Global Sage Era

Chapter 288

Chapter 284 ‘Xu Sheng, wake up! ’

When the quasi-sage level Huoxin Clan discovered Huang Xuanlang, Huang Xuanlang also discovered it at the same time.

“No, Xu Sheng is in danger!”

Huang Xuanlang has been here once, and he is familiar with all the paths and has avoided a lot of unnecessary mistakes, but even so, after he tried his best, the speed was still not enough.

He could feel that Xu Sheng’s breath was declining rapidly, and the opponent was using Quasi-Sage level power to occupy Xu Sheng’s body.

Never let such a situation happen!

Huang Xuanlang felt ruthless in his heart. The next moment burned the power of own law without hesitation, making own speed 30% faster!

The entire endless hometown is even going backwards under his burning law, and a star that flickers to the extreme appears in the void, which can be seen by some people far away.

Huang Xuanlang received Xu Sheng’s first request for help, so he sent the news to others, and others were also coming.

It’s been a long time since the aliens dared to do this. They dared to make a bold move on the site of Ganjing University, and they must not forgive!

Xu Sheng is in danger this time, so who is next time?

In the end, will you shoot someone at his level?

Huang Xuanlang’s heart was extremely angry, and he recognized that it was the puzzle-minded race on the Human Race’s Killing List.

In the entire list of must-kills, the Huoxin Clan ranked ninety-three.

As long as the human race encounters it, it will be killed as soon as possible, and it will not be entangled with them.

The top 100 in the kill list are all extremely powerful civilization systems. Strengths like the Huoxin Clan are not qualified to be ranked at 93. It is entirely because they are too crazy against the Humans that they have aroused the anger of the Humans. .

The puzzlers usually hide in the extreme rear position, like a turtle with their heads shrunk, but Damn it is very annoying because of their ability. No matter how far away they are, they can be forced to come by some special methods, although the probability Very low, but after countless years of uninterrupted experimentation, it will always succeed.

“Han Su’s recent changes have not been abnormal. After he went outside the territory, he basically did missions in the endless return to the market… Only once was in the nest of mental pollution, and there was a high probability that he was found at that time.”

Huang Xuanlang judged in his heart that he has no time to regret the dead Han Su. He has been accustomed to life and death for so many years, and the most important thing to do now is to save Xu Sheng’s life.

Outside the spirit source world group, the quasi-sage level puzzle heart tribe felt the sudden increase in Huang Xuanlang’s speed, and the spirit also sent out some fluctuations and distortions. This change is roughly equivalent to a huge change in the human face.

“These human races always have these methods! It seems that I am going to delay him.” This Huoxin race has not actually dealt with the human race of the same level before. It is not that he does not want to, but at the same level, it is fundamentally at the same level. Not a human opponent.

The human race masters the power of law, the most authentic power in the universe, the highest power level and uniqueness.

Many civilization systems have given their own strength a lot of Ascension after learning the laws of the human race.

Even some civilization systems create own unique races in the world imitating the human race, which can greatly increase the strength of own.

Not far from the Huoxin Clan, Xu Sheng could no longer control his own body, and the Minor World at his heart was also dim.

At this moment, he was in a state of unconsciousness, as if plunged into darkness, running around but couldn’t find even a single spot of light.

There is no anxious emotion, because he doesn’t even have the possibility of producing such emotions.

The quasi-sage level’s strength is too high, he has no possibility of any struggle at all.

As time passed, Xu Sheng’s body gradually became dark, and Minor World changed from bleak to gray. However, because of the constraints of rules, the environment in Minor World has not changed much. The Huntuo tribes often have some shocking feelings. It seems that something major related to them is happening but they can’t find the source.

After more than twenty days, the meteor in the distance finally came to the front.

When there was still some distance away, the power of infinite laws condensed in the sky.

It is the aura of the origin of fire, violent, burning, boiling, scorching… In an instant, there are dozens of laws that intertwine, and the entire Spirit Origin world group is trembling because of this powerful force.

The spirit source world that reached the quasi-sage level in the center thought it was directed against it, and a hint of fear emanated from the fluctuations in consciousness, and it was passed to Huang Xuanlang. This meant begging for mercy and wanted him not to kill. Own.

The gap between the quasi-sages and the quasi-sages is also huge. For example, Huang Xuanlang, who graduated from Qianjing University, is the strongest group in the entire universe, and there are few quasi-sages who can beat him. Foreign civilization If the system does not go beyond the holy realm level, then he is basically invincible.

This puzzled clan has been listening to those ‘elders’ in the clan about how terrifying the human race is, and is still a little dissatisfied, thinking that with its own genius, it will surely be able to occupy its body when encountering a human race of the same level.

Just now, it still had a hint of fighting with Huang Xuanlang in its heart.

But now when those dozens of laws were unfolded one by one in front of it, it felt the ultimate fear, which was definitely not a force that it could resist!

“The quasi-sage of the human race is terrible! Hold on, as long as I hold on to Xu Sheng’s body completely occupied by me, I can forcibly get out of here.”

This puzzled clan screamed in his heart, and unconsciously began to become anxious. It dared to come to the human race this time. Naturally, it also had its own confidence and had the confidence to forcibly leave.

Now it feels that it is not in a big life-and-death crisis. It can wait until Xu Sheng’s body is completely occupied by itself. Now it has reached the final time, it only takes about five days!

After Huang Xuanlang came over, he didn’t have any communication with Huang Xuanlang at all. He came up like a stormy attack. Although he hadn’t met Huoxin Clan, he had fought many times in the battle tower and knew where their weaknesses were.

“This Douxin clan is relatively strong at the same level, and it seems that it also has a not low status in the clan.” Huang Xuanlang is naturally anxious now, but he knows that the anxiety is not helpful. At the moment, only saving Xu Sheng is the most important thing.

He kept approaching Xu Sheng’s position, and his own voice came to Xu Sheng’s surroundings through the law.

“Xu Sheng, wake up! wake up!”

The sound that shocked the soul sounded, and the Spirit Source World not far away had some changes because of this sound, and many Spirit Source Beasts were shaken to death alive.

But for Xu Sheng, it was of no use. He was still in a situation without any expression, like a corpse.

“It has reached a deep level, the situation is not good.” Huang Xuanlang’s face became ugly. This Confused Clan is really too troublesome. One day I will absolutely destroy it and let it disappear in the entire universe!

“Human race, how does it feel to see your tribe in front of Death? In the future, you will also follow in his footsteps!”

The Huoxin Race began to provoke. It was very jealous of the Human Race and was a staunch anti-human race. Every time there was a war on the Human Race, he voted for it and wanted to participate in it.

“Ignorant Rats.”

Huang Xuanlang sneered, and the utterly confused Xinzu dared to say this to him. Maybe when he became a high sage, the other party was still stuck in the realm of the quasi-sage. Then it would know how insignificant they are compared to the humans.

But what was the result this time, the Huoxin Race would be avenged by the Human Race, thinking that it would be fine to hide behind? In the past, there was no real sage to take action. Xu Sheng was optimistic about the old sage who wanted to accept disciples. At that time, the entire Chaoxin clan would pay a heavy price!

The Human Race has the ability to destroy the Confused Heart Race, but because there are too many enemies, it is impossible to put more power into it. Therefore, since they have the opportunity to jump there, they really have to be willing to pay the price. Even ten Confused Heart Races cannot exist. !

“How is the situation.”

At this moment, Huang Xuanlang received a message from Master Song Ming that all communications within the territories of the human race were still normal.

“Xu Sheng is in danger, according to the current situation…I can’t save him.” Huang Xuanlang was in a difficult mood when he said this.

“No matter what the price is, we must save him!” Song Ming’s voice and shadow came from over there.

After Huang Xuanlang saw it, he gritted his teeth and said: “I know, I will save him!”

A cruel color appeared in his eyes, and a fruit of the great road that had almost completely condensed appeared above him.

The fruit of this great path is the aggregation of countless laws, and various forces flow through it.

For Terran Lei, the appearance of the fruit of the Great Dao represents one thing more: Desperate!

Just like the Nascent Soul cultivator will attack the own Nascent Soul, showing the fruit of the road can ascension the own strength to the extreme, and it will be more vulnerable to the opponent’s attack.

If the fruit of the avenue is destroyed, the light will be abandoned, and the heavy will fall on the spot.

Huang Xuanlang didn’t want to go this far, but he wanted to save Xu Sheng and only this step was possible.

After the fruit of the great road was revealed, the spirit of the confused mind race was distorted to the extreme, and then began to retreat crazily.

“wake up!”

Huang Xuanlang didn’t attack the confused heart clan for the first time, but continued to awaken Xu Sheng. As long as Xu Sheng could be awakened, then his purpose of this trip would be achieved. As for cleaning up the confused heart clan, he can slowly concoct it when Xu Sheng wakes up.

“Who is calling me?”

Awakening from the chaos in his consciousness, Xu Sheng looked around blankly.

There seemed to be a familiar voice calling himself just now.

A strange feeling arises, it seems that my current state is very wrong.

But he didn’t know what was wrong.

“Where am I?”

“What am I doing?”

His eyes were full of blankness, he kept moving forward in this dark space, but he found nothing.

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