Global Sage Era

Chapter 326

Chapter 322

“Holy, the East Road army has defeated the continent ahead.”

“The Western Army defeated the alien coalition forces.”


Kuang Yuan sat in the middle of the town, and countless messages gathered to him like snowflakes.

The battlefield of the fusion of Minor World and Light Particle World is huge, and it has surpassed the size of the earth.

But despite the great distance, with Martial Spirit’s Cultivation Base, it was able to see the situation in its entirety.

An area the size of an earth is not worth mentioning in front of the real little world.

But at the level of about 13% of the law degree, this has almost reached the limit.

At this moment, a familiar sense of oppression appeared, as if the entire world was repelling their existence. This situation had occurred twice before, and it was the consciousness generated by the other side’s world that was pressing them.

If their range of action is still in the Minor World, they will not be affected by this at all, but now they have entered a very deep position in the light particle world, and they are already completely ‘outsiders’.

The cultivators also showed a lot of power in this battle. Although the Practitioners are strong, they are still slightly weaker in the face of a whole world of aliens, especially the methods are relatively simple, and there is no cultivator as flexible and changeable. .

Xu Sheng is solving the consciousness of many parties while giving help at the critical moment. It can be said that there are too many things to do so far. In order to ensure that the strength of the Huntuo human race will only become stronger, he has already used a lot of roots. In this battle.

Everything is for own to be stronger, and to stand in a more important position in this battle to destroy the confounding heart clan.

He knew it was difficult, but looking at the semi-sages, quasi-sages, and Sages around him, he couldn’t be slack in the slightest.

“Master, this is the information obtained just now. The hiding place of the strongest clan in this world has been found.”

In the cultivator’s camp, the figure of Yuhua came from a distance very quickly. On a huge boulder, Yin was closing his eyes to cultivate, =.

He seems to be calculating this world, and he seems to have some unique feelings. Around him, there are several Gold Core cultivators standing in awe. They are pious seekers, but they know that the end of the own is here. It is no longer possible to climb higher peaks by own strength alone.

Unfortunately fortunately, they also have a Nascent Soul cultivator like this big Elder. At this time, Yin is fully worthy of the name of the big cultivator. Many years ago, there was also a small cultivator with the fourth layer of Qi training. The Yin of Qi Jiu Ti is a big cultivator.

Yin’s progress represents the progress of the entire Huntuo cultivator. He can open up a higher path, which means that more people can follow his trail to reach Realm that the original trail could not reach.

The intelligent beings in the light-grain world of the confused mind are not controlled by them. The behavior of these intelligent beings is disorderly, and only their traces can determine.

And generally speaking, there is an absolutely powerful race in the world that can call on other races, but this world is not. The strongest race in this world is a tortoise-like creature. After knowing that the Huntuo race entered, they His first thought was not to fight with the Huntuo people, but to find a place to hide in what he believed to be complete. No matter the flood outside, he was also happy to hide in this place.

Such behavior is naturally shameful in the eyes of Huntuo Practitioners, but for races that have grown up in different environments, it can’t be more normal.

But no matter how evasive these mundane lives like tortoises are, the fate they face is doomed, that is, destruction.

Under the battle between the two races in the world, they are extremely small and can only drift with the waves.

Xu Sheng’s strength is stronger than this Confusion Clan, so their ultimate result can only be destruction.

What is embarrassing is that even if the whole world begins to weep, and the earth shatters into cracks one after another, these creatures still have no meaning to come out. No matter how much change outside, they all live in the own world.

“This is a sad group of creatures.”

Wang Fan, who has grown into a Nascent Soul cultivator, coldly watched the demise of the entire world. He has experienced the lowest level of this world. He has gained the strength step by step now, so he is particularly disgusted with the actions of these creatures. Even with his current strength, he shouldn’t have much reaction.

“Everything has its own direction of choice. From your point of view, this is sad and unbearable, but if you look at it from their point of view, this is just the result of their choice.”

Yin’s voice appeared in his ears, and Wang Fan’s face turned upright. With the growth of Cultivation Base, the Master’s teachings have become less and less. The last such teaching in my memory was decades ago, and so many years have passed. The teacher’s teachings have made him feel excited.

Not only Wang Fan, but everyone including Huntuo Practitioner had some feelings about this situation.

They inevitably remembered, if the Huntuo people were not helped by their ancestors, then where could they go now?

No one can give an answer, but it will certainly not develop as smoothly as it is now.

The entire Huntuo race has a population of more than 100 million. Although only a few million people participated in the war, those who remained in the Minor World and did not participate in the war also learned about the outside world through their own channels.

If one of so many people has gained the most, the final answer will surprise everyone.

Kuang Yuan.

As the leader of the country, the number of times he participated in the war has been reduced a lot. More often, he is acting as a commander, standing behind to make overall plans.

But what no one knows is that this is because of the overall planning, allowing him to see the race change caused by the war.

And as a result, he promoted Realm, which he had stagnated for nearly two hundred years.

Martial Spirit’s Dzogchen to Martial King is indeed a big leap, and this big leap made him stuck for so long when he rarely appeared bottleneck.

Since his Realm stalled, the strength of the entire Huntuo Practitioner Ascension has also slowed down, just like Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, the current Realm is still at the Martial Spirit late stage, and even the Great Perfection has not arrived.

From the tribe to the city, and then from the city to the country, as the ancestor Xu Sheng, the Ascension he obtained was higher and higher, and the increase in the law comprehension was immediate, and thus led to the increase in the area.

As for Kuang Yuan, who had walked all the way from the patriarch, his Ascension should not be too much smaller than Xu Sheng.

Although in terms of the level of strength, there is a big difference between the two, but in terms of the magnitude of the change in strength, Kuang Yuan should be even better.

So Da Huang’s affairs distracted him, and at the same time gave him more possibilities.

Kuang Yuan himself didn’t know what this might be.

But Xu Sheng, as an ancestor, knew.

This thing is called: National Destiny!

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