Global Sage Era

Chapter 361

Chapter 357 The sect interface is open!

As far as Xu Sheng knows, the Heavenly Tribulation mechanism is universal.

In those ordinary worlds, the Heavenly Dao rule will spontaneously derive such a rule.

And these human races who developed Minor World will also establish the Heavenly Tribulation mechanism in different ranks of strength.

Resources can be said to be an eternal problem faced by all races in the entire universe.

Energy is conserved.

For Sage, even if it is the most holy, this is also the most important criterion for the entire universe.

Heavenly Tribulation is a catastrophe for Life’s mundane races in the world, preventing them from rising to a higher level and entering a new world.

But for higher-level beings, this is just a means to help them screen.

Generally speaking, the lower the energy level of the world, the sooner the Realm of Heavenly Tribulation will arrive, and vice versa.

This truth is easy to understand.

In the orthodox world of cultivating immortality, the cultivator will only undergo Heavenly Tribulation at the stage of Transcends Tribulation, but in some low-energy worlds, it may undergo Heavenly Tribulation even before the Nascent Soul period.

Xu Sheng’s current Heavenly Tribulation is actually just an incomplete body. What he chose is not the form of Thunder Tribulation, but a type of “heart Tribulation” aimed at evil cultivators.

Mood Cultivation Base occupies a very important part of the cultivator practice process, just like Wang Fan had experienced before entering the transformation of the gods. Without the Ascension of this mood, he would not be able to achieve the ultimate reincarnation.

Chongxiao faction.

At this time, the manager of the sect was not Wang Fan. He had already passed on the position of head to the big disciple of own decades ago.

Speaking of Wang Fan’s major disciple, the entire spiritual world is no stranger.

This is definitely an extraordinary person!

I heard that he didn’t have the talent for cultivation at the beginning. Later, when his Master and cultivator found good fortune, he had the possibility of cultivation.

Cultivation was not fast at first, and it was only in the middle reaches among people of the same age, and it was inconspicuous at all.

But when decades later, when many of his peers were still stagnating in the Qi training period, he had transformed himself into a Foundation Building cultivator, and then for a hundred years, he became a second rank with the capital of Dan Cheng. Gold Core cultivator.

In less than four hundred years, he became a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator, and then took over the position of master, taking charge of the entire Chongxiao faction!

The name…Fang Han!

At this time, in Xu Sheng’s eyes, Fang Han’s various information is good. Although the Spiritual Roots he is now on are not the spiritual Roots, they are also five inches long, and belong to the better category left by him. .

Don’t be wrong, this Spiritual Roots was neither gifted by him nor found for him by Wang Fan. Instead, he relied on his own chance to pass the test in a certain place in Minor World and finally got it and was placed there by Xu Sheng. Spiritual Roots.

Those who are predestined for spiritual things get it.

There are thousands of similar places in the entire Minor World.

These places are irregular, and some are even in the bed where some people fall asleep, in the bowl where they eat…

To get these opportunities, the difficulty is not ordinary. Even Xu Sheng, who set it up, doesn’t know who the ultimate master will be.

When Fang Han came into his sight, he didn’t pay much attention to this kid, but now, he is doing pretty well.

But even so, Fang Han is still a little short of Xu Sheng’s training goal.

If according to the current trend, if nothing happens, he will not enter the final list.

But being not on the list does not mean that Fang Han will not achieve anything. At least in Xu Sheng’s estimation, the probability of him entering the Realm of God is not low.

However, no matter how fast he is, it will take at least five hundred years to enter the Realm of the God of Transformation. At that time, the war is likely to be over, so Xu Sheng didn’t expect him to’surprise’ himself in this war.

Fang Han is dealing with sect affairs in his own residence. Recently, there have been situations on all sides. He is also considered to be very burnt. Fortunately, there is a cultivator behind him, so other Sects dare not jump in front of him. This makes him It can be a lot easier.

“It’s an eventful season now. I’m new to take over, and I haven’t taken up a firm position yet…”

Fang Han calculated in his heart that for the cultivator, decades are indeed only a new takeover. Calculated according to his lifespan, there will be six to seven hundred years in charge of the cultivator.

As a major disciple of the Master, he watched the Chongxiao Sect slowly build up from nothing in the hands of the Master. His feelings against the Chongxiao Sect were not less than Wang Fan…even because of his personality problems, he opposed the Chongxiao Sect. Pai pays more attention.

In his heart, he has already regarded the development and growth of the Chongxiao Sect as a first-class event, even if it is compared with his own practice, it is not much to give up, and he even has a faint idea deep in his heart… After a higher Realm, it is better to devote limited time to the development of Sect.

This is the difference in personality from person to person.

Wang Fan would never have such an idea. Although he was the founder of Sect, when he saw that his own disciple had grown up, he did not hesitate to throw Sect to him, and he was looking for a higher Realm. Possible.

In terms of cultivation, Wang Fan is more pure than Fang Han, he is a pure seeker.

Among Yin’s three disciples, Wang Fan is also the one who resembles Yin the most.

“He is indeed a rare talent, even if it is a little bit far from the standard in my mind, proper resource tilt is still needed.”

Xu Sheng’s observation during this period also roughly determined Fang Han’s training level.

The reason why he didn’t put him alongside Yin and others was because the training at this level was already too high!

What does it mean to cultivate at the highest level?

On cultivation, give full support.

Security must be protected. In Xu Sheng’s heart, even if Yin and others accidentally died in battle, he would use various methods to bring them back to life.

More of this is the investment called ‘emotion’.

If you say it seriously, Yin and other seven people were all the training targets he chose when he was still weak. At that time, many of his concepts were not yet mature, and it was easier to make decisions.

It is no exaggeration to say that the seven people like Yin and others are the real ‘child’ roles in his mind.

As for Fang Han… it’s just the identity of a citizen.

Actually is not Xu Sheng doesn’t want to bet on more emotions, but his heart is so many, it is impossible to divide too much.

Everyone who has a child, if there is only one child, then all the care will naturally be invested, but when the child becomes two, it will be divided into two, and the increase to three…There must be one or even two cares that are not as good as Something else.

In the void battlefield, Xu Sheng’s body stayed far away for a while.

From a moment ago, there was rarely a trace of emotion called dazed in his heart.

In the past few hundred years, the changes in Minor World and his people have been earth-shaking, especially the emergence and division of sects, which brought his current people to a new level.

Some related things naturally have professors and reminders in the school, and even he can find a lot of relevant information when he inquires now, but the kind of confusion in his heart has not been relieved too much.

Human growth is accompanied by confusion and incomprehension.

Even if someone tells you in advance what you will encounter in the process and what will happen, you still can’t fully understand it without personal experience.

In the next 100 years, although Xu Sheng did not stop his Ascension ranking process, the confusion in his heart also remained unchanged.

But when the time came to one hundred and three years, a message that suddenly appeared on the Sage interface temporarily suppressed his confusion.

[Record]: You have reached the conditions and the sect interface can be opened.

In the main panel of the Sage interface, every message is very important.

Whether it is incense, origin, or other things, they are all personally related.

The sect column has appeared in everyone’s interface from the beginning, but when the requirements are not met, it is gray and cannot be opened.

Although Xu Sheng could not open the sect interface, the content of this item is no stranger.

In the teachings received in the past, the column of sect has been repeatedly mentioned.

You can open it after you meet the requirements, and after you open it, you can determine a direction to establish a sect.

That’s right!

The sect is determined by those of them who are ‘ancestors’.

First of all, just like own dignity, this sect needs to have a name, and then it is to clarify the program of this sect, or the most fundamental law of existence.

The sect is related to the overall planning of future strength and the acquisition of merit!

Merit and incense appear on the Sage interface at the same time. In essence, they are equivalent to some kind of ‘currency’.

It’s just that the incense is a low-level currency for the weak, while merit is the high-level currency used by the Sages.

The difference between the two can no longer be expressed in a pure order of magnitude.

Just like you can never measure Sage by the number of ordinary people.

One hundred million people equals one Sage?

One trillion is equal to one Sage?

Do not make jokes!

The number of people doesn’t make sense to Sage.

[Hint]: You can now determine the name and doctrine of your denomination

A message appeared on the Sage interface again.

Sage Head Teacherization.

The purpose of establishing sects is not to enslave people’s thoughts, not to make them own tools, but to better guide their growth and enable them to be enlightened.

This is not the same thing as the religions of the West at all!

Regarding the name and doctrine of the sect, Xu Sheng had actually thought about it as early as the first year of high school.

Although he was still weak at that time, he was still looking forward to the scene when he opened the sect interface in the future.

But looking back now, the thoughts at that time made him feel a little ashamed, so that the things that he had thought about once became hesitant for a while.

After all… do you want to use it?

Or should we make adjustments based on our own situation?

Xu Sheng couldn’t help thinking.

It’s not the first time he has thought about this issue. In fact, he’saw’ this day hundreds of years ago, and has performed countless rehearsals.

Until today.

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