Global Sage Era

Chapter 419

Chapter 415

“It’s only 790 billion, I can do it.”

Xu Sheng cheered himself up without being frightened by this number.

In recent times, most of his energy is not getting incense.

When the goal of this second stage is completed, he can focus on obtaining incense.

World Sea Origin prohibits the act of ‘scoring points’.

For example, like the current strength of the Huntuo human race, if you go to the Minor Worlds he encountered in high school, it will definitely take a few days to destroy a world.

In such a world, there are almost hundreds of millions of incense after all extinguished, even if it is calculated according to the lowest 100 million, 10 billion incense can be obtained in a year.

You must know that the year here is in the universe, and in the area where Xu Sheng is now, ninety-three years is equivalent to one day on the earth.

In other words, he had enough time for trillions of incense… it only took less than a day.

But in fact, how could the incense be only 100 million, most of which are three to five hundred million, taking the middle number, it is only six hours to get such an incense.

Such a good thing is naturally impossible.

Xu Sheng went to such a world now, and it is estimated that the incense he received in the end was not even a million, and it was not enough to go back and forth.

According to his understanding of the principles of his ontology, at least in the world above 25%, the incense obtained will not be punished.

“If there is no result in the past seventy years, leave this super giant world.”

Xu Sheng’s gaze followed Kuang Yuan forward, and a decision was already made in his heart.

Twenty-three plus seventy is exactly ninety-three years, which is the time of one day on the earth. This is the limit of the time he is willing to spend here.

In fact, it can’t be regarded as a waste. After all, the level and size of this world are here. If it is not because he needs to hurry up now, he can stay here for more time and wait until all the resources of this world are fully consumed before leaving.

Unlike Lingyuan World, this time Xu Sheng was just a temptation to hit the great luck, allowing Kuang Yuan to gallop freely on this land.

Kuang Yuan didn’t have a clear direction, he also moved forward based on his own inner feelings.

I have to say that after becoming a country leader, this feeling of freedom is still too desirable.

He still doesn’t have a concubine, let alone talk about descendants, so many times he really wants to pat his butt and leave.

Xianyuyehe, wandering around the world, is also very yearning for Life in his heart.

But in the end, it was the responsibility that held him back, and Yin continued to persuade him. Whenever he had the idea of ​​quitting, he would pull him back to the past.

It is said that during those difficult years, the development of the Huntuo race has not been easy. It needs a leader to lead the way.

Yunyun and the like can dispel Kuang Yuan’s thoughts every time.

After just passing by year after year, before he knew it, he had been the lord of the country for nearly two thousand years.

Few mortal empires are more than a thousand years old.

Only in such a special situation as the Huntuo race can this situation be allowed to exist.

One of the very important points is that Kuang Yuan is still single, which makes Kuang Yuan not selfish. Most of the starting point for handling affairs is for the people.

If the owner of the country wants to satisfy his own self-interest and let the people’s life live in water, such a country will definitely last for a while.

People who have a relationship with Kuang Yuan, Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng are the two of them.

By the way, both of them also learned from this Master, and they are also single, so there is no problem.

In the eyes of the people of Dahuang, the lord of the country is the great king of heaven. Many of them did not pay anything because of the requirements of the lord from birth until they were buried in the loess. .

Of course, during the process, many ambitious people spread rumors and wanted to get Kuang Yuan down.

But things that are not done are like duckweed without roots, which will only dissipate in the wind in the end.

After so long, and there have been so many careerists, Kuang Yuan’s position as the leader of the country is still firmly established.

This is actually very similar to the earth in the real world.

The person who has the most say in the whole mankind is undoubtedly Nie Sheng, but more than one hundred years have passed, Nie Sheng’s position is as stable as Mount Tai, no one dares to waver, instead generations of people have heard of his deeds. I admire him more.

For the people of Dahuang, Lu Angyuan also exists in this way.

In the fifty-second year of entering the super-giant world, an expedition by Kuang Yuan made Xu Sheng, who had given up unrealistic ideas, noticed again.

“It turned out to be a hidden realm here.”

He looked at the area where Kuang Yuan was currently in a little surprise.

The area of ​​the middle boundary of this boundary is only a few hundred li, and its size can be said to be negligible compared to the outside.

He is no stranger to the realm of the realm, and every world in the spirit source world has such a realm of the realm.

But Xu Sheng was very clear about the existence of those realms in the realm. He felt it the moment he entered, but he had experienced this super-giant world many times, and ultimately found nothing.

After he entered a world, his first consideration was the existence of the middle boundary. According to common sense, the boundary middle boundary of the world at the same level should not be hidden from his perception, but the super giant world in front of him did just that.

If it hadn’t been for Kuang Yuan to enter here, even if he tried thousands of times outside, he would not have found it in the end.

“Unexpectedly, he really found it, golden luck, terrifying.”

Xu Sheng sighed. He didn’t expect the golden luck to show off again after so many years.

Regardless of other factors, Kuang Yuan is definitely the most useful for so many people born by himself.

In contrast, even the purple luck, which is only worse than the golden luck, is far worse.

Xuan Zheng is the best luck among the Hun Tuo people except Kuang Yuan, but his journey along the way is just a little smoother than others, and the extent of his display is not comparable to Kuang Yuan.

The impression that Kuang Yuan has left on Xu Sheng is extremely deep.

“It’s been a long time since I saw Jiezhongjie. I didn’t expect it to feel the same to me.”

Kuang Yuan sighed in his heart as he stepped in the middle of this realm.

The experience of those realms in the realm was full of danger. In order to obtain the spiritual source celestial crystal, he had to use the Nascent Soul Realm to win the treasure in front of the world guard beasts at the level of transforming gods.

At that time, those world guardian beasts were extremely powerful in front of him, and there was no possibility of resistance at all.

But two thousand years later, his own strength has far surpassed those world guard beasts. If he encounters those world guard beasts again, he can kill them with any Martial Skill.

The gap between Realm and Realm is so big, the strength Ascension brought by time makes him very touched at this moment.

This time, there was no such a world protector in the realm of the realm, and there were no dangerous factors around it.

Kuang Yuan knew that this time he could ‘run rampant’ in this middle realm.

Such a brand-new feeling is naturally good and makes him enjoy it a bit.

The resources of Jiezhongjie are indeed much better than those of the outside world. Many things here are considered good in Xu Sheng’s eyes, and they can bring a lot of Ascension effects to the people.

However, he was not in a hurry to let people come to pick it, because he found that the middle world was absolutely intact, but the entrance on the other side had an unusual aura.

“It turned out to be so.”

After distinguishing for a period of time, Xu Sheng understood.

To put it simply, there used to be a powerful life at the level of meditation that blocked the entrance by means of soul sacrifice.

What on earth is it for to allow Mingzhao Life to use soul sacrifices to prevent others from entering?

Who is the object of prevention, naturally, it can only be the person who entered this world before.

Obviously he also discovered this middle boundary.

But in the end, it didn’t enter.

Every entrance in the middle of the world is in a different place, and it is very difficult to find one. Even if it is Kuang Yuan, if he is now asked to go out and look for a second exit, he will most likely not find it.

Another obvious point is that there is only one life of the Ming Zhao level in this middle realm, otherwise Kuang Yuan will appear here, and some words must have already appeared.

“No matter who you are, thank you very much.”

Xu Sheng thanked him from the bottom of his heart. Now the gains in Jie Zhong Jie are worthy of a trip. Of course, it is not considered to be a mistake. After all, the things here can’t make it move.

But it was all things that were easy to get, and the feeling in my heart was still very refreshing.

Kuang Yuan’s current strength is almost equal to that of the late stage of the transformation of the gods in the general world. With his blessing, he may have a battle strength with the Mingzhao early stage, but he wants to defeat him… The possibility is not great.

So if it were not for the advance of the Master, Xu Sheng would not be able to enter this realm.

In the middle of this realm, Kuang Yuan also collects some things he valued into the universe bag. He usually needs a lot of cultivation, and the things here can already ascension a lot of his cultivation speed.

Going all the way like this, soon the whole world is over.

There are so many things that Kuang Yuan can’t take all of them. To be precise, he only hit a trivial part. Now he will go back and let other people follow him to bring all the things back.

But just when he was about to leave the middle of this realm, a sudden whim made him turn around and walk towards a large, unremarkable rock.

When he walked to this big rock, Xu Sheng, who had not paid much attention, suddenly discovered something: This big rock seemed to be the same as the outer layer of rock when he first saw the super-giant world. The quality is somewhat similar.

“Is there a connection between the two?”

Just as he thought about it, the sudden change happened.

Kuang Yuan’s figure disappeared into the realm of the realm.

Xu Sheng, whose consciousness followed him, was taken aback.

Fortunately, he quickly shared Kuang Yuan’s consciousness.

After ‘seeing’ everything in front of him clearly, his heart beats extremely fast.

“…I missed it…”

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