Global Sage Era

Chapter 370

Chapter 366 Sixteen-year-old Gold Core?

“My people have finally arrived near your Minor World, and now I can completely relax.”

In the void, Huang Xuanlang’s body also appeared beside Xu Sheng at the same time. His eyes were not on Xu Sheng, but Xu Sheng could feel his attention on his side.

“Thank you Brother Huang.”

Xu Sheng knew that Huang Xuanlang did this for himself. If it weren’t for fear of something wrong with him, he wouldn’t be as disregarding the damage of his people as he is now.

Although he is far away from Huang Xuanlang’s Minor World, if it is a high-level cultivator, it will definitely not take ten years. The reason for the present situation is entirely due to the two people’s Minor World. Makes up the world of various light particles.

These light-grain worlds are strong or weak, and the weak ones can be ignored. Huang Xuanlang’s people can just push them horizontally, but the strong ones make him feel a little strenuous.

So in just ten years, his people have damaged more than hundreds of billions of dollars?

These are not the people of those other worlds, they are entirely in his original world, and they are the group most closely related to him!

Although he was able to ‘regenerate’, he paid such a high price just to ensure Xu Sheng’s safety, which moved him very much.

He knew that although Huang Xuanlang didn’t say anything, he blamed himself for the ambush he encountered before, and didn’t want the same situation to happen again.

There are many ways to move between cultivators. After Huang Xuanlang ordered his people to wipe out all the alien races along the way, he began to set up a teleportation array.

The distance between these teleportation formations is not very far, after all, some cherished Heavenly and Mortal Treasures can’t be arranged unlimited even with his current resource reserve.

In the whole process, if you want to get from Huang Xuanlang’s Minor World to Xu Sheng’s Minor World, a total of two turnovers are required, and a total of three teleportation formations can span hundreds of millions of miles.

The reverse is also true.

With this teleportation array, Huang Xuanlang can completely relax. Even if there are some powerful targets around Xu Sheng’s Minor World, he can quickly arrange for someone to come over. In addition, he directly arranges some powerful ones. The cultivator is stationed.

Those powerful Mahayana cultivators didn’t care about foreign affairs, and spent most of their time cultivating at the own Closed Door Training, but at this time, because of his orders, they gave up their previous ideas and looked for a place around Xu Sheng Minor World. Live in a house.

Huang Xuanlang’s hierarchical natural sect has been established, and he wants to give orders very simple. Even the powerful cultivator among his subjects wants his guidance, and he will not object to his orders at all.

Huang Xuanlang occasionally grants some opportunities. Although it is incomparable to Xu Sheng’s exchange of everything at the same price, these are also rare opportunities for the people.

But he didn’t accept anyone as his own disciple. At his level, once he became a disciple, he had a very clear connection with him, and the relationship between the two parties was no longer as distant as before.

Now this way of head teacher and door disciple is pretty good.

“Just tell your people that you can’t go to these places. Their Realm is too low-minded. It’s not a good thing to get in touch early.”

Huang Xuanlang exhorted.

Xu Sheng nodded and said, “I understand.”

The Huntuo people have not changed much in these ten years.

The intensity of the war was not as strong as before. In the eyes of many people, the past ten years have been relatively relaxed and the resources obtained are not as good as before.

However, the world environment is indeed different. Minor World is integrated into a large area. If they want to move, they can walk in one direction, even if their lives are exhausted, they will not come to an end.

“Brother, do we really want to go out? Master, doesn’t he always tell us not to leave the sect station?”

“Junior sister, you are too naive. If you don’t go out to find opportunities for small households like our Qingxumen, we will only stay in the Foundation Building Realm for the rest of our lives. Don’t even think about Gold Core!”


“It’s nothing, I’m begging for wealth and danger. Master is now Closed Door Training. If we are fast, maybe he hasn’t left the customs after we come back. When we asked, we said we would go around the neighborhood. ”

In the border area of ​​Huntuo Minor World, a pair of young men and women are born with a magic weapon, both of them are Xiuwaihuizhong, a fairy-like demeanor.

However, the two of them are actually just small cultivators for the late stage of qi training, and they don’t know how long it will be before the breakthrough enters the Foundation Building period.

Although the probability of a cultivator being promoted is not low, it is not that everyone can successfully break through, and the qualifications of the two are only moderate among their peers.

Although breakthrough Foundation Building like them is still a bit certain, it is even more difficult if you want to breakthrough Gold Core.

Now Hun Tuo cultivators know that they need to obtain as many resources as possible if they want to cultivate. For example, the Qingxu Master who created their Qingxu Gate has mediocre aptitude when he is young, and it is considered impossible to breakthrough Foundation Building late stage.

But now he is a Gold Core cultivator. Although he is only an early stage Gold Core of the eighth grade of Dancheng, he is always a real Gold Core, still majestic.

And the reason why he is able to achieve today’s achievements is entirely because of the hard work he had when he was young. If not, he could only be a Foundation Building cultivator now… Oh no, he is already a piece of loess, after all, he is already three hundred this year. Thirty-seven life is counted.

The female cultivator was finally persuaded by the male cultivator. They were both senior brothers and sisters and childhood sweethearts. The relationship can be said to be extremely close.

The female cultivator’s heart had already agreed to the male cultivator, and the latter insisted on doing it her own way. No matter how big concerns she had in her heart, the ultimate choice would only be to follow her together.

The two quickly crossed the border.

“Look, there are two tender chicks again.”

There are many cultivators hidden in the forests outside the border, and some of them have a bad light in their eyes.

If it is in the world of Huntuo, they are afraid of rules, they dare not have too many methods.

But once they get out of Minor World, the sky is high and the earth is wide, even if they really do something, no one will find out. Naturally, these people don’t know that Xu Sheng can know all of their actions, and they have already marked those who dared to do it. Came out.

Some people are just like this by nature, and some people become extreme because of the Cultivation Technique practice.

Even if it is the same Cultivation Technique, some people may cultivate orthodoxy, and their personality becomes more grandiose, while some people become extreme, who is not pleasing to the eye, thinking that the whole world is aimed at themselves.

“Brother, I’m a little scared.” The female cultivator subconsciously pressed her brother a little closer, and the distance between the two who were already very close can now be said to be next to each other.

Although the cultivator is pure-hearted and low-spirited, it is impossible for the Qi-training cultivator to cut off these desires. Therefore, while comforting the male cultivator, he deliberately moved closer to the female cultivator.

This scene was naturally seen by many people, and immediately many people screamed in their hearts and cursed secretly.

But after all, no one was born, and the Hun Tuo cultivator has not yet reached that point. The cruelty of the real world of cultivating immortals has not yet appeared among them.

In the external experience, most of them help each other. If one party is in trouble, the other will lend a helping hand.

at this time.

Dozens of cultivators in this mountain forest suddenly saw a bright light appearing in the distance.

“A treasure was born?!”

After a moment of stunned, they all became excited.

What is the purpose of running out? Isn’t it just looking for opportunities!

I didn’t expect my luck to be so good. I encountered the treasure not long after I came out.

The two brothers and sisters naturally discovered this situation, and the male Xiu showed surprise on his face. He would no longer feel the soft carcass of his brother and sister, and directly speeded up to the treasure.

At this moment, he was full of thoughts about grabbing treasures before everyone else. He hadn’t thought about how he would face other cultivators if he did grab them.

The two of them were taken away from the cultivation by the Master since they were young. After more than ten years, they have little knowledge of the outside world. At the same time, they don’t have much defense in their hearts. They don’t have any sinister ideas in their hearts. After getting the treasure, others should consciously retreat.

But when they got to the position, everyone found that it was not a treasure at all.

It turned out that two people appeared in front of them.

One is a middle-aged man who looks unfathomable, and the other is a girl with smart eyes.

“What a high Cultivation Base! What is this Realm? Gold Core? Nascent Soul…or is it a god?”

The eyes of the cultivator of Foundation Building late stage were shocking, and the breath felt from the middle-aged man told them that this man in front of them was the strongest they had ever encountered!

They have also seen the big Elder, but they feel that the breath of the big Elder seems to be not as good as the middle-aged man, but the big Elder is already a cultivator!

Where did this man come from?

He is so close to Huntuo Minor World, does he have any bad purpose?

But this is not what surprised them the most!

The most surprising thing was that they actually felt that the girl next to them had the power of the Gold Core level!

How can it be! They can clearly know that the girl’s age will not exceed 28!

The sixteen-year-old Gold Core?

It’s impossible!

Even the sixteen-year-old Foundation Building is impossible!

The characteristics of the cultivator are here, and it is impossible to do it in one shot. Every step takes time.

“Uncle Chen, is this where Head Teacher wants us to come? It doesn’t seem surprising.”

The girl’s crisp voice sounded, and the middle-aged man next to him heard the words and smiled: “This area is nothing surprising. My task this time is to protect the human race in this world.”

“Is that them?” The girl pointed out curiously.

The hidden traces of the cultivators were shocked, and their hearts almost stopped beating at this moment.

The young brothers and sisters also covered their mouths in a little horror, facing a stranger who was too powerful, they subconsciously felt scared.

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