Global Sage Era

Chapter 416

Chapter 412 is not a level record

Since entering Gensokyo, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law of Ascension has been much faster than before.

It used to be difficult to comprehend the law of Ascension, but now it is like drinking water to enhance it.

He also truly felt the Ascension brought by a good school.

There is no such thing as Gensokyo in general study. Even a school like Luyuan University is not as strong as its secret realm.

The reason why Lu Yuan was able to get to Ascension at Lu Yuan University so fast was entirely because he had obtained too many resources, but if these resources were exchanged for him, it might make own speed surpass others, but it would certainly not reach the current level.

So far, he has reached his current strength, more through various experiences, and very few of them use resources ascension.

Of course, there are special training programs in the territory of the ten thousand races, the battle of the puzzles, and the Gensokyo. Every step will greatly Ascension his strength.

At the same time, his Ascension cannot be replicated. If it is not the equivalent of everything, even if someone walks the same way as oneself, the final Ascension may not even reach half of his own.

Xu Sheng’s law comprehension did not show any signs of stopping after more than 31%. The ascension brought by that pure ability was very long-lasting, and it didn’t take long for his law comprehension to approach 32%.

Han Qingyun looked at him and laughed. He saw that Xu Sheng’s Ascension was so fast, and he felt that own method was correct. Xu Sheng didn’t waste so much energy.

Not long after, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law has surpassed 32%.


“There is still such a lasting power.”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised. The magnitude of this Ascension has surpassed any time before.

Whether it is the Tower of Laws, the special brilliance in the Battle of the Terrorist Clan, or something else, it is not as big as this Ascension.

He knew in his heart that although Han Qingyun might not deliberately bring it up, he did owe a favor this time.

And this favor is not small. If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely return it.

Being able to owe a favor to Gao Sheng is actually something that no one else would think of. After all, this means that you have a connection with Gao Sheng, even if you use this opportunity to train something, it is beneficial.

Of course, Xu Sheng has a true sage teacher, so you don’t need to think too much about it. He knows that Han Qingyun just wants to form a good relationship with himself.

Although he is still weak and small, he has the possibility of being strong. If he becomes stronger in the future and can easily push him when he sees him, the return on investment today will be too great.

Similar things are very common among human races.

Even Xu Sheng himself often does such things.

But his target is not the people on earth, but the own people.

Although some Huntuo races had good aptitudes, the character they showed made him feel that he could give them a chance, and the most representative of them was undoubtedly Wang Fan.

At the beginning, Wang Fan didn’t have any qualifications, but now he is a powerful existence second only to Yin in the cultivator, and the rewards it brings to Xu Sheng are so great.

In the middle reaches, when the pure energy in consciousness ceased to exist, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension also ceased Ascension.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that Han Qingyun was looking at him with a smile.

“Thank you Han Sheng.” He said respectfully. He and Han Sheng never masked their faces. This meeting gift was really too big.

In Han Sheng’s vision, this thing is naturally indifferent, but if you want to refine it to the point where you can absorb it, you must have spent a lot of attention, and Xu Sheng has already accepted it.

“Haha, the law comprehension is 34.87%, and it’s almost 35. Yes, it’s faster than I thought.”

Han Qingyun is naturally aware of Xu Sheng’s second-stage training goals. He himself is actually from the ancient Yi line, otherwise he would not make a move.

It’s just that he would only stand at the step of Yi in ancient times at certain times. In the school, he was more independent. After all, with the respect of high sages, only three true sages surpassed them in Qianjing University.

A smile appeared on Xu Sheng’s face, and he nodded without saying much.

His Ascension is far beyond his own imagination. He originally thought it would be good if he exceeded 33%, but he didn’t expect to let himself finish the goal directly.

The remaining point of understanding of the law can be achieved by simply doing a little task in the endless ruins. The credits obtained by completing the goal in advance will allow him to enter the fourth floor of the law tower for a while.

In this way, he even has information to increase the comprehension of own law to more than 40% before the start of the second semester!

What he said is already the most conservative. If there are some adventures during this period, it may be higher or higher.

Xu Sheng knew very well the advancement speed of the best students in the past, and his current strength is completely unique.

The constant distance of second place has been thrown away.

35% of the rule of comprehension, in the junior high school can be regarded as a middle-lower, has broken away from the last rank.

Of course, the strength gap between juniors is even greater, it is very likely that the gap between the first and the law comprehension is several points.

It is more likely that the three thousand names are semi-holy, and the three thousand and one hundred, the law comprehension is only about 80%.

The teacher has said this situation many times, after all, the strong are always strong.

He himself is the best example. Originally, there was not much difference between him and Xiao Feng and others in strength, but now after a series of experience, his strength has far surpassed them.

According to the data he knew when he left school last time, his understanding of the law was more than ten times that of Fang Su and others.

This is just pure data. You must know that the difference in strength is getting bigger and bigger. Now the difference in strength between each other may already be dozens of times!

In addition to its own strength, Minor World’s strength gap may be more obvious.

Don’t look at his recent development of the Huntuo race, but after all, they have also been in Gensokyo for hundreds of years. After so many generations, the number of cultivators has already exceeded three million, and the number of the entire race is close to five. 100 million.

The continuous Ascension of Xu Sheng’s strength has caused his Minor World area to grow very exaggerated. The area problem that has been troubled is no longer a problem. As long as the Huntuo race is willing to give birth, it will definitely be able to accommodate this large population.

However, the Huntuo race’s willingness to bear children is still the same, almost normally there are two or so, and there are not too many one and three.

Three or more is too little, unless it is a very remote place, otherwise the closer you are to the center, the fewer children each family will nurture.

This concept is naturally also influenced by the earth’s civilization. Otherwise, with the intensity of the war of the Huntuo race, it is normal for each family to have more than four children.

Xu Sheng was also a little helpless about this.

He also knows very well that unless it is ensured that every newborn has enough resources to cultivate after birth, many parents will be cautious about giving birth because of resource issues.

“Okay, Gensokyo’s affairs have been resolved, so I’m leaving. Try not to talk about things here.”

Han Qingyun also didn’t have any ideas to communicate with Xu Shengduo. After all, the current level gap between them is still too large, and they basically can’t talk together.

He can also feel Xu Sheng’s basic information and thoughts. If he wants it, even if he is forcibly spying on Xu Sheng’s thoughts.

Of course he would not do this. First of all, Xu Sheng was protected by this paperweight. When he had this idea, the paperweight would say that he reacted. The next moment, there would be a distraction of the ancient sage.

He is like this, and of course the other alien races in the universe are like this. No matter which race wants to be disadvantageous to Xu Sheng, it must be completely prepared before he can be killed.

Even in places Xu Sheng didn’t know, Qianjing University also deployed various methods to protect the enchanting students, which is far from being as simple as the surface.

Many protected students don’t know how much protection they have received until they grow up to the holy realm safely. They think that they have always been safe. Fortunately, they are not in danger, but the truth is in the past. The school has helped them stop countless dark arrows.

Han Sheng left soon, and when Han Sheng left, Xu Sheng’s eyes were also flashed, and he separated from the current area.

Then he saw Huang Xuanlang with an expression of “Sure enough, you”.

“Why are you here?”

Although Huang Xuanlang is Sage, everyone is acquaintance after all… The most important thing is that Xu Sheng is of a higher generation, so there are no questions to ask.

“I’m here naturally to solve the problem you caused.”

Huang Xuanlang looked at Xu Sheng helplessly.

Han Sheng had already told him something just now, and he was also a little surprised after learning about many things…and envious.

Especially when I saw that Xu Sheng’s current law comprehension was almost 35%.

“You really came to Gensokyo this time. If I remember correctly, it was only 22% before you came, right?”

“It is indeed 22%.”

“That means you are now 13% Ascension?”

“Realm is 13%, it’s almost.”

Xu Sheng’s expression is very sincere, and he still has a question that he cares about now, “How long has it been since I entered?”

“Twenty-five hours and thirteen minutes, you can treat it as if you only went in for one day.”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised and said, “Is it only such a short time passed? I thought it would take at least two days.”

There is no doubt that he has set a new record, but Xu Sheng now has too much understanding of Ascension, and he doesn’t care much about these things anymore.

The guards next to them did not forget. They looked at Xu Sheng and said, “Congratulations, you have set a new record. The best record before you was three days of Ascension with seven percentage points…”

The following words can’t be said anymore. The record set by Xu Sheng this time is really not on the same level as this one.

It has reason to believe that even if Gensokyo no longer exists, this record may not be broken.

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