Global Sage Era

Chapter 322

Chapter 318: Even though it is far away, it must be punishable! (First more)

“Although it is far away, it will be punishable!”

Peng Yuanshang’s tone was suddenly sonorous.

“Those who offend our human race will be punishable even if they are far away!”

After the teachers and students of Qianjing University in the rear heard the words, they didn’t need any command at all, and spontaneously followed and shouted.

Xu Sheng was also infected by this atmosphere and became one of them.

Everyone on the front, back, left, and right is like a rainbow, although they are far less in number than the Confusion Clan, it is them who stand at a higher level!

Xu Sheng could feel that under these words, everyone’s emotions were mobilized, while the Confusion Clan on the opposite side was the opposite, no matter whether it was strong or weak, there was a trace of fear.

This is the strength of the human race. When a single race faces the human race, even if it is only an insignificant part of the human race’s strength, there will be fear in the heart.

The puzzles are not weak in the entire universe. They are not afraid to face many powerful races, and even dare to fight when there is a conflict of interest, but when facing the human race, all this is insignificant.

When the human race can’t find them, they hide behind them and change their tricks, aiming at the human races that have not grown up, but when the human race really comes to the front, they are afraid or afraid.

If it weren’t for being beaten directly into the hinterland, the first thought of these confused minds would definitely be to escape.

This is not the practice of a single group of Huoxin tribe, it is the rule of all big and small groups in the universe!

In history, those races that left their heads and wanted to touch the human race would end up in shattered bones. Those who die can’t die again!

“Human…I am puzzled that the Heart Race is not so easy to deal with.”

The five true saint level puzzlers were full of anger in their hearts, but even then they did not take the initiative to rush to the front and attack the three of Gu Shiyi.

They are still looking for a turning point, and have tried to contact the outside world from just now, but they are a little desperate for each other. No matter what method they use to contact other ethnic groups, the messages they send out are like mud cows entering the sea. They have tried many times. After that, they finally discovered that they could not transmit any news, and the Human Race had prepared extremely well for this raid.

At this time, the five true saints of the confused mind race have the fastest speed of thinking. They exchange consciousness billions of times every second. They are constantly thinking about countermeasures, and finally decided to delay the current situation first. The method, anyway, first preserve the vitality of the ethnic group.

When the Huoxin Race didn’t make a move, the Human Race didn’t make a move either.

“Is it almost time?”

“It’s okay. The children’s adaptability has reached the highest level, and they can attack later.”

“Then… shoot it!”

With the completion of the exchange of consciousness among the three true saints, the entire battlefield changed abruptly.

Suddenly there was a surge of energy on the side of the five true saints of the puzzled heart tribe. In an instant, the world of light particles in their bodies collapsed. The scattered energy did not dissolve in them, but volatilized and returned to them. In the world.

“Human Race!”

The five true saint level puzzlers did not expect that the human race would be so unpredictable. Although they did not have the idea to take the initiative, they were always on guard, but who thought that even so beware, they would suffer a big loss in the end. .

At the same time, they also felt the gap between themselves and the true sage of the human race. In a single situation, they could not be the opposite opponent at all.

Just like the previous division of the three people of Yi in the ancient times, the five true sage levels of the puzzle-heart tribe were divided into two-by-one forms, and the strongest one was dealt with by the ancient Yi.

But even the strongest Confusion Clan is not as good as the ancients in terms of strength. Almost as soon as they met, they were suppressed to the downwind, and the world of light particles in their bodies continued to be wiped out.

The world of light particles is equivalent to their components. More specifically, they are their cells. A small amount of Death will not affect them, or even just a normal metabolic situation, but if all of them are Death, it will confuse the heart race itself. Will also be hit hard, not far from death.

All races have their own lifeline, as long as the lifeline is forced, it is equivalent to entering a state of dying.

But only one race is different.

Minor World emerges from the heart, Xu Sheng’s perspective is infinitely higher.

He entered a state of hand-to-hand combat.

What reverberated in his ears was the roar belonging to the Confusion Clan, which disturbed his mind, causing him to constantly have the idea of ​​wanting to give up.

But Xu Sheng’s strength of the confused mind clan is only equivalent to about 10% of the law. This ability to confuse the mind is almost like a noise in the ears. Although it makes him a little upset, it is not for the use of strength. Any impact.

Everyone chooses an object similar to their own strength, intersecting their own Minor World with the light-grain world of the Confusion Race, and the moment they merge with each other, the two sides begin to fight to the death.

Destroying the Minor World is not a quick thing. In the case of the same combat power, it is easy to use years as a unit, but if the strength is absolutely crushed, the power of the human race can directly destroy the light particle world. This will be a lot faster.

The quasi-sages are constantly using the power of the law to wipe out the group after group of the confused minds, while the efficiency of Sage is faster. The confused minds below the holy realm are not connected at all, as long as they are contaminated by the breath, they will explode in place. broken.

The speed at which different levels of strength eliminate opponents is not at the same level, and you can’t even make a shot.

The five members of Xuanxiao Team Huang Xuanlang are all quasi-sages. From the time they started to now, everyone has eliminated more than a hundred Huoxin tribes, but finally the Huoxin tribe with sufficient strength found them and hindered their offensive. .

As a quasi-sage of the highest level, Huang Xuanlang is on the earth, it is difficult to have an opponent of the same rank, not to mention these confused minds. As long as Sage does not come out, his strength will absolutely crush, even in the confused minds. The powerful quasi-sage level fell into an absolute disadvantage at the moment of facing him. Even if the number is increasing, there is no way to restore the situation if a dozen of them deal with him. Huang Xuanlang is still rushing from the left to the right, constantly consuming it. strength.

The entire hinterland of the Huoxin tribe has become a battlefield.

In this vast area of ​​the universe, the forces of the Human Race and the Heart-Troubled Race continue to collide.

The number of confused mind races has dropped rapidly, and although the human race on the other side is also damaged, death cases are rare.

Peng Yuanshang, Gu Shiyi, and Ji Huairu naturally had the full confidence to bring the entire Qianjing University students over.

In addition to the original strength of Qianjing University, there are also a few extremely holy eyes. Qianjing University is very important. They allow appropriate casualties, but they cannot accept exceeding the limit.

The extreme saints are a security guarantee. Although they haven’t taken action temporarily because of various things, once an accident occurs, it does not take long for them to get here.

This battle against the horrified heart race, from the beginning to the end, the human race has an absolute advantage. It has been evaluated countless times before the expedition, and the approval is finally obtained after the report is approved.

If he didn’t get consent, even if he gave Peng Yuanshang ten courage, he would not dare to take such a risk.

Ganjing University is the Ganjing University belonging to the entire human race, not the Ganjing University belonging to Peng Yuanshang.

“Human Race!”

On the battlefield of True Saint, after another round of collision, most of the light in the bodies of the five confused minds has dimmed.

They fell into an absolute disadvantage in the fight between the three of Peng Yuanshang, they could only passively defend, and could not make even the slightest effective attack.

They have a faint feeling…Even if the five of them concentrate on one of them, it is difficult to destroy it.

At this level, the confused minds also have various emotions of their own, and they can also feel fear, so they have faintly withdrawing thoughts in their hearts at this time.

What they want most is for the human race to leave here, but they also know that this is unlikely, so they will put it next, as long as they can escape, they can fully accept it.

As long as they still exist, even if the other puzzlers here are eliminated, the entire puzzlers will have a chance to grow again.

Each of the five of them is actually equivalent to a middle ethnic group.

Therefore, when they were fighting with Peng Yuanshang and others, they had already begun to prepare for the future. They discussed that if the situation is really irreversible, then at least one must escape. As long as one can escape, then they will not confuse the heart race. Counted as perishing.

If all five of them are killed, then the whole puzzled race will be considered hopeless. It will fall from the middle race to the ordinary race. Even if no one cares about them to let them develop at ease, they don’t know when they will return to the middle race. It is more likely that it will never arrive.

This is unacceptable to them.

The changes in the will of the five mind-bending tribes made the three of Yi see the fire in ancient times.

They had predicted this situation in their hearts long ago, and they were happy to see such a situation happen.

Even if they have an advantage in strength, the true sage level is the true sage level, and they would cost a lot of hands and feet to completely kill one.

But if there is a change in the fighting will, it will be different, which can greatly Ascension their confidence in eliminating it.

The above ideas are different, but regardless of each other’s ideas, the fight is going on all the time.

The world of light particles in the confused heart race is constantly dying, and the worlds of the true saints are also collapsing one by one.

The true sage already has the original world, and outside this original world, there are countless various Minor Worlds, small thousand worlds, and middle thousand worlds. When it comes to world development, the human race is the master. Every Sage has a large number in its body. Of various worlds.

The moment the two parties entangled with each other, the world and the world also had a channel, and the flow of time in their bodies was completely different from the outside world. Maybe the world in the universe only passed by one second, and millions of years had passed in their bodies.

So on the surface, it looks like the power of the True Sage’s law is destroying the light-grain world of the confusing mind race, but in fact it is the people of the True Sage who are destroying the light-grain world!

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