Global Sage Era

Chapter 312

Chapter 308: Silent! Xu Sheng’s true strength! (4000 chapters for monthly pass)

“What conditions?”

Everyone looked at Xu Sheng with bated breath.

At this moment, Xu Sheng’s image in their hearts is even bigger.

Everyone understands what Xu Sheng means—he has enough confidence to defeat the students in the forefront of the sophomore Xuanzi class!

No one doubts that Xu Sheng is arrogant anymore.

Because not long ago, Xu Sheng slapped them in the face with strength.

At that time, when Xu Sheng let everyone who had been eliminated from the West Campus join him, he felt he was crazy, but it turned out that Xu Sheng’s strength had already surpassed too much.

It is precisely because of this approach that there is no excuse on the West Campus. Xu Sheng has already let all of you go in order not to take advantage. What else do you want?

Can your West Campus be able to achieve such a high-profile festival?

And not long ago, Xu Sheng put forward a bet of 500,000 credits. Although many people are absolutely bluffing Xu Sheng, some people think that Xu Sheng really has this strength, otherwise it is impossible to explain why his strength can be Ascension. So fast.

The reason why the evildoer can be called an evildoer is because all of his growth trajectories are not understandable by ordinary people.

“In the future, when the West Campus and the East Campus are competing, they need to take the initiative to give in.”

Xu Sheng said flatly.

Naturally, this time the gambling game can only be booked between freshmen and sophomores and above. It will not affect sophomores and above, but when they rise to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, the natural range of influence will be slow. expand.


“Too much bullying!”

“You are talking about dreams!”

At the West Campus, the sentiment became excited at once.

But Xu Sheng turned a deaf ear to these words, but no matter how the people next to him shout, as long as Fang Su and the sophomore group nod, everything will be decided, and it will be useless for others to object.

There is no need for any additional conditions on the east campus, because at this time it is the west campus begging Xu Sheng to agree. If the conditions are not agreed, it’s a big deal, and they just shot two. Originally, he didn’t really want to continue this bet. fight.

A mere 100,000 credits…

Well, one hundred thousand credits is quite a lot, and I can understand a little bit of Ascension.

Fang Su continued to discuss with Peng Xiao and others.

“Promise him?”

“Can’t agree, in case you lose…”

“You fart, will Daddy lose to a freshman?”

Peng Xiao looked at the sophomore who was talking fiercely. The latter was also a headache for him. Although his strength was not as good as Peng Xiao, he was not much worse. The only headache was his character.

“Even though Xu Sheng is strong, Senior Peng did not show all his strength. He has not contacted sophomores. It is normal for him to think that his own strength has surpassed the sophomore level.” Fang Su didn’t look down on Xu Sheng, but in him. In my mind, the gap between freshman and sophomore is difficult to bridge. Even if Xu Sheng’s current strength may break the record to reach the sophomore level, at most it is the level of the yellow character class, and Peng Xiao is in the mysterious character class. student!

Peng Xiao’s strength is extremely powerful in the Xuanzi class, and Fang Su also knows that he has had an adventure recently, and his strength has already reached the level of the Earth-word class. Such strength Xu Sheng cannot beat.I can only blame Xu Sheng’s pattern for being too low. It is natural to think that own is extremely strong in comparison with the first student, but in fact it is not worth mentioning when compared with the real strong in the sophomore year.

Fang Su himself had estimated that during the entire freshman year, he would not be able to reach Peng Xiao’s current level. Xu Sheng was indeed much better than himself, but it was impossible to be better than that.

The previous one million Qi Sea realm Practitioner is certainly not his full strength, but if you look higher, at most five million Qi Sea realm among the people are not good. Such strength is not worth mentioning to Peng Xiao.

“Have you discussed it.”

Xu Sheng calmly looked at the few people who were communicating a few meters away. He had the concept of own time in his heart. If the delay was too long, he would not stay here for another second and go directly to the mission building.

About five seconds later, Fang Su raised his head.

“We agree to your request.”

Peng Xiao also grinned and said, “I will let you know what the consequences of arrogance are, and I will destroy all your confidence, Jie Jie Jie.”

It was like a night owl’s cry, which made people shudder.

But Xu Sheng even encountered the Zhuxin Clan at the quasi-sage level, so what does a Peng Xiao do?

“Then let’s start.”

After Xu Sheng said a word, he walked forward.

“Are you confident?” Xiao Feng asked softly from behind.

Xu Sheng smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I can handle such a small role.”

He has a steelyard in his heart.

This time, the spiritual source crystal that he brought back was enough to increase the comprehension of own law to more than 10%, which is to meet the standard of a sophomore.

And because of the equivalence of all things, the strength of one’s own people has always been far beyond the level of comprehension of one’s own laws.

If you really lose, it doesn’t matter, the left and right are only 100,000 credits.

On the East Campus, there is actually nothing to lose. The West Campus is just a red-eyed gambler who just grabbed the last straw.

In fact, as long as they wait a few days to calm down and think, they will discover how ridiculous the behavior just now.

If they win the West Campus, can they not lose if they send their sophomore to win? There is no such good thing.

However, it may be that the position where he is standing is different. After all, he is not a son of Gao Sheng, so I don’t know what their thoughts are.

Maybe the way of thinking of Gao Sheng’s sons is completely different from that of ordinary people like them?

It’s all about bad things.

After Xu Sheng entered the area set by the warring tower, Peng Xiao followed closely.

The two figures appeared above the area.

The appearance displayed at this time was similar to that of foreign countries, so Xu Sheng saw the true face of Peng Xiao.

From the appearance, it was a slightly distorted human form, with a tyrannical aura spreading across the facial features, which was very similar to the character he had just shown.

“Xu Sheng, I will tell you what real strength is, and I will destroy all your confidence. Sophomores are not something you can challenge as a freshman.”

Peng Xiao grinned, and a large number of figures began to appear outside his Minor World below, and every aura was extremely powerful.

Qi Sea realm!

The lowest is Qi Sea realm, which is more than five million!

No wonder he has such confidence!

Xu Sheng understood it in his heart, but he didn’t feel any movement, because the mere five million Qi Sea realm… is too pediatric for him.

At the same time, he also knew more about the level of sophomores now.

With Peng Xiao’s personality, there would definitely be no guessing thoughts. Even if the power that appeared in front of him now wasn’t all, it was at least 90% or more.

Just say that the five million Qi Sea realm Practitioner is many times better than Han Su more than half a month ago.

It is also normal. Although Han Su’s strength is not bad among sophomores, it is only in the middle class, and it is still quite different from Peng Xiao.

Peng Xiao’s ranking in the entire West Campus should now be very close to the top one thousand.

Taking him as a comparison, Xu Sheng guessed that the students at the top of the Dizi class might not be his own opponents, and perhaps he was able to break the wrist with those Tianzi classes.

But this is just his estimation, he doesn’t know what strength the real sophomore class or above is.

“How about the five million Qi Sea realm Practitioner, even if you hide most of your strength? Your people will only be crushed by me!”

Peng Xiao laughed wildly. The five million people of Qi Sea realm gave him a strong confidence. With such strength, he felt that it would not be long before he could be promoted to the Dizi class.

The students in his previous class with the word “D” didn’t dare to provoke too much, but I think now, it’s just the word “D” and it’s nothing.

Faced with Peng Xiao’s words, Xu Sheng did not respond.

He disliked people like Peng Xiao in his heart, and he didn’t even have the idea of ​​saying a word.

What he wants in his heart now is to show his strength and then solve the opponent.

However, he still won’t show all his own strength, and hiding strength will always have great benefits.

If others are not sure about the true situation of own, they may make a mistake in judgment and give oneself a chance when in danger.

Just like Han Su before, if it weren’t for her miscalculation of own strength, she wouldn’t be naive to forcibly connect to Minor World and let him give one.

So after thinking about it, Xu Sheng only called out seven million Qi Sea realm Practitioner from Minor World.

If placed in the real world, he can use about 15 million troops, but because it’s just data, he can use more strength.

Among these seven million Qi Sea realm Practitioners, he also put one hundred thousand Martial Master realm Practitioners.

Such strength probably accounts for less than one-tenth of his current real strength, he has definitely used a lot, at least for Peng Xiao’s displayed strength, he is already worthy of him.

But even with such a ‘small’ force, Peng Xiao’s laughter came to an abrupt end. He was the duck whose neck had been pinched all the time, and his eyes suddenly protruded from his sockets, looking extremely ridiculous.


“I do not believe!”

In the battle hall, at the same time everyone else also saw Xu Sheng’s strength.

Everyone’s expressions were the same, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

“Is Xu Sheng’s strength so powerful?”

“It’s great, I know Xu Sheng must be sure in his heart.””Is the strength shown now really all he has?”

Everyone in the East Campus was excited, but they couldn’t help but also have some doubts in their hearts.

Has Xu Sheng’s figure become extremely mysterious in their eyes now? What level of strength has he reached? This is a question that everyone is thinking about.

But this question is destined to have no answer. Unless Xu Sheng opens Minor World to let them watch, otherwise they will always have to guess.

The West Campus is silent.

At the moment when Peng Xiao showed his strength, everyone was pleasantly surprised. Even if Xu Sheng’s strength was hidden for most of the five million Qi Sea realm Practitioner, it would never be possible to reach this level.

But in just a few minutes, Xu Sheng once again slapped them in the face with the facts.

This was the second face-slapped in a short period of time, and each of them already felt their own cheeks swollen.

At the same time, the same question appeared in their hearts. Is the strength that Xu Sheng displayed right now really all he has?

The freshman Ya Que was silent, while the sophomore took a breath.

They were more puzzled, and they couldn’t figure out how Xu Sheng reached this level.

Their education from childhood to the end of the college level cannot be surpassed every year at the university level, but what does this living example appear right now?

It has been a full year, but now it seems to have become useless, frustrated, and depressed. Such negative emotions shouldn’t have appeared on people like them, but at this moment, it is inevitable.

“There is still a chance, Peng Xiao’s law comprehension level is twice as high as his! I don’t know who will die!”

A sophomore from the West Campus shouted that compared with the unclear of the strength of the people, the law comprehension is something that is easier to perceive. Although they were surprised by Xu Sheng’s law comprehension just now, it is still for them. too low.

“Yes, we still have an advantage in the understanding of the law. We have to believe that Peng Xiao will be able to break Xu Sheng’s Minor World!”

In the war zone.

Xu Sheng and Peng Xiao’s people have already been in contact.

This is a battle of more than tens of millions.

If it is a mortal commander, there is no ability to command such a war, but for people of Xu Sheng’s level, it is extremely simple.

After the battle, the most unacceptable thing happened to Peng Xiao:

In the case of a considerable number, the people I have always been proud of are far inferior to Xu Sheng’s people!

If it weren’t for the number of high-level subjects on his side, the battle would have been one-sided. Seven million was compared to five million, and the strength was equal to one-half higher.

But what Peng Xiao didn’t know was that the reason why he had more high-level subjects was entirely because Xu Sheng had hidden almost all of his high-end strength.

Under the effect of the Second Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body, the promotion probability of the high-level subjects of the Huntuo human race is not comparable to others.

Peng Xiao gradually discovered this situation.

After his face turned to one side, he immediately began to use the origin. There are more than 10 million origins in his body. Such a huge number can greatly increase the strength of his people.

However, Xu Sheng is not weaker than him in terms of the number of origin values. What Peng Xiao really has an advantage is the subtle changes brought about by his high-law comprehension. This is the only place where Xu Sheng is inferior to him, so the advantage is restored by Peng Xiao. , The two sides are gradually in a state of equal strength.

Seeing this scene, all the West Campus students in the Battle Hall breathed a sigh of relief, and the worst situation finally did not appear.

Although I haven’t seen the chance of victory, at least there is hope.

But just when they thought so, a situation suddenly appeared that made their complexion extremely ugly!

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