Global Sage Era

Chapter 302

Chapter 298

The law was quickly promulgated.

The speed is extremely fast.

Without it, it was given by the ancestors.

There are many Practitioners who are proficient in the law. They racked their brains for the law a few months ago, but the final code was useless. There were many errors in it, which was directly rejected by Kuang Yuan.

At this time, after seeing the law bestowed by our ancestors, everyone could only sigh in their hearts.

Xu Sheng has endured countless streams of information in the endless void, and the birth and death of each country happened before his eyes. Therefore, although he has not eaten pork before, he has seen pigs run. Taking advantage of each other, he made a law and made up for it. Not very difficult.

Moreover, it seems that the country that Kuang Yuan wants to establish now belongs to a feudal country, and the laws need not be too strict. Many places are imperfect and do not require laws to appear, so the workload is not large for him.

The Huntuo people are basically Qi Sea realm now, and their memory is not comparable to that of ordinary people, so after getting the law, they will write down all the contents within a few days.

The most important one is the description of life.

In the law, everyone does not deprive others of their rights. Once the criminal law is violated, then oneself will bear a painful price!

Although these penalties do not include continuous sitting, the records will be registered. Once a parent commits an offence, it will have a great impact on own descendants. For example, some excellent martial arts colleges are not allowed to sign up again.

Looking at these things, those who like to fight bravely and cruelly are naturally a little uneasy, and what’s more terrible is that their wife or parents have already called them home before they have any action. Don’t talk to them outside. Others quarrel.

This happened everywhere in the Minor World, which made Xu Sheng a little happy watching. Those big men who behaved fiercely outside may be a dutiful son or a strict wife when they return home.

One month after the law was promulgated, the final country name was determined-


[Record]: The gathering form of your people has moved from the large city Ascension to the country

At the moment when the country name was determined, Xu Sheng received a reminder.

From this moment on, the Huntuo race officially entered the national level!

And there are naturally higher levels behind the country. In the world of Gaowu, a country like Dahuang is just a small country.

After the strength reaches a sufficient level, it will become an empire, and then a dynasty.

After the dynasty, there is the immortal dynasty, that is, the whole country ascends to the immortal realm. This level is the highest level currently known.

Even for ordinary Sage, there may be immortals in their Ziming, but they may not have immortal dynasties.

The so-called immortal dynasty, even the most ordinary pawn must have the combat power of the immortal level.

This level is already a multi-universe level, and an immortal dynasty is the greatest strength composition of their earth human race.

“After Ascension arrived in the country, it has reached the late stage on the mundane level.”

Xu Sheng muttered to himself, and a lot of information appeared in his mind.

Tribes, cities, countries.

These are three levels, which can be reached before Half-Holy.

Whether it is a tribe, a city or a country, there is no requirement for the average strength of its citizens, as long as the population size reaches a certain limit.

But the dynasty is different, because as long as it lasts for more than ten thousand years, it is called a dynasty.

In the dynasty, there is such a thing as air luck. When those with insufficient talent reach a certain position in the dynasty, they can enjoy the bonus of air luck, break through the limitations of their own talents, and enter a higher level.

All dynasties are also called Yun dynasties, which are extremely high-end forms.

This is a completely different route from science and technology civilization, and the direction Xu Sheng is going to let the Huntuo people go is only the route of Yunchao.

In the future, Minor World will become the original world, and when he can open up other Minor Worlds, he will take other routes in those Minor Worlds.

But this is all a long time ago, and it’s useless to think about it for the time being.

The formation of the country is a great benefit to Xu Sheng.

Therefore, the understanding of the law like a tsunami came to him.

What’s more, unlike in the Tower of Laws, although the power of the Laws rushing at this time is large, there is no sense of oppression, so that he can digest it all.

In Xu Sheng’s original estimate, the Ascension of the Huntuo tribe from the city to the country would bring him at most 0.1% of the rule of Ascension, but the fact is that he told him that this step was too simple.

At this time, his law comprehension was in ascending faster than the fourth floor of the law tower. In just a few breaths, his law comprehension exceeded 6%, and finally stopped at 6.04%!

Unexpectedly, the original goal was achieved in this way, and Xu Sheng’s mood at this time was also very surprised.

Feeling that I have an understanding of more than 6% of the law, no matter how to say it, I am happy.

Now his law comprehension can reach half of the sophomore average level. At this rate, when he is destroying the confused mind, it will be okay for him to exceed 10%. The question is what is the final number. I only hope that. The higher the time, the better.

In order to promote the Huntuo race from the city level to the national level, Xu Sheng also deliberately stopped the process of obtaining the spiritual source crystal.

There are still a large number of spiritual source worlds floating around him now, which are all spiritual source celestial crystals, representing a large number of credits waiting for him to obtain.

Half a year has passed since the beginning of the event.

In the past six months, the biggest problem of the Huntuo people has been solved, and they can continue their previous actions and begin to obtain the spiritual source heaven crystals.

Kuang Yuan only became the lord of a country at this time, and he had a lot of affairs to deal with, so Xu Sheng gave him another few months to deal with affairs.

Kuang Yuan himself knew about this matter. He was still very important to his ancestors and important to the country, but he had already done what he needed to do.

Six months later, that is, half a year after the establishment of Dahuang, the ruler of the country, Kuangyuan, issued a decree and began to conquer the country.

For a time, all the high-end forces gathered together.

More than one million troops gathered near the Huntuo tribe (ancestral land), waiting for the cultivator to converge.

In the ancestral land, Yin has already integrated the cultivator, and only waits for the Practitioner to finish processing.

A few days later, Kuangyuan and Yin met.

Although it has only been a year, but in the eyes of Kuang Yuan and Yin at this time, things are right and wrong.

Yin’s experience was more profound. At this time, he actually felt a sense of strangeness in Kuang Yuan. After becoming the lord of the country, Kuang Yuan was obviously different from the past.

“How does it feel to govern a country?”

Yin asked.

“Not so much.” Kuang Yuan curled his lips. In fact, it doesn’t feel good to be the leader of the country, and so far, it does not benefit him much. If there is no more suitable person, he does not want to be the country. host.

More time is spent cultivating, climbing the higher places of Martial Dao is what he wants in his heart.

Yin laughed at this time, because from this answer he knew that Kuang Yuan was still the same Kuang Yuan, and he still hadn’t changed anything.

One million Practitioner and five thousand cultivator, this is the strength of this battle.

Xu Sheng watched as they were ready in the endless return to the market, The next moment directly chose a suitable spiritual source world.

When the two worlds merged, Kuang Yuan also consciously broke away from the big team, searching for the spiritual source celestial crystal in the same way as before.

As for the Practitioner, Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng are naturally under the command. After so many years, the skills of these two people are not much worse than him.

Everything seems to have changed, but nothing seems to have changed.

Many Practitioners and cultivators who had gone through their differences met again at this time, and they were a little bit embarrassed.

But after all, it is still different. Both sides know that they will develop separately from each other from now on. Although it is still harmonious now, there may be conflicts after thousands of years.

Just like the ancestral land and the outside world.

Xu Sheng once again began to quickly obtain the Spirit Source Heaven Crystal.

Kuang Yuan’s strength at this time is already very close to the Martial Spirit Dzogchen. At this speed, he should be able to break through in the next few decades. At that time, he will fall into a long bottleneck, and he needs to accumulate slowly to break through. Enter the final Martial King Realm.

Shuttle among the mountain peaks. Three months later, Kuang Yuan successfully found the middle boundary. The creation of the country did not affect his speed. It can be seen from this aspect that in his heart, he is more of a Practitioner.

But this is just that his role has not been changed. After a few decades, he will naturally be more like the lord of a country, and Xu Sheng also hopes that he will be like this.

In the eleventh month, Kuang Yuan found the final realm, and after avoiding the realm-protecting beast, he touched the spiritual source heaven crystal.

And Xu Sheng’s current strength was more than twice as powerful as before. Under his impact, the consciousness of the spiritual source world collapsed directly, and he obtained this spiritual source heaven crystal very easily.

Time passed year after year.

The spiritual source heaven crystals in Xu Sheng’s hands are also increasing.

The Spirit Source Heaven Crystal that others could not obtain after spending a lot of energy was easily obtained by him.

Ten, twenty, thirty…

When it reaches one hundred whole numbers, only ninety-five years have passed, which is a little more than three days with the earth time.

Perhaps it was because the speed of the spiritual source Tianjing was too fast, Xu Sheng felt that the spiritual source world seemed to start to deviate from its position and wanted to avoid him.

But how could he let the fat in his mouth just run away like this?

With no step left behind, Xu Sheng was still acquiring the spiritual source heaven crystals.

The time to get the second one hundred is less than the first time. It only took 87 years, and the average one was less than nine months.

At this time, if he counted according to the time when Xu Shenggang discovered the spiritual source world, he had already acquired all the spiritual source heaven crystals that had reached his strength range at that time.

But because of his strength growth, there are still more than two hundred Spirit Source Worlds that he is still dealing with.

There was no emotion, Xu Sheng continued to forcibly merge with these spiritual source worlds, and then let Kuang Yuan go out to find the spiritual source celestial crystal.

Two hundred and one.

Two hundred and two.

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