Global Sage Era

Chapter 325

Chapter 321 Sage Don’t Care


[Sage interface]


[Incense]: 71.1 billion



Xu Sheng’s gaze retracted from the incense column.

For him now, the number after 100 million is meaningless.

When the strength Ascension reaches a certain level, the originally huge numbers have become idle.

Seven1.1 billion was naturally an unattainable number for the Practitioner who had only the Second Stage at the time.

He still remembers the first time he opened the scene where everything is equivalent. At that time, the various exchange items dazzled him, and at the same time, the huge numbers made him both excited and powerful.

At the beginning, he also deliberately searched for some exchange items in anime, such as writing round eyes.

He was still thinking in silence that he must add such talent to his people when he had enough incense, but to this day, he still hasn’t exchanged such a huge number of incense.

Without it, the vision is different.

The writing wheel, which is only worth millions of dollars, is not worth mentioning in his eyes now. It is no longer on the same level as the Ninth Stage battle body, and it doesn’t even have the qualifications to compare prices.

And many things he saw at the beginning, now he has the capital to exchange.

Seven1.1 billion incenses, if you change the calculation unit, 100 million incenses will be upgraded to the second level of incense, but only seven hundred and eleven.

Just like how many silver coins are equal to one gold coin, there are only a few exchange ratio settings in between. As long as he wants, the current Sage interface can be changed immediately.

But it is not necessary. In addition, Xu Sheng still has to exchange some scattered small items. When will all the exchanged items be in 100 million units, he will adjust the proportion of the interface at that time, so that it will be even more Refreshing and more intuitive.

The first and the second Huoxin Clan brought Xu Sheng billions of incense value, and this third one is no exception.

When it also began to collapse, the number in the incense column of Xu Sheng’s Sage interface had become seven hundred and twenty-six.

A full 1.5 billion Ascension, even if it is the 300 billion exchange requirement of the Qingwei Dao Body, according to the current rate of acquisition, it is only two hundred confused mind races.

Even if it does not change at the current rate of one in two years, it will only be four hundred years after all the numbers have been made up.

Four hundred years are very long, equivalent to more than one year of the earth in the world.

Four hundred years are very short, and only four days have passed on the earth in the hinterland of the Douxin Clan.

The Battle of the Heart Clan will not end so quickly. After all, it is a middle-class race, so the school has told everyone when they came that the scheduled time for this mission is between fifteen and thirty days.

After such a long period of time, Xu Sheng can obtain a lot of incense value. He is now not only trying to make up for the exchange needs of the pure and reasonable, he even started to be “greedy”, hoping for the third third of the Ninth Stage battle body. Stage.

The strength of the Ninth Stage battle body does not need to be said any more. He has the current strength, and the first two contributions of the Ninth Stage battle body are the greatest.

If it were not for the first two Ninth Stage battle bodies to raise the bottom line of the Huntuo Practitioner, he would not be able to reach the current Qi Sea realm of the whole people.

As for the third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body, that will be another qualitative change. At that time, his people will no longer be Qi Sea realm, but will become the Martial Master of the whole nation!

At that time, the area of ​​his Minor World will definitely increase, and the number of people that can be carried has greatly increased. As long as he thinks about the billion-level Martial Master, he can be excited.

Such a powerful force, even if it is a person who has twice his understanding of the law, it is impossible for him to be his opponent in terms of the strength of the people!

He expected such a scene tightly.

While everyone is destroying the Confusion Clan at the fastest speed, there are also a small number of people who are paying attention to the rankings.

More than 10,000 people under the whole semi-sage have all appeared on the rankings.

There are different scores for the elimination of the confused heart clan. At this time, the highest score of the above person has reached 4,121,124.

There are obvious levels of strength below the semi-sage.

When the first dozens of people were at the million level, the scores of the people behind suddenly fell below one million.

Then after hundreds of people, the score fell below one hundred thousand.

After a few thousand people, the score was less than 10,000.

This is the difference brought about by the comprehension of the law.

The statistics below half a holy level include sophomores and juniors.

The powerful students in the junior middle school have entered the Semi-Holy Realm, but the students who are close to it are likely to have only about 30% of the law comprehension.

But even the last batch of “crane tails” with the understanding of the 30% rule is absolutely crushed when they are placed in the sophomore year.

Therefore, the top 8,000 of the rankings are all junior students, and the strongest artist in the second year is only 8,980.

According to this rule, Xu Sheng, who is only a freshman, should be ranked last.

But in fact it is not. Now his ranking is-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-two!

Rush into the top ten thousand!

This number seems insignificant, even compared with Xu Sheng’s previous rankings.

But it means that Xu Sheng has already entered the top 1,000 ranking among all sophomores!

Who are the first thousand people?

They are all from the Tianzi class!

About 10,000 students of each age have always been divided into four levels of heaven, earth, mysterious and yellow according to the structural ratio of one, two, three and four.

The emperor class only has a thousand students, which already represents the highest level of sophomore year.

At this moment, when the first semester of the freshman year was more than a month away, Xu Sheng had already crossed such a huge gap and possessed the same level of strength as a larger Ertianzi class!

“How can it be!”

“How could his ranking be so high?”

This is no longer a surprising question. Many sophomores who see the rankings simply cannot accept it!

Especially those students in the Dizi class. Although their own strength is not as good as those abnormalities in the Tianzi class, it is absolutely unsurpassed for the freshman students, even if you are the most enchanting student in a century, the strongest. Not even a freshman!

It is unacceptable and I have to accept it, and the ranking is shiningly placed there!

Under the auspices of True Sage, the rankings cannot be faked. Xu Sheng, a freshman, surpassed them!

Everyone’s thoughts are different.

However, compared with the unacceptability of sophomores, other grades and teachers are in a more relaxed state of watching movies.

“This Xu Sheng is really strong, hahaha, the expressions of those sophomores are not right.”

“Hey, don’t blame them. If we also met a guy like Xu Sheng back then, it would be restless.”

“But it’s still comfortable to look at like this. No matter how high he ranks, he won’t be able to catch up with us for the time being.”

“It’s a very good thing.”

The semi-sages and the quasi-sages were chatting, they still had enough energy to separate a part of their minds to communicate with their partners when facing several opponents at the same time. I have to say that this kind of strength is extremely strong.

“Captain, Xu Sheng ranks very high.”

The Xuance team also has exchanges on the team channel.

“I have anticipated this situation a long time ago. I believe that Xu Sheng’s strength improvement behind will surprise everyone.” Huang Xuanlang did not feel the slightest surprise. In the previous contact process, he had already seen Xu Sheng’s strength Ascension speed. How fast, that made him, the quasi-sage pinnacle, feel a horror.

The strength Xu Sheng showed now is just what he currently possesses.

And the biggest difference Xu Sheng has always been is not what level his strength has reached, but you never know what level his strength will improve after a period of time!

The strength of Ascension is Xu Sheng’s most surprising point!

He knew that Xu Sheng must have the secret of his own strength Ascension.

But what about this?

Everyone has their own chance and luck.

Only those low-level natives of the world would have the idea of ​​killing people and winning treasures.

The Holy Path is extremely complicated. It is the extreme of dynamic changes. What everyone wants to Ascension to a higher Realm is not so-called chance, but real insight.

A momentary lead doesn’t mean anything, what can make own go further is always sufficient.

Temporary backwardness does not mean eternal backwardness, just like this confusing race, a hundred years is equal to one day on the earth, and in some more marginal areas, he can easily find areas with a larger time span.

Even if it takes ten thousand years, it still exists relative to the earth in one day.

But it doesn’t make much sense.

It’s like the mortal dynasty may be in one Samsara after another. Even if time passes, it’s just a meaningless repetition. As creators, their perceptions are not improved, and their people and Minor World can’t be improved. It is meaningless repetition.

Only self-improvement can drive the improvement of Minor World and the people, this kind of recognition, as a quasi-sage, he has completely understood it a few years ago.

So from the beginning, he didn’t want to explore Xu Sheng’s secrets. No matter how fast Xu Sheng has Ascension speed, no matter how fast he progresses in strength, it is all his chance. His chance will always be his chance. It is impossible to become own, and it may even affect his own saintly path because of excessive attention. This is not worth the gain.

This perception is not only Huang Xuanlang, but most people are the same.

Not to mention those Sages.

Xu Sheng has a secret, so why don’t those evildoers have their own secrets?

Even Huang Xuanlang, doesn’t he have the same chance to belong to his own.

All many things don’t need to be too much, just look at it quietly and smile for it.

In one sentence: Sage doesn’t care.

Sage doesn’t care what kind of opportunities you have, they always care only about own way.

Holy way.

It is the supreme road, the road that everyone can’t climb to the extreme in their entire life.

It is also an extremely self-directed path. Many people have their own unique insights in their hearts and are not moved by foreign objects.

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