Global Sage Era

Chapter 343

Chapter 339: Superposition of Talent Ability!

“It’s faster than I thought, Wang Fan, this kid always surprises me.”

At the same time, thousands of miles away from where Wang Fan was located, Yin had already had a panoramic view of the situation.

And not far in front of him, as many as more than two dozen god-transforming auras are constantly forcing them, but it is strange that although these auras have become stronger and unstoppable, there is a… The smell of stubble.

“Hahaha, don’t pay attention to that baby apprentice. If this continues, we will be chased and beaten by the other side.”

Kuang Yuan’s voice came from the side. At this time, he was extremely burly, surrounded by thunder and lightning, really like the god of heaven descending from the Ninth Stage, brave and unparalleled.

There were also more than two dozen powerful auras in front of him, and he was in the same situation as Yin.

This place is at the junction of Minor World and Light Particle World…or a little bit more biased towards the Light Particle World.

It is also the most powerful battlefield that all the Huntuo people can’t see.

Both sides in the war are both powerful beings at the level of transforming gods.

There were also Practitioners, cultivators, and intelligent beings at the Nascent Soul level before, but the final result was that they didn’t even get close.

The Huntuo human race is okay, the care of Yin and Kuangyuan has not been affected too much by the aftermath of the battle, and the wisdom life side has also been wiped away too much.

To this day, there is no existence below the gods who dare to approach, or even dare to observe, the aftermath of the fierce battle, even their Spiritual Sense will be shattered, and in the end they will only be injured for no reason.

“He is the key to breaking this deadlock. Before he can make a breakthrough, the two of us cannot take a step back.”

When the intelligent beings of the five light-grain worlds formally joined the Huntuo human race, Yin and Kuangyuan had already met the fifty-odd existence at the level of transforming gods.

In other words, they have not rested for a full ten years.

That is to say, Realm can support it. If it is changed to Nascent Soul cultivator, even the powerful Nascent Soul cultivator will definitely not be able to support it at this time.

Ten years may be enough for a young child to grow up to become a Qi Sea realm Practitioner, but for Yin and Kuangyuan, it is just a flick of a finger.

Although they have also consumed a lot of energy during this period, the intensity of such fighting is still enough to last for hundreds of years, not to mention that they have the Medicine Pill refined by them, which can last longer.

Although there are many enemies, the total number is more than fifty, but they come from five worlds, there is no general organizer, and even before this, there are many hostiles in the battle, so more than fifty combined forces. But it is equivalent to more than a dozen.

Kuang Yuan had ridiculed this in previous battles. If the other party can really agree, then even if he and Yin are stronger, at most they will only be able to support them for a longer period of time. It is completely impossible to be as relaxed as they are now.

However, although the opposing team’s heart is not aligned, their self-protection awareness is extremely strong. Whenever Kuang Yuan is about to use a powerful move to kill an opponent first, all the existences on the opposite side will retreat like a frightened bird, and will not give him anything at all. At any opportunity, after so many times, he also went from the initial rage to the present indifferent.

He also understood that these powerful beings at the level of transforming gods were very spared. Before their own world was destroyed, when they were not in danger of survival, they all did nothing.

The reason why I am still holding on now is just because I am afraid of the ‘Creator’ behind him.

After learning about the existence of this creator, Yin and Kuang Yuan faintly understood that their ancestors must have been busy dealing with them, otherwise they would have given more support in the current situation.

Although they believe in the strength of their ancestors, they are still a little worried. After all, the creators on the opposite side are not one or two, but five!

They have also seen the five light particle worlds. Among them, the area is extremely vast, even the smallest area is several times that of their Minor World. Using the area of ​​Minor World to calculate the strength of the rear Creator, it can be guessed that it is definitely not weak.

What they think now is that the ancestors must be stronger than they thought, and the Huntuo people must have no problems!

Xu Sheng, as an ancestor, can know everything about the people.

So when Yin and Kuangyuan had this idea, he was also smiling slightly in his heart.

Of course, the Huntuo people won’t have any problems.

If he still had slight restlessness before seeing the current situation, but now the restlessness is completely gone.

The powerful regenerative ability of the Huntuo human race has told him that time is on his side!

As long as you can support for hundreds of years, the final victory will definitely belong to you!

“The intelligent life strength of the Light Particle World is divided into two parts, one is the fifty-three-headed God-level existence, and the other is the ordinary race of more than 50 billion.”

Xu Sheng has simulated the situation countless times in his mind.

Fifty-three heads of God-transforming level need to be cleaned up by a Practitioner or cultivator of the same level. In other words, if you want to help Yin and Kuangyuan, then another Martial King or God-transforming cultivator must appear. .

Martial Spirit Dzogchen promotion to Martial King is undoubtedly extremely difficult. Even the golden luck Kuang Yuan has been stuck in this step for so long. Now the closest approach to the Realm’s Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng will take at least hundreds of years. To reach.

On the other side of the god transformation stage, it was Wang Fan. Originally, Wang Fan was still a little far away, but with the current progress, it has only been a few years since he entered the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and then he can start to breakthrough.

If you are lucky, you can even make a breakthrough within a hundred years!

So now in Xu Sheng’s mind, 100 years is a very important node.

From now on, if you still maintain the current state in a hundred years, then you will succeed in the end!

A hundred years is a long time, it is the time of a mortal’s life, but in the hinterland of the confused heart tribe, only one day has passed on the earth.

At this moment, maybe Xiao Feng is leading the other people in the champion class in an open or secret confrontation with the West Campus and others. Su Linrui may be worried about how to guide the people of the owner better… the past eleven. In 2017, it was only two hours with them, and it was just a big class plus a break between classes.

Obviously people of the same age, but each other lives a completely different life.

They are studying there with peace of mind, but they are participating in a battle that they shouldn’t have participated in, and are facing danger.

I have also thought in my mind, if I don’t work hard, now I am as easy as my peers?

With the help of all things equivalent, even if you are not so desperate, eventually becoming Sage is just a simple matter, right?

Maybe even better luck, he might become a high sage in ten years.

The surprise when I saw Cheng Chuyang, Sage, who was only 28 years old, disappeared. I can do better at the same age!

Countless thoughts are intertwined in my mind.

An emotion called laziness gradually develops.

The distortions of the five puzzle-minded races who were at war with Xu Sheng became even more weird, and it seemed that there was an invisible amount of Mental Energy that was constantly radiating towards Xu Sheng.

The natural ability of the puzzle heart tribe, the heart puzzle!

This ability has always been the most troublesome point, even if you have great vigilance in your heart, you will still unknowingly cling to it!

Just now, Xu Sheng clearly had the correct thinking and was considering how to win, but in such a short period of time, the faculty’s ability had already knocked on his defenses, and was instilling slack in him.

In their battle at this level, even a slight emotional change will affect the final result.

The fighting spirit has changed from high-spirited to carrying, which has a fatal impact on the result!

Maybe Xu Sheng will win in the end as long as he perseveres, but now under the influence of this confusing ability, he is defeated before the last time!

Obviously, the Huoxin Clan already felt something bad.

They belonged to the side where the lower life was fighting, and their strength could not continue to shake the Huntuo human race in a short time.

Naturally, the puzzlers know the strength of the human race incomparably, knowing that once the people of the human race win victory, they can directly feed back to them, and the situation they have worked hard to maintain will disappear, and this time-consuming encirclement and suppression will also completely fail!

None of these five puzzlers can accept this result!

When they were selected to carry out this plan, they never thought that they could survive.

In order to be able to kill the most talented person in front of humanity, they have already regarded death as their home!

Now the battle between the Confusion Clan and the Human Clan is falling, and if they want to deposit their accounts, they must do everything possible to gain an advantage for themselves.

Xu Sheng was one of the breakthrough points they aimed at. Once Xu Sheng was killed, then the three true saints of the human race would definitely be affected!

All the factors related to the battle of the middle ethnic group are taken into consideration, which can be said to affect the whole body.

It is impossible for the puzzlers to be willing to see the situation and slide in the direction they don’t want to see. In order to continue the survival of the race, they will not consider the cost!

In the consciousness of the sea, Xu Sheng’s eyes have gradually become blurred. If you look closely, you can see that his pupils are diverging.

This means that his thinking has been greatly affected.

Xu Sheng found it accidentally.

But it’s not to blame him, he doesn’t know that the five mind-causing races now appearing here have been carefully selected, and their mind-causing abilities can be superimposed on each other.

If they are in a unified state, their ability to confuse the mind is no less than that of the confuse the mind with a 20% legal comprehension level!

Xu Sheng’s current law comprehension is only going to 14%. Although he has been able to fight opponents with 15% law comprehension, the level of 20% comprehension is still too strong!

But even so, Xu Sheng still did not give up!

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