Global Sage Era

Chapter 386

Chapter 382 The second stage goal

2178, January 1.

With the pointer returning to zero, a new year has arrived.

When Xu Sheng received the notice in the world, he was deeply moved for a while.

Most of the past half year has been a major change in his life.

Looking back, it felt like a dream.

During this year, he witnessed the expansion of Minor World, the growth of the people, and at the same time saw the methods of the Sages, the vastness of the battlefield outside the territory, and experienced the moment of life and death, and personally participated in a battle of genocide.

Of course, there is nothing more than feeling, Life has to continue, and the development of Minor World is the most important thing.

Maybe it’s some kind of calling among friends.

While guiding the development of the Huntuo race, Xu Sheng suddenly thought of Lu Yuan.

During the summer vacation, the two chatted frequently, and they often discussed the development direction of some people, but they had less and less contact since entering the university.

It doesn’t mean that you have broken the connection. Every time you come back from a task, you will talk to each other about the current situation. This is no longer the scene of discussing the development of the people.

This is a very realistic problem. Compared to Lu Yuan, Xu Sheng’s subjects are already much higher. For example, he entered the Qi Sea era of the whole nation long ago. This level is basically not available even among sophomores. The people he discussed with him, let alone Lu Yuan, who had just entered university.

So Xu Sheng actually doesn’t know what level of Lu Yuan’s strength has reached. In his estimation, it should be a bit worse than Xiao Feng’s level. Although Luyuan University has made big moves this year, after all, Qianjing University’s lead is not so good. Tied.

The next day, Xu Sheng went to the Law Tower and used up the remaining 200,000 credits. In the end, Ascension gained 0.53% of the law comprehension.

Before using it, he also hesitated, whether he wanted to continue to put all his credits on the Tower of Laws, after all, he didn’t have a specific goal for the time being.

Previously, it was to complete the special training program and participate in the puzzled clan battle to focus so much on one item. Now that both of these things have been resolved, it seems that it can also develop in a balanced manner.

Although the strategy tower, the citizens tower, the battle tower, and the time tower cannot be intuitively Ascension strength, their importance is self-evident.

But in the end Xu Sheng decided to continue to focus on the Tower of Laws, because the experience of this period of time told him…the four aspects can also be improved in the process of doing the task.

Of course, you can comprehend the law of Ascension when doing tasks, but the comprehension of the law must be as high as possible, and it is never too much.

After eating at noon, Xu Sheng went to Gu Sheng’s office.

After apprenticeship, he was asked to come here at this time every day to receive some teachings.

In fact, it is a small stove, which is similar to the ones taught by the ancient sage during class. At most, it is based on the emotions of the people to make some targeted adjustments.

Naturally, Xu Sheng’s Minor World cannot hide the true sage level, but the things exchanged from the equivalent of everything can be explained by qualifications, even if there are some that are really unexplainable… Isn’t it allowed to have adventures?

Therefore, Gu Sheng did not feel that there was anything wrong with Xu Sheng’s current people. He and he felt that this was normal. After all, such a evildoer, Qi Sea of ​​the whole people is reasonable.

“Huh, big brother is also there?”

When he walked into the office, Xu Sheng saw Song Miao standing next to the ancient sage at a glance. In his impression, Song Miao would stand by as long as there were occasions where Yi was in ancient times.

“Your senior brother just finished his work, this time he will come back to see you specially.” Gu Shiyi said.

Gu Shiyi used to be in charge of staying at the school, but five days ago he had something to solve and left the school, so he just missed it, otherwise he would definitely be there when he went to the teacher’s ceremony.

Song Mao’s expressionless face is definitely’blue is better than blue’. In ancient times, it is easy to say that it is indifferent and more just plain, and he is true indifference, except for the people or things that interest him. Slightly fluctuating, in other cases, they are cold.

However, there was a rare smile on his face at this time. Although the amplitude was small, it surprised Xu Sheng who saw it.

The more unexpected is still to come.

Song Ming took out a few things and said, “This is a meeting gift for your brother.”

Xu Sheng hurriedly accepted: “Thank you, big brother.”

In the past, the identity gap between the two was still very large. After all, a high sage had a relatively high position in the entire human race.

That kind of contact is just with optimism about him and believing in his future.

But now the two are already the same brothers, which means that the Karma of both sides are also entangled.

“What your senior brother has prepared for you are a few items that will help you understand the laws, which are precious to your current strength.” Gu Shiyi said.

Xu Sheng’s eyes lit up when he heard it. He was still guessing what it would be. Now this is naturally the best for him.

What he worries most is all kinds of cards…this kind of thing is too low value for him.

“Your Second Senior Sister and Third Senior Brother can’t come back for the time being. It will take a while to see them.”

“The disciple knows.” Xu Sheng replied.

“As for me… the paperweight will be given to you. Its power will be gradually lifted as your Cultivation Base increases. You have to make good use of it. You will face a lot of dangers in the future.”

This is definitely a big surprise!

Although the paperweight Erxiang has only been used once, his power is beyond doubt.

Song Ming, who was next to him, was also a little surprised when he heard it. Although Paperweight Erxiang can only work below the holy realm, its equivalent is as high as the high holy level!

Once the power is fully deployed, even he can hardly resist!

Of course, it is not difficult to make things with Realm, as long as you find the right materials, you can make them.

If it weren’t for Sage’s broad-mindedness, then even he might be jealous. After all, even the treasure he uses now is not as strong as a paperweight!

“Thank you Master.”

Xu Sheng touched the paperweight Erxiang that he had been carrying with him all the time, and he was extremely happy.

But today’s things are not over yet.

Immediately after that, Gu Shiyi talked about the special training program.

“You have successfully completed the goal set for you before. The final degree of completion surprised us. Of course, you have won it yourself. No one will say anything… Now, I have to tell you the goal for the next stage. , This time the reward is ten times that of the first stage Ascension.”

Xu Sheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. It is a good thing to have a goal. There is a reward for completion, and there is no punishment for failure.

“The goal of the second stage is, if your law comprehension reaches 35% before the beginning of the semester of the next year, you will be awarded 1 million credits, and an increase of 100,000 will be added for each day in advance.”


Xu Sheng subconsciously took a breath.

One million credits!

Add 100,000 a day in advance!

What a huge number!

You must know that he won the first place this time, but only half a million!

But think about the task requirement is that the law comprehension reaches 35% before the end of the semester, which means that he wants Ascension by almost seven percentage points every month.

This high degree of Ascension, if heard by other people, is estimated to have myocardial infarction on the spot.

After all, under normal circumstances, every outstanding student of Qianjing University will have a law comprehension of over 10% at the end of the freshman year!

This is equivalent to letting Xu Sheng’s Ascension for one month be close to these people for one year.

Rao is based on Xu Sheng’s confidence that he is…equivalent to everything, and he also feels that this is a bit difficult.

“Credits are not so easy to get. If you want to get more resources than others, you need to prove yourself more.”

Gu Shiyi’s voice sounded nearby, and he clearly knew what Xu Sheng was thinking now.

“Teacher can rest assured that my disciples will work hard to achieve this goal!”

I was still thinking that my own goals have been completed, and I can be a little ‘autonomous’. I didn’t expect new challenges to come so soon.

Xu Sheng thought to himself, could it be that those true sages sensed their own thoughts, so they came to ‘satisfy’ their own wishes?

With the abilities of the real body, it is really not difficult to do such a thing.

But just to think about it, the true saints are not so boring.

In ancient times, Yi looked at Xu Sheng’s expression with a bit of embarrassment but did not give up the meaning, and was satisfied. The goal at this stage was actually set by him, and to be precise, he was striving for it.

There was no second-stage training. After all, Xu Sheng made the leap from 10% to 20% too fast. The original special training plan did not consider the existence of people like him.

Everyone is hesitating how to proceed. At this time, ancient times Yi took the initiative to propose this standard.

Originally, in his capacity, once he took the initiative to speak, even if others disagree, he would consider it carefully, not to mention that he raised the standard so high that no one could refute it.

The two-month Ascension to 35% of the rule of comprehension is too difficult. Even if they consider Xu Sheng’s past performance, they feel that the probability of final completion is very small. On the other hand, if Xu Sheng is in such a difficult situation. The goal is also completed, so some rewards should be given at the end.

That’s how things were decided.

The goal of this second stage is indeed difficult, but if it can be accomplished, Xu Sheng’s Ascension will be equally huge, and his future will be less anticipated by everyone, and it will be more brilliant than everyone imagined! !

“Although the goal is difficult, you still have to stick to the current method, and you must not complete it by some tricks.” Ancient Shiyi’s tone became serious. It was the Master who led the door and the practice was personal. He would not ask for permission. Sheng must follow Own’s idea. What he does is to ensure that Xu Sheng is always on the right path and will not go astray for some temptation.

Xu Sheng sensed what the Master meant and said with a solemn expression: “Don’t worry, Master, I will definitely be down to earth, step by step, towards the end of the holy path.”

A smile appeared on Gu Shiyi’s face, and he nodded and said nothing.

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