Global Sage Era

Chapter 287

Chapter 283 True Face, Death Crisis!

Han Su’s momentum quickly languished. Originally, her law comprehension was about 12%. Due to the collapse of Minor World, her remaining strength was less than a quarter.

But even if this quarter’s strength still surpassed Xu Sheng by a lot, it was still not something Xu Sheng could surpass.

But Xu Sheng is satisfied with this result, because the current strength comparison between the two sides has allowed him to persist for a longer period of time, let alone a month, even if it is a year or longer, he is confident to persist!

In the first week of Qianjing University, the teachers repeatedly emphasized that when you encounter an opponent whose strength is far superior to your own, you should never think of counter-killing. The best way to deal with it is to send a distress message as soon as possible and then take all means to delay!

This method was finally summed up after paying countless costs. He saved the lives of countless student human races!

It applies to any stage!

Even in the holy realm, when you encounter danger, you must call for help as soon as possible. The earth will rescue you at all costs!

The aliens are also very clear about this characteristic of the human race.

So in history, they have laid traps on this countless times, wanting to swallow more power of the human race, but the end result is to attract the more powerful Sage of the human race, and then they are caught in a pot.

In this hundred years of time, the aliens have certainly succeeded, but the number of times is very few. To this day, as long as they are sent to assassinate them, they are basically prepared for the loss of this force.

“It seems that some things are unavoidable after all.”

Han Su, whose momentum had already fallen to the bottom, suddenly said in a cold voice.

On this one, Xu Sheng felt a moment of horror, and then he stepped back crazily, away from Han Su.

The indescribable sense of fear, a shock from the soul level almost retarded his thinking!

This is an existence far beyond his current level!


As soon as Xu Sheng had this thought in his mind, his face became more and more ugly.

The aura on Han Su’s body became even more weird and unpredictable. The face that originally belonged to humans was distorted, and a spiritual power began to surge like a tide.

Not the power of law, but a more peculiar method of power.

“…Quasi… holy…”

He said these two words with difficulty, at this time Han Su’s identity no longer needs to be guessed.

As he guessed, Han Su had a stronger power lodged in him.

An alien race that has reached the level of quasi-sage!

Quasi-Sage Realm naturally couldn’t feel it clearly. The reason he knew that the other party was a Quasi-Sage was because he was very familiar with the similar aura, and it was not much different from what Huang Xuanlang felt.

After feeling the exact type of power, Xu Sheng quickly knew what the other party’s body was-the Confusion Clan!

An extremely difficult race!

The confused mind race is the very top of the spiritual civilization system. In the usual battles, they have played against humans and are the deadly enemies of humans!

In terms of strength, the Huoxin race is not at the same level as human beings. The reason why they have been able to support it up to now is entirely because they still occupy countless other civilization systems.

If only the strength aspect is mentioned, their behavior is difficult for people to understand. Isn’t this looking for death?

But those who really know know that such behavior is very normal because they covet the power of the human race!

The names of the confused minds are named from the perspective of humans. They don’t call themselves like this, but humans don’t care about this. Over time, the various civilization systems in the universe have also adopted the human standard.

Their abilities are like their names. They are confusing. The simplest level is to confuse, let people forget everything, and be controlled by it, just like a puppet.

The advanced point is latent boarding, so that the target does not know it after the own method, and subtly fits the own behavior mode.

The last thing is to come, no matter where one’s body is, once the latent boarding is completed, the target’s body can be forcibly occupied, transformed into the own body in a short time, and inherit everything of the original body.

Under this method, once the Huoxin Race successfully hosts the Human Race, then Minor World can continue to develop. They can easily enter the Holy Realm from the Quasi-Sage level through the growth of the Human Race!

The probability that the human race enters the holy realm from the quasi-sage is more than a billion times higher than that of the alien race? That can make those people go crazy.

The biggest wish of the Heart-Fuzzing Race is to turn the human race into its subsidiary race, or parasitic race, so that they can not only directly replace the human race’s position, but also continue to climb up.

Han Su was undoubtedly in a parasitic state before, and that kind of indifference to her Minor World was a sign that her consciousness had basically disappeared.

Now when the Huoxin Clan came forcibly, the original Han Su was already dead.

The original Han Su was the enemy, so Xu Sheng didn’t have any sorrow.

But now that the facts are positive, she was just parasitized, causing a kind of sadness in his heart.

The danger outside the territory has never appeared in front of him so clearly for a moment.

Having been in this world for so long, he saw a human Death for the first time.

Death appeared in front of his eyes, and the touch made him feel extremely heavy.

In addition to being heavy, there is also a very short anger!

He wants to kill the puzzled clan in front of him, and he wants to avenge the own clan and senior sister! ! !

The Douxin Clan is extremely powerful, and the quasi-sage level can even kill him by turning his hands.

But although Xu Sheng showed fear on his face, his heart was still calm, because he still had confidence!

The consciousness quietly communicated with the two directions of the paperweight, and the power belonging to the true sage flowed in it, and Xu Sheng felt a sense of peace of mind.

He was certain that the Douxin Clan couldn’t feel the two-way breath of paperweight.

“The Confusion Clan must be able to guess that some self-defense measures have been given to me, otherwise it will not have not taken action until now… But anyway, it will not think that I am holding such a big killer!”

The two paperweights are very powerful, but Xu Sheng is also afraid that the other party will have the means to resist, after all, there is also a true saint level on the Huoxin Clan.

This is a game.

Neither party is sure of what means the other party has, and they are constantly sending out interference items and getting closer to the final correct answer.

“No need to pretend, is there any life-saving method to use it quickly, a little later, you don’t even have the opportunity to use it.” The voice of the confused heart came from all directions.

Its body is a layer of emptiness, or a special energy field, they are another kind of existence.

Everything about Han Su was absorbed by it. At this time, there was no trace left in this void. A trace of sorrow appeared in Xu Sheng’s heart. Almost all people who encountered danger outside the territories ended up in this way, even the slightest. Qi machine is not retained.

At this moment, Xu Sheng suddenly felt an impulse to use the two-way paperweight.

Almost uncontrollable began to sacrifice.

But at the moment he was about to use it, he suddenly became clever, and then he fell into a cold sweat.

“What a terrible puzzler!”

Xu Sheng looked ugly at the Douxin Clan not far away. Although the latter was a little disappointed, there must be a way to save his life from Xu Sheng’s actions just now.

The situation is already going in a direction that is unfavorable to Xu Sheng.

There is no warning for the tricks of the confuse the heart clan, you will be hit without knowing it.

“If this goes on, I will be in danger. I must find the right opportunity to use the town… Get out of me!”

Xu Sheng struggled fiercely, and he was forced to expel the strangeness in his thoughts.

Just now, the Huoxin Clan affected his thoughts endlessly, and even spied a trace of his own thoughts. This method is simply frightening!

“Is something that can hurt me? What is it, I’m so curious.”

The strange voice of the Confusion Clan sounded in all directions, and Xu Sheng’s expression was extremely ugly.

He has no clue as to how to deal with the confused heart clan so far, and the other party’s methods are not something he can resist now.

After all, it is at the quasi-sage level, it is too easy to influence oneself!

When Han Su was affected, she must have been full of fear. She must have struggled desperately before, but no one came to save her from start to finish, full of despair…

Can Mr. Huang make it in time?

Can I survive?

The chance should be slim…

In the endless return to the ruins, Xu Sheng’s energy was quickly dissipating, and a layer of gray mist continuously poured into his body, eroding everything in him.

The quasi-sage level is too strong.

At this time, there was a sneer in the eyes of the Huoxin Race looking at Xu Sheng, even if it was a human genius?

When it hasn’t grown up, it’s still frightening.

At that time, as long as you occupy this body, you will definitely have the opportunity to spy on the higher Realm!

“Huh, Human Race is really a lucky race, its racial quality is extremely poor, but it occupies the most precious area of ​​the entire universe…”

The heart of the puzzle is full of jealousy. It and the other people of the puzzle are always thinking about enslaving the human race, so that they will be the most apex existence in the entire universe!

“Are you here? Very fast.”

Suddenly, a powerful breath appeared in its induction.

The confused heart race suddenly became more cautious. Even if it was jealous of the human race, it had to admit that the human race was unquestionable.

The human quasi-sage who came at this time is close to breakthrough, and if he is locked in by him, there is no way to escape!

“Quickly, according to the current trend, it can be occupied before he arrives.”

Although the Heart Tribe is anxious, it can still be stabilized. As long as it succeeds in occupying the body of the superhuman genius in front of us, it will immediately return to the area of ​​its own race. At that time, it will have the bonus of the human genius, and its own strength Ascension must be Can far surpass others!

“I was originally the most talented group in the clan. With him, I will stand at the highest point!”

It is not so easy to parasitize the human race. The reason why Han Su was parasitized is also because this puzzled heart race is a very genius, and the ordinary puzzled heart race has no way to do such a thing!

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