Global Sage Era

Chapter 396

Chapter 392

What appeared in front of Xu Sheng was a scene he had never seen before.

On a snow-white ice field, there are towering mountain peaks. Going south, there is a basin. If you continue south, you can see a lush forest. Below the forest, there is a winding creek. The stream was gurgling.

Xu Sheng was stunned by the beautiful scene.

He has no memory, but he has instinct.

Some voice was telling him, look, keep watching.

“Does it look good?”

A faint voice came from the front.

Before Xu Sheng had time to respond, he felt that his eyes went dark and all the light disappeared.

Then a soft object pressed himself down.


The mouth is gagged.

Then I felt getting colder and lighter.

Silence is better than sound.

The moon is bright, the world is shaking.

who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

When consciousness returned, three more questions appeared in Xu Sheng’s mind.

Huh? What is this and why is it so soft.

He squeezed subconsciously.


With a whistle, his body trembled, and he turned his head to look to the side. What he saw was an extremely delicate face with sharper ears than humans.

Elf, a word appeared in his heart.

Then he remembered where he was.

He is now in an elf village, to be precise, an elf village without men.

I still haven’t thought of who I am.

As for what you are doing…

It’s done.

Now he feels like he has become a sage and started to think about the true meaning of life-although he was already thinking, but this time he is thinking more.

“Why did you wake up? Aren’t you tired when you arrived so late last night?”

Aphrodite raised her head sleepily, facing Xu Sheng with a delicate side face, which reminded Xu Sheng of a lot of pictures, and he couldn’t help but breathe a little heavy.

“Tired? I’m not tired. I feel that my own spirit is just right now, and I can go a long way.”

Xu Sheng didn’t know what lie was. He told the truest feeling in his heart.

“Ah! Are you so good?”

Aphrodite’s face turned red, but then she became happier. The better the physique of the opposite sex in front of her, the better for their village. After all, there are so many people in the village.

In a blink of an eye, sixty years have passed.

Xu Sheng changed from a young man to a white-haired old man.

Behind him, stood many elves, big and small.

Many familiar faces are standing here, such as Aphrodite and Elise, who still maintain the looks they had sixty years ago.

Compared with humans, the racial talents of the elves are too superior. Sixty years may be more than half of their lives or a lifetime for humans, but it is not a long time for them.

“Chen, you don’t have to follow us, your body…” Aphry stood worryingly beside Xu Sheng.

They didn’t know Xu Sheng’s name, so they picked one for Xu Sheng.

Morning, which means morning light, is the one who brought them the first beam of light.

Although Xu Sheng is over eighty years old, his spirit is still strong, and his old appearance does not affect his full energy.

However, no matter how much energy he has, he will also be affected by the quality of his race. Not only he can feel it, but the elves also know that his limit is about to come.

“My body is enough to support me. As you know, I have never lacked energy.” Xu Sheng laughed. Although he has no previous memories, he has learned all kinds of knowledge in the sixty years of getting along with elves. .

If he ignores his own race, he is no different from an elf now.

What’s even more amazing is that more than forty years ago, he had been recognized by the elven holy tree and had the same status as other elves.

He even felt a kind of will… He can turn into an elf fruit after death, and when it matures, it can turn into a baby to be reborn.

However, Xu Sheng was not very pleased with this, because the usual examples have shown that after rebirth, there is no memory of ‘past life’, and there is even no resemblance from the inside to the outside. They are already completely different individuals.

Said it was rebirth, but it made him feel like a new flower growing in the wreckage of the dead.

“Yes, we know it.” Aphry thought about it a lot, and nodded with a crimson face.

Elise and others next to him also reacted in the same way.

The young elves in the back looked at them curiously, naively, they still don’t know much about the world of adults.

In fact, from a utilitarian point of view, whether Xu Sheng existed in the good or died there, the impact on the elven tribe has been small.

In sixty years, there have been many more male young children in the tribe. Although there is still not a short time before maturity, they represent hope. After they grow up, they will change from generation to generation. In the end, the elven village will definitely be there. Step out of this forest and go to a wider area outside.

But Xu Sheng has already become a part of the elven village, and is an inseparable part of many people. They don’t want him to die, even if his appearance is old, but they don’t have the slightest dislike.

From the perspective of the elves, young and old are determined by the fluctuation of the soul, not the body.

There is no doubt that Xu Sheng’s soul is still ‘young’, and he is still so young compared to them when he was just over eighty years old.

But there are always banquets in the world.

After more than three months, after a normal exercise, Xu Sheng lay beside Aphrodite, completely losing his breath.

There was a peaceful smile on his face.

That is a familiar way of thinking about life, like a sage.

who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

When consciousness returned to the body, three more questions appeared in Xu Sheng’s mind.

Why is it again?

He was stunned for a moment, and then various memories came to his mind.

“So am I… now turned into an elf fruit?”

The Elf Sacred Tree once gave him a promise, although Xu Sheng didn’t care very much, but if there was any, it would be better than nothing.

But soon Xu Sheng felt that something was wrong… The situation seemed to be different from what the Elf Sacred Tree said?

He’looked’ to the left and right.

I found that Own’s line of sight was at a very high position, and there was a white cloud underneath.

He ‘swinged’ his lower arm vigorously, trying to disperse these clouds, but several huge branches appeared in his sight.

He was stunned.

Finally, he understood what had happened.

I did not become the fruit of the elves, but became the sacred tree of the elves!

But how is this possible?

How can a mortal life become a sacred tree?

Xu Sheng was puzzled, and he continued to think, but the knowledge contained in his brain was limited, and he couldn’t think of anything.

At this moment, he saw hundreds of small dots appear below.

His heart throbbed.

Then his eyes kept zooming in, and he suddenly became excited.

Aphrodite, Elise, XXXX, XX, XXX…

He yelled, trying to make these people stare at him, knowing that he was right in front of them!

“Dear sacred tree, Chen’s life came to an end not long ago. Please take his soul away and turn it into a fruit to grow on you.”

Holding Xu Sheng’s corpse, Aphrodite walked to the front of the holy tree and knelt down, gently laying it on the ground.

The elves behind them knelt down, and each of them had sadness on their faces. Xu Sheng’s departure made all of them feel that the world had lost its color.

“I am here, I have become a sacred tree… Although I don’t know how it became, I am here!”

Xu Sheng shouted anxiously, he wanted to return to them more than turning into a tree or something.

But his voice fell in Aphry’s ears as nothing more than the rustling of leaves.

They were surprised for a while at first, thinking that the holy tree had some revelation to give, but after waiting for a long time without hearing a voice, they gave up.

The sacred tree can communicate directly, and its leaves are only swaying by the wind.

Xu Sheng was extremely anxious, but it was of no use.

I don’t know how long he has passed, he has completely given up the idea of ​​letting Afrei and the others know that he exists.

At this moment, everything in front of him began to retreat rapidly.

Scenes from the past sixty years appeared before his eyes.

Then a dazed young man appeared in front of him, he was a little dazed, and he recognized that this was himself when he had just awakened.

But how did I appear?

He didn’t know, only that the picture in front of him suddenly interrupted at that moment, and it appeared so abruptly on the spot.

The retreat did not stop.

Everything in front of me is still going back quickly.

One hundred years, hundreds of years, one thousand years, thousands of years…

He saw Aphrodite’s ancestors, and he used his “eyes” to see scenes of the proliferation of the elven village.

They also encountered difficulties in the process, but they were overcome in the end.

The scale of only a few hundred people, after thousands of years of continuous extinction, its difficulty is extremely large.

At a certain moment, he saw a team of elves come to Own, and when he saw Own, he happily took root here.

Among these elves are male elves.

He is even more aware, after all, he is back all the way back.

The elves reproduce naturally at first, but they have suffered some kind of curse. Their offspring will only give birth to females, not males.

In this way, when the number of people in the village reached 323, the last man also died.

The scene continued to retreat, and the surrounding forest was gone and turned into a desolate plain, with only one tree in existence.

Then his existence began to retreat rapidly, at first the line of sight became lower, which was the decrease in height, and then the shrinkage of the branches.

Tens of thousands of meters, thousands of meters, hundreds of meters…

He became an extremely ordinary little tree.

However, it is more than five meters high, and it has been through the wind and sun all day, and it is difficult to survive.

But the traceability continues.

In the end, everything in front of him disappeared, and his eyes were completely dark.

He… became a seed.

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