Global Sage Era

Chapter 290

Chapter 286 Trophies (seeking monthly ticket)

A shocking scene unfolded in front of Xu Sheng.

Star was dim, and the void collapsed.

The paperweight has changed from a piece of paper to thick, and the space has become a piece of paper.

The range of hundreds of light-years centered on the Confusion Clan is like a cube being squashed.

The Paperweight Erxiang did not touch the Huoxin Clan from beginning to end, it just exercised its original power, and the dimensional reduction of the Huoxin Clan was only incidental.

“This is the method of the true saint, it is really terrible.”

Huang Xuanlang stood by Xu Sheng’s side, and now he felt insecure everywhere in the endless Guixu Ruins, and he could only feel a little relieved when he was next to Xu Sheng.

He thought that he had only seen the power of the paperweight two-way through the information flow from the Master to the owner. That time he directly killed a true sage-level alien civilization system. The one in front of him is obviously only a weakened version. No ancient sage has ever killed it. That true sage is so strong from a foreign race, but it’s too easy to deal with a quasi-sage like himself.

If he gets too close, he may be affected and reduced in dimension.

“Impossible, how could the true saint of human race bestow such a precious treasure on you!!!”

Although the Huoxin Clan doesn’t know the paperweight two directions, after feeling the power, all that is left is fear. It uses all means madly, and even sends distress messages to the clan.

But when its ability to forcibly penetrate the space in the past reached somewhere in the space, it didn’t react like a mud cow entering the sea.

It doesn’t want to die.

It also wants to enter the holy realm and invade the bodies of more human geniuses.

But it is useless. Under the two-way use of paperweight, it has completely lost the possibility of resistance.

With the paperweight two-way level, if you want to completely resist, you must have items above the high sage level to have the slightest possibility. Although the puzzle group is not weak, there are very few treasures of this level in the clan. It’s impossible for the Mind-Troubled Race at the quasi-sage level to have such an item at all.

For example, the distortion orb of the holy realm it currently uses is temporarily used by the existence that nurtures it, which is similar to Xu Sheng’s situation.

But when there is a difference, the Older Sage who gave it to use it is not worth mentioning, and he has not poured enough power into it.

“Heh, the innate abilities of the puzzle heart tribe are very troublesome. It dared to come here this time probably because it had a twisted bead… How would it have thought that you have a paperweight two-way existence.”

Huang Xuanlang sneered. This Confused Clan was like a mouse hiding in a dark corner. He never dared to appear in front of the Human Clan, doing these small actions every time.

The human race has so many backgrounds. Although many of them have been investigated by the alien races, they are not monolithic among the alien races. Many confidential information is cherished by themselves, and there is not much that the puzzle heart can know.

Although few people know about Paperweight Erxiang, the ancient sage has used it several times. If it is a powerful ethnic group with a supreme sage level, it will definitely know the relevant information.

The area around the Huoxin Clan collapsed under the influence of the two directions of paperweight. So close, some of the outermost spiritual source worlds inevitably were affected.

These spiritual source worlds, which have not even reached the semi-saint level, can’t hold them for a while, and they quickly become fragments, like a few corners torn off from a complete piece of paper.

If the entire spiritual source world group is reduced in dimensionality, it will be condensed into a complete piece of paper, on which thousands of spiritual source worlds will appear to rotate around the most central quasi-saint level spiritual source world.

But Xu Sheng is still expecting to get more credits from this spiritual source world group, so he has been trying his best to control the two paperweights and not affect them too much.

With the passage of time every minute, the original fog-like body of the Huoxin Race has been constantly switching between the three-dimensional and the plane, like a flashing slide, struggling hard in place.

At first, it could make some sounds, but now its sounds can no longer expand in the real dimension.

Finally, with the last dying howl, this quasi-sage-level Douxin Clan, who had brought Xu Sheng’s life and death crisis, completely collapsed into a flat piece of paper.


The paperweight was pressed heavily on this piece of paper in two directions, and then it shrank rapidly.

Along with its shrinking, the paper formed by the puzzled tribes that was pressed by it also shrinks year-on-year.

Xu Sheng used his hand to move the two pieces of paper back into his hands.

The paperweight is still as pure as before. Although it has been used once, there is no difference in appearance, which makes him sigh that it is a treasure bestowed by the true sage.

Then he looked at another piece of paper.

This is a piece of paper with gray as the main color, like a comic, with a black shadow in the center, a bit like [Ghosts] in an animation work that Xu Sheng has seen in his previous life.

“It seems that this is the two-dimensional confused mind clan… It really does not seem to be a good kind.” Xu Sheng’s eyes stayed on it for a long time, before finally putting the paper away.

Two-dimension is just his habitual name, but in fact there is no difference between dimensions in the universe. Generally, only those worlds have such low-level divisions.

At this time, Huang Xuanlang, who had left, suddenly returned, and then threw something over from a distance.

Xu Sheng took a look subconsciously and found that it was a twisted pearl.

“Just now I saw this bead wanted to run, so I went after it before I could tell you…”

“Brother Huang, this bead was stopped by you, what are you doing for me?”

He wouldn’t say anything if it was really the own trophy, but when he used the paperweight two-way just now, he tried hard, but in the end he couldn’t stop the bead. There is no ability to keep it.

Xu Sheng just wanted to throw the beads back, but a repulsive force appeared beside him.

“Don’t be polite with me, I can’t use the Twisted Orb. I have a few items like this on my body. You should have nothing else besides the paperweight two-way on your body now, right?”

Xu Sheng smiled bitterly. It was too simple for the quasi-sage to restrain his own actions. Huang Xuanlang’s attitude to do so was already very firm, so he didn’t say anything more and put away the twisted pearl.

“Not yet…I won’t face any danger.”

Huang Xuanlang smiled a little and said, “After you have been in danger this time, you should know what to do next time you encounter an enemy above Semi-Holy?”

“I know, let the paperweight be used directly without saying anything.” Xu Sheng was a little afraid to think about it. After such a hesitation, he didn’t even have the opportunity to use it.

“Well, you will go back to school to report the situation later. I have a small team task on my own side, so I won’t accompany you for the time being.”

To solve Xu Sheng’s crisis, Huang Xuanlang also began to consider the issue of own. In fact, his previous mission was achieved at a critical time, and he paid some price in order to come over.

But he didn’t have too much regret in his heart. When he was a student, he was helped by senior brothers and sisters. Human races helped each other in this way, so that they can continue to grow and grow.

Xu Sheng glanced at the Lingyuan World Group next to him, nodded and said: “Okay, I will go back to school now.”

After coming out of the central secret realm, Xu Sheng looked at the paper again.

At this time, the confused mind clan in the paper has completely become the same as the one painted by hand. This situation also shows that it has been completely lost, and it is impossible to raise its dimension and resurrect it by any means.

Xu Sheng was about to find Old Sage, but he didn’t expect that someone was already waiting outside.

“Hello, student Xu, the principal asked me to take you to find him.”

The speaker was a handsome man in his thirties. His eyes were very bright and his aura was extremely tyrannical. Although he was still at the primary level, he could already feel that he was very close to Gao Sheng.

Such a character can be considered a decision even in Qianjing University.

But the strange thing is that Xu Sheng had never seen this man before, but the other party obviously knew him.

Xu Sheng couldn’t figure out his identity either. He didn’t know if it was a school teacher or another identity. In the end, he could only keep his head respectfully nodded and follow behind.

“Student Xu doesn’t need to be cautious.” The man has a good temper and a gentle voice.

Xu Sheng followed him all the way to the principal’s office, where several doors were allowed to pass after verifying the man’s authority.

“Student Xu, you can go in.”


Xu Sheng looked at the figure of the man leaving, and suddenly realized that there were still many things in the school that he didn’t know.

There are three true saints throughout Qianjing University.

The most famous is undoubtedly the principal Peng Yuanshang. He has cultivated countless talents and holds a high status in the hearts of all graduated Qianjing University students.

Xu Sheng is no stranger to his appearance, but he has never had a separate conversation.

Even though he is the first in the freshman year, he is still not worth mentioning in front of the true sage.

According to the normal rhythm, you should gradually have more contact with the principal after you become a semi-sage in the junior year, when Peng Yuanshang will give guidance.

In the office, Xu Sheng recognized Peng Yuanshang, the official principal, who was sitting there flipping through the books at a glance.

He is not tall, even a little thin, he looks more than 60 years old, and he is extremely energetic.

This is just his image on the earth, in the universe, he is extremely stalwart, suppressing countless alien civilization systems.


Peng Yuanshang didn’t look up, but at his level, even on the earth, he knew that Xu Sheng had come over far away.

Xu Sheng respectfully sat down in the opposite position.

There are many offices, with dozens of large bookshelves on the side, full of various books.

Xu Sheng looked at everything in this office from the corner of his light, and compared it with Gu Sheng’s office in his heart, which was a completely different feeling.

The only thing that is the same is that the two give him a powerful feeling, both of them are the same extremely deep and broader than the universe.

Very quiet, only the sound of flipping through books.

After almost seven or eight minutes, Peng Yuanshang’s movements suddenly stopped.

“I’m sorry to make you wait for a while. I was busy solving a civilized system just now.”

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