Global Sage Era

Chapter 360

Chapter 356-Adding Heavenly Tribulation Mechanism

The entire void battlefield, although the more the center is, the greater the intensity of the war.

It may be just a few blinks of an eye, and the world of light particles will die.

In addition to the light particle world, the Sages’ Little Thousand Worlds have also collapsed, but as long as the original world is not damaged, the destruction of worlds like Little Thousand Worlds will not cause them too much mood swings.

But now something strange has appeared.

Many people are paying attention to a certain position on the outer layer, focusing on the two ‘low-power’ little guys:

Xu Sheng and Lin Zhiyan.

In this case, if you are stunned to describe it, it is roughly equivalent to the half-year comparison of the Mahayana-period Taishang Elder in the kind of immortal cultivation sect.

Under normal circumstances, such a thing is impossible.

But if the current situation is that there are many big, medium and small enemies outside Sect, and there is a peerless genius among the disciples who participated in the training period. He may grow stronger than himself… It is natural to bet some eyes. It’s up.

Xu Sheng could also faintly understand the environment he was in now. Naturally, he couldn’t change it, and he didn’t want to change it either.

Because as long as there is no ghost in the heart, this kind of attention is only good for oneself.

As for the equivalence of everything… Since the college entrance examination has passed the Jisheng side, it is even more impossible for the Sages of Qianjing University to find out.

Sage’s Realm is too far apart, and it is impossible for the real sage to discover something that the Supreme Sage can’t find. This is an unreasonable thing.

In four hundred years, Minor World has multiplied for nearly twenty generations.

There is no doubt that the number of Xu Sheng’s people has increased again. Even though there is no such horrible increase in the past due to resource constraints, the number has exceeded 200 million in the past four hundred years.

The number of 200 million is very large and at the same time very small.

If compared with the same freshman, this is already a desperate figure.

But if compared with sophomores…

For example, Lin Zhiyan, who is now in direct competition with Xu Sheng, owns 2.5 billion people!

And the other Tao Xingchun and others, who are not much weaker than Lin Zhiyan, have the same number of people in the order of two to three billion.

After the strength reaches a certain limit, the numbers are really meaningless things.

The reason why the current number of the Huntuo race has only reached 200 million is that, in the final analysis, the concept of fertility is not strong enough.

Adulthood is the Qi Sea realm. Everyone is a ‘powerful’, and naturally it is impossible to want to be a fertility machine.

Fertility concept, resources.

It is almost the two most influential factors, and coupled with the constant foreign conquests, the Huntuo race can be considered a good population by now.

Of course, if the amount of resources that Xu Sheng currently possesses suddenly increases tenfold, then without him being too strong, the population of the Huntuo race will enter a period of great growth.

But… the current significance of the population for Xu Sheng is only to provide a sufficient base, and then bred a strong enough high rank from this base.

Always working hard to increase the population, after all, it was just for the early emergence of Martial King’s battle power.

【Subject Interface】

[Name]: Huntuo people

[Number]: 201.37 million

[Class]: Hong-level human (fourth-level, talented Qingwei Dao body, Ninth Stage battle body second stage)

[Enjoy]: Spirit Monument (50% bonus)

[Inheritance]: the way of cultivator, the way of qi and blood, the way of Martial Soul

[Cultivator]: Yin (Hua Shen early stage), Wang Fan (Hua Shen early stage), Yu Hua (Hua Shen early stage), Qian Min (Hua Shen early stage), Nascent Soul Dzogchen (3), Nascent Soul period (Five hundred and twelve), Gold Core period (60032), Foundation Building period (85,473), Qi training period (93,377,982) )

[Practitioner]: Kuang Yuan (Martial King early stage), Xuan Yi (Martial King early stage), (Martial King early stage), Martial Spirit Dzogchen (589), Martial Spirit (118,800) 14), Wuying realm (3.23 million), Martial Master realm (58.42 million)

This is the overall situation of the Huntuo race at this time.

Just as Xu Sheng estimated at the time, according to the number of new cultivators of 50,000 in one generation, there will be enough cultivators to reach one million in a few hundred years.

However, because the time is still a bit short, so the strength of the cultivator Ascension is not too much, especially in the Nascent Soul period, but only a mere 500 people.

As for Practitioners, the number of Martial Spirit Dzogchens alone exceeds this number.

Therefore, the advantage of time is not so easy to follow in the short term, but once the time passes slowly, the strength of the two will eventually return to the same level in the end.

After all, the Ninth Stage battle body and Tao body are talents of the same level.

Now the Dao body is exchanged for the Second Stage Qingmin Dao body, and the Ninth Stage battle body is also exchanged for the Second Stage. When resources are not tilted, there is no one side overwhelming which side.

Regrettably, even after four hundred years, no one has broken the boundaries.

Note that there is just no one who breaks the boundaries, not that no one tries to break.

In the past four hundred years, dozens of people have tried to make breakthroughs, but the final result… Needless to say, you know.

However, the deaths of these people are not worthless. They burned their own flames for the latecomers. When the latecomers walked along their path, they could feel their indomitable will.

Xu Sheng naturally helped out in the past dozens of floors, but after all, those people were still a little short, and even with his help, they still failed.

“It’s too difficult. They suddenly went to Huashen and Martial King. Why don’t I be like this on the path of the Holy Path?”

Xu Sheng can naturally understand something from the people who have disappeared.

It is easy to think of himself as he is walking on the holy path, but he did not hurt the spring and sadness in any way. Pursuing the holy path should have been like this.

He looked down again at the secret realm somewhere below.

This secret realm occupies a large area, with a radius of tens of miles, and Wang Fan, who developed him, used mountains and rivers to create an environment suitable for cultivation at this time.

The sect created by Wang Fan is called “Chongxiao”, which is a pure combat Sect. His disciples specialize in combat, such as refining tools and pill refining.

It is completely different from the type of “Lian Shenzong” of Qianmin’s “Qingxin Palace” from Yuhuan.

Chongxiao School, Qingxin Palace, Refining Shenzong.

These three sects are also the three largest sects in the current practice world, each with thousands of disciples.

Although the strength of other sects is not weak, but the head of the sect and Elder at most only have Nascent Soul late stage and the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen. Naturally, they are far incomparable with these three sects.

In this era when cultivators are born in large numbers, although the advanced cultivators of Cultivation Base all know the relationship of these three schools, the vast number of disciples in the Foundation Building period and Qi training period know very little about this.

Not to mention knowing the relationship between the three major factions, many even because there is a competitive relationship with each other, after all, there are so many resources in the whole world. If your home is more, our home is less.

As the number of cultivators increases, naturally people of various temperaments will appear.

At this time, some problems will arise. For example, some disciples who are tempted to be independent, as long as they are soft-hearted to be a Master, they will just let him go, roughly the same as the separation of mortals.

So now there are hundreds of cultivators, large and small, in addition to many of them are ‘Rogue Cultivators’, who are individuals who enjoy freedom without restriction.

After all, the nature of the cultivator is still loose after all. In terms of management, it is much more troublesome than the Practitioner. Now Xu Sheng has already felt the signs. Since more than a hundred years ago, some cultivators have begun to struggle without the unexpected world. Immerse yourself in own practice.

This situation was also in his expectation, and this situation will inevitably occur from the day when he is not prepared to rule by high pressure.

In addition, there are naturally some ‘troubleshooters’ who specifically cause internal friction to the power of the cultivator group.

Today is different from the past. Xu Sheng naturally does not tolerate these people who dare to internalize, and the solution is simple: catastrophe.

There is a disaster for practitioners.

Especially evil repairs, Demon Cultivator and the like deal with catastrophes.

For these people, Xu Sheng doesn’t need to act, as long as he formulates a set of operating logic for the rules of Minor World, as long as the triggering situation is detected, the killing mechanism will appear later.

This mechanism is extremely cruel, and almost no evil cultivation can survive under this mechanism.

He naturally didn’t possess this kind of ability before. At that time, his strength was weak, and he didn’t even know what the rules were, let alone making rules.

But when his law gets higher and higher, these things are naturally understood.

However, his comprehension of the law is still low after all, and this kind of established rules is not perfect, and some loopholes will always be found.

In other words, some evil cultivators will survive the catastrophe.

But it didn’t matter, because these catastrophes were not one, but many endless ways. These evil cultivators only delayed a little time, and they still waited for Death.

This approach is undoubtedly very efficient.

Xu Sheng was not the first to develop this method. In fact, he only learned it in class and turned it into a real existence.

So something like Heavenly Tribulation…

Many times it is really useful for an existence like them.

Even in the face of own people, when there are more and more talents, and resources can’t be satisfied at all, Heavenly Tribulation becomes a sort of screening mechanism.

If the proof that can pass the screening is strong enough, it has the qualification to continue, if it fails, it proves that the potential is not enough, then this life ends here.

For ordinary life… this is also their destiny.

“With the increase in strength, I discovered…how naive some of the original ideas are.”

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