Global Sage Era

Chapter 405

Chapter 401

When the Huntuo tribe sent the first batch of Practitioners and cultivators out of Minor World and entered the earth civilization, Xu Sheng, as the ancestor, greatly reduced his own attention.

“According to the current situation, the Huntuo race no longer needs to pay attention all the time. I can focus most of my energy on the Ascension of law comprehension.”

Minor World is Minor World, oneself is oneself.

Choosing this universe is for the overall strength of the Ascension Huntuo tribe, but Xu Sheng himself can also get Ascension.

Just like those hundreds of lives before, some understanding of guardianship can greatly increase the understanding of own law. If you experience some more such lives, then the increase will continue again.

Xu Sheng tried to separate a part of own spirit, and then escaped from the dream bubble where he was currently.

If he fails, he will think of other ways, but what makes him somewhat happy is that in the end, the part of the spirit he has separated easily escapes from the current dream bubble.

After this part of the spirit broke away from the dreamy style, Xu Sheng began to look for suitable dream bubbles.

This time, because he no longer needs to consider the factors related to the development of the subjects and Minor World, he can choose from a much wider range, and soon he chose a dream bubble.

In this period of life, he was reborn as a Phoenix. This legendary beast actually exists, and even in the world where he was reborn, there is an entire Phoenix family.

At first he was just an ordinary Phoenix. Compared with his companions, he did not have any shining points, but when Xu Sheng’s memory arrived, everything changed. He rose at a comet-like speed, and soon surpassed all. Phoenix has become the strongest in the new generation of Phoenix.

Then year after year passed, his strength became stronger and stronger, and there were few creatures that could threaten him.

That is, in this year, the senior members of the Phoenix clan passed a resolution to honor him as the ancestor.

After becoming an ancestor, Xu Sheng has been sheltering this Phoenix group for tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, he has accumulated protective power bit by bit. When the accumulated power reaches a certain limit, they turn into Xu Sheng hit the springboard for a higher Realm.

The final Ascension brought by this world is 0.12%.

The magnitude is not high, but considering that he himself is a “no capital and profitable situation”, if he can seize the opportunity, he may be able to brush his “law comprehension” as he did before in the territory of the ten thousand races.

In the end, it proved that this opportunity was difficult to grasp. Although this path was feasible, it was too difficult to implement. To obtain the law of Ascension, it required greater effort.

When the first Huntuo tribe to assist the earth participated in the war, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law had reached 25%.

This speed is really amazing, you must know that the time he has passed now is only a short period of time.

“If this continues, maybe I can achieve the second goal of the special training program before leaving Gensokyo!”

Xu Sheng was a little difficult to hold on to himself. Although he could get some Ascension in Gensokyo, it was impossible for him to be like this.

“Wang Fan, you will lead the team this time. Remember to protect their lives.”

In the Huntuo tribe, Yin told Wang Fan, his third disciple.

Wang Fan’s current Cultivation Base is also the middle stage of the gods, although the combat power is slightly weaker than Yin and Kuangyuan, it can also be said to be extremely rare.

“The disciple knows.”

Wang Fan nodded, and then stepped out of his current position. When he reappeared, there were already tens of thousands of cultivators in front of him.

These cultivators are full of energy and spirit, and each of them is very young. They are very aggressive. They have heard too much about going out and encountering adventures, and their hearts are no longer satisfied with just listening with their ears. , I want to become that kind of person.

There are tens of thousands of people on the cultivator side, and millions of people on the Practitioner side.

In the face of the current volume of 200 million, the population of one hundred thousand is too small, and there are only one million Martial Masters.

The leader of Practitioner is naturally Xuanzheng. In terms of commander-in-chief ability, he is much better than Xuan Yi.

The two sides have also known each other for a long time, coupled with the relationship between Yin and Kuangyuan, they got together all the way and chatted on the same spacecraft.

“The loss of our Huntuo human race was a bit big last time, this time we absolutely cannot have the same situation.” Xuan Zheng said.

Wang Fan nodded and said, “It was indeed a painful lesson last time. I have never encountered a race like the Zerg, so that I missed the best chance of annihilation.”

Huntuo Practitioner and Huntuo cultivator took hundreds of large spacecraft to the front line.

Now the Zerg is very afraid of the Huntuo human race, such an unexpected force has given them many strengths on the front line.

Zerg is a swarm of wisdom, as long as their female insects are there, they can continuously produce various types of troops.

The human race is taking the technological route, and the explosive speed can be said to be fast. Few races can be compared, but the Zerg is just one of them.

“It’s Hun Tuo cultivator!”

When Huntuo Practitioner and Huntuo cultivator arrived at the front line, all the warriors of earth civilization were excited.

In the past period of time, they have almost finished all their weapons and supplies, and it will take some time to replenish them.

Although the Zerg had paid a painful price, the female worms produced a batch of them quickly through ‘feeding’.

The bringing of the Huntuo tribe can be said to be a boost to all the cultivators of earth civilization. If they arrive later, the pale yellow planet under their feet may be completely occupied by the Zerg.

It is not a good thing for the planet to be occupied by the Zerg. The various nutrients they need are the planet itself. It does not take long for the entire planet to be absorbed, but there is a little more universe dust.

The base camp at the rear also noticed this situation simultaneously.

“They did abide by the treaty and sent a second batch of support.”

The staff officers showed joyful expressions on their faces, and the appearance of the Huntuo tribe could ease their immediate crisis.

Some of them had their eyes wandering around, thinking about the Huntuo people who had come not long ago, and they had already begun to wonder how to eliminate the power of the Huntuo people.

But these people received warnings before putting their ideas into action.

“Do not act arbitrarily.”

The warning was sent by Su Lan. As the leader of earth civilization, she has been working hard to increase mutual trust with the Huntuo tribe in the past time.

What those people did was undoubtedly countering her, and such behavior would not be allowed by her.

“All those who want to disrupt the current situation are civilized sinners!”

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