Global Sage Era

Chapter 321

Chapter 317

One second before he was still close to the earth, and the next second he crossed a door opened by the three true saints. At this time, what appeared in front of Xu Sheng was an inexplicable place.

But on the surface, it never showed it, and the feeling of unfettered freedom was very comfortable.

Next to Xuanxiao team, the five quasi-sages were still very strong. By their side, Xu Cheng suddenly became extremely small, like a little dwarf standing next to a giant.

“I guess I can’t even hit their knees when I jump up?”

A stalk from the previous life appeared in Xu Sheng’s heart so suddenly. After Xu Sheng laughed, he felt a little sad.

He suddenly discovered that, unconsciously, everything from his previous life appeared less and less in own memory.

Yes, although I have lived there for more than 20 years, there are more and more memories on this earth now, and they are gradually taking the initiative.

The new will always replace the old, and those memories will only be memories after all, and oneself can’t be stuck in the past forever.

In ancient times, Yi and the three successfully opened the portal through the singularity left by the Huoxin tribe.

The quasi-shenghuoxin clan who acted as the linker was actually formed by the power of ancient Yi. The most critical point is that it needs a quasi-sage level of the quasi-shenhuxin clan to descend into the endless ruins so that he can fully imitate him. The breath of, was not discovered by the five true saints of the Confusion Clan’s combat power.

If the concealment is not good enough, let alone opening the portal, you will be discovered as soon as the breath unfolds, and this well-developed strategy of raiding the lair will not work in the slightest.

“Human Race!”

In the void, the True Sage level Douxin Race roared loudly. They were extremely angry. They didn’t expect the Human Race to dare to do this, risking such a big risk to come to the hinterland to attack them.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a faint fear in this voice.

Human race, what a terrifying term that is!

In the entire universe, they are the well-deserved number one, and no single ethnic group can compete with them.

Do not! Not even qualified for the slightest provocation!

Only by gathering a large number of ethnic powers can there be a slight threat to the human race and hinder their expansion speed!

In the eyes of these ‘weak’ groups, treating the human race as an enemy is not only longing for the super-high energy region of the earth, but also for self-protection!

After knowing who the enemies that appeared in front of them were, all the puzzlers below the level of True Sage gave birth to fear.

Their seldom fluctuating emotions are constantly changing at this time, and they are constantly communicating with their neighbors.

There is only one thought: what should we do if the human race is here?

They naturally know their grudges with the human race.

Previously, the human race in the region where he was located was absolutely impossible to come over, so when facing those human races that had not grown up, they used various methods to kill them, and even regarded the body that successfully invaded the human genius as the highest glory.

But at this time, it was discovered that the human race had really come over, and it appeared in front of own’s eyes. In addition to fear, the heart of every confused race was fear.

Just relying on them to confuse the Heart Race, how to fight against the Human Race?

We must know that the strongest of the Heart Tribe is the true sage level, and the human race does not know how many higher extreme sages there are, let alone the most sacred that can overwhelm the world!

After going through the initial fear, the Five True Sage levels of the puzzled heart race gradually became aware of some situations.

It seems to be different from what they imagined. This time the power of Human Race… isn’t it very strong?

In their feelings, except for the three true saints who revealed their aura at the beginning, they didn’t even feel any true saint aura in the follow-up.

Moreover, after sensing the human aura that appeared in front of him, he found that most of them were extremely young, and most of them did not even have a semi-holy level.

What’s happening here?

The five true saints were communicating in secret, and suddenly one of them said, “Do you think their auras are a bit familiar?”

The other four were stunned when they heard the words, and then under the induction, they really found that the three auras all seemed to be familiar, and they had all dealt with each other.

“I remember! They are just three of the true saints of the human race who invaded us some time ago!”

In order to do what they are doing now, the three of Gu Shiyi naturally put in countless energy, and they have been working hard for this aspect a while ago.

For example, during the time when Yi was not in school, he came to this neighborhood and concentrated all his power on dealing with the Huoxin Clan, in order to hide his traces from being discovered by them.

“The place is right, most of the power of the Confusion Clan is here.”

“It will be easier for you to catch all the puzzlers here. The final stage will be easier.”

“You two should choose first. Give me the remaining one, and I will be responsible for the safety of the students.”

The speakers were Peng Yuanshang, Ji Huairu and Gu Shiyi.

The five puzzle races are in the form of two to one. Among the same rank, the human race has an absolute crushing advantage. Even the same rank of those peak races will be beaten to the north, not to mention the mere middle races. NS.

Therefore, it is relatively easy for them to fight two. It is a very easy way.

The person who only solves one is naturally the least stressed, so he is responsible for the safety of the students. In this way, the three people bear almost the same.

When the three true saints were talking, the tens of thousands of teachers and students from Qianjing University were naturally looking for their own goals.

Although the sophomores have little experience in this area, the juniors and seniors are by no means unfamiliar. For large-scale operations like this, they have already had a lot of contact with them when doing missions. At this time, they started as a team. Action is considered a familiarity.

However, there are still too many Confusion Races, after all, they are a middle-class race, and everyone is under a lot of pressure.

In addition to a large number of law-level confusions, the most important component of the puzzles is those that have not even reached the law level. In fact, this is the normal state of the races in the entire universe. It is absolutely unique that a person has crossed to the stage of law.

This is the only one in the entire universe.

This is also the reason why the trio of Yi in ancient times dared to attack a middle-class ethnic group with the power of the first university in Beijing.

“Xu Sheng, don’t stay too far away from us later. Have you seen those confused minds? There are countless more powerful people than the one you encountered last time. If you accidentally go deeper, I might not even have time to save you. “Huang Xuanlang exhorted beside him, and the other four members of Xuanxiao team were also imparting own experience.

I have to say that being with the five of them is definitely a profit. If Xu Sheng is alone, I don’t know too much. It’s too shallow on paper. Many things of experience are not seen in books… .Ahem, there is no information flow.

“Everyone pays attention, the war with the Huoxin Clan is about to begin, and the military merit system will be activated simultaneously.”

Peng Yuanshang’s voice rang in everyone’s ears, in the universe, such things can be easily done without the power of the true saint being suppressed.

Although Xu Sheng has not been in contact with the so-called military system before, he has already been taught in school, so he is very clear.

Although Qianjing University is a school, its management is often military-style. Even at certain critical times, the students are soldiers and they need to be dispatched to conquer.

The military merit system is a system for recording military merits. It is created by the Holy One, absolutely fair and just, and will record all the rewards obtained in the course of the war.

The rewards come from all aspects, killing the enemy, spying on intelligence, capturing key targets, gaining time…Each item has a specific scoring standard.

This is the second reward besides the World Sea Origin reward, and the purpose is naturally to accelerate the development of the descendants of the human race again.

Military merit can be exchanged for military rank, equipment, and credits.

In terms of usage, it is regarded as an upgraded product for credits, and all military merits that can be exchanged for credits can be exchanged. Some things that cannot be exchanged for Qianjing University can also be exchanged.

Basically speaking, military merit is the highest-level exchange for the entire human race. Compared with it, the earth’s currency credit points are too weak.

“For battles like this, the leaderboards are usually opened, and the top ones will be rewarded.”

The earth can be said to rank everywhere.

There is no way, the holy way is to fight. Compared with those placed under the table, Sage prefers to put everything on the table. After all, in their eyes, they are all people who perceive the law, and their psychology is not so fragile.

The benefits of ranking are obvious. It can greatly improve people’s subjective initiative. With the exception of a few salted fish, most people’s fighting spirit will be mobilized, not to mention that it is ultimately related to their personal interests. It is impossible to turn a blind eye.

“The military merit system is turned on, and you can check your current ranking.”

The crisp female voice set by the wristband sounded in his ears, and Xu Sheng’s thoughts moved, and a huge ranking list appeared in front of his eyes.

According to Realm, there are a total of several sub-lists, as if he is currently on the rule list.

At this time, there is no name on the list. He subconsciously looks at the highest place. Although he knows that his Realm is still weak, he is used to the first place. Even under such circumstances, Xu Sheng still wants to hit that position.

If the goal is the first, his opponent will not only be sophomores, but many juniors will also become his opponents.

Of course he knows that chances are slim, but he wants to try it anyway.

Xu Sheng’s gaze shifted from the ranking list. After observing his surroundings, he found that many people were obviously watching the ranking list just now. This made him smile. As expected, they were all students from Qianjing University, no matter who they were. Have a heart to compete for the top.

Ahead, the stereotyped fluctuations suddenly rose up, attracting everyone’s attention.

Suddenly, everyone heard Peng Yuanshang laugh.

“You ask me why I want to attack you Confused Clan?”

“…The offender of my human race…”

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