Global Sage Era

Chapter 289

Chapter 285: Dimensionality Reduction Strike


In the endless return to the ruins, when Huang Xuanlang showed that the fruit of the great road uttered the rules to Xu Sheng, he finally saw a dazed emotion on the latter’s face, and then there was a struggle in the daze, which made him feel excited. Knowing that own efforts are useful!

“Don’t think about it! His body must be mine!”

Seeing this kind of state, the confused heart tribe is extremely angry, and want to take it back? impossible!

Under the stimulus of this kind of situation, it began to exert the power of deceiving the mind of the mind-causing race, affecting Huang Xuanlang, and wanted to drag it into the incomparable environment.

But Huang Xuanlang snorted coldly, and all the illusions were gone, and the confused mind ability of the confused heart tribe could not affect him in the slightest.

This is the first time that the Huoxin Race has encountered such a situation, and its own means have been so cleanly broken. In its countless years of life, it has never encountered it once.

“I don’t have Cultivation Technique to take care of you right now, so I don’t want to die.” Huang Xuanlang’s voice spread to the Confusion Clan, trying to dispel its idea of ​​continuing to attack. Although it won’t hurt him, it will affect the own process.

The expression on Xu Sheng’s face became richer, and Huang Xuanlang could feel a familiar mental fluctuation returning, like a smooth line. Huo Ran had a wave crest, which was an excellent omen and made him happy.

It is not in vain that he took the risk to show the fruits of the great road.

“I remember… I was targeted by a quasi-sage-level puzzler, and now I have had its psychic power! I’m in danger now!”

In the deadly dark space, Xu Sheng finally remembered something.

I am in danger now, and I may die at any time!

“The voice just now must have been made by Senior Huang, he rushed over!”

Xu Sheng knows that the influence of the quasi-sage level can not be broken away by himself, and the ability to confuse the heart is silent. Even though he has vigilance in his heart, he is still unknowingly affected by the confusian clan, and he has fallen into the current situation. state.

“Xu Sheng, here.”

When Xu Sheng was anxious about which direction he should go in, a familiar voice suddenly appeared on the right hand side, and then a light spot appeared in a very far place.

He heard that this was Huang Xuanlang’s voice, and his guess was correct!

Gritting his teeth and doing everything to rush to that spot of light, in the dark space, that spot of light is like the last hope, where his life lies!

“Xu Sheng, I will rely on you to own it…”

In the endless return to the ruins, the fruit of the road changes from a solid state to an illusory state, and finally disappears.

Huang Xuanlang’s spirit has also become sluggish. After all, the fruit of his current great path is still in its rudimentary form, not fully condensed. A period of manifestation is okay, and long-term maintenance can only be achieved in the Holy Land.

However, he has seen where Xu Sheng is now and has given guidance. He believes that Xu Sheng can seize the opportunity.

Then the next time is to solve the confusing race in front of him.

Seeing Huang Xuanlang’s attention suddenly turned to his side, the confused heart clan felt an instinctive sense of crisis.

But it still didn’t retreat, looking at Xu Sheng not far away, it was unwilling to leave like this.

“I must occupy Xu Sheng’s body!” It roared, using the means it had always hidden.

A bead exuding a hazy luster suddenly emerged from the core of its spiritual fog.

This is also a treasure, a treasure of the holy realm level!

“The Twisted Pearl, huh, do you think you can beat me with it, wishful thinking!” Huang Xuanlang showed relevant information the first time he saw this bead.

Regarding the various methods of the puzzled heart tribe, the human tribe has already collected enough.

“How can you know the Twisted Orb?”

The Confusion Clan was full of disbelief. The Twisted Master had always hidden the Confusion Clan very well, and hadn’t shown it to the outside. It was their cards that existed.

Huang Xuanlang didn’t mean to answer it at all, the frog at the bottom of the well.

The Twisting Orb has many abilities. The most important one is to distort the space, allowing the Mental Energy of the Confusion Race to affect the matter, and bring them back to the pre-determined location, even the Holy Realm level cannot stop them. Leave.

This is also the most emboldened for this Confusion Clan who dares to come here. It has the existence of the Twisted Pearl. It has already thought that once Xu Sheng’s body is occupied, it will be able to leave. At that time, it will look at the human race Quasi-Sage’s face with helplessness. The expression of that is the most refreshing thing.

But the Twisted Orb also has its shortcomings, that is, it repels the strange aura extremely violently. Before it completely occupy Xu Sheng’s body, it can’t take Xu Sheng out of this area, otherwise it doesn’t have to wait at all. So Xu Sheng’s body can only be processed slowly after owning the site.

Continue to diverge your thinking. If you really have this ability, then the Confusion Race can forcibly take the Human Race back endlessly. Such a thing is definitely impossible.

However, at this time, of course the Twisting Orb was not used by the Twisting Orb to escape, it used another ability: to increase strength.

With its quasi-sage level strength, a twisted orb can even double its combat power.

But before it was proud, a supreme treasure exuding a powerful aura was taken out by Huang Xuanlang. It was also a supreme treasure of the holy realm level, no worse than the twisted orb.

Even a tribe of confused minds can bring out the treasure, how could there be no such talented student as Huang Xuanlang?

There are so many things in him that the confused race in front of him can’t imagine.

The two were fighting in the endless void.

The aftermath of the battle swept through the spiritual source world after another. Even with the protection of the world barrier, those weak spiritual source worlds were still destroyed in the aftermath of the battle, collapsed in the void, and there was no dust left in a short time.

These weak worlds are easily destroyed for the sage level. This is also the reason why the quasi-sages cannot be seen in the peripheral areas. These worlds do not have any Ascension for them, only those areas where the quasi-sages are everywhere. Their goal is to produce a large Ascension for their strength.

When the two were fighting, Xu Sheng had already come to an end in the dark space. At this time, what appeared before his eyes was no longer a light spot, but a passage that just accommodated him!

“This is where I go out!”

Xu Sheng immediately realized that this passage was created by Huang Xuanlang for him, and in the next second, he tried his best to jump to this door.

And at the moment of passing through this door, everything came back.

He sensed the breath of energy, took control of his own body, and sensed the Minor World at the position of his heart.

“Get out of here!”

The black qi in his body caused a sharp glow in his eyes, and he was driven out by the force of the law.

When the black energy that belonged to the faculty of the mind was completely driven away, he was now back to his free body.

The Huoxin Clan let out an angry roar when he noticed that Xu Cheng was out of trouble.

It originally thought that its trip had been successful, and there could be no more minor details, but when the quasi-sage of the human race arrived, everything changed!

Damn it’s human race! ! !

“Senior Huang, you created an opportunity for me, and I want to keep it here.”

Xu Sheng sent a message to Huang Xuanlang through the wristband, this way would not be perceivable by Confusion.

“Did Old Sage give you any self-defense methods?”

“Well, you will be more careful later, and you must not be within the range of my attack.”

“I know, I will cooperate with you.” Although Huang Xuanlang was curious about what Xu Sheng had to do, he didn’t rush to ask.

Xu Sheng also regretted it now, because he had not used the treasure at that time, so he hesitated for a while, and wanted to wait until the best time to use it.

But he didn’t expect that just such a little hesitation almost made him even use it.

After this lesson, he has decided not to worry about too much in the future, just come up and use the means, it is better than even if he doesn’t even have a chance to fight back.

“About half a day later, I will be comfortable at the 37th coordinate, you can aim there.”

Huang Xuanlang sent a message to Xu Sheng, and the two communicated through the wristband, and they had a good understanding of each other.

At this time, the confused heart clan didn’t know that it was about to meet Xu Cheng’s boiling anger. At this time, after the initial anger, it already knew that its action had failed, and it began to want to leave here.

In the blink of an eye for half a day.

“It’s now, shoot!” Huang Xuanlang’s voice suddenly sounded in Xu Sheng’s ear.

There was no need for Huang Xuanlang’s reminder. After the Huoxin Clan was introduced to the predetermined location by Huang Xuanlang, he already felt that the best time was brought.

A piece of pure white paper appeared in the endless ruins.

At first it was only the size of a slap, but in just a blink of an eye, it expanded to the end of the line of sight, seeming to envelop the entire endless ruins.

Such a scene is really horrible.

“what happened?”

“What is this?”

All the students of Qianjing University who were doing the task looked up at the sky blankly.

In front of the paper that covered the sky and the sun, they seemed to become extremely small in an instant.

“Two-way paperweight!”

Huang Xuanlang’s shocked voice rang in Xu Sheng’s ear, and he ran out desperately in the next second, almost twice as happy as when he arrived.

After escaping a long distance, he stopped in shock, and his eyes were full of emotions like seeing a ghost.

“I said Xu Sheng, if it’s a paperweight, why didn’t you tell me earlier that I was almost killed by you!”

After Xu Sheng heard Huang Xuanlang’s words, he felt a little strange, and he didn’t aim at him. It was obvious that he was only targeting the Confusion Clan, and it was impossible for Huang Xuanlang to be affected.

Why didn’t Huang Xuanlang know about this? But he was simply afraid of the paperweight.

“What? Ah…impossible…no!!!”

At first, the Confusion Clan didn’t realize what was going on, but when it sensed that the dimension of its existence began to collapse, it immediately felt a fear that originated from the soul!

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