Global Sage Era

Chapter 387

Chapter 383 The Unfulfilled Goal

Time enters January, and the first semester has come to an end.

The rest of the time will not continue to teach many things, most of which are for students to do their own activities.

The curriculum of Qianjing University is not much different from other universities, but it is different in depth.

The first semester of freshman is mainly to teach a variety of common sense knowledge, and the next semester is to expand the horizon.

At the beginning of the sophomore year, I went to foreign battlefields to do various tasks. At this time, the teachers in the school could also impart knowledge, but they all started classes from time to time, so you could choose what you want to listen to.

The time is all controlled by the students themselves. Although they are just adults on the earth, they can no longer be regarded as weak in the universe.

Even if the law comprehension is just over 1%, it belongs to the absolute top in the entire universe.

The day Xu Sheng returned with the army was December 30th.

After two days on the 31st and the 1st to improve the comprehension of the law, on the 2nd, he went to the mission building to continue the task.

The missions below Half Saint are divided into one to ten stars. Previously, Xu Sheng received all one-star missions. The requirements were very low, and the final reward was not high.

Now that his strength has come, Ascension has come. According to the situation that the strongest Lin Zhiyan and others in the sophomore have already begun to take on three-star missions, he should also be able to take on missions of this level.

However, strength and authority are two different things. If you want to be able to accept higher-star tasks, you need to accumulate enough points, that is, complete enough current-level tasks.

The solution is actually relatively simple. Xu Sheng directly searched for several tasks that could be completed quickly and the task locations were not far apart to take them at the same time. Then, it only took half a day for him to complete all these tasks, and the points he earned were also Successfully let the own permission ascending to two stars.

Several one-star missions provided a total of 2,300 credits. When he was at the beginning, so many credits were enough to satisfy him, but now he has no idea of ​​using it at all, so let him lie quietly in the student card. .

After being promoted to two-star, the three-star authority will naturally begin.

I have to say that the difficulty of the two-star mission is much higher than that of the one-star mission, and it took Xu Sheng more than a day for just three missions.

But only three missions were not enough to upgrade, so he approached him and took five more missions.

These five tasks took him three days in total, and now the time has come to January 7th.

Time flies really fast. According to the goal of the second stage, he needs Ascension’s seven-point rule comprehension in one month, but now a quarter of the time has passed, and his rule comprehension is just the previous task. China has improved slightly, reaching 21.92%.

The various alien races in the universe actually have some special features. Although some alien races can not directly improve the understanding of the laws of the human race, they can increase their own growth or give some understanding, so light If the task itself is done enough, it can also be quickly ascensioned by owning the law.

However, there are only a small number of people who can do tasks like Xu Sheng. Even if they can support it, the people may not be able to support it…

The more high-star missions, the stronger the alien races you encounter, and the higher the level of intelligent life that those alien races produce. The second-star missions are already very difficult for sophomores. Even Lin Zhiyan and others just pick up some. The Samsung task is relatively simple.

Because of the’famous in World War I’on the battlefield of the Huoxin clan, now Xu Sheng’s face is no stranger to everyone, so every time he comes in, he will attract more or less attention.

However, only oneself knows the tasks that individuals take. Others are just curious and don’t know that Xu Sheng’s tasks are so cruel.

But there is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid of people who are interested. Some people who are good at observing have discovered that Xu Sheng has recently spent most of the time spent on the two-star mission. From this point, they came to a conclusion: Xu Sheng has a high probability of authority. Has been promoted to two stars.

This is not surprising. They all know that with Xu Sheng’s strength, it is only a matter of time before they have Samsung permissions.

But soon, they were surprised when they discovered that Xu Sheng’s eyes were mostly focused on Samsung’s mission.

“So fast? How long has he been promoted to Samsung?”

“Isn’t he worried about the consumption of his people? It’s impossible. The human path he took is something that the whole school knows.”

“Unreasonable, unreasonable…”

The time span from one star to three stars is too short, so many people are confused.

The specific situation of the Huntuo tribe is currently only known to the Sages. The students are not aware of the powerful regeneration ability of the Huntuo tribe. The blood-replenishing ability of each generation is enough to make up for this high consumption.

The points for the two-star missions are slightly higher. The eight missions provide a total of 13,000 points, an average of 15,000 points per mission. At the current rate, it will take half a year to earn half a million credits.

In terms of law comprehension, it is only less than two percentage points. This Ascension speed is slightly insufficient even in the first semester of the freshman year, let alone in the sophomore year.

Therefore, you can’t do tasks with your brains, you need to identify tasks and look for tasks that may hide opportunities.

These tasks are not only the school’s requirements for students, but also the school’s training for students.

With a total of 15,000 credits, it was only fifteen minutes on the fourth floor of the Law Tower. Xu Sheng still chose to give up and continue to do the task.

The characters he looked at at this time were all three-star missions.

The rewards of the three-star missions are generally more than 3,000 points, and those with high difficulty have nearly 5,000 points.

Tasks with different star ratings usually take the same amount of time.

For example, some low-difficulty tasks to find things may take three days, while a three-star mission that perishes the middle-level world also normally takes three days.

Therefore, when the strength is sufficient, no one will look at low-level tasks at all.

Xu Sheng also watched some one-star and two-star missions with boiling water, but later found that the rate of return was too different, so he stopped paying attention.

In a blink of an eye, it came to January 14th.

In the past week, Xu Sheng did nine three-star missions and obtained 31,000 credits. The law comprehension level also successfully surpassed 22%, reaching 22.81%.

That’s right, in the past week, he has gained nearly one percent of the law’s comprehension. The reason for this is that he has some comprehension, and he spontaneously improves his comprehension of the law. It belongs to a certain kind of ‘epidemic’, which is hard to find.

However, it can also be regarded as the inevitability of a certain coincidence. When the accumulation is enough, there will always be such a rule Ascension.

The students of Qianjing University will have this kind of situation when doing tasks.

He is a very hard task. Under normal circumstances, the tasks that others do in a week are between three and five, and his efficiency is equivalent to two to three times that of others.

In order to achieve this efficiency, he can say that there is no pause of every minute, and there are tasks in his mind besides tasks.

But even so desperately, the gap between the Ascension he obtained and the target is still very large.

Xu Sheng also gradually felt something was wrong.

According to the current trend… it is impossible for him to complete the task!

Not even half of the goal can be achieved!

Even if he immediately went to the five towers, it would be impossible to accept all the rewards for the breakthrough.

“Where is the problem?”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help but have such a question in his mind. According to his current understanding of the school, it is impossible to come up with goals that he can’t achieve at all.

Especially this goal was proposed by the Master on the initiative, no matter whether it is public or private, he definitely has a chance to accomplish it.

“Could it be that there are some ways I can quickly Ascension strength that I haven’t discovered?”

On the evening of January 14th, Xu Sheng took the initiative to inquire with the sophomores on the East Campus, hoping to get some help from them.

“The way to quickly Ascension strength? Isn’t it about entering the five towers and doing missions?”

“Your current strength is fast enough for Ascension, I can’t think of any other way.”

“Sorry, all I know is this.”

The sophomores whom Xu Sheng asked about were very enthusiastic, but the advice given in the end was not very helpful.

No way, Xu Sheng finally found Huang Xuanlang…now the latter has become his nephew.

“Little Master Uncle is something?”

After receiving Xu Sheng’s call invitation, Huang Xuanlang was a little curious, and his current name for Xu Sheng has changed.

Xu Sheng spoke out the own question.

“What? Law comprehension increased to 35% in two months?”

Huang Xuanlang was taken aback. It was the first time he heard the news. After all, he has graduated from Qianjing University now, and the speed of getting news is not so fast.

Generally speaking, the average law comprehension at the end of the first semester of the sophomore year is around 15%, and the top hand is around 20%, and the fluctuations will not be too large.

In this case, even if the time is extended to the beginning of the next semester, the law comprehension is only 25%. This kind of genius is already extremely rare.

But Xu Sheng’s requirement is 35%? !

It is true that this requirement is not met and there is no punishment, but this goal is inevitably set too high.

Huang Xuanlang was also puzzled.

If it weren’t for Xu Sheng’s later saying that this goal was proposed by the master, he would have to think about setting the standard for that person.

A very simple math problem. If Xu Sheng can finally achieve his goal, doesn’t it mean that his law comprehension will reach 70% by the end of his freshman year?

So the sophomore can reach semi-holy in the first semester?

What kind of speed is this?

He didn’t dare to think about it anymore, even if he was already Sage now, he didn’t dare to imagine such a student appearing.

Even if he was very familiar with Xu Sheng and knew his potential and speed of improvement, he never thought that Xu Sheng’s improvement could be so fast.

“I can only tell you some of my past experiences… As for the specifics, I’m sorry, I can’t help.”

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