Global Sage Era

Chapter 393

Chapter 389: There Is Still Such A Good Thing?

After the watchman told the number of people in the line, he did not speak again.

He doesn’t need to tell lies. Whether it is Xu Sheng or the newcomers, he has no interest in him. He will only act according to the established rules.

Although the fact that there are more than 70 people in front of them makes the five people a little helpless, they can only wait slowly if they want to get something like that.

In this way, the five of them were in an area with Xu Sheng.

It was supposed to be small talk, but now the five of them are stubborn about Xu Sheng’s previous refusal and have no intention to speak at all.

Xu Sheng is happy and free. He is not the kind of talking with people he doesn’t know. Now everyone is in the same area, and it’s best to keep quiet.

But it didn’t take long. Xu Sheng had no more than a dozen people in front, and it was still getting faster and faster.

Just an hour and a half after the five people came, the guard shouted: “Xu Sheng has arrived.”

finally reached.

Hearing this, Xu Sheng felt joy, and without looking around, he walked directly into Gensokyo.

“Too pretentious! I didn’t pay attention to us at all when I left.”

Although they were very upset with Xu Sheng, they also paid great attention to his every move in their hearts. Now when they saw him leaving, there was really no performance, which made them feel unhappy.

This displeasure was combined with the previous events, and Xu Sheng’s face became obnoxious in their eyes.

“Huh, isn’t it just relying on his talent? It’s still rumored that he has such a good character. It really is better to see him.”

These people’s secret discussions were full of dissatisfaction with Xu Sheng.

Naturally, their conversation can’t hide from the ears of the guards.

At first, the caretaker didn’t pay attention, but he couldn’t help it afterwards.


With a soft drink, the five of them were stunned, and then they shut their mouths with ugly expressions.

They didn’t feel that the guards looked at them unpleasantly, but simply felt that they had violated some taboos.

Gensokyo is full of bubbles.

When Xu Sheng stepped into Gensokyo, he was surprised to find himself in a bubble.

There is no concept of time in the bubble. He tentatively stepped forward and found that his body had shrunk many times.

I am now like an insect trapped in a bubble.

However, the Minor World at the heart still exists, which proves that Gensokyo’s level is high enough to fully accommodate it.

He didn’t know what level of Gensokyo actually existed. What he could know was that it was absolutely above the holy realm.

This scene is somewhat similar to the method used by the Huoxin Clan after the Battle of the Huoxin Clan, all of which are to get them out of the area where they are currently located and fall into the environment created by Houtian.

“A newcomer is coming? Well, the strength is a bit weak.”

When Xu Sheng entered, some creatures in Gensokyo found him.

These creatures belong to the existence that maintains the order of Gensokyo, and belong to the caretaker in terms of position.

Their Realms are all below Semi-Holy, and the number is not too large, but some can always be seen in every other area.

The new people in their mouths are the ‘new human races’, as beings that maintain order, they have witnessed the growth of human races from generation to generation.

Naturally, they have incomparable envy and longing in their hearts. Many human races that were far less powerful than them have undergone tremendous changes in their strengths in the years after leaving Gensokyo, and many of them have directly become Sages.

The talent of the human race is too much to make them envious.

The reason why they are here is nothing more than the insignificant breakthrough probability.

Originally, if the probability of their breakthrough was one in several billions, then they would directly Ascension hundreds of thousands of times when they came here, but even so, it was only one in ten-thousandth.

How many “gardeners” in Gensokyo can finally break through to semi-sage is not bad. As for the level of semi-sage? They can’t even think about it.

Therefore, the alien races in the universe, even the pinnacle races, have a terrible chance of being promoted. They are often willing to give everything for the breakthrough probability of one in a billion. It is too much for an ordinary existence to enter the holy realm level. Difficulty, each one can be said to be a miracle in the world.

Let’s take the example of the Douxin Clan. The five true saints in their clan finally reached this position by stepping on countless bones of the same clan, generation after generation, to their generation, I don’t know how many times they have gone through. Change.

It can be said that it is impossible for the human race to develop to its current strength in less than two hundred years.

It is precisely because of the increase in the strength of heaven-defying that the world races are afraid, and they have to unite-yes, they are precisely persecuted by the human race.

If the human race is at the same angle, and there is a powerful race not far away growing at a speed that is countless times faster than its own, it must also want to unite with others to erase it.

Xu Sheng did not hear when these gardeners discussed it.

He is in the bubble now, and everything he hears and sees is confined to the bubble.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, a piece of heaven and earth gradually condensed.

But as the world gradually became clear, Xu Sheng frowned.

At first, what appeared before his eyes was a steel jungle: the scene of the early stage of the previous life and the 21st century.

But everything went wrong soon. First, the sun in the sky was wrapped by a black film, and then the ground lifted up an elevator straight to the sky.

The latter is even more exotic. The plane can fly without wings, and it uses magnetic levitation technology.

It also created a remote teleportation technology, turning people into a particle state on one side of the channel, and then condensing them on the other side.

Everything seems so weird.

If Xu Sheng was still the ordinary person in the previous life, he would be at a loss for what he saw before him, but now that he has been through the early stage curiosity, he soon knows that these changes are based on the imagination in his brain. Coming.

Gensokyo is naturally related to fantasy.

According to the school’s introduction, during this experience, everyone’s deepest subconscious imagination will become reality.

Some of these imaginations may be beneficial to the Ascension of your own strength. Once you pass the test of these imaginations and find its essence, your strength will quickly get Ascension; some are very dangerous, and there may be things that endanger yourself. , And even if it is eliminated, it will not produce anything useful in the end.

Xu Sheng still hasn’t distinguished whether these things are beneficial or harmful to him.

“It doesn’t matter what happened to me. The key is that there shouldn’t be too many problems with Minor World…”

Gensokyo’s role is comprehensive, as long as it is intelligent life will be affected.

The Huntuo race in the heart of Xu Sheng will also show some completely different behaviors because of the existence of Gensokyo.

In the earliest stage of change, the frequency of everyone’s dreams increased dramatically.

Even Practitioners and cultivators, who rarely need sleep, will enter their dreams at intervals of three to five, and then undergo various tests.

However, ordinary people’s dreams are not harmful. Even if they have a nightmare, they just get up the next day and feel a little weak in their hands and feet, and then wait an hour or two.

On the contrary, the higher the Cultivation Base, the more the Practitioner and cultivator will be affected.

Many people felt that the situation was not right, and those with Master told their own Master about the situation, but what they didn’t expect was that the own Master encountered the same problem.

The Huntuo tribe fell into a slight chaos for a while, and even those with advanced Cultivation Base couldn’t tell such a thing.

Seeing this situation, Xu Sheng also explained the general situation through Yin and Kuangyuan.

Everyone in the Huntuo race knew that these dreams turned out to be a rare opportunity.

Many people no longer resist the dream state at once, and start to actively seek out the possible breakthrough in the dream state.

“Interesting, can help me Cultivation Base breakthrough dream.”

After hearing the news, Kuang Yuan’s performance was the most intriguing. His current Realm is still stuck in the early stage of Martial King. Ask him if he will be anxious, naturally, but the degree of anxiousness is not as good as before.

So now even if he heard about the power of this dream to help people break through, he didn’t have much reaction.

In this way, all kinds of weird dreams continued to appear along with the Huntuo human race.

After more than ten years passed, some people unexpectedly discovered that other people appeared in their own dreams!

And this person who entered the dreamland of others was also very stunned. He was originally just a normal rest, but who knew that after his consciousness reappeared, he actually came to an unfamiliar place.

In this area, he saw a human race. The moment he saw the other party, he clearly realized that the other party was the same as him.

It seemed like a beginning. After this person’s situation appeared, the same situation appeared all over the country.

If one person can enter another person’s dream, it’s actually a good thing… But the dream is also changing simultaneously. After another person appears, the dream seems to be synchronized, and then The scenery of everything has become extremely distorted.

Distortion brings danger, all kinds of strange creatures begin to appear, and the moment they appear, they kill towards the consciousness of the human race.

Once killed by these strange creatures, the own spirit will fall into a long period of malaise, and it will take several days to recover after waking up.

But if these strange creatures can be killed, they will absorb a certain peculiar energy from them, which can increase their own strength to a certain extent.

At first, the human race was a little rushed, and many people were killed by these strange creatures when they didn’t respond.

But after gradually adapting, many people become excited.

This way, the way to directly Ascension’s strength is extremely rare.

This is a benefit of being delivered to your door!

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