Global Sage Era

Chapter 331

Chapter 327

“Holy Lord, all the Martial Masters and above have been gathered here, a total of 2.82 million people!”

“The Qi Sea seven floors and above have also been assembled, totaling 10.83 million.”

Dahuang State Capital, Tongtian City.

At this time, the flags were so dense that I couldn’t see the head at a glance.

The army of more than tens of millions represents almost all the strength of Dahuang.

In the previous wars, the Practitioners have enjoyed enough benefits, knowing that only more victories can get enough resources to allow their own Cultivation Base to continue Ascension!

For this reason, they have abandoned the idea of ​​fear, as long as they can Ascension their own strength, they have not considered danger or something!

No matter how many people are dispatched on the Practitioner side, it is only one-tenth of the total population.

Even if there are many casualties, the final result is only to allow the Huntuo human race to recover once the time is sluggish, as long as a period of recuperation, but the root vein is broken.

But the cultivator is different. Even though the number of cultivators has been developed for more than a thousand years, the number still does not exceed 30,000. In the world-level battles, they cannot save much power, almost every In a battle, the cultivator will be exhausted. Even the five-layer cultivator who has just been able to fight, do not hesitate to participate in the battle.

This is not a compulsory requirement of Yin, it is simply that those people want more resources.

Although the Huntuo tribe will provide a lot of resources for cultivation, this can only guarantee a good cultivation speed, but it is always good. Everyone wants to go further, and they want a faster cultivation speed.

What is the speed of cultivation in exchange for?

Yes, it is piled up by resources!

As long as you are willing to consume enough resources, even a pig can become a magical pig!

So even children who have just stepped into the path of spiritual practice know that resources are the most precious!

At this time, with enough cultivators from the Cultivation Base left, there are only a few hundred people left in the Huntuo tribe. Among them, the strongest is undoubtedly Yuhua. As a pill refining teacher, she does not need to go out and fight to death. She also thought about going out and participating in the war. They were always stopped. Everyone said that they could die, but she could not.

Pill refining teachers are indeed inaccessible to the cultivator group. Any profession can disappear, but pill refining teachers cannot.

The pill refining division is the person who maximizes their gains. Only the pill refining division can maximize the effect of those high-rank spiritual materials, and the final result is even higher than they participated in several battles.

Xu Sheng’s gaze flicked over the familiar faces.

Every choice is difficult for him, and he constantly weighs safety and Ascension every time.

To make Ascension the fastest, he needs to find a stronger opponent, but a stronger opponent means greater danger and more people will sacrifice.

Even if he pays more attention, he cannot protect everyone’s safety. As long as there is the slightest change, several names in his watch list will turn black.

But it is impossible for him to be a ‘nanny’ all the time.

Even the people he is optimistic about need to go through some selection. If these people are eliminated in such a battle, it proves that their limit is here. In the future, they will face countless difficulties and dangers. He cannot always follow behind.

I have to say that after so long, Xu Sheng’s thoughts have also changed a lot.

He is indeed still taking the human path, but it does not mean that the human path is to be the “Mother of God”, and sacrifice is not to be seen.

He has more knowledge about ‘humanity’.

Take mortals, they also have the concept of sacrifice. If it is to achieve a certain goal, even sacrifice is not unacceptable.

People’s thoughts change dynamically, and there are very few teachings about human nature, and more often he explores by himself.

Most of the teachers at Ganjing University are of the Holy Path. Although I heard that there are some teachers with a human path, none of the teachers in the champion class are there.

Compared with the college entrance examination meeting, he naturally knew more about humanity and sacredness.

Combined with the current situation of the earth, the possession of the holy nature can overwhelm the human nature, precisely because it fits the current human race situation.

The advancement of human nature was slow in the early stage, and it is definitely not suitable now when you need to add more strength.

There is a saying of natural selection in ordinary races, but for the human races that have reached the highest level, the power of natural selection is still manifesting.

Therefore, natural selection is universal in the entire universe, and it does not change because of the will of certain people or certain races.

Thirteen days later, Xu Sheng’s Minor World finally docked with the puzzled clan chosen by him.

After the contact, Xu Sheng immediately saw the opponent’s strength.

Unlike the previous opponents, this puzzled clan clearly has more control over the intelligent life in its light-grain world. Although there are thousands of races, they are now integrated in one place, gathering their power.

Naturally, this is not good news. Xu Sheng wants to see the situation where Xu Sheng wants to see the most. This allows him to get the greatest gains at the least cost.

However, this was not the time to blame Tianyouren. After confirming the situation of the opponent, he issued a heavenly order to the Huntuo tribe.

This encyclical contains all aspects of planning, the purpose of which is to reduce the consumption of one’s own strength.

Although he has determined to reduce his intervention in the Huntuo tribe, reducing the intervention does not mean that such a situation is not a matter of fact, that is a fool’s approach.

The strength of the opponent is not lower than own, and the strength of intelligent life is also very strong. This will be a tough battle.

“An ancestor’s oracle.”

“It seems that this time it won’t be as easy as before.”

“Unexpectedly, you and I would have such a battle when they entered the new Realm. It seems that it is doomed by God.”

“Oh, I don’t believe what God is destined to do.”

Although Kuang Yuan and Yin did not stand at the same place, for their Realm, the distance of hundreds of miles did not affect communication. Spiritual Sense transmission was very easy, and it was no different from face-to-face.

After the two exchanged ideas, they began to give orders to the Practitioner and the cultivator.

In addition, the two are also trying their best to use own means to prepare for the protection of the lives of younger generations.

Martial King Realm and Huashen Realm are indescribably powerful. Although they have been used to it for a while, they still don’t know much about the more mysteries of this Realm.

In this respect, there is a big battle at this time and it also coincides with it.

Among the intelligent lives belonging to the confused mind tribe, there are many powerful people in Realm. Although there has not yet been a higher level of life, the gap between Realm and Realm is so big that it is already difficult to bridge.

But Human Race is Human Race after all.

Especially Xu Sheng is still the most enchanting evildoer in the entire human race.

Kuang Yuan and Yin still maintained their leapfrog combat capabilities. Although they both had just made breakthroughs, they could deal with even opponents in the middle stage of Huashen.

Ordinary races will certainly not be able to achieve this step. Even if they are students of Qianjing University, their people will at most gain some advantages in the same Realm.

In addition to the people’s own leapfrog combat capabilities, the existence of Xu Sheng, an ancestor, can also give the people more strength and support.

This is an ability that belongs to the human race alone. Compared to the human race’s blessing ability for its citizens, the gains of other races are almost negligible.

Under this calculation, even if it is the existence of the late stage of Huashen, Kuang Yuan and Yin have the opportunity to touch them.

However, even though Kuang Yuan and Yin are powerful, there are too many intelligent lives of this confused mind clan, and there are more than ten of them at the level of transforming gods. This is a very stressful number.

Xu Sheng paid great attention to these dozens of God-transforming races. It can be said that how much gains can be gained from this war depends on how long Yin and Kuangyuan can clean them up.

In addition, he also expects other people to be able to break through at this time. Since both Yin and Kuangyuan have broken through, other people should not be far from entering a higher level.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out.

The preliminary trial stage is omitted directly.

The war between the human race and the confused heart race continues to this day, and each of the confused mind race has understood that there is not much time for own.

They see themselves more as part of the whole, even if they are killed by the human race in the battle, as long as they can eventually damage the strength of the human race, it will be considered successful.

Their mentality has indeed caused some trouble to the Human Race. Many Confusion Races can be said to be suicidal before they die, that is, even if they die, they will bite off a piece of your flesh, causing many people to feel a headache.

More importantly, there is still no method. If they change the situation where they are confused by the Xinzu, they will definitely choose the same approach.

Those confused mind tribes Xu Sheng had encountered before had already faintly seen this sign, but his strength was stronger, and these confused mind tribes were killed before they could cause him too much trouble.

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