Global Sage Era

Chapter 368

Chapter 364

The attack intensity of the human race suddenly ascending to a level!

Countless semi-sages, quasi-sages, and Sages who hide their power are all trying their best!

In the past time, many people’s strengths have been ascending by a small margin, but in order to numb the heart clan and prepare for the final total attack, everyone maintained their strength at the previous level, and at best slightly won.

Although the puzzled hearts know that the Daoist clan is fast ascending, they are not humans. How can they know how strong the Daoist clan can reach in just over a thousand years?

So when the human races burst out of their own power, each of them was beaten on the spot, and the number that was already small dropped crazily.

There are no more than three hundred and fifty thousand Huoxin Clan that still exists.

Among these three hundred and fifty thousand, less than half of them are even less than half.

At the beginning, the number below the half holy accounted for 99% of the number.

The casualties of the Confusion Clan are not unremarkable.

But as everyone knows, even if their casualties are tragic now, they still have vitality. After all, for a middle-sized ethnic group, the holy realm is the basis of their power.

Take Terran as an example. Even if the younger generation is no longer growing up, it just means that there will be a gap in combat power at some time in the future. If there is enough time, it can be made up, as long as the number of Sages does not decrease.

The puzzled heart clan certainly won’t sit and wait for death.

They also knew in their hearts that the human race was going to erase themselves in this way.

Although the five true saint level puzzlers are not as good as the ancient Yi trio in terms of frontal combat power, they didn’t think of a way after seeing the scene developing for so long.

They have tried many methods in the past, wanting to contact other races, but the end result was nothing but a dead end, without any response.

When they knew this result, they all knew that the Daoist clan was fully prepared, but even so, they couldn’t give up resistance.

Right now the Douxin Race is the one being invaded, and the Human Race will not give up the opportunity to destroy them. They have only two choices of life and death.

“Use the last resort!”

“The time for life and death has come. We are wondering whether the Xin Clan can exist or not and we will watch the final fight!”

“Don’t be afraid of Death, embrace Death.”

The five true saint levels of the confused mind clans have reached a unified opinion with each other.

As a middle ethnic group, they also have their own race’s last resort.

Their five true sage levels are the final guarantee for the Chaoxin Race. If they can survive, then it doesn’t matter even if the other Chaoxin Races are destroyed.

But they can’t leave here, they can feel a stronger aura locked in themselves from the outside world.

That is the power of a higher level, that is the remote lock of the Human Race Extreme Sage!

Only a strong ethnic group has the ultimate sacred level.

If they can have such a existence in the Douxin Race, then the Douxin Race is now a powerful ethnic group!

They have all felt the strength of the extreme sacred level, and they have faced it directly in the process of their growth in the past.

But it was just facing directly, they had no possibility to endure it head-on, and they didn’t know where the limits of that power were, only that they couldn’t escape under the gaze of the sacred.

As soon as the five true sages of the Confusion Clan made a move, the three of Yi in ancient times felt it.

In their line of sight, the twisting energy that originally enveloped their body collapsed, changing from an extremely huge volume to a very small point.

“What are they doing?”

“Unexpected means, the innate ability of the Confusion Clan is not displayed much in them, and it may be transformed after reaching the level of the true saint.”

After all, they are at the same level as themselves, and the three of Gu Shiyi are very cautious at this time.

The three of them used the Origin Avenue to construct layers of defenses in the first time, and at the same time retracted their own world as much as possible.

In the face of the ultimate power that may erupt, those indifferent casualties are unnecessary.

In the gaze of the three of them, gradually, they actually saw that the five true saint levels of the puzzle heart race were connected in one place!

Become one!

It is not a fusion in a purely physical sense, but a comprehensive integration in one place.

It’s like two people become one person!

If they are such abilities, why have they not been used before?

In ancient times, the Yi trio were puzzled, and at the same time they felt that although the strength of the other party had increased after the fusion, it did not have an overwhelming effect on them.

If judged strictly according to the data, it is roughly between 1.5 and 1.6 times the previous one.

But in this case, integration is meaningless.

With just this little power, let alone facing the three of them at the same time, even if only one person is available, it can barely cope.

Isn’t this self-defeating?

In ancient times, Yi and the three people naturally did not think that the Confusion Clan would be ignorant. The situation before them only showed that their methods were not for the increase of strength, but that there were changes in other aspects.

The three did not act rashly.

They can all feel that the state of the confused mind clan that has been fused is not right, and it is better to be cautious before figuring it out.

“What do you think is its ability in this form?”

“It’s a bit like the integration of the entire system. I can feel that the information about the confused mind in the entire universe is coordinated.”

“It’s a bit similar to the method of the extreme holy level…”

“It’s still far away. It’s really a very holy level. It’s far from being approachable by this method.”

No matter what method is used, it is impossible for True Sage to transition his own strength to Extreme Sage.

The gap between the two is too big, even the dimensional change is not enough to describe.

However, there are many Extreme Sages in the human race, and they all know such existence, understand some abilities, and understand what the Extreme Sage’s opponent is like, the scene in front of them makes them involuntarily associate.

In the void battlefield.

The human race who was at war was stunned to find that Own’s body had something wrong.

There is a gap between own Minor World and myself!

The same is true even for semi-sages and quasi-sages!

This situation made many people Khan suddenly come down.

Needless to say, the importance of Minor World, the current scene has to make them think badly.

Xu Sheng was also among these people. When he felt that there was a layer of paper between Minor World and himself, he suddenly felt cold all over.

But soon he discovered that such a change did not make Minor World separate from him, but his own manipulation of Minor World was delayed.

It’s as if the internet speed slows down while playing a game.

But even so, the sudden change of the battle situation still made him feel bad.

He turned his head to look around and found that everyone’s expressions were lingering.

But how is this possible?

He also saw Huang Xuanlang and other quasi-sages have the same expressions. Their level of this level can produce such a large mood swing, and you can imagine how out of control the situation is.

At this moment, Peng Yuanshang’s voice rang in everyone’s ears, soothing everyone’s anxiety.

“Don’t be afraid, this is the dying struggle of the True Sage of the Confusion Clan. The effect we have explored and understood, it will affect the time and space of this time, and it may cause the Minor World of some of you to merge in one place… if Don’t panic when such a situation occurs. After we deal with them, everything will return to normal.”

“The influence of time has been eliminated by us, and now only the influence of space is left. Its manifestation is similar to that of forcibly connecting to Minor World. You can continue the previous battle.”

This is the first time the true saint has spoken since the start of the war. Everyone seemed to have found the backbone and settled down all at once.

Xu Sheng also felt relieved, since the principal said so, then naturally there is no situation.

‘This is the ultimate method of the puzzle, I don’t know what their purpose is’

He secretly said in his heart. He had thought beforehand that the closer the war was over, the more the Douxin Clan would explode.

It’s just that the form of this explosion is different from what he imagined, and he doesn’t know the meaning of the current state.

The changes come quickly.

Almost as soon as Peng Yuanshang’s voice fell behind, Xu Sheng saw that the void in front of him suddenly turned into a continent.

He appears on the same land as the Minor World of the people around him.

Words can’t describe such a change. The Minor World was still at his heart in the last second, and the next second it became a part of a certain area.

The area that appeared in front of you was too huge, and the more important thing was that the laws on it were extremely consistent, as if it had become a world with a higher energy level!

If you insist on an analogy, it is somewhat similar to those prehistoric continents!


Suddenly Xu Sheng’s eyes widened slightly.

Because he unexpectedly saw that several quasi-sage Minor Worlds were merged not far away!

The world where the quasi-sages merged is the original world, and its area is extremely huge.

Compared with it, Huntuo Minor World is only one billionth as big.

And at this glance, Xu Sheng also saw how powerful the people belonging to the quasi-sages were!

He took a deep breath, and just casually glanced at him, the number of the people of Quasi-Sage was no less than one trillion!

Not to mention other kinds of life.

There are also powerful cultivators that adapt to the world with one breath and breath. They are all cultivators in the Mahayana period, and there is only one last step to ascent!

“Too strong!”

The strength of the quasi-sage level has always been seen in books and in the flow of information, and only today can I see it with my own eyes.

Naturally there are strengths and weaknesses among the quasi-sages, which can also be seen from the level of the people.

When Xu Sheng felt a familiar breath, he couldn’t help but glance at the human race that belonged to that area.

But just for an instant, all his senses were shielded, and he could no longer see everything in that piece of heaven and earth.

“Is this the strength of Senior Brother Huang… as expected to be the most powerful Approval Saint of the Human Race.”

Xu Sheng sighed with emotion. Before, he only knew Huang Xuanlang was strong, but he didn’t have a certain number in his heart, but now he finally knows how strong he is!

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