Global Sage Era

Chapter 323

Chapter 319

Kuang Yuan led Dahuang’s sergeant standing at the junction of the two circles.

The flags are densely covered, and the bearing is strict.

At the foot of the mountain tens of miles apart, more than ten thousand cultivators are waiting under the leadership of Yin.

The Huntuo people gathered all their strength as they had done before, for the next conquest.

Everyone knows that they are waiting for them to fight and Death, but no one is afraid, some are only excited.

At this time, the resources of Minor World have been used to the limit. The output of Minor World alone cannot support many people to enter a higher Realm. If you want to make a breakthrough, you need more resources.

These resources will not be generated for no reason. They all exist in other worlds. Only when they go to other worlds can they obtain enough resources for their own strength.

The Practitioner and the cultivator have not been fighting side by side for some time.

The two sides are already a little strange.

But the few people who are the leaders are still familiar, distance can’t block communication, and the strong always have a way to communicate.

Therefore, being unfamiliar does not mean that there is a gap. After all, both parties are Huntuo races, with the same root and the same origin.

In the depths of the sky that all the Huntuo human races, including the most powerful Yin and Kuang Yuan, did not see, a pair of eyes filled with infinite mystery slowly opened.

At the moment of opening, there is only the indifference of overlooking sentient beings in these eyes, but with the arrival of consciousness, this indifference disappears and is finally replaced by warmth.

Xu Sheng stared at the people below. At this time, the strength of the Huntuo race had not changed much from a few days ago. Without external resources, the strength of the Huntuo race had almost reached Bottleneck.

This is why Kuangyuan and Yin both have the same extremes in each other’s Realm. This time the action of destroying the confusing heart clan is an opportunity. He has too many goals to achieve here.

Qingwei Dao body.

God cultivator, Martial King powerhouse…

Still higher understanding of the law!

There are not many such battles, and the Light Particle World in each of the Heart-Troubled Race has a lot of resources, which can provide nutrients to the Huntuo Race.

Xu Sheng knew that this was the reason that Gu Sage allowed all Qianjing University students to participate. This was not only to kill all the aliens who dared to invade the human race, but also to give them a chance to grow up for those who were not strong enough!

He will not waste such an opportunity!

Recalling the past few months after entering Qianjing University, the formal experience of ten thousand races and endless return to the market made him come to this point. Without these two places, even if the price of everything is powerful, it will not be able to improve his. strength.

So what he thought of in his heart was to do his best to eliminate the confusion heart family as much as possible!

The will of the confused heart race is very strong, and there is a bonus effect when facing the human race, but all this can not shake his mind, as long as the two worlds are handed over, the Huntuo human race will collapse the other’s light particle world. .

Xu Sheng’s own current law comprehension is 12%, and even the human race with the same comprehension is far from his opponent, let alone the confused mind race of the same level.

The reason why he chose now is a puzzled clan with a 10% rule of comprehension of strength is completely because he has not experienced a battle from 6% to the present level. To be on the safe side, first slowly get acquainted with strength.

With the loud bang.

On the periphery of Huntuo Minor World, a huge world gradually approached. From the perspective of Kuang Yuan and others, it seemed that a world was colliding with him.

But they didn’t have any fear in their hearts, the ancestors were watching them from above, and the ancestors belonged to them.

The contact between the two Minor Worlds lasted for a long time in the time sensing of Kuang Yuan and others, but in Xu Sheng’s eyes, the contact time between the two from beginning to end was only a few seconds, which was a form of ‘hit into’.

At the moment of the collision, the protective barriers of both worlds eliminated each other, acting as a protection, so that the ordinary life inside was not affected in any way.

The life born in the Light-grain World of the Confusion Race is not much different from other races. There are extremely energetic life and flesh and blood life. When they are different, these ordinary lives also contain the same characteristics of the Confusion Race, and their nature is more chaotic. distortion.

At the same time, there is a negative energy field in the world, which will erode the ordinary lives that they enter, making their will become crazy over time, and finally become a walking dead.

If it is a common mundane life, facing such an area, it will be in a disadvantaged situation at the first time, but the Huntuo race has the function of a bloody body and is absolutely immune to such negative effects, so they are entering this area. Although he felt some discomfort and unaccustomedness for a moment, his strength did not have much influence.

Not only Xu Sheng, but the people of other people also have various functions. In addition, some people can in turn affect the lives in the world of the Twitching Race Light Particle. The strength of the Human Race is not manifested in which one People.

As the strength of the ancestors increases, the people will also awaken certain talents, and even buy some talents on the earth to load them. Above the semi-holy level, various powerful talents have become standard, so when the world merges At that time, the indigenous races in each light particle world were beaten and retreated steadily.

There are many lives in this light particle world that Xu Sheng chose, but most of them are unconscious creatures. Such creatures that cannot be called intelligent life are not threatening to the Huntuo people. The opponents of the Huntuo people are Those individuals who are sufficiently intelligent and have strong growth potential.

Although the area of ​​the light particle world is very large, under the sweep of the thousands of Huntuo human races, it will not take long to be traversed.

[Record]: You killed the Qi Sea level aliens and gained 542 incense points

[Record]: You killed the Gold Core level aliens and gained 14221 incense points

[Record]: You killed Martial Spirit level aliens and gained 42114 incense points

[Record]: You killed the Nascent Soul level alien and gained 240524 incense points

When the Huntuo people started to take action, the numbers in the incense column of Xu Sheng’s Sage interface were also constantly changing, and they were advancing toward the 100 billion mark at a violent speed.

In the spirit source world, in order to obtain the spirit source celestial crystals as efficiently as possible, most of his attention was not on destroying the spirit source beasts. Therefore, the incense value was not quickly obtained, but the situation was different at this time. The Huntuo Human Race’s encyclical is to wipe out all the intelligent life in this world, and the increase in the value of all incense is much faster than in the spiritual source world.

According to such efficiency, as long as a 10% level puzzler is eliminated, even with the ‘experience penalty’, the incense value obtained in the end can exceed one billion.

In other words, Xu Sheng only needs to eliminate two hundred puzzlers at most, and then he can exchange enough for the incense of the Qing Wei Dao Body!

“Two hundred! You are the first!”

Once a person has a goal, the burst of energy will be extremely terrifying.

At this moment, after Xu Sheng had estimated the situation, his thoughts were completely pure and insignificant!

There are so many confused minds in this hinterland, even if everyone is evenly distributed, the number to deal with is in the hundreds, and only the Humans dare to take the initiative under such a huge disparity in numbers.

Facts have proved that the 10% rule comprehension of the strength of the puzzle heart is too weak for Xu Sheng. After the two worlds merged, the other party has not caused him any trouble.

Not only the strength of the people, but even the body was suppressed by him. Only more than a year after the beginning of this war, the light particle world outside Huntuo Minor World has begun to collapse, and all the intelligent lives inside have been wiped out!

Vaguely, a scream came from Xu Sheng’s ear. It belonged to the dying wailing of the Huoxin Clan he was targeting.

But it is not dead yet. If you leave it alone, this process may even last for hundreds of millions of years. If external forces are involved, it is more likely to reverse this trend and allow it to recover again.

So Xu Sheng gave it the final blow as taught in the book.

It is also referred to as ‘make up’ in textbooks.

The force of the law surged out, Xu Sheng found the spread of the opponent’s consciousness, and ransacked back and forth inside.

When all the storms ceased, the twisted mental body that was in front of him was gone, replaced by a crystalline condensate.

This condensate can be regarded as the front of the Faoxin Clan that once existed, and it can also be used to increase the speed of comprehension of some laws.

However, items of this grade are not a big deal on the earth, and they need to be integrated in a large number to have sufficient value.

But for Xu Sheng, such a thing is not bad, and it is a good start.

After eliminating this 10% rule comprehension level of the confused mind, Xu Sheng’s next target is the 12% level.

That is the level of his current law comprehension.

The match just now gave him confidence. According to his estimation, if the opponent is also 12%, he can also solve it quickly.

However, for every one percentage point of Ascension, the ascending of strength doubles.

Although he had not used even one-tenth of his strength when he was fighting Peng Xiao before, he himself was not sure that his strength would definitely exceed 15% of sophomores.

After all, the top sophomores, the current law comprehension is only 15%~20%.

Although Xu Sheng was confident, he was not blindly arrogant. Those at the top of the sophomore year were not so good at surpassing in strength after all.

After having the first experience, this second collision becomes very simple.

In Minor World, not only did the strength of the Huntuo tribe and the cultivator not decline, but because of the resources brought from the light particle world, they got Ascension again. Many people who have been stuck in a certain Realm without a breakthrough for a long time are because of the sudden rich material strength. Acquired Ascension again.

This is undoubtedly a battle to support war!

In the light of fighting to support war, Xu Sheng is sure that no one of the same generation can surpass himself!

The existence of the equivalence of everything is to maximize the effect of fighting to raise the war. As long as it does not lose too much power in a certain expedition, then the Huntuo race will surely thrive in a more violent way!

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