng for tips, and started to chat with each other. In order to avoid the fact that she was a freshman, Xu Sheng spent most of the time just listening. Said, only occasionally there will be two beeps.

Perhaps it was the long-term loneliness that was really tormenting. Even though Xu Sheng was ignorant of answers, Han Su kept talking about it. Unknowingly, the two had been in this area for nearly a hundred years.

In the past 100 years, Xu Sheng has obtained 87 spiritual source celestial crystals.

Han Su got half of his fraction…four.

It was about three days in Earth time that he obtained 6000 credits. This is actually a good result. If Han Su had no golden luck subjects, the result would have been very good, at least more credits than other tasks.

The first task Xu Sheng did was only 700 credits. Although he only spent 50 years, it took nearly 90 years for the sophomores, and the final gain was only one-tenth of this.

Therefore, this task is still very cost-effective. As long as the people’s luck is enough, it will be a solid profit to meet another spiritual source world group.

“Eighty-seven Spirit Source Sky Crystals are not enough. I will try to accelerate the time later and get 200 in 200 years!”

Xu Sheng had a goal in his mind. According to this standard, he would get one in ten months on average.

With two hundred spiritual source heaven crystals, he can go back and lie down. By then, his own law comprehension will definitely exceed 6%, so that he can reach one-half of Han Su’s strength, which makes him more at ease.

In recent decades, Han Su’s performance has been normal, but for some reason, Xu Sheng and her have never been familiar with each other.

There was a strange sense of resistance in his heart, which made him subconsciously stay away from this own’Senior Sister’.

Thinking of going back to school to hand in tasks, Xu Sheng subconsciously felt the direction of leaving.

But just under this feeling, his expression Huo Ran changed.

A sense of extreme danger arises.

I don’t know when it started, there was a strange black line around the entire Spirit Source World Group.

These black lines seemed to have been there for a long time, but he hadn’t noticed it before.

Xu Sheng turned around abruptly.

In the eyes is a weird smiling face…

It’s Han Su! ! !

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