Global Sage Era

Chapter 414

Chapter 410

After setting foot on this isolated island, what Xu Sheng felt for the first time was that the land here seemed to be different.

He looked down at the ground and found that although the soil was substantial, it was a little blurry.

“Maybe this is where I hope to go out.” Xu Sheng said softly, and continued to walk towards the center of the island.

While he was searching on the island, outside Gensokyo, at a higher level, Han Qingyun had been paying attention to protecting Xu Sheng’s safety.

In the central red area, Xu Sheng has now passed through the outer area, gradually leaning in.

It’s like a small worm, constantly digging in.

“It’s reaction is bigger, it seems that I will pay more attention to it next.”

Han Qingyun turned his head and looked around, and could see that the consciousness that had been dissipated was returning.

These consciousnesses did not return to their original state, they just existed like a simple substance, but this phenomenon was still amazing, and Xu Sheng’s behavior along the way had completely caused the Snake of Origin to completely rebound.

What he can see here is only the state of Xu Sheng, and it is not very clear what Xu Sheng is going through now.

After all, the Snake of the Origin still has some remaining instincts, and that is also the power of the high sage level, which is enough to shield his sight. ,

Only when the true saint came here can he know what Xu Sheng is experiencing now.

In the past, Paperweight Erxiang has been protecting Xu Sheng, and he has also consumed a lot of energy.

This is a very delicate job. If he is not worried about the situation that Xu Sheng will be awakened, he can be very relaxed.

Now it is because I want Xu Sheng to get more Ascension in Gensokyo.

There was a silent roar.

The sound in front of the snake that belongs to the origin is so deceptive that even Han Qingyun feels that his own consciousness is being attracted here, and it seems that there are countless pictures that are being generated in front of his own eyes.

This is the natural ability of the Snake of the Origin. If it weren’t for encountering the high sage of the human race, it was replaced by the high sage level of other races, even the pinnacle race, he also has the power of a battle.

Han Qingyun had never experienced this kind of indiscriminate attack by the Snake of the Origin before, and at this time, he had a detailed understanding here.

Compared with the battle he has experienced before, the power of the Snake of the Discoverer is different from other existences. It has a special power.

“It is probably because of this power that it has the ability to be as it is now, and it can ascension the understanding of the laws of our human race.”

An existence like the Snake of the Origin is unacceptable, even if there are not many in the entire universe, there are very few similar existences in the hands of Qianjing University. If more such existences can be found, then it will be in the training of students. It will be simpler.

Han Qingyun also delayed too long on this, and soon he returned his own attention to Xu Sheng.

“This kid is moving so fast, didn’t he encounter obstacles along the way?”

Han Qingyun was a little surprised to see this situation. Now the small dot represented by Xu Sheng has penetrated very deep into the core red area.

If you get to the most central point, it will be considered as touching the core of the original snake, and then there will be uncontrollable results.

Even if he is hesitating now, is it necessary to stop Xu Sheng’s actions in this situation, or if the snake of the origin is completely killed by Xu Sheng, then they will lose a very important place for training at Ganjing University. .

After this, the students may lose a bit of strength, and such a thing must not be allowed to happen to him.

Han Qingyun hesitated for a short time, his thoughts moved extremely fast, and he quickly weighed the pros and cons.

The final decision is not to take this risk. If something goes wrong with Gensokyo, then the entire Kankyo University will suffer heavy losses.

As for Xu Sheng’s possible loss, it can only be made up for him later.

“Xu Sheng wakes up.”

He shouted to Xu Sheng.

But what he didn’t expect was that when his voice was about to enter Xu Sheng’s ears, the snake of the origin seemed to be stimulated, and frantically gathered strength to resist him.

Han Qingyun did not expect that this time, the power used was not much, even if the snake of the origin was just some remaining subconsciousness, it still broke his voice.

That is to say, after such a delay, Xu Sheng’s position moved in again.

Han Qingyun was a little surprised. He carefully distinguished the consciousness of the original snake and found that they did not have any attributes.

According to common sense, they shouldn’t block own voice transmission, they should only attack Xu Sheng in the core red area.

But Han Qingyun’s surprise didn’t last long, and soon he almost wanted to understand Karma inside.

“It turned out to be this kind of plan… It seems I was deceived by you before.”

There was a slight smile on his face. The purpose of this Snake of Origin was very well hidden, and it had always been very real, and it really deceived him.

Xu Sheng has been walking on the island for decades.

In the course of several decades, he found some fruit-like bubbles.

They are hung on some trees, and they look shiningly beautiful from a distance.

This reminded him of the World Tree. According to rumors, the world on the World Tree also exists, with countless worlds growing on every tree trunk.

Of course, this is not a world tree. The world level inside is not high, and the area is not large. The smallest one may only be the size of a football field.

He didn’t even think of going in and taking a look at such a world.

The Huntuo race at the heart is still developing, and what they have learned from earth civilization is enough for them to digest for a hundred years.

A hundred years have passed, and there have been changes in the system in many places in Dahuang.

According to normal circumstances, there will be slaves and servants in feudal society.

However, after experiencing the impact of regional culture, slave servants did not exist at all, and Dahuang actually had a tendency to transition to modernization.

Modernization will bring about a great increase in production efficiency.

However, the improvement of productivity does not make much sense to Xu Sheng. What the Huntuo people need is a variety of spiritual materials, and spiritual materials cannot be industrialized to increase efficiency.

It can’t be said that it is so correct. Some very low-level medicinal materials may be mass-produced, but slightly higher-level medicinal materials still need to be taken care of by specialized personnel.

Compared with those intellectual brains, the brain is not bad at all when the cultivator reaches a certain Realm.

Those light brains, Gold Core cultivator Nascent Soul cultivator will never lose.

Therefore, Xu Sheng is not letting the Huntuo people come out. In the past few decades, he will only occasionally send down some heavenly orders to correct the development of some Huntuo people.

As he predicted before, even though Kuang Yuan’s Realm had been stuck in the early stage of Martial King for a long time, his Cultivation Base is now behind because of the increase in Dahuang’s national strength, and it is now very close to the late stage of Martial King.

Although Wang Fan and Yin have walked a long distance in the middle stage of Huashen, at least it takes a hundred years longer than Kuangyuan to reach the late stage of Huashen, and even the progress of Xuan Zheng and Xuan Yi both exceeds. They have reached a very close point.

Yuhua and Qianmin’s Cultivation Base advancement is still the slowest, and now they have barely walked half the distance of the middle stage of Huashen.

As for the last Martial King who was promoted independently, he is still squandering in the early stage of Martial King. His potential has been consumed almost when he breakthrough Martial King, and it is very difficult to continue Ascension.

For such an excellent seedling, Xu Sheng will also give some help. He exchanged some things based on this person’s talent characteristics, but unfortunately, this person’s follow-up performance was much worse than he expected.

Even if the things of Huashen Realm are rubbish, the exchange price is not cheap, even if Xu Sheng’s current wealth is in the exchange, he hesitated again and again.

After all, if the same thing is exchanged for a cultivator of Nascent Soul and below, it can be exchanged for a large number.

“Why is this tree so tall?”

When he entered the center of the island, Xu Sheng was surprised to find that there was a tree thrusting into the sky.

This reminded him of his experience as a sacred tree of elves.

What made him strange was that he had not discovered the existence of this tree before.

He approached the tree, and the closer he was, the more he could feel a call.

There seemed to be a voice telling him that he would be able to leave Gensokyo as long as he knocked down the tree.

Naturally, Xu Sheng would not just listen to this voice.

In this situation, even stupid people will not directly believe it.

And obviously it’s just a trap, the more you let you do, the more you can’t do it.

But Xu Sheng was also very curious at the same time, who made this sound? Could it be Gensokyo itself?

Regarding the records of Gensokyo, there are not many inquiries in the school with his current authority, except that it was once an enemy of Gankyo University before it became a phantom village.

He didn’t know the specific level, his current guess should be above the holy realm.

There is a small probability that they are at the high sage level, but the true sage level is simply impossible. If it is the true sage level, it is impossible to only have an effect on them who are half-sage.

Xu Sheng was cautious, and continued searching on this island in the next time, but found nothing.

He had to return to the giant tree.

He stood right in front of the giant tree, the distance between each other was only a few tens of centimeters.

At such a close distance, he felt that the shouting own voice became clearer.

Gradually, he actually felt that his own consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he would subconsciously gather the power of own law and blast on the giant tree.

The mountain shook for a while.

Xu Sheng felt that Gensokyo was fluctuating, and it seemed that with the action of own, an exit was really about to appear.

Isn’t this voice deceiving yourself, it’s a pre-set method by Sages?

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