Global Sage Era

Chapter 320

Chapter 316 Divine Armament

Matte, bleak.

Undercurrents surge.

Groups of spirit bodies floated in different places. They seemed to be unchanging in the past, as if they had no will, but just dead things.

Countless light particles of dust floated in these spiritual bodies, like fireflies in the night sky, beautiful but fleeting.

If you focus your eyes on a certain light particle, continuously zoom in, zoom in billions of trillions of times, or even endless numbers, you will find that the true appearance of these light particles is a brilliant and brilliant world.

There are endless intelligent lives in this world. They have various emotions between each other. Love and hate are intertwined with each other. In the end, the individual belongs to the collective, and the trajectory of their existence is continuously extended in the form of civilization.

The time flow of the light particle world is completely different from that of the world. They are controlled by these mental bodies, and some of them are millions of years of time passing in an instant, and even more exaggerated, the birth and death of a world will be in the blink of an eye.

The Confusion Race and the Human Race are two completely different races. They can withstand a much higher flow rate of time than the Human Race. Actually it is not said that they are better than the Human Race, simply because their structure is more suitable for such things.

At the same time, this is also the reason why they covet the earth so much. With such characteristics, if they can replace the human race to occupy the earth, they will enhance the ethnic background at a terrifying speed.

However, this is to attribute the human race to the earth for such a strong contribution, but in fact, the human race itself is also extremely powerful. This innate ability to perceive the law is also the only one in the entire universe. In comparison, it is confused. This kind of talent of Xinzu is nothing.

The human races in the Minor World can only be regarded as the ‘fake things’ of the Earth human race. How can they be able to display one of the billions of the Earth’s human race?

Take the Huntuo tribe as an example. Are the Huntuo tribes hundreds of years ago comparable to the current Huntuo tribes?

If you really want to say, even after loading the Huntuo human race with the Saint Body and Dao Body talents, it is far from reaching the level of the main world human race.

“…The space…it seems…something unusual…”

At a certain moment, there was a sudden communication in these twisted mental bodies.

Most of their thinking is very slow. Once they concentrate on something, they will find that they can think about the Ganges in an instant.

There are own levels within the Confusion Clan, which are divided into a dozen levels from low to high according to each other’s ability to control their talents.

But it doesn’t make sense to care about these levels at this time, because in the eyes of the human race, they are just a middle race group, nothing more.

This spiritual body with fluctuating consciousness is one of the five true sage levels of the Confusion Clan. Its volume is much larger than a universe, and the world of light particles within its body is even more uncountable.

And next to it, the other fluctuating minds at the same level are much smaller. At first glance, it looks like a Galaxy-sized black hole. In the most central area, there is a world of light particles with completely different characteristics. It exists inside, and the number is much smaller than the one next to it, but the level inside it is extremely high.

The other three are a little further away, all located near the edge of the hinterland.The area occupied by the puzzled mind in the entire universe is not large. According to the energy level, it is between medium and strong. With the strength of their ethnic group, they would not have the turn to occupy this place, but they are backed by a peak. The ethnic group got its support, so it survived here.

But this kind of survival is not stable, and there will always be some challenges, and some ethnic groups with close strength are jealous of this area.

If the entire universe is regarded as an elliptical sphere, then the energy level distribution inside this sphere is extremely irregular, and there are many levels from top to bottom. If you want to promote your own ethnic group’s strength, you must occupy it. Higher energy level region.

It’s like a martial arts world without Spiritual Qi. You can’t force everyone in this world to break the void. This is impossible.

“Maybe you felt wrong.”

One of the three True Saints who were a little farther away from the Douxin Clan said after sensing it, with some disapproval in his voice.

If anyone wants to deal with the Huoxin Clan the most, it is undoubtedly the Human clan, but the Human Clan is impossible to come in the area where the Huoxin clan is located. There are so many races in front of them to help them resist.

Although the human race is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate all the previous races silently, and they will know the news in advance.


“There can be no existence that can get here.”

The other two also spoke.

The confused mind clan who spoke at the beginning did not speak. In fact, the thoughts in its heart were the same as them, but at its level, there could be no sense of error, so it didn’t speak any more, it just sensed everything carefully.

But what makes it strange is that it took a long time this time, but it hasn’t found anything. It seems that it really felt wrong just now.


This kind of emotion has not been seen in it for a long time. It seems that when it was weak and small, it did not even breed in enough light-grain worlds, but now it has reached the pinnacle of the confounding clan. , Which gives it some novel feelings besides temptation.

For their existence at this level, emotional fluctuations are too rare. They are accustomed to silence and eternity. It is like a pool of stagnant water that suddenly ripples on a certain day. No matter what the emotion is, it will always Let them produce a kind of joy from the bottom of their hearts.

From this point of view, we know how great the advantages of Sage on the earth are. Even if they become true saints or even extreme saints, they have been able to feel everything about ordinary people on earth. Compared with the same kind of immutability, the changes are always total. Better than unchanged.

Regardless of whether he is reluctant to accept the fact that he is’sensing wrong’ in his heart, after careful sensing for a long time and no abnormality is found, this true sage level confused mind clan can only admit the facts, and then focus his mind on the light particle world in his body. In, occasionally a few light particle worlds had special changes, which made him see the hope of his own strength Ascension.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The whole area is dead and silent. The way of existence of this universal middle-class group of Huoxin tribe is completely different from ordinary life. Their lives are almost infinite, and there is no need to think about existing problems, and the scale of feeling time is completely different.

Maybe a moment is ten thousand years, maybe the cycle of the era is just a moment.

In this dead silence, in an inconspicuous corner, the abnormal movement of a quasi-sage-level Confusion Clan did not attract much attention.

In the entire puzzle heart clan, although the puzzle heart clan that has not reached the semi-sage level accounts for more than 99.99% of the number, there are still tens of thousands of the quasi-sage level puzzle heart clan.

The changes of this quasi-sacred sacred heart clan are very subtle, so subtle that even if you stare at it, you will hardly notice the change-on a certain arc of its distortion, suddenly a fluff of silk is generated, and then it is placed next to it. On the arc.

From a distance, two twisted arcs are connected in series by a thin wire.

That is, when they were connected in series, the two twisted arcs were suddenly straightened.


The appearance of a door!

The change is still going on, and it is also very concealed. The power of this quasi-sage level confuses the heart race is converging in two straight lines.

Taking these two straight lines as the origin, and using the middle line as the medium, they are constantly approaching, just like a energized line…or a special device charged from both sides at the same time.

As the rays of light on both sides gradually approached, the fluctuations on the door door gradually increased.

But at this time, the surrounding clans still didn’t feel the slightest.

It’s just that occasionally some new students of the Confusion Clan take a look around, but they haven’t noticed the Confusion Clan at the Quasi-Sage level.

In the extreme distance, the True Sage level that started to make a sound suddenly awakened the Heart-Troubled Race. A panic from the depths of the soul made its body tremble. The intuitive manifestation is that at this moment, there are hundreds of millions of Minors in its body. World collapsed at the same time, as obvious as a sudden power outage in a district in a brightly lit city.

“No, I didn’t feel wrong, there is something that is eyeing the Confusion Race!”

It yelled in its heart, and then told the other four of the message.

Although the other four were dissatisfied, they felt the incomparably serious emotions, and they reluctantly turned upright.

At this moment, one of the four suddenly seemed to be overpowered, and a strange induction was born.

It subconsciously screamed: “Chao is right, we are indeed being targeted!”

The other three also realized that something went wrong, but before they waited for what they said, they also had induction.

This is a life-and-death feeling.

It is an instinctive reaction from the level of the true sage!

The five communicated with each other, and they all felt trembling.

They really can’t think of any existence that can target the hinterland area of ​​their confused minds!

Since the Douxin Race called themselves a middle-class race, they have never felt so trembling all over!

The five no longer have the slightest time delay behavior, they all understand this situation, and every minute of delay may cause them to go to an end.

They kept exploring with their own area as the center, but after waiting for them to explore the seemingly ‘suspicious’ places in the outermost area, they did not find the slightest abnormality.

“Not found.”

“It feels getting stronger and stronger.”

“It…is approaching!!!”

The five of them all existed at the true sage level, and they were considered powerful in the entire universe, but the emotions at this time were a bit panic.

Without the slightest discouragement and giving up, the five people almost probed.

Even when they were still tangled in the outer area, in the inconspicuous corner of the core area, the door had been charged.

Suddenly expand!

The door occupies the entire void.

All the puzzlers were shocked.


The five true saint level puzzlers were stunned. They never thought that the abnormality was in the core area!

But don’t wait for them to have more ideas.

Numerous tyrannical breaths appeared from the door.

Instinctively, the weak confused mind race began to tremble.

In the sight of all the confused mind races, one by one exuding endless rays of light walked out of it.

Star followed their actions, and Galaxy shifted between breathing.

The Origin World is breathing, like black holes, spontaneously attracting energy in this area.

Three indescribable figures stood at the forefront.

They are like the source of light, just standing still, let the chaos surrender!

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