Global Sage Era

Chapter 285

Chapter 281 The Underworld has no way for you to break in

Two Minor Worlds are connected.

The strength of the two sides is equal, but the difference in strength is heaven and earth.

Han Su knew that Xu Sheng was very strong, and guessed that his people would have some strength, so this time she sent out almost all of their strength.

No matter how many times she imagined, she had never thought of this scene before her eyes.

The law comprehension level exceeds 10%. How fast does this level of consciousness flow? It is not an exaggeration to say that hundreds of millions of thoughts can be changed in a second.

The reason why she chose to forcibly connect to Minor World was that after weighing all the factors, she felt that it was in her best interest.

Anyone who sees a thin boy who is like a bamboo pole on the street will not think that he can smash a wall with one punch, right?

If you really see such a scene, it is the existence that shakes the worldview.

At this time, Han Su encountered a similar situation.

The worldview she had established for a long time was completely defeated by Xu Sheng’s strength.

The first semester of the sophomore year has passed halfway. It is not that she has not seen strong students during this period. Some outstanding sophomores do have such a level of strength.

In fact, from freshman to senior year, the strength gap in each grade has been increasing. By the time of senior year, many people have reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages and have begun to try breakthroughs like the holy realm. Still struggling for the graduation breakthrough quasi-sage, the gap is too big.

This kind of strength comparison made Han Su scream and want to disconnect, but when she wanted to do this, Xu Sheng, who had been fleeing for the entrance without looking back, suddenly did not escape.

But this made Han Su’s complexion drastically changed, extremely ugly.

A powerful force of law fell from above her, and she had to stop the action she was disconnecting.

Xu Sheng’s rule is less than 4%, far inferior to Han Su, but this does not mean that Xu Sheng can’t hurt Han Su. If Han Su is determined to disconnect and hard-wire his attack, wait until Minor World is disconnected. , It’s hard to say which of the two sides has the stronger remaining combat power.

But it won’t work if you don’t connect!

Because the power gap between the two sides is too great, even if Han Su uses all of his origins to help the strength of his own people, Ascension, he cannot be the opponent of the Huntuo human race. It can even be said that even the time when the battle is over. It won’t be long.

This is not a gap of twice or twice, but a gap of at least ten times the combat power!

The composition of the entire main army is directly behind by a big Realm!

Even the craziest people will not try to fill this gap.

Even using the same number of dogs to challenge the lion can’t be described. It’s not a battle of magnitude at all.

Therefore, when Han Su decided to forcibly connect to Minor World, she made the biggest choice of this trip.

Can you blame her for this?

can not!

No matter who comes here, they will make such a choice, which is also the most correct way to do when fighting each other.

The only thing that caused this situation was Xu Shengyuan’s over-normal power of the people. It was the equivalence of everything that caused this situation.

This is poor information!

It is also a situation that Xu Sheng has always deliberately created.

From the time he obtained the equivalence of everything, when he first appeared in the limelight when he was in the second mode, he has never told anyone about his own strength improvement.

Every time his strength is exposed, it is a large-scale examination. It is impossible to conceal it, and then he will gradually become familiar with it.

But everyone still only calculated his strength from his battle results, what is the potential of his people, how many cultivators, practitioners, inheritance… everyone, including Xiao Feng and Su Linrui, all had a glimpse.

Even if they knew his strength for a certain period of time, as long as three or two days passed, his strength would be greatly improved.

No one can predict the speed of Xu Sheng’s strength improvement, because no one knows what he will redeem. It is completely unpredictable!


Xuan Zheng used the Qinghong Sword to cut off the head of a Gold Core cultivator. With his current strength comparable to the Nascent Soul period, Gold Core could not hold the second sword in front of him!

Han Su’s high-end strength is already relatively strong. There are several Nascent Soul cultivators, and there are more than 100 Gold Cores.

But the face of the Huntuo people is not enough to look at!

What she represents is the ordinary combat power of the sophomore level, and it is an existence that freshman students can never surpass.

But in front of Xu Sheng, such strength is not worth mentioning!

Even if it was the first to enter the endless return to the market, the law comprehension was only 1.5%, and the strength of the Huntuo race was equivalent to the worst group of sophomores.

Hundreds of years have passed, and he has already surpassed batch after batch of people. In terms of his subjects, he can also rank very high in the sophomore year!

Han Su’s people are also humans. The millions of troops were originally like a rainbow. In the past thousands of years, their human race has condensed its own spirit and pride.

But this kind of spirit and pride is of no use in the face of absolute power gap!

On the side of Han Su’s camp, countless original auras appeared.

“More than five million points!”

After experiencing it for a while, Xu Sheng came up with this huge number.

This is not five million incense, but five million origin!

He hasn’t gotten five million yuan in total until now, but now, he has been used by Han Su in one breath.

If Minor World is destroyed, no amount of original value will be used, and it will dissipate with the collapse of Minor World.

So Han Su’s approach at this time is completely correct.

Knowing that it was impossible to fill the huge gap in the meantime, she still did so, so that the strength of her people continued to soar, and the overall strength more than tripled.

Han Su’s people are stronger.

But at this moment, on the other side of Huntuo World, there was another huge breath going out.

Han Su in the endless ruins, his eyes almost split apart after taking a look!


Practitioner who can’t see the end at a glance!

More than the number of shares that have already appeared… and the same minimum is Qi Sea realm!

Xu Sheng was also a little helpless about the emergence of this situation, because it was not organized by him, but a large army organized spontaneously by the Huntuo people knowing that the own world is being invaded. The high-level combat force is definitely not as good as the first. However, in terms of basic combat power, it is not bad at all, even more than that, after all, the number is there.

“How many Qi Sea realm citizens do you have? Are you now all Qi Sea realm?”

There were countless thoughts in Han Su’s mind, but each of them made her head dizzy, and finally shouted directly at Xu Sheng.

“No, I am now the Martial Master for all people.”

Xu Sheng showed bright teeth at her.

Han Su felt tight in his chest, almost vomiting blood.

Now that she wants to disconnect, she can’t do it at all. She finds that Xu Sheng’s ability (rule comprehension) is very poor, but the method of procrastination is extremely disgusting, no matter how she tries to get rid of it, he will be like a dog skin plaster. Stick it up.


Xu Sheng has solved so many worlds, and he has already been well-versed in the matter of entanglement. He has always known that the comprehension of the law of own is a short board, so in order to give full play to the strength of his own people, he does not know how much energy he has spent to study this. On the one hand, Han Su is now the first’human race’ he targeted.

The two are still entangled in the endless return to the market, but the situation in Minor World has changed. Since not long ago, Han Suzimin’s line of defense has been completely defeated!

The two groups of forces of the Huntuo human race, with a total of tens of millions, have already attacked Han Su Minor World!

Han Su’s Minor World is a huge world dozens of times the size of Xu Sheng!

More than 30 million square kilometers!

In this area, there are billions of human races.

However, these billions of human races are only wild-type human races, and the ranks are generally one to three, and the cultivation is not particularly good.

The vast majority of human races are just ordinary people, but they are strong and physically strong, and they don’t even have the strength of the Body Refining Realm.

In general villages, it is a pride to have a Practitioner at home, and the Fourth Stage is quite important.

And Fourth Stage… The seven or eight-year-old little dolls of the Huntuo human race can naturally grow up to have such power.

This is already a pure crush between races.

It is also the main reason why Xu Sheng has accumulated a talent for exchanging incense.

The top talent of Ninth Stage combat body is indeed expensive, and it takes him a lot of time to accumulate in the early stage, but once the time comes, his strength can quickly get rid of other people.

Therefore, after seeing the situation of Han Su’s children, he also firmed up his idea of ​​putting exchange talent first.

“The enemy is coming!”


Han Su’s people all ran away in fear, with fear in their eyes.

Xu Sheng’s eyes were also slightly intolerable at this time, but in the end it was replaced by a touch of firmness.

There is no such thing as wrong or right in their battle at this level. These people are innocent, but as one of the components of Han Su’s strength, they are not innocent.

If the strength of his own people is not as good as Han Su, he believes that after Minor World is invaded, Han Su will not let go of any of his own people.

In the universe, the people and the ‘Bloodliner’ are one, and the two cannot be separated from the beginning.

Hun Tuo Practitioner also has unbearable eyes, many people with the same faces, they can’t do it at all.

At this time, Qian Min stood up, and he deployed a powerful magic circle on the ground, and Han Su’s people fell and lost one by one.

Yuhuan also stood up firmly, deploying poison gas specifically aimed at Han Su’s people, and her people’s Death speed accelerated again.

There is no need to touch those miserable scenes, and low-level Practitioners don’t need to be shaken.

All backlash must be borne by high-end powers.

But they didn’t endure Xu Shengduo. As an ancestor, he could see all the voices of Han Su’s people. It was a scene like The Underworld.

For Xu Sheng, this is a torture of his Dao heart.

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