Global Sage Era

Chapter 286

Chapter 282 Break Your World!

A Minor World has grown from hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in the beginning to tens of millions of square kilometers in front of it.

The amount of effort required to do this is countless.

The initial race of each Minor World is only a hundred, and now it is billions, and it has gone through many generations of changes.

The gene from the source of blood has been passed down to this moment, and the spirit of the ancestors is reflected in the younger generations. What flows in this is the inheritance, and the integration is civilization.

In the high mid-rank segment, the time flow rate of each person in Minor World is 1:365, and one day on the earth is equal to one year in Minor World.

From the beginning of college, there will be different changes, but in Han Su’s mood, most of her freshman year experience should be standard time, and there are few opportunities to enter the territory of the ten thousand races. As of sophomore year, the time has not reached one hundred days. If one day is equal to thirty years, her Minor World inheritance time should be five thousand years.

From the perspective of the universe, five thousand years is very short, but for a race, it is a very long time.

Long enough for a small tribe of one hundred people to develop into a huge country with billions of people.

In Hansu Minor World, it is no longer a pure city system, it has already surpassed the scale of the city, ascending to the national level.

The most central is a huge empire with 70% of the population, and it is surrounded by dozens of large and small kingdoms and principalities. They are subordinate to the central empire. Except for a small number of different surnames, most of them share the same blood of the central empire. .

The situation of Han Su Minor World also made Yin and Kuangyuan think a lot.

The Huntuo race now has a population of 100 million, but it still maintains the city system and has not integrated into a real country.

However, they always knew that the Huntuo human race would definitely move towards unification at the end. Some ambitious city owners were no longer satisfied with the power in their hands and wanted to annex other cities.

Xu Sheng knows better that in the tribal system of primitive society, tribes need to annex other tribes if they want to be strong, and when the size of the tribe reaches a certain level, the form of the state will naturally appear.

It’s just that because they have experienced the cultivation of the system in the student stage, they skipped some steps to make the development of the people different from the natural situation.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but relatively speaking, their approach has great advantages, because some unnecessary errors can be skipped with experience.

The development of civilization is a process of constant trial and error. Without external intervention, every civilization is like an individual with its own development potential.

For example, if a race mainly develops wisdom, if it does not firm up this line, it will start to take the power line later, it may not have a breakthrough for a long time, and it will eventually enter an endless cycle and die.

There are countless lessons of this kind. Xu Sheng has a large number of wrong cases in his mind. The knowledge is too much, and it is a level that the Huntuo people can’t understand at all. Only he can avoid them if he makes a macro-guidance.

In the sky, the origin of Han Su is still coming in waves, but it can be seen that it has been weaker than the beginning by more than half.

Everyone’s roots are limited. Xu Sheng believes that sophomores have a lot more roots than himself, but their daily expeditions will definitely consume many times more than their own, so it is not realistic to save as many roots. .

He had calculated in his mind just now that the original value used by Han Su has exceeded ten million!

At this time, she has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

The original value of 10 million is still effective after all. Although it did not change the final situation, it caused Xu Sheng to pay hundreds of thousands of casualties. This is extremely incredible with such a huge gap in combat power.

It was also the first time that Xu Sheng suffered such severe damage.

The death of hundreds of thousands of people is really nothing to him now. It will be able to make up the strength in at most one month, and even the resources saved can allow another group of people who could not be cultivated to be trained.

But seeing those familiar faces pass away is still a depressing thing.

“Xu Sheng, I admit that I underestimated you. Forcibly connecting to Minor World is the worst decision I have ever made in my life.”

In the endless void, Han Su finally gave up after trying to the present – just a moment ago, her last source was completely consumed.

Despair will basically not appear in their level of consciousness. Even if they know that this will fail, they will continue to follow the plan without a better alternative.

Xu Sheng was keenly aware that Han Su’s mood hadn’t changed much, and even calmly a little scary. It seemed that Minor World, which was sliding into the abyss right now, belonged to someone else, not hers.

He has been wondering what Han Su’s situation is in his mind. To be fair, he does not think that a promising Qianjing University student will suddenly betray the Human Race. It is no exaggeration to say that every Qianjing University student will become The probability of Sage is very high.

In the entire universe, there is no race as powerful as the human race, so all the rebellious behaviors in history have very special reasons.

This is also the reason why he is still so stubborn about his parents. Although he doesn’t have much affection for them in his heart, but now that he has the current connection, he must find out the truth of the facts, no matter what they are. Whether it is a spy or not, you have to figure out everything.

“The worst decision you made was not to forcibly connect to Minor World, but to take action against me.” There was no emotion in Xu Sheng’s voice, and his eyes looked directly at Han Su’s.

A sneered smile suddenly appeared on Han Su’s face: “Do you think I don’t know what your support is? It will take a while for your guardian to come over, and this time is enough for me to kill you.”

Xu Sheng’s eyes were slightly sharp, and the opponent of Huang Xuanlang’s existence was also aware of the fact that those alien methods were too troublesome and impossible to prevent!

As the saying goes in common races, you know that I know that it is not reliable, because you don’t have to see it with your own eyes. Some special methods can completely do the same thing!

There are methods such as divination in the cultivator, and the methods of the civilization system are even more unpredictable. There is even a Karma-like horror method that can force a result, and the cause will naturally develop in the end.

For example, what they want is the result that Xu Sheng appeared in front of him and was killed. Then all the steps in the middle can be omitted. Of course, the Karma law is unsolvable for other civilization systems, but for the human race. A more troublesome means.

When Xu Sheng and Han Su were still using various means to influence each other, the battle belonging to their people had come to an end.

For them, years of time are not just a moment of time.

If it is similar in strength, the battle situation may still be anxious in the past few years, but the Huntuo race has surpassed Han Su’s people too much, and the latter’s Minor World has been completely unrecognizable at this time.

Billions of people still survive less than 500 million!

The dual methods of extermination and poisonous gas have made the lives of ordinary human races extremely fragile, and millions of people die every day.

Except for the extermination of the population, other aspects of the Huntuo race are considered to be more merciful. The spiritual objects are brought back to the Minor World. Some precious mineral veins and spiritual veins are completely transferred, and all the spectacles that can be taken away are taken away. Destroyed on the spot.

Han Su’s Minor World is turned into nourishment, and Ascension harnesses the strength of the Huntuo race.

However, the strength of the Huntuo race is still too strong at this time. Han Su’s Minor World resources are already rich, but at most he can only support millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

Xu Sheng wants to increase the strength of his own people again, even to become the Martial Master of the whole people, and he needs to conquer a lot of worlds.

Those Little Thousand Worlds are powerful because countless dust worlds are supporting them. Although Xu Sheng’s Minor World is far from the level of Little Thousand Worlds, it is already on this road.

If the Huntuo race wants to remain strong, it must be supported by countless worlds in the future.

No matter how powerful a single world is, it has a limit. It may provide for one or two powerful people, but it is impossible to provide for more.

The scene of Han Su Minor World that happened before Xu Sheng’s eyes also happened a few months ago. A child of Nether Leopard who was suspected of being Gao Sheng’s heir was wiped out by him, and the spectacle was also taken away.

Now he wants to do more than just this step, he wants to completely destroy Han Su’s Minor World, which will frustrate her!

Han Su naturally knew what she was going to meet, but she couldn’t stop this situation from coming.

When Han Su Minor World’s last human citizen died, the situation changed. Minor World noticed that the source of blood was dissipated, and the law began to shift.

At this time, Xu Sheng’s power of law changed from entanglement with Han Su to active invasion, making Han Su Minor World’s already bad trend drastically worse.

The Huntuo race also began to return to Minor World in an orderly manner in accordance with Xu Sheng’s order.

After all the Huntuo tribes returned to Minor World, Xu Sheng increased the interference of the laws, like the last straw that crushed the camel, Han Su Minor World’s laws were completely disordered and conflicted with each other!

Construction may require endless effort and time, but destruction only takes a moment.

Han Su Minor World was collapsing at a speed beyond imagination.

The earth is cracked, the sky is broken, and the lakes and seas are inverted.

In the endless void, a huge firework is brewing, it continues to power, and countless chemical reactions are taking place inside.

I do not know how long it has been.

Accompanied by this ‘bang’ loud loud noise.

A brilliant light lit up in the deadly hometown, illuminating the two huge faces around.

One is calm, the other is indifferent.


The indifferent latter suddenly coughed out the blood of the law, her aura quickly wilted, and the impact of the collapse of Minor World was immediately manifested in her body!

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