Global Sage Era

Chapter 395

Chapter 391

Click, click, click, click, click…

The upper and lower jaws of these skulls kept opening and closing, and countless gloomy laughter gathered together.


Xu Sheng was terrified. He desperately wanted to leave here, but his legs caught in the yellow sand did not borrow anything.

He just watched the yellow sand skulls pounce on him.

The pain struck.


He exhaled in pain, feeling his own flesh and blood being eaten up piece by piece.

Soon he became a skeleton skeleton, and then fell into the yellow sand.

I don’t know how long it took, his body skeleton was decayed, and only the skull remained.

Click, click, click, click

He heard the familiar sullen laughter again.

But he has no fear this time…because he himself has become a part of it.

who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

Xu Sheng’s consciousness woke up from the chaos.

Towering trees stood around him, and he subconsciously looked up along the tree, but even if he exhausted his eyesight, he couldn’t see clearly what was in the uppermost layer.

He looked at the tree body, and then at own body. After confirming that he could not climb up, he stepped away from here.

It didn’t take long before he saw a dwarf tree appeared in front of him-it was said to be a dwarf tree, but it was actually 20 to 30 meters high.

At the branches of this dwarf tree, there are wooden houses.

“Where did you come from, young traveler?”

Xu Sheng heard a nice voice, and the voice seemed to be coming from Own’s ear for a long time.

He turned his head to look in a little surprise, and found that it was a good-looking and excessive woman who was looking at him with a smile.

It is not accurate to say that it is a woman. Although she looks very similar to a human, but her ears are pointed.

He is continuing to observe, but suddenly feels Own’s face is a bit hot… This woman is wearing too little, only the key areas are covered by clothing made of leaves, and large expanses of white greasy are exposed.

He didn’t know why Own’s face was getting hot, he only knew that his heartbeat was speeding up a bit when he looked at this scene, and he couldn’t help but want to keep looking at it after his eyes.

Later, he knew that they were indeed not humans, they were a race called Elves, and their ancestors lived here for generations, which had been passed down for thousands of years.

The lifespan of elves is very long, normally more than five hundred years, and they have maintained a young face most of the time, and only in the last twenty years of their lives will they grow old rapidly.

In fact, this is not the most critical.

The most important thing is this elven village with hundreds of scales…not a single male elves!

Elves are species that reproduce sexually. If there is no accident, this elven village will soon perish.

But it happened by accident. There is a sacred tree of elves in this elven village.

It was this elven sacred tree that sheltered the elven village, allowing it to continue to the present.

Whenever an elf passes away, their soul will return to the sacred tree of elf and turn into an embryonic fruit. When the fruit matures, it will fall from the tree and become a baby.

But although the elven sacred tree can keep this village alive, there is no way to help them develop and grow.

If you want to develop and grow, you must find a different sex and combine with it to give birth to offspring. As the generations increase, the elven village will always expand.

But they have been waiting for thousands of years, and they haven’t waited for even one of the opposite sex.

But today, they waited.

The female elves in the village ran out of their own house excitedly as soon as they heard the news.

Xu Sheng was somewhat surrounded by hundreds of elves.

Obviously they are all stunning beauties, but why is it so strange to look at own? It made him feel like he was not wearing any clothes.

“It’s really the opposite sex!”

“Wow, although he is not an elf, but he looks like us, he will definitely give birth to children!”

“I’ll come first, I’ll come first, as long as one day! I only need one day!”

“If I want to be beautiful, I am already 470 years old. If I miss this time, I will lose my last chance to give birth.”

The female elves quarreled. They surrounded Xu Sheng and began to stretch out their own lotus arms to pull Xu Sheng. The turbulent Hidden Weapons clung to Xu Sheng, making him feel full of tolerance all the time. Big.

No matter how old these elves are, whether they are young or old in their ethnic group, at least from a human perspective, they are all stunning. Among the hundreds of elves, no one is ugly!

Xu Sheng felt a little strange now, and didn’t know what these elves were arguing about.

He was dragged around like a nerd.

At first he didn’t feel anything wrong, but gradually he felt his own arm hurt, as if he was about to be pulled off.

“No, stop!”

An elf noticed the pain on Xu Sheng’s face and hurriedly said.

The elves who were pulling Xu Sheng were startled and hurriedly let go. Although they were eager to get the opposite sex, they couldn’t get hurt wherever he was.

No matter what, even if the good things don’t fall on him in the end, the village will not lose the opposite sex. Only with his existence can the elf village have a future!

Xu Sheng finally felt relaxed again.

But the feeling just now was so painful that he didn’t want to look back anymore, he couldn’t help but shrank up subconsciously, and then hid behind.

But the female elves are surrounded by female elves, where can he hide?

But just after stepping back a few steps, he felt his own back hit a soft spot, and his heart shook.

Hey, why should I go for a swing?

He was a little curious, but without waiting for him to think deeply, he heard a sound of ‘um’ which made him a little hard, and then the sound turned into a certain kind of joy.

“You have all seen it. He took the initiative to bump into my arms. This proves that he chose me. You are not allowed to grab it again.”

The female elves who are taller and more beautiful than the surrounding people embrace Xu Sheng, and then turn her eyes, dragging Xu Sheng to the own tree house.

“Elise, where do you want to go?”

But where could she be able to go, the surrounding group of female elves staring at each other, before reaching a unified consensus, it is impossible for any elves to take Xu Sheng away.

Disappointment appeared on Elise’s face, but this expression only faded, and soon she became smiling again, “Then what do you think? Anyway, he has only one, and he can only go back to the village with one elf tonight. In addition to the patriarch, I am the most beautiful, and according to the ranking, I should be the first.”

“Okay you Elise, although you are beautiful, we are not bad, other things can let you, but this thing is not good.”

Once again, the elves became noisy and quarreling endlessly.

Xu Sheng didn’t have the consciousness of being contested at this time. He just felt that these elves were too noisy. When he was surrounded, he felt that there were countless birds calling in his ears, which really made him extremely bored.

The noisy elves are really no different from the aunts who bargain at the vegetable market. Xu Sheng doesn’t feel much at the beginning now. He just wants to get out of this environment, even if he just asks him to go to a place where he can be alone. The place will do.

“Okay, stop arguing, I have already asked the holy tree just now and got a revelation.”

The female elf who first discovered Xu Sheng appeared again. She came from the north of the village. Looking north from here, she could indeed see a tree towering into the clouds.

Hey, why is this adjective so familiar.

what! It turned out that the tree where Xu Sheng appeared at the beginning was the sacred tree of the elves!

Hearing that it was the revelation of the sacred tree, the female elves all calmed down, with a respectful look on their faces, even if it was Elise, who had been the most quarrelsome before.

“Patriarch, what do you say about the revelation of the holy tree?”

Some elves who lived longer spoke, and they looked at Aphrodite expectantly. If the person revealed by the sacred tree was themselves, it would be the luckiest thing in their lives.

“Yes, what do you say about the revelation of the sacred tree?” the other elves also asked anxiously.

“The Sacred Tree Enlightenment has given a candidate for tonight.” Aphry spoke, and no one noticed that when she said these words, a blush appeared on her face.

“Who is it? Is it me?” asked a bold female elf.

“It’s you again, Elise! If it were you, it would be too unreasonable!” a female elf shouted dissatisfied.

“Why can’t it be me, it should be me!” Elise replied unceremoniously.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, Aphrodite was silent for a moment, and then replied: “The candidate given by the holy tree is…me.”

“Ah, is the patriarch?”

“It turned out to be the patriarch…I don’t think there is any problem.”

“Then wait for the patriarch, then let’s talk about it.”

Although the elves are still very eager in their hearts, since the sacred tree has determined the candidate, and the candidate is still the patriarch, there is nothing to say.

All the elves moved away, revealing Xu Sheng, who was originally wrapped in their chests and buttocks.

As soon as he was let go, Xu Sheng began to breathe. It was too difficult. The tip of his nose was slowly turning flesh just before his eyes, making his breathing frustrated.

Just as he was almost out of breath, a familiar scent suddenly came from the tip of his nose.

He raised his head and saw the female elf that he saw at the beginning, and she brought herself here.

Xu Sheng’s expression suddenly became a little aggrieved.

You brought me here and disappeared. Do you know how I came here just now.

Looking at the first opposite sex that appeared in front of him in thousands of years, Aphry’s face showed a trace of apology.

She walked forward and stroked his face with some pity. She felt his tremor and whispered, “Come with me.”

Xu Sheng didn’t know why, but reflexively followed.

Going into a tree house, he saw the female elf who had brought him back inserting the doors and windows, then turned around, and took off all the leaves and clothing on her body in front of her.

He stared blankly.

In the next second, the pupils dilated suddenly.

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