Global Sage Era

Chapter 301

Chapter 297

Endless in the ruins.

Xu Sheng is watching Kuang Yuan’s actions.

Without mentioning the absolute force that he possessed, the ancestral land Practitioner he led was no longer what the outside cities could contend.

Wherever he went, all bowed his heads, starting from the small town, it was a city for almost a few days, quickly dazzling.

There is not the kind of struggle that everyone imagined. The moment they saw the Ancestral Land Practitioner, the ambitions of all the city lord’s hearts were extinguished.

Like a basin of cold water pouring from the top of the head, it is so cool.

No one will still try to challenge the authority of the big clan elders under such circumstances.

All the City Lords realized that they hadn’t been in charge of them before, but they just felt that they were a small mess, and there was no need to control it.

The city slowly became one piece.

Starting from the small city in the east, slowly spreading to other directions, and finally all the small and medium cities are included in the scope.

At this time, the only big cities headed by Fangtian City and Xuantian City were the ones that had not been accepted. The combined population of these big cities exceeded five million, and their strength was very impressive.

But now is the general trend, no matter whether these City Lords are willing or unwilling, there is only one destiny they will face next.

Under such circumstances, Kuang Yuan slowed down a bit and began to arrange people to contact the city lord and discuss specific matters with them.

Of course, he was still ‘stubbornly resisting’ at this time in his heart, and he wished to put them to death directly.

One month passed quickly.

When Kuangyuan convinced people with reason, most of the big cities had already given up, and directly handed over their own forces to Kuangyuan, only to hope that he could have a good job in the country.

Only Fang Tiancheng and Xuantian City remained there.

“It’s not that we are unwilling to surrender the power, but the city has also been developed through our hard work. At the very least, we need to hear some guarantees to rest assured.”

“Our requirements are not high. We just want to leave this place to us after the founding of the nation, so that our foundation can still exist, so that we can continue to grow the city.”

Listening to this, Kuang Yuan laughed furiously.

I don’t know the height of the sky and the earth, I haven’t taken any action yet, I just think that they are always juniors, and I don’t want them to destroy the Cultivation Base for a hundred years.

But so I don’t know how to advance or retreat, and he can’t blame him for not being affectionate.

In the next time, the whole outside world knew how terrifying the Practitioner close to Martial Spirit Dzogchen was.

During the shot, the sky full of thunder was like a mighty sky, rendering half of the sky purple.

The two cities that originally looked huge and incomparable are now like two trembling little beasts, and they have no ability to resist under the thundering might.

City Lord Fang Tian stood at the top of the city, looking at the ruining scene, his whole body was cold, his thinking became stiff, and his only thought now was ‘forgive me…’

But Kuangyuan had already given him a chance, he was not sure, so he could not blame others.

A huge thunder fell, and under everyone’s horrified gaze, City Lord Fang Tian didn’t even have the opportunity to resist, and it turned into flying ashes.

And after this huge thunder, hundreds of small thunders descended from the sky and landed in various places in Fangtian City, and then there was a scream before dying.

These are the people that Kuang Yuan knows about doing evil in the ordinary days. These scum are not worthy of Life. In this world, their lives are given by the ancestors, so now he will take it back for the ancestors.

There are also many people who need to be killed in other cities that have already surrendered, but he hasn’t taken any action to stabilize him. When everything is over, he will settle accounts one by one.

The city lord Xuantian, who was hundreds of miles away, shook his body as if he was sifting when he knew the situation. He just felt the breath of Kuang Yuan coming here, he knelt down with a bang, squatting his head on the ground, begging for his life. .

Behind him, many lawless people also knelt down. Fang Tiancheng’s end is there. If they don’t struggle a bit, then there will be no chance later.

But what awaits them is the constant gathering of thunder.

Kuang Yuan didn’t even mean to talk. He had already given a chance before, and he would not give it a second time.

With the fall of hundreds of thunders, everyone in Xuantian City also followed Fang Tiancheng’s footsteps, and the last voice of opposition from the outside world disappeared.

So far, the ‘purge’ action that has lasted for nearly three months has been completed.

Now there are no other opponents in the whole outside world, and the most ambitious have been wiped out, and they dare not reveal it a little later.

“A little faster than I thought.”

Xu Sheng was also slightly surprised after seeing this situation.

Kuang Yuan’s shot was much more ruthless than he expected. Originally, he thought this kid would take a while to screen out. After all, they were all lives.

But who knows that he didn’t have this idea at all. What he wanted was to cut the mess quickly and solve all the affairs in only three months. This efficiency can already be said to be high and terrible.

From the beginning to the end, the Practitioners are like background boards. They just accompany Kuang Yuan to show their strength. They have been gearing up for a big fight many times before, but who knows that the final result is so boring.

These people have been fighting with spirit source beasts for a long time, and each of them has extremely rich fighting experience, and their own talents are not low. If they continue, their strength will continue ascension.

In contrast, the talent of the outside Practitioner is worse. This is also a normal thing. After all, when the strength is increased to a certain level, they are eligible to enter the ancestral land. Although young people want to see the prosperous world outside, Haihuasi, a high-level person with a certain level of strength, is willing to stay in the ancestral land.

After solving all the problems of the city, Kuang Yuan began to arrange people to start a plan to build a nation.

The first step is to inform everyone of this news, even the most marginal villages.

This kind of thing needs to be arranged by an individual to convey it, and all the Practitioners of the ancestral land will be caught in a busy schedule, not the battle they previously imagined, but simply going out to spread the news.

“What, we are going to build a nation?”

“What is a country?”

“Isn’t the Tongtian City the largest? Why is it necessary to build a nation?”

Many ordinary people do not understand things about the country, so the first reaction to the news is at a loss.

But after waiting for Zudi Practitioner to explain, they were happy in their hearts.

According to them, once a country is integrated, all kinds of scarce things can be bought, such as the precious elixir of Fangtian City, which can be bought in the outermost city, and the other party will no longer be stuck. Sell.

This is naturally a good thing, the cultivation of one’s own little cubs needs all kinds of foreign objects to cooperate!

In the past, some key elixir could not be obtained. In the end, I had to take the risk to try my luck in those dangerous places. Now this is much better.

Many people are happy, and not only do not reject Jianguo, but start to look forward to it.

Their ideas are also very simple. This country was established by a large family, and it must be better than those city owners.

Who hasn’t heard of the old ancestors? I grew up listening to those stories when I was young!

The Huntuo people have the blessing of their ancestors, and sometimes they will come down to strengthen their strength.

And the big Elder and the big clan are always two great people who have led the Huntuo clan to grow stronger, and they will become people like them when they are taught since they were young.

In the intensive preparations, all matters concerning the founding of the nation have been prepared.

Xu Sheng had only seen it in the textbook before, and it was the first time that his people had reached this level, so now he had a strange feeling in his heart, and his whole person’s emotions became extremely high.

The establishment of a country proves that own strength has reached a certain level.

And what is different from others is that they all think it’s okay, and establish the country when the standard is just reached, while he starts to establish the country when there is no improvement in strength.

Tongtian City is supposed to be the capital of the country.

As the largest city, it does its part.

After that, the states are divided into regions.

The outside world now has a large area, and finally 13 states were drawn after it was confirmed. Each state has a state city, which is a big city like Xuantian City. Although its strength is not as good as that of Tongtian City, it also has a powerful radiation effect on its surroundings.

Each state is composed of a state city and a varying number of small and medium-sized cities, like chess pieces falling on a chessboard, seemingly irregular, but carefully planned.

In the middle of these cities, there are towns and dots of existence.

With Tongtian City as the center, administrative organs at all levels are set up.

The overall policy is centralization. All city owners are uniformly deployed by the central government, and they cannot stay in each city for too long.

Each policy was promulgated.

The people are also digesting it at the fastest speed.

They felt different changes, and at first they felt a little uncomfortable and bound.

Some more extreme people feel that they have been deceived. This is not good for them, and it is totally bad for them!

But soon they learned that this is indeed a good thing for them, because when they encounter unfair treatment, there is a place to be fair for themselves!

This is the law!

The most important thing in a country is the law. If there is no law, the country will not be a country.

Whether the law is harsh or not will also set the tone for the entire country.

At this time, Xu Sheng, who had not intervened, finally stopped watching.

In other places, he can let Kuang Yuan and others play at will, but in terms of law, some losses are absolutely not to be eaten.

Tianyu came down and formed a law directly in front of Kuang Yuan.

The perfection of this law, even if Kuang Yuan read it many times, he didn’t find any inappropriateness.

“Xie Anzu.”

Kuang Yuan respectfully saluted upward.

The law made by Xu Sheng took a lot of effort to complete.

There is no absolutely perfect law, only relatively good law. What he is doing now is to combine the situation of the Huntuo tribe to come up with the best solution.

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