Global Sage Era

Chapter 313

Chapter 309 What you see is always what you see (4000 chapter for monthly pass)

The new Qi Sea realm Practitioner!

From Xu Sheng’s Minor World, a large number of Qi Sea realm Practitioners have emerged for the second time!

The number is continuous, and the number is constantly increasing while everyone’s breathing is stagnant.

“He really has it!”

“How could he have such strength?”

“Peng Xiao’s strength is strong enough, but he is still so much worse than Xu Sheng!”

“8.2 million, 8.3 million…nine million!”

Someone kept talking about the number, and he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat. At this time, watching the increasing number of Practitioners, he really felt a shock.

Xiao Feng stood in the crowd watching the battle, his expression turned from calm to a wry smile, “Knowing that your strength has grown to an unpredictable level, but who knows that you have reached this point, it really is…”

He has no words to describe.

There is no more thought in my heart, and even the thought of chasing is almost extinguished.

This is a desperate gap. Think about it and you will know that his current Qi Sea realm Practitioner is only more than 10,000, but how many Xu Sheng has?

At least ten million!

This is a thousand times difference!

He had almost seen Xu Sheng’s strength when he was in the Territory of Ten Thousand Clan. Although there was a gap between each other’s strength at that time, it might be a few percent at the beginning.

If you go back to the selection of places, the gap between each other’s strength will be only a few minutes. Although Xu Sheng defeated himself at that time, he also put a lot of effort into it.

But after entering the university, the gap suddenly widened, and it was still going beyond his imagination.

After the first loss of consciousness, the people on the west campus began to worry about Peng Xiao’s situation.

Originally, Peng Xiao still had hope of victory, but at this time Xu Sheng had so many new troops, they almost never saw the possibility of victory.

“Senior Peng has to hold on all the time.”

There are girls from the West Campus muttering to themselves that if the West Campus loses again this time, they will really have nothing.

After Peng Xiao, they had no reason and could not continue to challenge Xu Sheng, and all the results could not be changed.

Fang Su squeezed his hands white, “Xu Sheng…”

In the battle hall, the atmosphere fell into silence. Many students on the East Campus secretly looked towards the students on the West Campus, and all they saw were ugly faces.

At this time, they don’t feel too much ridicule, and they have more pity in their hearts.

It was really miserable to meet an opponent like Xu Sheng.

If Xu Sheng is the opponent of own, then they probably also found a wall and ran into it.

“Three million should be enough.”Xu Sheng looked at his newly-tuned 3 million Qi Sea realm Practitioner, and the simulation results in his mind had already appeared. In the end, he was able to beat Peng Xiao, and he was left with more than 100,000 troops.

As far as he is concerned, as long as he shows all his strengths, he can win cleanly, but since he has chosen to hide his strengths, he has to use the ‘refueling tactic’.

In a better situation, he has beaten Peng Xiao, so that no one can know his true strength.


I don’t know how many times Peng Xiao said this sentence.

The scene he imagined being crushed by him did not appear at all, and the moment the battle began, the battle slid in a direction that he did not expect.

It’s not that he didn’t use the origin value. On the contrary, he now uses more than six million origins. He is already trying to increase the strength of his people as much as possible, but even so, the decline is still irreversible.

It was like a huge mountain pressed against him. Although he barely supported it, as time passed, the huge mountain was still pressed down more and more. His arms became weaker and weaker.

The strengths of the two sides have been unequal since the beginning.

Ten million Qi Sea realm Practitioner vs. five million Qi Sea realm Practitioner.

With twice the strength, Xu Sheng can beat Peng Xiao without too much deployment.

The collision between the two sides has heated up from the beginning. Peng Su’s style of play is the same as his personality, extremely surly, and he doesn’t understand what it means to keep hands.

So he has suffered even now. After the elite troops were almost dead at the beginning, now he can no longer find a strange soldier to use.

In fact, the people’s battles simulated by the Tower of Law are still different from the reality.

If it is a reality, the morale of one party can be collapsed directly when the decapitation tactic is adopted, and it can be strong with a weak attack, but it is not good in this combat tower, and there is no such obvious flaw.

However, this situation also exists for both parties. If there is really a weakness in one of the parties, then Xu Sheng will directly push it and let all the Huntuo Practitioners move forward, crush all the resistance targets on the road, and come to the other party’s base camp. Just before, this approach may end the war sooner.

The number of Peng Xiao’s citizens is still rapidly decreasing, and by now there are less than one-third left.

At this moment, Xu Sheng noticed that the formation of the opponent’s people suddenly became chaotic.

“It’s a tipping point.”

Xu Sheng’s eyes deepened. Although the Battle Tower is a simulation, it is not exactly the same as reality in many aspects, but it also has some unique settings, the most important of which is morale.

When you have an advantage, morale will be very high, and the result will be a large ascending of strength, not to mention that very strength can be fully utilized, and sometimes it can be supernormal.

When one is at a disadvantage, it is thoughts. The people will be passive and will turn around and flee when it reaches a certain level. Even if there is a law enforcement team watching it, it is useless.

The trigger of this critical point varies according to the cultivation of each person’s subjects.

From this point of view, Peng Xiao’s training of his own people is not bad, until this time the morale of the people completely collapsed. When directly fighting with a hundred people in the West Campus, many people’s people were killed in battle. Fleeing began after half of the time.

So although Peng Xiao’s personality is not very good, he still has a good hand in cultivating his people.

More than one million people retreated madly. Although Peng Xiao tried his best to control the situation, there was no result. He could only watch the Huntuo Practitioner continuously pursue and kill his own people.

To escape is to leave your own back to the enemy. At this time, no matter how strong you are, it is just a lamb to be slaughtered, just a simple number.

During this escape, the number of Peng Xiao’s citizens dropped sharply again, and when they returned to Minor World, the remaining number was already less than one million.

Huntuo Practitioner has been chasing beyond Peng Xiao’s Minor World, and after arriving in this area, there are countless people in front of Xu Sheng.

The number of Peng Xiao’s children has reached the level of hundreds of millions. Ordinary students who want to support millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners, the number of own children must at least be more than a hundred times.

However, no matter how large the number is, the people of Qi Sea realm are too weak. Although they may cause some damage to the Qi Sea realm Practitioner through some defensive weapons, they are ultimately limited. Now Xu Sheng’s Huntuo Practitioner Gathering in one place, the Blood Qi on the body alone is enough to disintegrate all the offensives.

This is still the situation where the formation masters such as Jian Min have not kept up. If you don’t consider the time, you can create a better record by signing the signature and letting it go.

“Xu Sheng, don’t be proud, you can’t beat me.”

Peng Xiao made some crazy voices, and Xu Sheng looked up and met a pair of blood-red eyes.

From these eyes, Xu Sheng saw a twist. It was obvious that Peng Xiao had been a little confused because of the blow, and this situation was a good thing for him.

The more crazier he is, the more low-level mistakes he will make. This battle has come to an end by this time, and he doesn’t want to continue entangled with Peng Xiao.

Xu Sheng still did not answer Peng Xiao.

The eyes of both parties were in mid-air, and when they approached Peng Xiao, they let out a howl like a beast.

Peng Xiao is crazy!

Xu Sheng’s emotionless eyes stung him deeply. Since childhood, he has never been looked at by such eyes.

It was a deep ignorance.

“You dare to do this, Xu Sheng!!!”

Peng Xiao’s voice continued to oscillate in the sky, the earth reacted, and many places began to crack.

But Xu Sheng still did not respond to this, and the incompetent rage would not do any good to the result. This time the battle was over.


Xu Sheng broke away from the big tribe with a small group of Qi Sea realm Practitioners, about tens of thousands of people, and made a breakthrough in Peng Xiao Minor World.

These tens of thousands of people can be said to be sent to death, the role is to explore the reality of Peng Xiao, and trigger some traps set by the other party.

If it is in reality, it is difficult for him to make such a decision, but in this tower of engagement, it does not matter.

After entering Peng Xiao’s Minor World, this small Practitioner did not usher in a devastating blow. It has been driving for dozens of miles before encountering resistance. A large city with a population of hundreds of thousands of people in front of it is undergoing desperate resistance.

However, most of those who participated in the resistance were Practitioners in the Body Refining Realm. Although relying on the city to cause some damage to the Huntuo Practitioner, they were unable to gain an advantage at all.

After seeing this situation, Xu Sheng already understood that Peng Xiao hadn’t deployed his defensive means, so with a wave of his hand, more than five million Huntuo Practitioners marched towards Minor World.

Peng Xiao’s strength is actually pretty good. Xu Sheng’s Huntuo Practitioner was killed by more than four million, but only one million of them died because of the opponent’s people, and most of them died of Peng Xiao’s origin. Value below.

Five million huntuo Practitioner entered Minor World and wiped out Peng Xiao’s people.

In this process, a concentrated attack can often destroy a city. The cities on the earth are wiped out. The outermost city can’t be resisted for long. After the Huntuo Practitioner has wiped out two or three billion people of Peng Xiao, he paid The casualties were less than half a million.

At this time, the outermost periphery was swept away, and he started to move inward.

From then on, a million-level city appeared. Such a city is much harder to destroy than the outer ones. Here, Peng Xiao uses suicide attacks with a clear purpose, which is to try his best to consume the strength of the Practitioner.

Peng Xiao pinned all his hopes on the final battle. In his thoughts, that was his final chance of victory.

But all those who watched the battle knew that Peng Xiao at this time was just a trapped beast fighting.

“The difference in strength is too big, and Xu Sheng is so powerful that it makes people desperate.”

“Peng Xiao lost.””Hey, Xu Sheng on the East Campus is really lucky.”

Everyone in the West Campus sighed in their hearts. If they were unhappy and jealous of Xu Sheng at the beginning, then there is only one kind of envy for the East Campus students now.

The gap is so big that there is not much competiveness, and you can have such strength at this stage alone, so what kind of strength can you have by this time next year?

Where’s the junior? What about the senior year?

Will he enter the Holy Realm before graduation?

There have been several existences in the history of Qianjing University who stepped into the holy realm before graduation. At this time, without exception, these people were at the lowest level of the true holy.

Can Xu Sheng become that kind of person?

Everyone was a little dazed at the thought of this possibility.

Even if they are students from the West Campus, their elders are nothing but high sages, and the true sage is too far away for them.

“Xu Sheng started the final attack.”

Someone’s voice sounded in the battle hall, and the distracted people hurriedly looked at it.

They discovered that in just such a short time, Xu Sheng had almost eliminated Peng Xiao’s people, leaving only the last capital.

At this time, outside the capital, more than one million Qi Sea realm Practitioners and millions of Body Refining Practitioners were making the final resistance. This was also Peng Xiao’s final strength.

What followed was a large number of origin values, and all the origin values ​​that Peng Xiao had not used were all used by him at this time.

The number of Huntuo Practitioners has dropped crazily, from more than four million to more than three million, and then to more than two million.

After Peng Xiao’s original value was used up, the number of Huntuo Practitioners was only 1.83 million.

With this kind of strength comparison, Peng Xiao already had the power of a war.

“I won’t lose!”

Peng Xiao roared like a beast, and then all his people attacked towards the Huntuo Practitioner.

Xu Sheng’s gaze was retracted from own Minor World, where there were more than one million Martial Masters waiting in battle, in addition to a large number of Wu Ying powerhouses.

He had just prepared for the worst. Peng Xiao’s original offensive was still very strong. It would be no surprise if Huntuo Practitioner did not support him, but the final result was held, so he didn’t have to continue to send. People come out.

“You will lose, the result of this battle is certain.”

After Xu Sheng said this sentence calmly, with a wave of his hand, a large amount of origin value fell from the sky.

Peng Xiao’s eyes bulged out suddenly, “Impossible! How can you still have the original value.”

If he calculates according to him, Xu Sheng’s original source value has exceeded him so far!

“Nothing is impossible.”

Xu Sheng smiled. Since the beginning of the equivalence of all things, the frequency of using the original value is much lower than that of ordinary people, so he has saved a lot of original value.

Under the increase of the original value, the combat power of the Huntuo Practitioner is greatly Ascension.

The last suspense is gone.

When Huntuo Practitioner rushed to Peng Xiaozimin, everything was settled!

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