Global Sage Era

Chapter 369

Chapter 365 Strategic Defense

“You kid is not kind, you even peeked!”

Huang Xuanlang’s voice came from next to Xu Sheng.

Without turning his head, Xu Sheng smiled and said, “It wasn’t on purpose.”

He heard Huang Xuanlang just joking.

This time the world merged, because of the distance, Huang Xuanlang was also included.

The other four members of the Xuance team were a little farther apart, but they were in another fusion world.

The other four people are not all in the same world, Xu Lei is alone, and the world she is in contains only eight people in total, which can be said to be very small.

The area where Xu Sheng is located is relatively large. It may be just a coincidence, but he thinks it is more likely to be the special care of the Confusion Clan. He is just a rough count. There are no fewer than two hundred people in the fusion world he lives in, which can be said to be more than he is. There are only a handful of larger areas.

There are many human races, so naturally there will be more puzzles who come in together.

“It turned out to be so.”

Soon, Xu Sheng knew why the Huoxin Clan would use such seemingly useless methods!

Sages of the human race, only the original world is fused in, everyone is a world, and those who are confused, there are multiple light particle worlds fused in!

Even though not all light particle worlds are in this place, the quantitative advantage is also very obvious!

Such a result is naturally great news for the Huoxin tribe. The gap in hard power between them and the human race has been rapidly narrowed, and even in some worlds, their power in turn surpasses the Huoxin tribe!

“Sure enough, the background of a middle-class ethnic group cannot be underestimated.”

Xu Sheng felt a little bit emotional in his heart. Even Sage couldn’t escape such forced fusion. There is no doubt that such a method was done by the five true sage levels.

He was now curious about what the True Saint Battlefield had become, but curiosity would never be satisfied, even if he was allowed to watch it, he would not be able to get close.

Of course, Xu Sheng thought about why he didn’t use such a method earlier. After all, such an ability can obviously create a huge advantage for the confused mind.

However, when he thought about it, he knew that there must be a huge limit. Perhaps it was the number of Confusion Clan. When the number was too large, it was overloaded, and perhaps it had to pay some unbearable price.

“Your kid’s Minor World is not big, but why is the level of this citizen so high?”

Naturally, Huang Xuanlang has always been curious about the training of Xu Sheng’s people. When he first came in, he subconsciously looked at the location of Xu Sheng’s Minor World, but to his surprise, his own eyes could not penetrate Xu Sheng’s Minor World. I felt that Own’s gaze was resisted by a will.

He thought this was Xu Sheng’s consciousness, and he withdrew it after only a little contact. After all, it is true that most people don’t like being seen by others.

[Record]: There is a powerful being watching your Minor World, which has been blocked

Xu Sheng was also notified here, slightly surprised.

He must have concealed the situation of his Minor World from Huang Xuanlang. He was still thinking about what he should say, but he did not expect to hear such words.

“It should be the equivalent effect of everything.” He secretly said in his heart. Although he reacted quickly, his consciousness was definitely not as fast as Huang Xuanlang.

“The children have awakened their talents several times, and the effect is good.”

Xu Sheng explained with a smile, this is also true, except that everything is equivalent from the beginning, the awakening and the effect are real.

Huang Xuanlang didn’t care too much. He first paid attention to the situation of his people, and when he found that there was nothing unusual, he focused his attention on Xu Sheng again.

“My two worlds are not close. If the puzzles attack your world, I won’t have time even if I want to support them in time… The next thing you have to do is hide the own position, and I will also do it here. Help you in some periods.”

The light-grain world of the confused heart race exists everywhere in this fusion region, because the light-grain world is different in strength and weakness, which also brings great uncertainty.

For Xu Sheng, the degree of danger is great. Ascension, after all, he just had to be careful before, the opponents he encountered were at most slightly stronger than himself, and the more powerful Confusion Clan would be blocked by layers.

However, the half-holy and quasi-holy level of the Light-grain World of the Heart-Troubled Race is too strong, and there is no lack of Transcends Tribulation Mahayana level.

Huang Xuanlang understood the situation in the first time, and the extremely quasi-sages including him exchanged opinions at the first time, and determined that the next time is mainly to protect, they will take the area of ​​their Minor World as the center of the circle, and quickly solve it. Interracial around.

The Origin World is naturally the strongest world for everyone, and the level of strength of the people far exceeds that of the Light-grain World of the Douxin Race, so in terms of absolute combat power, the Human Race’s Quasi-Sage still occupies the upper hand.

The prospective saints quickly determined the positions of the students below the semi saints and told them to be careful of everything around them.

At this time, everyone dared to make times, desperately arranging defensive measures around their own world.

The societies below the half-sage are defending, while the half-sages and quasi-sages are fully attacking.

The unification of the world is not good news for the human race, but it is done, and there is no time to complain. Huang Xuanlang and others are quickly solving the surrounding alien races.

Xu Sheng also immediately sent down the Heavenly Order to restrain the entire Huntuo tribe.

When the region merges, the boundary does not exist. If it happens to be at the edge of the region, you can reach the outside by just one step, which is much more convenient than before.

Most of the practitioners and cultivators are relatively safe after knowing that the world barrier has disappeared. The cautious nature of the human race allows them to choose stability without knowing whether the outside world is safe.

But there are always some restless people, even if it is emphasized no matter how much, they are still secretly sent out. In the eyes of these people, the outside world is the coexistence of danger and opportunity, and it is difficult for them to have a big deal in Minor World. Ascension, it’s better to go out for a fight at this time, maybe there will be new opportunities.

Especially the people whose lifespan is at the end of their lives. They have no hope of breakthrough anyway, and they won’t even want to fight if they don’t fight at this time.

For these people, Xu Sheng wanted to forcefully restrict their actions at first, but later found out that the surrounding area also needed to inquire about the situation, so he just let them go.

Casualties soon appeared.

When Own’s people went out, Xu Sheng discovered that there was a world of light particles in a black fog that was only a few thousand miles away!

Not only was it in contact with the outer area at this time, there was a red sea, and inside it lived a race like an octopus with good combat power.

The Practitioner and cultivator who encountered these octopus quickly fought with them, and the two sides won each other’s victory and defeat.

However, after the damaged Practitioner and cultivator had not been repaired, it was discovered that the whole sea was boiling, and hundreds of thousands of octopus came out of it.

The Practitioner cultivator, who is only a few hundred people, will naturally end up miserably. When the octopus passes through the area where they are located, there is nothing left in the same place.

But these octopuses did not return when they killed the Practitioners and cultivators who ran out rashly, but followed the direction they came from and marched towards the Huntuo race!

Xu Sheng has already seen this situation at the top. After making judgments, he has been able to determine that the world level of this octopus is not too strong. The rhythm revealed in them is not possessed by the semi-holy level confused mind race. of.

So these hundreds of thousands of octopus encountered a large army of Dahuang.

This is one of the Dahuang forward army. The number of 30,000 people is Qi Sea Fifth Stage at the lowest.

Although only 30,000 people, the morale of the hundreds of thousands of octopus army collapsed immediately after the encounter. Before the two sides had contact, they were shaken by the powerful momentum of the Huntuo Practitioner.

Following the command of the forward army Wuying General Realm, the army of 30,000 people shot into the octopus army like an arrow!

Like the countless wars I have experienced before, once the two sides come into contact, the Huntuo Practitioner is like a tiger entering the flock!

In just a few days, hundreds of thousands of octopus have been killed, but Huntuo Practitioner has only hundreds of casualties.

“keep going!”

The forward army did not return to Minor World, and moved forward following the above command.

Behind them, there is an army to follow, a total of one million Huntuo Practitioners are advancing under the leadership of a Martial Spirit Dzogchen!

Not all!

When there are millions of troops on this side, the other three directions will have the same troops moving forward!

The four million sergeants surveyed everything around them in the direction of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Soon, all the alien races near Huntuo Minor World were wiped out.

“Within a radius of five hundred miles, there are no powerful enemies.”

Xu Sheng was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. The situation in front of him is not too bad. Although the Huntuo race still faces some dangers, it is unlikely to be found directly as long as it follows the current rhythm.

In other areas, the quasi-sages wiped out the light-grain world in pieces, and at the level of their people, as long as a high-realm cultivator shot it, it could almost wipe out an entire world of life.

Although many cultivators don’t like slaughter, they can do it without mercy in the face of alien races.

In the past short period of time, Xu Sheng has learned from Huang Xuanlang that he has wiped out nearly a thousand worlds.

These worlds are different in strength. The weak ones are not as strong as Minor World, but the strong ones already have the Transcends Tribulation level.

But even with such a presence, facing a quasi-saint citizen, he didn’t have any ability to resist, and he was easily wiped out just like an ordinary world.

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The Huntuo race gradually got used to the area where they are now.

It was on this day that Xu Sheng heard Huang Xuanlang’s somewhat relaxed voice.

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