Global Sage Era

Chapter 319

Chapter 315

There are no impassioned words.

There is no look of stern battle.

When the three true saints spoke in the front, the only thing Xu Sheng could feel was his strong self-confidence.

In the eyes of the three Sages, this eradication of the world of the fascinating heart tribe is just a small test for Qianjing University.

Xu Sheng realized it after another thought. If there is a real danger, the three Sages will not leave the matter at school. It is estimated that it will be reported to the government long ago, so that the government will send more people to work together.

There will not even be too many casualties. After all, Qianjing University is still a school. The most important thing is students. Students are fundamental, and it is impossible for too many students to fall into it.

Of course, it is impossible to have no casualties, as long as there are no undead in this kind of battle, but the final number is certainly very small.

“This time all teachers, please pay attention to the students you are in charge of. If anyone of your staff is killed in battle, deduct the share for the next half year.”

Peng Yuanshang’s tone was calm, but it made the hearts of all the teachers who heard it sink.

The teachers are all Sage, and they are the faculty and staff of the school. Their duty is to protect the students. If a student is killed under their noses, it is naturally their fault.

The attack on the Huoxin clan was not for rewards or the like from the beginning. It was entirely hi because the Huoxin clan always targeted Qianjing University, making the three Sages unhappy with them, and then came up with the idea of ​​annihilating them completely.

“The battlefield this time is really confusing the heart clan’s nest. There may be many unexpected things happening at that time. This process requires you to react accordingly. At the same time, the tricks of the confusing heart clan are unpredictable. You must always be vigilant.”

Ji Huairu urged the students that as a woman, her mind is more on the students.

“Each of you has three distress talisman papers in your hand, and I will help you when you use them.” The ancient Yi said that is the most relevant. He distributed three talisman papers to everyone, which contains With a trace of his spirit, as long as the opponent is not strong, he can immediately help.

Everyone tightened the three talisman papers tightly after hearing it, and Xu Sheng was no exception. This was the guarantee of life.

In addition to this talisman, he also has two paperweights… But if he is at a level above Sage, the two paperweights are of no use.

Naturally, Xu Sheng didn’t want to meet someone above Sage. He was not arrogant enough to escape in front of the Sage level. As long as the other party had the idea of ​​killing own, it is estimated that when the idea moved, he would almost die.

Peng Yuanshang has been observing the state of everyone, and after discovering that everyone’s face is firm, he waved his hand and shouted, “Go!”

Fifty thousand people walked into the transit secret realm one by one.

A large number of spaceships have been parked in the transit secret realm long ago. These spaceships are not the kind of single person, each of which can hold hundreds of people.

Hundreds of spaceships stayed here, like a neatly arranged line.

The protection of this large spacecraft is far stronger than that of a single player. A single player may be easily destroyed by a semi-saint. However, this type of hundreds of people can hardly cause damage even at the Sage level. It is a very precious one. Kind of spaceship.

Xu Sheng followed Huang Xuanlang’s “Xuanxiao Team” on the 327th spacecraft. When they entered, it was almost full.

If it were placed a few days ago, Xu Sheng’s entry would definitely attract everyone’s attention, because his law comprehension was too low, like a dwarf in a group of normal people, it’s hard not to pay attention. But now, his comprehension of the law is nearly 12%, which is not much different from the current sophomore. When others see him, they only think that he is an ordinary sophomore, and they just look at him and turn their heads.

“You kid is too fast for Ascension. Remember when I first met you, it seemed only a few percent? Now it’s just over a month for Ascension to reach this level.”

Huang Xuanlang chose the seat next to Xu Sheng, and couldn’t help chatting with Xu Sheng after sitting down.

“Don’t you know the task I’ve done, Huang Xuechang? It’s all luck.” Xu Sheng didn’t mean anything proud. His current Ascension strength was indeed good luck. If it weren’t for the spiritual source world group, it’s probably even own. The strength can quickly Ascension, and it will not reach the current level.

Huang Xuanlang smiled and said: “Luck is also a part of strength. With good aptitude and poor luck, it is not far to go. You will gradually understand when I am at this stage.”

Xu Sheng’s heart moved, seeing what Huang Xuanlang said was that he had already come into contact with something about Qi Luck. When he was curious about Qi Luck, he was still in the third year of high school. At that time, the weak Huntuo tribe gave birth to Kuang Yuan, with average aptitude. Luck is a powerful golden.

To this day, Kuang Yuan has proved to him the importance of air luck. This is not to deny Kuang Yuan’s efforts, but compared to others, his air luck is indeed very eye-catching. In the past so many years, There is no shortage of talents who are better than him, and they fall on the road of Martial Dao, which is equivalent to the entire Huntuo race. In fact, personal talent is sometimes not worth mentioning.

Xu Sheng and Huang Xuanlang didn’t talk for long. About five minutes after boarding the spacecraft, the hull of the spacecraft shuddered, and the scenery outside the porthole began to move.

Raising his hand to check the time, at 8:23, the efficiency of the school is really high.

In the transit secret realm, hundreds of spaceships passed through the light gate in turn and entered a dreamy world like a bubble.

“This kind of breath… is the secret realm created by the ancient sage.”

Huang Xuanlang said subconsciously, but then he let out a laugh because the person he wanted to talk to had fallen into a drowsiness.

He looked at Xu Sheng who was sleeping for a few seconds, and then he focused his head on the porthole. They didn’t have many chances to see the secret realm created by True Sage, and it was a chance for them.

The most essential difference between the true sage secret realm and the high sage secret realm is time. The true sage’s secret realm created by them is stagnant due to the lack of time. As long as their will does not move, the secret realm will remain rigid forever. The state at the time of birth, which is incredible to the true saint.

There are many people in the spaceship who are still awake. Generally speaking, as long as they are half holy or above, they can shuttle between secret realms and keep their will sober, even with a higher understanding of the law.

But the comprehension of the 12% rule is still too low. On the scale of the whole world, this is just a small point.

Universe, the second universe, the 120th The Three Realms domain.

One spacecraft after another appeared from the void, with the logo of Qianjing University on its body.

And at the moment of coming here, a huge figure appeared in front of the entire fleet.

Hundreds of spaceships are already huge enough, but they still look very small in front of this figure.

The three people of Gu Shiyi on the first spacecraft stood solemnly, cupped hands and said: “I have seen Xuan Sheng.”

“Don’t be polite.”

A loud voice came from his mouth.

If Xu Sheng could see this figure at this time, he would find that his temperament was very similar to that of the chief inspector during the college entrance examination. Combined with the attitude of the three people of Gu Shiyi, there is no doubt that this is an extreme person. Holy!

Going to the hinterland of the Huoxin Clan this time, the trio of Yi in ancient times had already prepared.

Including the previous use of Xu Sheng as a bait to lure the quasi-sage level puzzle heart clan into the bait, it was all part of the plan.

To be precise, Xu Sheng is a very crucial point. Only the quasi-sage level puzzler made up the last piece of the puzzle, so that their methods can become perfect.

They can directly join hands to open up a passage in this universe to descend into the hinterland of the Huoxin Race. During this period, they can bypass all foreign races’ exploration and don’t give them any rescue time.

At the same time, the Confusion Clan will be caught off guard, even if they want to react, they don’t have enough time!

In ancient times, the three of Yi and Jisheng communicated.

The Extreme Sage has more things than them. At this time, what they see before their eyes is just a clone that does not know that they occupy a few hundred millionths of their minds. They are dealing with the mighty ones among the alien races all the time. If it weren’t for their contributions, the earth would not have kept peaceful people so that they could develop steadily.

The three of them glanced at a higher place, where there is this round of scorching sun, and at a further position, the other four rounds of scorching sun are burning like eternity, bringing enough light and heat to the human race, and at the same time scorching. Alien demons.

The extremely sage’s figure quickly disappeared here. The reason why he appeared was entirely because the three asked him for help to cover up some traces. After all, although they were confident that no foreign race at the true sage level could discover them, they said they had to be able to hide it. Extremely holy level, but there is no such self-confidence at all.

The fleet continued to advance.

A singularity appeared somewhere, and then the singularity grew bigger and bigger, expanding to look like a portal in the transit secret realm.

Behind the portal formed by this and the singularity, a group of twisted things are faintly moving, and in this twisted thing, some tiny light particles are floating and sinking.

These tiny light particles are world after world!

And that twisting thing is the body of the Confusion Race, they feed on the light-grain world to improve their own strength!

“go in.”

Peng Yuanshang glanced at Gu Shiyi and Ji Huairu.

“Go in.”

Gu Shiyi and Ji Huairu said in the same voice.


With a soft sound, the spacecraft they were riding in took the lead and rushed in!

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