Global Sage Era

Chapter 394

Chapter 390 Who Am I?

Twenty years passed in a flash.

The dream is also accompanied by a whole generation of Huntuo people.

Everyone is accustomed to its existence.

In the eyes of the newly-born Huntuo people, even this dream is part of the world. It is normal to have them, and it will become strange without them, which is different from the common sense they think.

In twenty years, the population of the Huntuo race has increased by more than 10 million again, and it is steadily advancing to 300 million.

Now the area of ​​Huntuo Minor World is enough to support a population of more than 500 million, and Xu Sheng’s strength Ascension’s speed exceeds the population growth.

However, the concept of fertility of the Huntuo race has not kept up. Although it has become a consensus to have two children, it is impossible for a couple to have two children for rapid growth of the ethnic group.

Few couples are willing to give birth to two or more, and there are still many who do not give birth or only give birth to one.

In a more feudal society, the notion of not having a child is naturally very rebellious, but if childbearing will affect one’s future path, then not having child will become a very normal thing.

The existence of Gensokyo accelerated the growth of the strength of the Huntuo race.

And the one who benefited the most was naturally Kuang Yuan, who was related to Dahuang Qiyun.

In a short span of twenty years, he has touched the threshold of the Martial King middle stage, and now he can enter the breakthrough with only the last distance.

He is in a state where he no longer needs to be forced, even if he simply waits, he will automatically break through to the Martial King middle stage.

Compared with other people’s breakthrough methods, his breakthrough is really enviable. You must know that the small Realm breakthrough at the level of Martial King is much simpler than the larger Realm, but it is also dangerous. There will also be countless people who will get stuck. Can’t move forward in this Realm.

The effect of golden air luck is still not obvious anymore. Even Kuang Yuan’s dreams seem to be better than ordinary people. He even got the help of breakthrough in dreams several times, and it is these feelings that accelerate. His breakthrough.

Although the other Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng are a bit slower, they are not far from Kuang Yuan’s Realm at this time, and they seem to be able to break through to the Martial King middle stage soon.

While experiencing various illusions and constantly dealing with the various scenes that appeared, Xu Sheng was also paying attention to the development of the Huntuo human race. It can be said that there is no waste of every second.

He doesn’t pay much attention to Martial King Realm now. The Martial Emperor behind Martial King is what he really wants, but in a short period of time, Martial Emperor is definitely impossible.

In the fifty-third year after entering Gensokyo, Kuangyuan made a breakthrough at the Jinluan Temple.

At the moment of breakthrough, there was a dragon of good fortune in the sky, and the scene provokes the people of the city to come out to watch.

Many people directly call ‘the emperor of the true dragon’.

“The Master has finally broken through. The Martial King middle stage has caught up with the Realm of Uncle Yin and Junior Brother Wang Fan.” Xuan Yi sighed. The Master had paid a lot before and finally came to the top. I didn’t expect it to be such a short time. Has been overtaken.

Xuan Zheng said: “We have to hurry up, and we can’t lag far behind.”

If it were normal cultivation, the two would be promoted at least two hundred years later than Kuang Yuan.

But now because of the connection between Qi Luck and Dahuang, I have stayed in the current Realm for nearly a thousand years, and there is no big gap. Just wait for Dahuang’s national power Ascension, and then own strength can generate induction and breakthrough.

Kuang Yuan’s breakthrough was a signal, and both of them knew in their hearts that it would not take long for them to make a breakthrough.

Just as they thought, after 20 years of Kuangyuan’s breakthrough, Xuan Zheng took the lead and became the Martial King middle stage.

Only three years later, Sylphy also made a breakthrough, and Realm was flat.

So far, the three most powerful Practitioner Realm have reached the Martial King middle stage.

The time ratio around Gensokyo is eighty-three years.

After Xu Sheng entered, he had forgotten his time on earth. Although he still remembered the development of Minor World, it was just an instinct.

Minor World, as a part of own, is like hands and feet. Even if a person forgets his own identity and status, he will not be surprised that he has hands.

However, time exists objectively in the Watcher.

At some point after Xu Sheng entered, he suddenly said, “You can go in.”

The waiting group of five was overjoyed, and then the person who was shouted responded happily: “Yeah.”

After this person, the other four people waited more than half an hour before they all went in.

After they entered, the area finally returned to quiet.

At this time, the outline of the watcher suddenly appeared-the area where they had been staying was the body of the watcher.

If you reduce the outline of the watcher by countless times, you will find that the last thing that appears in front of you is a milky…puppy.

It is still the kind with a cute expression, referred to as the little milk dog.

The appearance of the watcher is naturally not powerful at all, so all the students who have just come here have never seen its true appearance. Only when it becomes stronger in the future will they be surprised to find out that the original The unsmiling caretaker turned out to be like this.

In addition to the caretaker who looks like a little milk dog, there are also those like a little milk cat, and a Tigger… Anyway, there are only things you can’t think of, without him.

“I’m already in my junior year, but I still can’t put the own position…their evaluation is very bad.”

After the watcher muttered to himself, he then passed a list containing everyone’s performance scores.

Few people know that the three places where Ascension’s strength can be directly connected in the endless homeland are actually related. Unlike Gensokyo, everyone has the opportunity to enter. The latter two places must meet the conditions before they can enter.

The scoring outside of Gensokyo is a very important step. If the scoring fails, then there is almost no possibility for the person involved to enter the secret realm behind.

The first impression of the five people who had just entered into the caretaker was not good. Xu Sheng kept chewing his tongue while he was there. After Xu Sheng left, he was still talking about it. Such behavior is absolutely undesirable at their level. .

He even had reason to doubt whether these five students were affected by some kind of special power from a foreign race, otherwise he couldn’t explain what happened before him.

Soon after the score sheet was issued, it went through a round of confirmation, and finally entered the eyes of Sage, who was of high enough status.

Things below Half Saint are too small. Sage who saw them just glanced at them and stopped paying attention. Even if one of them was Xu Sheng, they would not put too much energy into it.

“Wow, did anything interesting happen to you?”

The guards received inquiries from other guards. You are its name, the name of a human. The real name is too long according to the language of the race it belongs to, and it takes a long time to shout.

“Xu Sheng came to me, and there are also a few juniors who have conflicts with him.”

“Is that the best student since the founding of Kankyo University?”


“Then, then I am curious about those few people, and there can be conflicts with such enchanting geniuses.”

Although the caretaker rarely feels bored, they can indeed feel that their own body and mind have become a little more pleasant through this kind of chat.

“Say he came here alone? Didn’t those Sages at the school arrange for him in advance?”

“No, at first I wondered if Sage arranged it, but later on, I can be sure that he was on a whim.”

“Oh, evildoer, the thinking is naturally different from ordinary people, let alone the two of us of alien races.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Talk about Xu Sheng.”

“Xu Sheng is here?”

“Yes, right now in the area where You is responsible.”

There are new guards joining.

The three haven’t talked for long, and there is a new consciousness.

Then there is the fifth way, the sixth way…

Suddenly, the area around Gensokyo, which was originally very quiet, became lively.

Playing and chatting, these caretakers still remember their own responsibilities, and each one pays attention to the area in which it is responsible.

who am I? Where am i? What should I do?

At this time, Xu Sheng was caught in doubt.

He just noticed Minor World, and was observing the development in it. This seemed to have become his instinct.

However, since just now, there has been a lot of confusion in his mind, and he can’t think of the most critical information about own at this time.

Minor World is still developing steadily, and he can clearly perceive this. Whenever he sees the Ascension of the people in Minor World, Realm, he will feel a burst of joy.

The steel city in front of me seemed to become a lot of mottled all at once.

Looking at these familiar and unfamiliar scenes, Xu Sheng’s memory went back a long time ago.

But what makes him strange and mad is that there is no part of these memories that teach him.

“What did I forget?”

Xu Sheng felt that the speed of his forgetting was still accelerating, and there were more things being forgotten.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and the steel city in front of him collapsed every inch, replaced by a forest scene.

There are huge trees towering into the clouds everywhere, and numerous bones are buried under the trunk!

At a glance, you can’t even see the head!

I don’t know how many people died here.

This situation made Xu Sheng a little creepy.


The pace he was walking suddenly stopped, his neck stiffened and his head lowered, and he saw that his foot was stepping on a skull, and his black eye sockets were watching him.

Xu Sheng was covered with cold sweat almost instantly.

He retracted his feet in a panic and wanted to leave here, but the land under his feet turned into quicksand unexpectedly.

He was unsteady and began to fall to the bottom.

When the yellow sand covered his mouth and nose, he felt a suffocation, and he couldn’t breathe.

But soon, he forgot about it.

When his whole person was covered by yellow sand, the scene that appeared before his eyes made him forget everything–

Under the yellow sand, countless skulls are gloomily watching themselves!

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