Global Sage Era

Chapter 371

Chapter 367: A Great Conspiracy!

In the void, Xu Sheng naturally saw Huang Xuanlang’s people at the same time.

The middle-aged and young Realm is no secret in his eyes, he can see through it at a glance.

Middle age is a Mahayana cultivator who spends Heavenly Tribulation. Seeing his rhythm, he waits for the enchantment of the fairy world.

However, Huang Xuanlang is still at the quasi-sage level, and not entering the holy realm means that he has not opened up the immortal realm.

There is no fairy world, and it is naturally impossible to talk about middle-aged people wanting to ascend.

However, being unable to ascend does not mean that Immortal Ascension cannot be achieved. The immortal whose combat power is reached and due to external environmental reasons is also called Hongchen Immortal. This is a very peculiar Realm, and its combat strength is not much different from the real immortal, but due to the extinction experience The baptism of Xianqi, some of his key transformations have not yet taken place, and Ascension Realm cannot continue.

Hong Chenxian also has strengths and weaknesses, but in general it will be limited to the first Realm, which is not a good thing for Hongchenxian.

There are not too many situations like Huang Xuanlang. His people are well nurtured. If they are the kind of quasi-sages with average aptitude, often their Realm can’t catch up with their own Ascension, and most of them are their own. It has reached the limit of Realm, but even the Mahayana cultivator is very rare among the people, not to mention the Red Fairy.

The girl does have a Gold Core level of combat power, and she has also taken the path of cultivation… It’s just that she was born strong and did not achieve the current Realm through cultivation.

Of course, in her situation, the follow-up practice speed is extremely fast, and the path of practice will be similar to that of the predecessor.

However, the sixteen-year-old Gold Core level is still too amazing. The Huntuo race is now considered strong, but so far, the sixteen-year-old is the strongest in the Third Stage, and this girl is heaven and earth. difference.

In addition, this girl’s aptitude is also very good. In Xu Sheng’s induction, it is clearly Spiritual Roots!

It’s not surprising that Youtian Spiritual Roots appeared among the people of the pinnacle quasi-sage. Xu Sheng was not surprised by the result of the peace, but he was more or less envious in his heart. If he had such a child now, he would probably have it later. Holding it like a treasure.

The exchange baseline of Spiritual Roots is 10 billion incense. This girl’s is not the lowest one. Converting it… one Spiritual Roots is equivalent to tens of billions of incense.

After all, at a young girl’s age, he has the strength of Gold Core, and he is not sure what Realm he will go to in the future. Xu Sheng can feel that Huang Xuanlang also cares about her, and it can be imagined that this might be a fairy in the future.

Tens of billions of incense is naturally negligible compared to an immortal.

“If you can turn her over…”

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Xu Sheng’s mind, but immediately he shook his head and didn’t think about how he could have such a “dangerous” idea. Let’s not talk about the question of whether he could be abducted. The brothers and his own desperate heart are all gone.

He seemed to feel Xu Sheng’s thoughts, and Huang Xuanlang next to him said vigilantly: “Don’t take her idea. Such a seed has been born for thousands of years.”

Even with a population of trillions, it is extremely difficult for a Heavenly Spiritual Roots to emerge. Heavenly Spiritual Roots are also known as the “Fairy Capital”. As long as they are discovered, no matter how powerful Sect is, they will fight for it.Even if it is Yin, if there is really a young Spiritual Roots in front of him, he will be tempted to accept disciples again!

The more you cultivate, the more important the talent is. Although many people do not despise ordinary talents, but in all fairness, if two people with equal conditions except Spiritual Roots are in front of them, they will definitely choose Spiritual Roots without hesitation. higher.

It’s not that ordinary people with talents do heaven-defying, but you must know that these people want to achieve the same achievements as those with superior talents. Not only do they have to put in more effort, they also need more resources. Those with superior talents may use a share of resources. Can break through, but ordinary talents need three to five points or even ten points!

Xu Sheng himself has a deep understanding of this, after all, the existence of Human Race is the greatest proof!

The human race directly perceives the law, it can become a matter of Sage in a few years, and the foreign race can’t even think about it!

“Don’t worry, I’m not that kind of person.” Xu Sheng immediately stated his attitude.

Huang Xuanlang is still a little uneasy, but the matter is over, there is nothing to do.

His worries are not superfluous. For example, there is no reproductive isolation between human races. With such a close proximity, if the owner’s people and Xu Sheng’s people look right at each other, they might be abducted. .

What can he say then?

Others Xu Sheng didn’t make a move, they were all self-published actions by their own citizens. Who can be blamed for this.

He naturally paid attention to the girl when she was about to come over, but he really didn’t feel embarrassed–yes, the girl came directly to his incarnation to request. The girl’s parents were his doormen, and he looked at the girl. Grown up.

This kind of mood is extremely complicated. It is not only looking at own people, but also looking at the beloved younger generation.

In his eyes, Xu Sheng’s people have undoubtedly become synonymous with the’nomad villager’. Although he knows that Xu Sheng’s people have good talents and strengths, it is only at his level, from the perspective of Sage’s people… That gap is too far.

The girl followed the middle-aged to live here.

In fact, there are not many interesting places around Huntuo Minor World. At least it is incomparable with those that the girl has seen before. There are countless kinds of spiritual things in the world of her Life, and there are countless wonders. She has been intrigued by her since childhood. The one that has been raised is very high.

But here she can enjoy full freedom!

Although the scenery here is not very good, and the treasures are not in her eyes, the unfettered taste made her extremely enjoy, so she didn’t feel the slightest scent after a flash of it for more than half a year.

This surprised the middle-aged who brought her here. Originally, he thought that the girl would stay for three months at most, but she has been staying for long enough now. If we continue to stay like this, we will have to be anxious, at least own those two. A good friend should just run over.

Huang Xuanlang’s many Mahayana cultivators have things to do. In addition to the middle-aged being sent here to protect the Huntuo tribe, the other Mahayana cultivators are still in battle, so the middle-aged is also responsible for taking care of girls.

“It’s almost time, you should go back.”

“No, I think it suits me well, and I also want to stay with Uncle Chen for a while.”

The girl had long known that this day would come, and she had already thought of her excuses in her heart.

She didn’t expect to stay here forever, but at least she didn’t want to go back until she got bored.

“If you don’t go back to the cultivation, the progress will be affected. Your talent is extremely superior. If it is wasted, it will be a great loss.” How can you speak in this tone?

The girl bit her lip, how could she not know the truth, “Three months…will you go back in another three months?”

The middle-aged finally agreed to the girl.

This kind of years will be the best part of a girl’s life, and he doesn’t want him to leave too many regrets.

Only the last three months are left, and the girl cherishes every minute and every second that follows.

On this day, she came to the boundary and carefully looked over her head to see the scene behind the mountain.

She knew that there was a human race multiplying behind that mountain, and that was the object of protection of Uncle Chen’s trip.

Before coming, she had been told not to enter the world, and she nodded in agreement.

In the past nine months, although she had countless curiosities in her heart, she finally suppressed it. Although she still had the same desire in her heart at this time, she still did not break the own agreement and crossed that line in the end.

From sunrise to sunset, the girl watched the multiplication of the human race, and soon she disappeared from the curiosity on her face, turned and walked in the same direction when she came and went.

But when she had just walked a few steps, her ears moved suddenly and she turned around immediately.

“Ah! Danger!”

A few miles away, a young man who picked medicine accidentally stepped into the air and fell into the abyss!

The teenager’s horrified shouts echoed throughout the space, and she saw him struggling.

At this moment, whatever promises and what can’t be stepped into are all left to her.


The girl screamed, and a Hongling led her across a distance of several miles, and came directly below the boy.

Only a soft sound of falling objects was heard, and the boy fell on top of Hongling.

As the sky turned around, the young man didn’t know where he was, he only felt a faint fragrance on the tip of his nose.

“Where is this…who are you?!”

After the boy saw everything in front of him clearly, his eyes widened.

Who is this fairy-like character in front of you?

“Who am I? I am Su Ling’er, I saved you.”

The girl smiled. At this moment, the ordinary-faced teenager felt that the whole world had become brighter.

Su Linger…

What a nice name.

In the void, Xu Sheng and Huang Xuanlang were aware of this situation for the first time.

However, their current state is a bit subtle.

Xu Sheng had an expression of “Don’t look at me, it’s none of my business”.

Huang Xuanlang stretched out his fingers and his lips trembled a little.

“Okay, you kid, come with me, don’t say it was not arranged by you!” Huang Huang Xuanlang questioned Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng said with an innocent expression: “It was not originally arranged by me, it was really just a coincidence.”

“Coincidentally, my people happened to meet an incarnation of your cultivator?”

“Yes, that’s it.” Xu Sheng nodded seriously.


Huang Xuanlang was choked.

From his Realm, it is natural to see that the ordinary youth below is only fifteen years old, but he is a reincarnated body created by the special cultivation method of a god transformation cultivator. After this cultivation technique cultivation is completed, this one The experience of the incarnation will become a part of itself.

In his eyes, this is a conspiracy!

Great conspiracy!

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