Global Sage Era

Chapter 344

Chapter 340

For a long time, Xu Shengdu Life has been in a relatively stable environment.

In the previous life, the life on the ordinary earth was extremely peaceful. He lived without disaster for more than 20 years, until he woke up and turned into a baby to appear on this super high-energy earth.

It seems that he doesn’t have any outstanding qualities in him, and he can achieve the current achievements by relying on the equivalence of everything.

Yes, but not all.

The equivalence of all things naturally allows Xu Sheng to reach Realm’s biggest helper, but if he himself is an A Dou who cannot afford to support him, even if the equivalence of all things is great, it is impossible for him to become the first person of his generation.

It is easy to become strong, but it is difficult to surpass everyone and become the strongest.

Indeed, Xu Sheng has heaven-defying things that are equivalent to everything, but do others really have no own resources?

The universe is so big that nothing is known.

Not to mention those lucky ones who got inexplicable chances, just say those high sage children, who have stood at a higher starting point than others from the time they were born.

Not only do they have a high sage standing behind them, they have all kinds of resources that ordinary people can’t imagine, but their own talents are also enough to make others jealous.

If you say negatively, this is good for being reborn.

It is impossible for a person to be obsessed with these, but what kind of environment he was born in has his own unique value.

Energy is conserved.

And if the things like ‘happiness’ are integrated, Xu Sheng also believes that it is conserved.

For example, people from poor family backgrounds may enjoy family affection. They were born into a rich family, but they have been alone since childhood.

Everything in the world cannot be viewed at a certain point alone, it needs to be dialectically dialectized.

At this moment, these strange thoughts were constantly flashing in Xu Sheng’s heart.

Some thoughts are what he often thinks about on weekdays, but most of them are his occasional reveries, and they are just thrown into his mind as soon as they appear.

But now, these associations are constantly appearing.

Whenever he thinks of the bad situation he is in now, and wants to disperse all the thoughts in front of him, his attention will be diverted immediately.

Don’t say it’s irritable thoughts. The process of such thoughts constantly flooding the brain makes him not even aware of the concept of time.

The world battlefield.

When the figures of Xu Sheng and the five puzzlers were stagnant, everyone including Huang Xuanlang was in a hurry.

“No, Xu Sheng is in a dangerous situation now!”

“The Confusion Race must already know his identity, and they are fully prepared for this scene now!”

“The fluctuations in these five Confusion Clan have reached agreement since just now, and their existence is definitely extremely rare in the entire Confusion Clan!”

The five members of Xuan Ce team are now desperately trying to break free from their opponents, but the more they want to get rid of, the more their opponents become entangled.

They have been dragged here for more than ten years. In the middle of this time, because of their violent offensive, no less than ten quasi-sages have even died in their hands.

At this time, they also had to be frightened by the determination of the confused heart clan.

No matter how strong Xu Sheng is now, it is nothing more than a weak person with a 15% understanding of the law. Is it worth paying so many quasi-sage casualties at this level alone?

If it is changed to Terran, such a situation is almost impossible.

Although equality for all is only a slogan, it is by no means just a comment.

Strictly speaking, the status of ordinary people and Sage are equal, and they are just different social statuses.

Further afield, there are other human races who want to come and rescue, but since even the Xuan Ce squad close at hand can’t give chance, it is even more impossible for others to break through.

At the farthest point, the three true saints also naturally noticed this situation.

However, their emotions haven’t changed much. From their level, it is natural to see that Xu Sheng’s current situation just looks dangerous. He is now trying to get rid of the situation, and the final result is still unclear.

“This is… the earth from the previous life?”

A busy building.

There are high-rise buildings on both sides. Such scenes have often appeared in Xu Sheng’s sleep, but when everything is equalized and his strength has gradually become stronger, it has rarely appeared.

Under each high-rise building, there are various shops selling all kinds of goods.

This is the central business district of Huaguo Su City. Xu Sheng always came here when he needed to buy things in his previous life.

Not only that, as a native of Sioux City, everything here carries his memory.

“Xu Sheng, what are you doing stupidly standing here? If you don’t leave, the movie will start.”

A pretty-looking girl suddenly walked over and gave Xu Sheng a punch in the shoulder.

Xu Sheng looked at the girl, and his heart suddenly throbbed.

More memories emerged.

If the girl in front of you is placed in a crowd, she can probably be called upper-middle. If you look closely, her facial features are not perfect, and her teeth are slightly inclined.

Compared with girls like Su Linrui and Cheng Chuxue, it can be described as a heaven and an underground.

But even so, the appearance of the girl before him touched Xu Sheng’s heart.

Su Linrui and others never gave him this kind of touch.

The girl in front of me is Xu Sheng’s first love.

The acquaintance of the two was a coincidence.

Originally, the two of them developed very smoothly, and he could feel that the girl had a good impression of him, but he was taken to the super-high-energy earth before the result came.

“Let’s live with her”

This thought appeared in his mind, and he responded with a smile, and then walked to the cinema with the girl.

After entering the cinema, there were pairs of young lovers sitting around.

“Master of Love”

This is the name of the movie this time. For such a love movie, only young people come back to watch it, but occasionally there are a few pairs of middle-aged people, but their sense of existence is too low, and the light in the cinema is too dark, Xu Sheng didn’t. Pay too much attention to ignore them.

“Fortunately, I caught up. What were you in a daze there just now? I called you several times without answering me.” The girl pouted next to her.

Xu Sheng quickly apologized when she saw her like this: “I’m sorry, Arlene, I was just thinking about things in my mind.”

But it was strange to say that when he called the name Arlene, he suddenly felt a sense of confusion, an unexplainable feeling constantly stirring in his heart, making him a little annoyed.

The movie opens soon.

From Xu Sheng’s eyes, the quality of this movie is really average. If it weren’t for the girl next to him to watch it with gusto, I guess he would have been tempted to leave midway.

The surrounding scenes are also very fascinating. In some sensational scenes, they can even hear soft sobbing.

Xu Sheng felt a little speechless when he heard these voices. He watched the movie completely, let alone crying afterwards, he couldn’t help but want to breathe.

‘It’s weird, I always feel that this scene is a bit wrong…’

After being bored, Xu Sheng began to secretly look at the surrounding environment.

Then he saw a small face that was also secretly looking at Own, it was Arlene, who was also observing herself quietly.

Arlene, who was discovered, looked like a cat caught doing bad things, turned her head hurriedly, posing as if she was sitting downright.

The appearance was so funny that Xu Sheng couldn’t help but stretch his hand over and wrap her waist.

At the moment of encircling, the bodies of the two of them trembled like an electric shock.

This is the first time that the two have crossed the boundaries of friends and made such an intimate act.

The thin layer of window paper that had existed between the two seemed to be torn.

Xu Sheng was a little nervous at first, and he regretted it after doing such a bold behavior. He was worried that Arlene would get angry, but what he didn’t expect was that after he did this, Arlene not only did not rise, but instead They also moved a little closer to this side. The two bodies were close together suddenly, and they could feel the temperature and heartbeat of each other’s bodies.

Bang, bang, bang.

Jump faster and faster, and jump more powerfully.

“Xu Sheng, do you think we are… falling in love?”

A sound as soft as a mosquito came from the side.

Xu Sheng tried very hard to distinguish before he could barely hear clearly.

His heart was about to pop out of his heart, and he blurted out without thinking: “Of course, I think we are in love now.”

“From then on I will be your girlfriend and you will be my boyfriend.”


Xu Sheng nodded vigorously, and at the same time, his unretracted arm became stronger. He felt that the person in his arms came closer to him.

Since this day, Xu Sheng has left his 25-year single career and officially has a girlfriend.

Time flies, three years will pass quickly.

Xu Sheng hasn’t made much achievement in these three years, he is just one of the many beings.

Arlene is also just an ordinary girl. During the three-year relationship between the two of them, there were both sweet and quarrel. They stumbled all the way and came to the time to discuss marriage.

When discussing marriage, they faced various practical problems, and the two quarreled more often.

But in the end it came.

Under the witness of relatives and friends of both parties, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Then a year later, there was a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses left.

Time is like water.

White silk gradually appeared in Xu Sheng’s hair, and then his chest was no longer straight, and his own pair of children grew up gradually.

They have also reached the age to talk about marriage.

“Husband, when do you think your sons will get married? My classmates and their children are all married, I look impatient.”

Arlene, who is over fifty years old, has a lot of wrinkles on her face and has become an aunt, no different from an ordinary middle-aged woman.

Xu Sheng shook his head and said: “I don’t know, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and everything depends on him.”

Arlene gave him a blank look.

Xu Sheng just smiled at her.

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