Global Sage Era

Chapter 415

Chapter 411

When Xu Sheng bombarded the giant tree, the entire Gensokyo area showed signs of fragmentation.

It’s hard to imagine that a person with a rule of less than 30% can do such a great damage to Gensokyo.

Gankyo University has not been tested before. From the results of their monitoring, it is extremely difficult to affect Gensokyo even if it is a novice.

“what happened?”

The dozen or so guards don’t be alarmed for the first time, they stared at Gensokyo in amazement.

The original storm has spread to the entire Gensokyo area, and the original foggy scene no longer exists. In their sight, the area where Gensokyo was originally covered by the fog, at this time, exudes a kind of radiance, which is one. Kind of dreamlike colors.

Just watching them here, they feel that their own consciousness is being attracted.

“Doesn’t Gensokyo have an effect on half-sages and below? Why does it have an effect on us?”

This kind of problem emerged in the hearts of all the guards in the same world.

Not far from them, Huang Xuanlang was also surprised by this scene.

He has been in the endless ruins for so long and has never experienced such a scene.

“Could it be that you caused it again, little uncle?”

Huang Xuanlang inevitably thinks about this. Xu Sheng is really here. Gensokyo will not have any problems early or late. However, problems occurred when he was inside. If you tell him that it has nothing to do with Xu Sheng, how can he? I don’t believe it either.

Moreover, Xu Sheng also had a ‘precedent’ in front. At that time, when the East-West campus disputes, the territory of the Ten Thousand Races was directly broken by Xu Sheng.

At that time, the school’s idea was that the Territory of the Ten Thousand Races could be used for a long time, and that it would be able to provide assistance to latecomers in the next few decades, but who would have thought that it would be gone after just showing up.

Of course, the purpose of taking out the Territory of the Ten Thousand Races was also to wipe it out with the help of the students, and to solve it earlier would be considered as eliminating a hidden danger, so the school is still happy to see it happen.

But if something goes wrong with Gensokyo, the school will blow up.

Huang Xuanlang was definitely going to report this incident to the school, but when he thought that Han Sheng had already indicated to himself that he was here, Huang Xuanlang felt that he didn’t need to report it again.

He has seen a lot of Gao Sheng’s methods before. No matter how big the problem of Gensokyo is, his own power limit has not exceeded Han Sheng, so as long as Han Sheng is there, there will be no moths.

At this moment, Han Qingyun is actually not easy.

When he realized that Gensokyo’s purpose was to let Xu Sheng kill himself completely, he would definitely try his best to prevent this from happening.

Everyone believes that the Snake of the Origin has finally reached the current level of strength, and there must be a glimmer of hope of surviving that will not give up.

The Sages of Ganjing University also think this way. It happens to use the idea of ​​the snake of the origin to turn its strength into nourishment to support the students.

If the Snake of the Origin is now directly dead, then its power will be integrated into the world at a very fast speed, and Qianjing University will not be able to use it at all.

The various actions of the Snake of the Origin made Han Qingyun think that its purpose was to prevent Xu Sheng from entering the core red zone.

He believed that he was really using his strength to escort him, for fear that Xu Sheng would encounter danger in the middle.

But when Xu Sheng really entered the core area, its true purpose was exposed: let Xu Sheng break the core and let it disappear completely in the universe.

Such a decisive approach made Han Qingyun sigh with emotion. Obviously, the Snake of Origin has realized that he can’t have the hope of resurrection, so he only wants to die as soon as possible, and does not provide strength to the enemy of Qianjing University.

He understands this way, and thinks about it in another way. If he falls to the same position, he would naturally rather die than help the enemy.

But understanding is understanding. He can’t let this happen. Gensokyo is still very important to Gankyo University. As long as Han Qingyun is here for one day, it is impossible for the snake of the origin to die in front of own.

So from just now, he has been waking up Xu Sheng, and at the same time he is still using his strength to block Xu Sheng, otherwise his attack will fall directly on the core.

The core of the Snake of the Origin is very hard, and even the first sage takes a lot of effort to break through the defense.

But all of this must be based on the situation where the Snake of the Origin will do its best to defend.

But at this time, it almost opened its own core. If it hadn’t needed an external force to destroy its own core, it would have committed suicide a long time ago.

As for why he chose Xu Sheng, Han Qingyun guessed that this might be related to Xu Sheng’s ability to stay awake in Gensokyo. Otherwise, the Snake of Origin must have tried this approach before, and it is impossible to this day.

“Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng, if you really destroy the core, you will cause a catastrophe.”

Han Qingyun shook his head. Naturally, this matter had little to do with Xu Sheng, he just happened to be there.

But anyway, if it was really destroyed by Xu Sheng’s own hands, then some punishment would have to be made if it was reasonable.

Although this punishment will not be too heavy, it will still affect some Xu Sheng’s growth.

Han Qingyun himself is a person who is more optimistic about Xu Sheng, so he does not want to see Xu Sheng being punished by the school at this time. Of course, the most important thing is that if Gensokyo is destroyed, then as the direct person in charge of the endless return to the market, he wants to The punishment received is greater.

So no matter where he started, he had to stop Xu Sheng’s next behavior.

When Han Qingyun uses his power now, the Snake of Origin will try his best to stop it, but it’s okay if Han Qingyun is not serious. Once he is serious, how can the remaining consciousness stop it?

So after a few times, Han Qingyun still awakened Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng, who was working hard to destroy the World Tree, only felt that everything in front of him had suddenly changed.

It seemed that the original holographic projection was suddenly removed, and there was a big snake and a figure exuding a deep breath.

“here it is…”

He asked consciously.

“What you see before your eyes is the Snake of Origin, and Gensokyo outside is its low-latitude development.”

Han Qingyun explained.

Xu Sheng was very surprised when he heard it, and at the same time he recognized who the figure in front of him was.

“I have seen Han Sheng, thank you Han Sheng for taking me out of Gensokyo.”

Xu Sheng first said respectfully, and then a large number of Snakes of Origin came to him.

The fragmentation of the original snake into sections did not surprise him too much. Since the original snake has become a training ground for the school, it is naturally already cleaned up by the school.

“The location where you were just now is there.”

Han Qingyun pointed to the core red area.

Xu Sheng followed along, and then the scenes that happened in Gensokyo kept appearing.

“So the Snake of Origin was guiding me just now, wanting me to destroy its core?”

Xu Sheng’s thoughts turned quickly, and he soon figured out the cause and effect. Of course, he was very emotional in his heart. If he walked to this point in the future, he might also choose to commit suicide so decisively.

“You are very smart…If I hadn’t discovered it earlier, Gensokyo might no longer exist at this time.”

When Han Qingyun spoke, he waved to the rear, and the remaining consciousness of the Snake of Origin was wiped out by him.

After discovering that Xu Sheng had disappeared from the own core, the original snake’s remaining consciousness was extremely unwilling. It was clearly only one step away from success, but it was interrupted.

Its unwillingness turned into a resentment, letting it gather its participation consciousness and pounce on Han Qingyun.

But its actions like this were just useless. It was impossible for Han Qingyun to be hurt by him. Even if it changed its target and attacked Xu Sheng, it was also lightly blocked by Han Qingyun.

After Han Qingyun wiped out these remaining consciousness, it suddenly occurred to him that this could be regarded as a relatively good power, and it would be a bit wasteful if it were allowed to disappear.

So when the remaining consciousness pounced again later, he did not directly destroy it, but used methods similar to refining to condense this consciousness to a very subtle touch.

But even if it is only a trace, the power contained is too strong, and because it has dissipated once, it cannot be preserved.

So he continued to condense this trace of consciousness, and finally when only pure energy was left, he waved it in the direction where Xu Sheng was.

“Originally, you should still have a period of Ascension in Gensokyo, but because of its residual consciousness spoiler, your Ascension is a little less. Now it just happens to use this energy to make up for your loss.”

Before Xu Shengli had time to say anything in the distance, he felt the energy in front of him seemed to form a monstrous tsunami, and patted himself.

The moment the tsunami touched him, he felt his own whole body wailing, as if he was about to be crushed by the tsunami.

But after all, this is just a false illusion of his own, he himself has not suffered any harm.

Then the infinite law of insight came to my heart.

Similar to the experience in the Tower of Laws, but there are also many differences.

The same point is that his strength is ascension once again under such a package of sentiment.

Originally, his comprehension of the law was close to 31%, but now he has leaped even further.

Han Qingyun smiled slightly after seeing this scene, and then kept moving his hands, continuing to refine the original snake’s remaining consciousness into pure energy.

Normally, he doesn’t need to do this step. If other students come, he won’t have to spend much money on the concept.

The reason for this is that Xu Sheng is still optimistic about it. He hopes to see Xu Sheng grow faster and enter a higher Realm as soon as possible.

The comprehension of the law is fast. Ascension’s Xu Sheng naturally understands this. In his heart, today’s affection has been recorded.

I haven’t met Han Sheng before, but when I met for the first time, I gave myself such a big gift.

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