Global Sage Era

Chapter 406

Chapter 402

The people who were warned settled down immediately. Their previous self-reliance was hidden, and even if there were small actions, it was impossible for the Huntuo people to find it.

But in front of the civilized leader of Sulan, it is impossible for them to hide their actions. If Sulan is determined to liquidate, then they will definitely not escape.

But in fact, what these people don’t know is that although the small actions they secretly did not know about the Huntuo Human Race, Xu Sheng, who was watching the real Universe, could see it very clearly. Pit, once a situation arises, it will definitely be shot.

In fact, the first batch of Huntuo tribes had already encountered some small actions when they participated in the war.

But these people who used to be hands and feet have disappeared from this world at this time. No one knows how or when they disappeared.

Xu Sheng’s current strength is enough to erase some of the goals he wants at will, perhaps because he is in Gensokyo, his vision is not very restricted. When he sees dream bubbles on the outside, inside All of the scenes have been included in the eyes.

The participation of the second batch of Huntuo tribes quickly reversed the situation on the front line. Originally, the Zerg had already gained an advantage in the local battlefield. If this advantage is gradually expanded, a very bad situation may eventually appear.

At this time, the earth civilization discovered that the Zerg had always hidden power, and many of the newly-appearing units were unseen by them, which made their backs full of cold sweat.

If it weren’t for the emergence of the Huntuo human race, the situation might now be in decline, and there are countless human beings who will have to pay the price of their lives. It is chilling to think about such a scene.

In this battle, the most eye-catching is naturally the middle-stage Wang Fan, whose power shocked the hearts of ordinary people in all earth civilizations.

The once invincible strategic class of the Zerg, the huge Star bug like the Star, was wiped out by Wang Fan alone!

The surface defense of the Star bug can withstand the bombardment of the Star bomb. The earth civilization wants to kill it, and it can only be done with the highest level of weapons to focus on shooting, but the Star bug knows that it does not wait for the earth civilization to protect itself. Aim at them and you will run away immediately.

In the past history, the earth civilization killed Star bugs only a few times.

But in front of a god transformation cultivator like Wang Fan, such a huge Star Worm is nothing more than a huge target. With his flexible speed, the Star Worm cannot hit him, and the surface defensive measures cannot pass through his Cultivation Technique. Protection, followed by breaking the body surface into the core, it won’t take long for him to kill a Star Worm.

The Zerg quickly discovered something wrong with this aspect. They also wanted to kill Wang Fan, but they couldn’t do it. Whenever they acted, Wang Fan would detect it in advance and would not give a chance at all.

Cultivator has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is also applicable in such battles. Unless it is too deep alone, it is almost impossible to kill a high Realm cultivator.

It was precisely because of this that Yin would be relieved to leave Wang Fan alone, otherwise he would have dragged Kuang Yuan to join the war.

This war lasted for twenty years.

In the past two decades, the two sides have won each other.

When the situation was most critical, Terran had swallowed more than 300 Galaxy, and was almost beaten to the core area.

The same situation happened on the Zerg side, and was almost beaten to the base camp by Wang Fan.

The cultivators of earth civilization cannot interact in the universe with their bodies, but Wang Fan and other gods of transformation, Nascent Soul cultivator, can survive in the universe. They choose to make a covert raid, which is difficult to find even in the immediate Zerg.

The number of people killed in battle… is really a huge number. With the population of the earth’s civilization in a trillion units, one can imagine how many people will die in a full-scale war.

Hundreds of thousands of people died on the Huntuo tribe’s side.

The loss of so many people in just 20 years can be said to be a very high price. The earth civilization now gradually knows the situation of the Huntuo race, so it knows how much sincerity the Houtuo race has shown.

Almost everything on the earth is open to the Huntuo people. In terms of status, the Huntuo people no longer need any difference in earth citizenship.

As the overlord of the galaxy, there are other races in the territory. These races are required to participate in wars. However, their battlefields are not together with the human races. The intensity there is too great. With their racial strength, they will Be extinct.

Zerg has no attached civilization because of its own characteristics of devouring all resources. In the river system where it is located, there are all civilizations that have not been discovered in remote areas, and there is no civilization that has been formed.

Mother worms devour resources everywhere, their things are planet after planet, wherever they go, there is a baldness everywhere.

This is also the reason why it is impossible for the human race to reconcile with it. Both parties have analyzed their understanding of the world. Although the human race collects some resources due to development, it will never do anything that destroys everything like this.

“Too many people died in the war.”

In the most central mansion on the earth, Su Lan, whose face had not changed, looked at the battle report and sighed.

Next to her stood Wang Fan, a powerful cultivator that shocked countless people on the frontal battlefield. At this time, she was already a hero of the entire earth’s civilization.

Because of his appearance, countless people want to become a more advanced cultivator. Their goal is to continuously improve, and they can raise own Realm to the highest level.

Before that, many people would give up and choose other paths when they saw that their own talent was not good enough.

But now, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will go on.

Mechas are indeed very handsome, and wearing mechas can indeed greatly enhance own strength.

But how can these compare with the ability to shuttle through the universe only with the body?

Countless people have applied for the cultivator school, and the number of mecha majors has been greatly reduced. This reality has surprised many people.

The racial talents of the earthlings are there. If they are divided according to the ranks of the heavens and earths, they can barely reach the barren rank, which is incomparable to the Huntuo race.

But it’s always good to have a dream. Choose a better path, even if you don’t achieve it in the end, you can still improve yourself.

“Death is inevitable.”

Wang Fan didn’t have much feeling. He had seen too many Deaths. Even if Sulan is the leader of earth civilization, the population of earth civilization is ten thousand times that of the Huntuo tribe, but she always stays behind most of the time. She didn’t see those scenes with her own eyes.

Even in Wang Fan’s eyes, the battle between the human race and the Zerg race was more like a family, and there was nothing special about the power of both sides.

In the battles they fought in the past, all kinds of invincible means appeared, just like the Dire world he entered when he was still young, with extremely strange talents.

There are countless other incomprehensible abilities, and he can hardly remember how many life and death crises he has encountered along the way.

Su Lan is a person with superb wisdom. She can naturally feel Wang Fan’s current state of mind. She didn’t say much. She stood in different positions, and she couldn’t let others feel the same.

Moreover, the Realm of the cultivator of God, how can a Gold Core cultivator like himself be able to guess?

Although he is the leader of earth civilization, there are still too many things he can’t do.

Eight years after the armistice, the Zerg launched another offensive.

This time, a few Zerg races were sent for a surprise attack, but the final result ended in a disastrous defeat-the human race had received the news in advance, and had set a trap there, and just waited for them to come.

This time the ambush directly frustrated the Zerg’s momentum, and their policy has also changed. After the high-level decision of the superstar on the regional civilization side, they decided to counter-defense as an offensive and take the initiative to attack the Zerg area.

Millions of warships lined up neatly, and then unified across the star gate, appearing in the Zerg area.

And for some dozens of these warships, the Huntuo people stayed in them. After being integrated into the earth civilization for so long, the Huntuo people also learned the technology of posture warships.

However, the worldview has already been developed in Minor World. Although they think that warships are quite good, it would be better if they could be transformed according to the warship style of the Huntuo race.

The earth civilization really changed after knowing their’request’, but because of the brand-new structure, each warship cost several times than the previous warship, which certainly cannot be mass-produced. In the end, it is just production. Hundreds of ships were installed for the Huntuo people, and there was no further construction.

Seeing that all the earth civilizations had brought their warships to their homes, the Zerg tribe became anxious, and all the female worms that had been sent out to retaliate.

But even if their civilization level has reached fifth-level, it takes time to cross the distance of tens of thousands of light years. Taking advantage of this vacuum period, the earth civilization conquered the city all the way in the Zerg area, and it took a short time. Hundreds of Galaxy, if the Zerg civilization is compared to humans, then it has already suffered serious injuries.

After taking advantage of the advantage, the Terran side did not greedy meritoriously. They knew that the Zerg had come back. If they continued the previous process, they might get dozens of more Galaxy spoils, but the end would definitely be their own side being besieged. At that time, not only did he spit out what he ate, it was even more likely that the fleet would be completely wiped out, and that would mean stealing the chicken and losing the rice.

“Attention all fleets, a short jump will take place in five minutes.”




Just as the Zerg was about to encircle the fleet, the commander of the fleet issued a series of orders.

In a blink of an eye, there was not even a single warship left on the spot.

When tens of thousands of female insects came here with their own army, they saw a deadly Universe void!

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