Global Sage Era

Chapter 342

Chapter 338 My Huntuo Human Race’s Trait is the Stronger and Stronger I Hit

“Wang Xianchang, how about it, are there any of these children in our group who can cultivate immortality?”

In a village at the foot of a mountain, the old village chief looked eagerly at the young man in long gown in front of him.

This young man had an ordinary face and didn’t show any strong aura. Anyone who looked at him would think he was just an ordinary person without the power of a chicken, or a guy who came here to slander and deceive him.

But the people in the village saw this young man descend from the sky not long ago, and they just lightly used a magic trick to kill the weird head that had escaped here, so that they could know that the young man in front of them had a god-tier connection.

The so-called weird is the intelligent race of the light-grain world.

Each of them actually has wisdom, but because of the huge difference in their biological concepts, their words are just the roar of certain monsters when they fall into the ears of the Huntuo human race.

Over time, the weird name spread.

In addition to strange monsters, there are strange beasts. These strange beasts are very different from the beasts that Huntuo people have seen before, but they are very useful as a kind of food or livestock. Try to capture some back, the final effect is not bad.

Weirds and strange beasts, these two creatures are no strangers to the Huntuo race.

Unlike the normal aboriginal worlds that were invaded, the Huntuo race far surpassed the two in terms of destiny level, so the newly-born Huntuo race did not feel scared in their hearts, the only possibility was hatred and curiosity.

From a young age to a youth, every Huntuo human race has no less than a hundred weird lives in the hands. Compared with the fast growing speed of the Huntuo human race, these weirdness can only stare at it with wide eyes.

Over the past ten years, the five light particle worlds have also been replenished with a steady stream of new forces, which can barely make up for some of the loss of strength, but the speed of this replenishment is still too slow, and their number is still in a steady downward trend.

Although 8 million people died on the Huntuo tribe, there are more than 8 million newly born people.

In the peaceful era, because of resource and other considerations, the young Practitioner couples were not very fertile, but the war changed them.

Either to help the continuation of the race, or to allow one’s own blood to be passed on, the willingness to have children has almost doubled.

So by now, the number of Huntuo races has steadily crossed the 130 million mark.

Originally, the area was not enough to carry such a large population, but Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law during this period has increased again, so the area of ​​Minor World has also been expanded, and the newly emerging areas have increased the population carrying capacity.

So now there is such a strange phenomenon: Although the casualties of the Huntuo race have been large, the strength of the entire race is still growing.

The reason is that the intelligent life of the Light Particle World only wanders around the periphery of Minor World. They have not harmed the women and children behind, which allows the number of the Huntuo tribe to continue to grow.

It takes only twenty years for the new generation to grow into Qi Sea realm. This result is terrible.

No matter how fast the alien race grows, it is impossible to have such strength, so some of them inevitably give birth to the intention of retiring.

This is a war in which they see no hope of victory.

Even the battle with all its strength at the beginning did not completely shred the race called Human Race in front of him, not to mention the current situation after only half of its strength remained.

But these intelligent beings want to retreat, but the confused race behind them will never allow them. Once someone shows signs, they will fall into a violent rage for no reason, and then end their own life in various ways——

It is the creator who is angry!

These intelligent beings roared at their own language, and their eyes were full of fear.

Even the most powerful beings at the level of transforming gods twist their bodies uncomfortably. They stand higher and know the horror of the ‘Creator’ even more. Once they offend it, they only have to wait for Death!

“I have no destiny for immortality, but some of them have good roots and can become powerful Practitioners. In the end, one person may also reach my Realm.”

The young man smiled and said these words. The shabby clothes of the villagers in front of him did not make him give birth to the slightest. Hundreds of years ago, when he was young, he was just such an ordinary countryman.

In other words, I am inferior to them. Looking back on these hundreds of years of seeking the truth, I really sighed and sighed.

The young man standing here at this time is naturally Yin’s third disciple Wang Fan.

As a representative of heaven-defying’s change of life, his achievements at this time are completely worthy of his efforts. Nascent Soul late stage is close to the Dzogchen Cultivation Base, and he deserves to be the second person in the cultivator, even if it is on the Practitioner side. Just add another Kuang Yuan, Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng are constantly surpassed by him.

At this time, Wang Fan still has human Spiritual Roots, and in Xu Sheng’s plan, when he breaks through, he will give him Spiritual Roots.

He has already summed up the law, and every time a higher level of Spiritual Roots is given to breakthrough, it seems to be able to ascension a lot of breakthrough probability, he secretly guessed that this may be related to the inspiration in the dark.

The village chief sighed after hearing this. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still extremely disappointed.

There are five or six children in the distance looking eagerly here, but they will be disappointed after all. Even today, Spiritual Roots are not so easy to appear. It is a small village with three or four hundred people for decades. There may not be a cultivator.

Although the current upper limit of the Practitioner is not lower than that of the cultivator, the survival rate is actually there.

Since the war, the Practitioner has killed nearly a million people every year, but the cultivator has only a few hundred people.

The gap lies here, and smart people naturally know how to choose.

There are also people who originally have Spiritual Roots but prefer Martial Dao. Because of the issue of life and death, they finally chose to enter the path of immortality, and tried to continue to follow the path of Martial Dao after immortality.

In fact, this path has existed since the emergence of cultivator, and it belongs to a branch of cultivator-body refiner.

The body trainer needs to practice the method as well as the body. The strength is extremely powerful, but the resource is also several times higher than that of the ordinary cultivator.

In addition, the body refiner is actually equivalent to the pill refining division and the formation division. It can be regarded as a type of concurrent training, which involves a lot of energy, so it is more difficult to advance.

There are even some extreme people who say that physical training is a side-by-side approach, which was originally a way of understanding the great way, but now they have to beat the body like a common man, and it is not important to the right way.

Since there are no Spiritual Roots here, Wang Fan is ready to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly had some feelings in his heart. After pinching his fingers, he took out a piece of talisman paper.

“Lao Zhang, this is a magic talisman. If someone with Spiritual Roots appears in your village one day, it will automatically sense and let me know that I will come here to pick it up.”

Wang Fan has practiced for hundreds of years and has been fascinated by the great way. He has never accepted an apprentice until today, but at this moment he sensed that his own master-discipline method had fallen in this small village.

He can’t see exactly when, but he can know that one of his own disciples will definitely be here in the future.

The induction of the cultivator is all coming and going without a trace, which belongs to the touch of the avenue.

Before that, Wang Fan had no plans to accept disciples, but he didn’t refuse anything when the fate came.

Said to accept disciples, his current Cultivation Base is naturally more than enough, and most cultivators have to accept disciples since Gold Core.

For example, Senior Sister Hua and Senior Brother Min formally accepted disciples after Gold Core.

The old village chief was very pleasantly surprised when he heard this, and he hurriedly put the Fu seal away carefully, treating it as a treasure.

“Wang Xian…”

When he raised his head and moved forward, he found that the young cultivator who had just stood there had disappeared.

“The cultivator… really unpredictable.”

He was in awe, and then stretched out his hand to greet several children in the distance.

Several children came over and realized that they could not become a cultivator were very disappointed, but they were immediately distracted.

Although they are very precocious, they are still young and their thinking is not so concentrated.

After Wang Fan left the unknown small mountain village, he passed many areas along the way. His accusation this time was to eliminate the strange monsters and beasts that ran away.

It is also the highest in Cultivation Base.

With his approach to the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, even the opponent’s God-level existence can be cleaned up. Although there are a few that can pose a threat to him, it is almost impossible to kill him.

For five years and ten years, Wang Fan’s footprints were everywhere in Minor World.

By this time, he already faintly understood why Master wanted to let himself go out to do this.

When he heard Master’s arrangement at the time, he was more or less unwilling. After all, it was undoubtedly a waste to put his Cultivation Base on such a ride.

But now he has understood the master’s intention, this is to allow himself to enter the Nascent Soul Dzogchen as soon as possible!

His Wang Fan can have today’s Cultivation Base, undoubtedly relying on his own efforts.

In the past hundreds of years, he has spent all kinds of expeditions. The experience of each world has greatly broadened his vision, allowing him to examine himself from a higher angle.

It also made him almost no bottleneck at breakthrough.

But now it’s different.

Nascent Soul Dzogchen is the first level, and the transformation of God is the second level.

In the description of the classics, he already knows how different the god of transformation is from Nascent Soul. This is the first qualitative change from human to immortal.

The difficulty is much higher than before. Even with the master’s talent, he has been trapped for hundreds of years at this stage.

Although he never conceited himself, he was not arrogant enough to think that he was better than his master, so he had been mentally prepared for hundreds of years to make breakthroughs.

In his estimation, it will take at least fifty years for him to reach the Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

But now, he has faintly felt the portal…

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