Global Sage Era

Chapter 330

Chapter 326: A Higher Level of Citizens

“This…I’m afraid it’s not because of their special fetters that I don’t know?”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help but come up with such an idea in his mind.

Of course he knew it was impossible, no matter what was unusual between the two, he couldn’t hide from his ancestor.

It can only be said that it was just a coincidence, and it was also a very good thing for him.

Minor World, Hun Tuo tribe.

It was still the familiar quiet room, Yin had already entered the Closed Door Training state.

Before Closed Door Training, he once called Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Wang Fan to the front and ordered everything.

“On the Practitioner side, you must maintain it, and don’t let the contradiction between each other expand.”

All three of Yuhuan knew that this was because of the evil repairs that made the Master have this time.

The appearance of evil cultivator was a major blow to the relationship between Practitioner and cultivator. The relationship between the two parties was originally stable, so there was a lot of suspicion.

They don’t have much to do here. The victims in this incident are undoubtedly the Practitioner side. Ordinary people have nothing to do with the cultivator, and it is impossible to do some harm to them in reverse.

The common people’s ideas are very simple, that is, they can live a stable life. If they can see that the offspring of own can achieve something on this basis, this will make them smile at Jiuquan.

With Yin’s Closed Door Training, some undercurrents gradually emerged in the Huntuo tribe.

Yin has the most special meaning of existence, even Kuang Yuan is incomparable to Da Huang.

Ambitious people appear on the Practitioner side, so why not on the cultivator side?

When Yin’s Spiritual Sense covers the entire Huntuo tribe, many cultivators with crooked minds dare not come up, but when they are sure that Yin has no time to control them, all of them jump out.

The most intuitive performance is that the number of cultivators in the tribe has begun to decrease.

The most inferior is to run away, so the identity of such a person can’t be concealed.

The higher-end ones took the method of suspended animation. In order to get out of the attention of the Huntuo tribe, they spent a lot of scheming and waited for this day long ago.

All these varied, in short, after Dahuang, the Huntuo tribe also began to enter the turmoil.

Therefore, the status of Yin and Kuangyuan can be expressed most clearly.

Confusion in the hinterland of the heart tribe.

Over the past two decades, the number of puzzlers has been reduced a lot.

When there was no advantage in the frontal battlefield, they began to adopt a roundabout way. Even though no part of the method was resisted by the three true sages in the middle, it still worked.

In the twenty-seventh year of the beginning of the war between the two sides, Ganjing University suffered casualties for the first time-a sophomore with a 17% understanding of the law.

This sophomore was originally dealing with opponents of the same level, but under the design of several semi-sacred level puzzlers, he slowly left the queue of Qianjing University and stepped into a trap. In the end, he didn’t even have the chance to use the self-defense treasure. Be killed.

At the time of his death, the breath of the three Sages suddenly increased, and then everyone felt the hundreds of magnetic fields belonging to the Confusion Clan dissipate.

Under True Sage’s anger, hundreds of Sage level puzzlers directly buried this student!

Of course, the five true saint level puzzlers were furious by this situation. They also wanted to follow the way of the three Sages, but their lack of strength caused them to be blocked when they were about to act, and in the end it was just a waste of energy. .

“Hmph, dare to kill my students, I want your entire race to be buried!”

There is still anger in Peng Yuanshang’s eyes. Although he knows that casualties cannot be avoided this time, he still can’t restrain the anger in his heart when the situation arises.

What he wants to see most is naturally that everyone can go back intact, even if it is impossible, it can be regarded as a goal of struggle.

“You two will pay more attention later, the same thing can’t happen again.”

“I already know.”


In ancient times, Yi and Ji Huairu nodded solemnly. The Death of a student made them both extremely unhappy.

The number of human races is too small, especially compared to the almost endless world races, even if it is a battle loss ratio of 10,000 to one, it is far from enough.

Although every human race has a very weak stage and has encountered countless dangers in the growth process, the true death rate is not too high.

Presumably, the slim probability of promotion of other races is undoubtedly a happy one as a member of the human race.

The anger of the three Sages also drove the anger of the teachers and students of Qianjing University.

In the next ten years, the death count of the Confusion Clan doubled, and many people who were still slowly solving their opponents began to really exert their strength.

Many people already know in their hearts that as long as the number of confused minds can be reduced as soon as possible, their safety will be more guaranteed.

In a flash, Xu Sheng solved his tenth opponent, and by this time his incense value had broken through nine million!

In Minor World, Yin’s breakthrough has also reached a critical moment.

However, compared to Kuangyuan’s success, Yin’s breakthrough was not so smooth.

“Let me wish you a helping hand.”

Xu Sheng made sure that the probability of Yin’s breakthrough was less than 30% without interference, and he didn’t hesitate to take the shot.

The first is the drop of the power of law, which has increased his perception speed by dozens of times.

In an instant, Yin’s original 30% breakthrough probability was ascending to 50%.

Then there is the exchange of the equivalent of everything.

【地 Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: It can make the target 100% own Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Redemption required: 300 million incense starts

The exchange price that was once terrifying is now nothing. The mere 300 million incense has finally become a drizzle for Xu Sheng.

The 300 million incense value is deducted, and the number still remains at the beginning of nine.

The aura appeared and shot down by him, appeared in the quiet room, and merged with him while Yin was still breakthrough.

This feeling was too familiar, so he was immediately moved in his heart, but since the breakthrough reached the critical moment, he couldn’t do anything.

After obtaining the Ascension of Spiritual Roots, Yin’s breakthrough probability instantly increased again, and it was close to 80%!

Nascent Soul breakthrough has a probability of close to 80% of transforming gods. No matter what world it is placed in, it will make people crazy!

Especially in the case of opening up the road ahead, according to common sense, it should be less than one percent.

Yin’s initial 30% probability was not high, but it was already shocking enough.

And now the probability of a breakthrough of 80%, coupled with his originally purple luck, is almost a certainty.

Xu Sheng has achieved this point. If Yin still fails in the end, he will also start to think about more things, whether Yin is really suitable for him to continue to cultivate and continue to climb higher Realm.

Fortunately, such a situation did not occur, and Yin did not live up to his expectations. In the end, he surpassed all obstacles and walked forward with difficulty and firmness towards Realm.

In a blink of an eye, another three years have passed. There was momentum rising into the sky in the quiet room, which was felt by the cultivator of the entire Huntuo tribe.

After a short period of astonishment, everyone was happy.

“Big Elder breakthrough succeeded!”

“Is this Realm? It’s too powerful!”


The heart of every cultivator is extremely surging, and the appearance of a cultivator makes them feel more possibilities.

Compared to the last time from Gold Core to Nascent Soul, this time is too long.

Nascent Soul’s lifespan is generally around a thousand years, and once the breakthrough reaches the stage of transforming the gods, it will be 3,000 years old. Things like lifespan can no longer be too obstructive.

Starting from Huashen, the importance of aptitude will rapidly Ascension.

Then came the Cultivation Technique and the foundation laid before.

These three are indispensable. A highly qualified ‘professional’ such as a cultivator has finally shown demanding requirements, and it’s really hard to get there.

At this time, the promotion probability among cultivators is already horribly low. Even in the case of the Huntuo tribe, one hundred Nascent Soul cultivators can produce a god who can pray for incense and worship Buddha.

Yin’s Closed Door Training time was too short this time, a mere ten years, and it was nothing for the cultivator.

At this time, many people with crooked minds just jumped out and didn’t have time to make any actions, and then their fate was a bit miserable. Under the powerful Spiritual Sense of the transformation stage, no one could escape, and they were all caught in the end. .

If it is other ideas that can be tolerated, but these people want to cultivation with the lives of ordinary people, this is what he absolutely does not allow, and his handling methods are extremely decisive, and he will be Cultivation Base in front of everyone. Abolished, and then rushed to some bitter cold places.

Xu Sheng can see clearly in the upper point, his thoughts are also the same, such people must not be let go, once the idea of ​​evil cultivation sprouts in their hearts, then they will only continue to lean towards this step in the future.

As for letting others go like Kuang Yuan did, it is absolutely impossible. Those people are only ambitious, and the end result is that they can promote the growth of strength, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The breakthrough of Kuang Yuan and Yin means that Xu Sheng’s people’s strength has entered a new stage. It is undoubtedly a good thing to reach this step in the early stage of this war.

However, Xu Sheng’s Ascension was not great this time, perhaps because Martial King and Huashen are strong at the same level. Even if they appear in the people at the same time, they will not double the calculation. Although it is a bit disappointing, it can be considered as expected.

[Record]: A cultivator appeared in your people!

[Congratulations]: Your world level has been broadened

[Ascension]: Your law will be perfected in a short time

Several messages appeared, and Xu Sheng shut it down after taking a look.

Then he sent down a heavenly edict.

“My children, stronger enemies have appeared, what you need to do next is to gather all your forces and defeat them!”

A firm color appeared on the face of every Huntuo human race.

In the universe, Xu Sheng looked at the confused mind clan in the distance, and then he chose an opponent whose law comprehension reached 15%!

This is a brand new challenge!

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